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Page 23

by A L Carter

  Marie woke up in a strange bed, Max lay next to her but he was soundly asleep still. She must have passed out early evening remembering that the drink had quickly gone to her head. Feeling a bit annoyed with herself as she used to be able to handle her drink much better than that, and she had probably missed a great night. Max had obviously carried her upstairs later and she hadn't even woke up. The two blokes they had met yesterday seemed like true gentleman, but at the same time mischievous and fun. Before the apocalypse, they hadn't mixed well with others and preferring their own company. But somehow she already felt fond of them and wasn't looking forward to leaving them. Wanting the get up she pulled on her clothes and headed downstairs. Once down she visited the ladies room used the toilet and had a wash at the sink. Walking out into the bar area she was greeted by a familiar friendly voice.

  "Good morning young lady would you like some tea I've got a pot on the go," Jenkins enquired with a friendly smile.

  "Oh yes please I'd love one," she replied sitting down at the table with him.

  He handed her a cup and also poured her a glass of orange juice.

  "Thanks my mouths so dry after last night but I can't believe I was such a lightweight passing out like that," she said shamefully.

  "No matter you’re probably just out of practice and I can assure you I wasn't long after you. Before this thing started I could barely handle anything but Jones has been trying to train me up, but I fear I'll never reach his calibre," he said sombrely a twinkle in his eye.

  Marie laughed aloud and felt immediately better about her amateur drinking effort.

  "I suspect your young chap and that boozer Jones were drinking into the wee hours," he speculated.

  She looked at the wall clock which read 09:16 while drinking her delicious tea. When that was finished she did the same with the juice and the tea was quickly refilled for her.

  "Your very kind but I'm worried we are taking advantage," she admitted face dropping.

  "Now don't be silly we were only saying last night how much we'd like you to stay and Jones is really fussy being a bachelor," Jenkins explained with a broad smile.

  “You’re married then?” she commented.

  “Well I was until that bloody zombie ate her,” he explained.

  “Oh...I’m sorry,” she felt like she had just put her foot in her mouth.

  “That’s okay, I’ve come to terms with it now,” he said still smiling.

  She sipped at her tea feeling a warm glow inside it was as if she'd suddenly acquired two uncles. He passed her a tin of biscuits which she readily accepted, she felt starving.

  "How about giving the drunkards another half an hour then we go and fix up some breakfast for us all," he suggested.

  "That'd be great," she replied enthusiastically.

  In the kitchen she found that they'd be running the fridge and freezer off of a large generator, apparently, it had been scavenged from a local farm along with a chicken house complete with six well-fed hens. This meant that they could have fresh eggs with their fry up. Her mouth watered she hadn't had a full English breakfast in a long time. There was even some homemade bread. This made her think with proper resourcefulness life could be made pleasurable even in the apocalypse.

  Chapter 29

  Time to go?

  It was now midday and Max and Marie had to make a decision, should they stay or should they go. They had both only just met these two chaps, but I felt like they knew them for much longer.

  Sensing indecision Jenkins spoke up, "We both have already said that you are welcome to stay in fact you are great company, but we gather you both can handle yourself in a fight."

  "Yes you'd both be a great addition to the team and not forgetting this little lady," Jones said warmly as Dinah went over for a fuss.

  Max stood in silence for a moment not knowing what to say, he looked at Marie for inspiration. He sensed her feelings all to easily and suddenly came to a moment of clarity. It was like he knew that these two men would become a part of their future. Good trustworthy people were hard to find in this ruthless world, and he now knew in order to survive their numbers needed to grow, things were going to get a whole lot worse soon and he didn't think the two coppers would survive on their own.

  "Can you come with us to the farm for a few days, I can't tell you how I know but things are going to go bad soon," Max explained with an intense look in his eyes which meant that he was deadly serious.

  Jenkins looked back into the young man's eyes, which spoke of wisdom far beyond his years. Things had been cushy at the pub even enjoyable, even with the scavenging trips and encounters with the zombies. He always thought that things were manageable, that he and Jones were coping fine. But now the lad said that things were going to go bad, worse than it already was? Then that meant some serious bad. He looked at Jones for his reaction and for the first time he saw worry in the Sergeants eyes.

  "Sir I think we need to listen to the lad," he said with ultimate conviction.

  An hour later they all stood in the car park the two coppers had loaded up the back of the van with supplies, tools, clothes, foodstuffs, several cases of booze and not forgetting the hens. Max smiled at these men they liked a good drink and why not it eased the tension. He noticed they had police riot gear which seemed useful, but their weapons seemed to consist of a farmer's shotgun much like Marie had before and two claw hammers. He and Marie quickly rectified this giving them a Glock a piece, two SA80's and two machetes. They both beamed with gratitude examining their new toys.

  "Do you think you could follow cross country so we avoid the roads and hopefully Mick’s gang," Max asked.

  "Yeah I think so as long as we're careful," Jones replied.

  "Good we'll keep it steady anyway and it's only a few miles," Max informed.

  The two coppers climbed into the van and surprisingly Dinah jumped in with them which was a struggle with her small stature. She sat between them with a proud look on her face, this was uncharacteristic for the dog that normally didn't like strangers.

  "The bloody tart," Marie chucked.

  "Well it looks like she got a better offer," Max grinned.

  With that, they both got into their Panthers and led the way, Max in front, then Marie and followed by the coppers. Shortly after hitting the road Max cut right through a gap in the hedge and the small convoy followed.

  Dinah sat between the two new members to the pack where there was no shortage of fuss from either side. She liked these two men, which was unusual as she normally disliked any and all stranger's. She sensed their warmth and the master's trust in them, and she felt that it was her duty to welcome them into the pack now. Also, she had to admit that she enjoyed the attention they gave her and the sausages they kept giving her.

  Jones followed behind the two military vehicles the ride had been bumpy and the van coped well. Which unfortunately couldn't be said for his farmer Giles because they were throbbing something chronic.

  "You alright Jones," Jenkins enquired with concern.

  "It's just the old farmers playing up sir with all these bumps," Jones explained with a pained expression.

  "You'll need to get something for that," Jenkins offered.

  "Yeah like a smooth road sir," he replied through gritted teeth.

  With that, they approached a gap in the hedge and crossed the main road, all of the vehicles knocked through a group of zombies. Bodies flew either side with splatters of blood forcing Jones to use the wipers. Then they were on a small track which at least was smoother and minutes later they arrived at a farm and they stopped behind the lead vehicles.

  Max got out the Panther feeling glad to be home and opened the gate wide to let the others through. Then he was off at double speed, Glocks drawn and checking the outhouses first. He didn't sense danger but you could never be too careful. By the time the others had exited the vehicles and readied their weapons he was already in the main house. Dinah ran through the door flap to offer her assistance.

he two coppers looked at each other in silent awe, but raised their weapons and began their own patrol of the surrounding area. However less action-packed than the young lad's example. Even Marie put them to shame moving athletically around the area. They didn't feel athletic at all, especially Jones who was walking like John Wayne due to his aggravated piles. Minutes later Max returned, then Marie and everything seemed calm again. Even the dog came back out with a ball clutched in her teeth and went straight over to them, ready to play, a bounce in her step.

  A few minutes later they noticed Max attaching two huge looking Kukri machetes to his back.

  "Right I'm just off to check the perimeter but everything should be fine for now," Max announced, also grabbing a compound bow and quiver of arrows.

  They all watched as he ran off at great speed until he was out of sight.

  "He'll be back soon he just likes to be thorough now please make yourself at home, unfortunately, the only way to access the house is up the ladder," she explained.

  Then she removed her webbing belt containing her gun and ammunition, armoured vest and jacket.

  "If you need me I'll either be in the barn or running around the farm," she said then went over to Jones and whispered in his ear.

  Jenkins watched as Jones flushed bright red as the young lady walked into the barn.

  Later after the two coppers had climbed up the ladder and walked downstairs into the kitchen, Jenkins put the kettle on for a brew.

  "Jones I've got to know what she said to you," he enquired.

  Jones looked back sheepishly at him, "She told me there was some pile ointment in the bathroom cabinet, how could she know?"

  They both burst out laughing.

  He had completed more than half of his reconnaissance when he suddenly sensed danger, so he stopped running and studied the area using all his senses. Staring into the distance he thought he saw something move in a line of trees about 400 metres away he stared straight at the one place. Was somebody there? He thought for a moment that he could sense people. Then about 50 metres across a deer broke the tree line, slightly bigger than the last one, it headed in his direction. He readied his bow and took aim, 200 metres away from him the deer seemed to sense danger and went to change direction. But he let the arrow fly and it brought the male down fast as the arrow hit its head, an instant kill. Soon there he hauled it onto his shoulder and sprinted off continuing his reconnaissance.

  Jarred looked through the binoculars at a black-clad figure that sprinted at record speed which surely was impossible for a man of that size as tall and big as the boss but muscled like a bodybuilder. His heart suddenly lurched as the man stopped dead still and stared directly at where he was hiding. Surely he couldn't see him as he was well hidden and besides he was the one with the binoculars. The man’s gaze caused him to freeze in place, even causing him to hold his breath. It felt like minutes had passed but it was probably only seconds when there was a crashing sound to his right as a deer ran towards the man and diverting attention away from himself. He allowed himself to take a quiet intake of breath. The man eventually brought down the deer with a single shot from his bow, then ran over to it and picked it up and continued to sprint away with it over his shoulder. The deer must have weighed 50 kilos at least but appeared not to slow the man down. Five minutes later he was unable to see the man Indicating the distance he had already travelled. Jarred realised that he was shaking and embarrassingly he realised that he had pissed himself.

  Back from his recon he started to butcher the deer which would be their evening meal, he was fast at this now and it didn't take long. He felt and heard Marie approaching; she was laden with fresh vegetables to accompany the venison. Between them, they carried the meal ingredients to the kitchen and began to cook their evening meal hoping the meal would be a welcome change for their new guests.

  Later back at boss town Jarred quickly got a change of jeans and hoping nobody noticed the wet stain on his crotch. Then he went for his meeting with Tommy who was one of the boss’s right-hand men and in charge of the scouting missions. The job of a scout was to find resources or leads which could lead to resources or other survivors who could pose a threat. He walked from his meagre accommodation which consisted of an empty shop with various types of mattresses lined out on the floor, with sleeping bags or duvets on top. Then all their worldly possessions kept at the side. The higher people up the ranks got houses with proper beds, and they were all told if they were loyal and worked hard then they too would ascend in rank. Some even got the use of women which were now in the minority and a precious commodity. Throughout boss town, guards stood defending the access points which were blocked with makeshift barricades. These barricades consisted of cars, vans and buses along with barbed wire and they would stand on top looking out. There were also guards on the inside too which oversaw everyone, and made sure everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing. Most these guards were armed the same, hammers, machetes, spears, only a few had bows but they were the ones on the barricades. None of the general guards was allowed guns only the bosses most trusted men were allowed these. He passed the population sign today it stated 57 in dripping fresh red paint. Yesterday it had been 59, which meant that either they had been lost to the infected, or they had stepped out of line in some way. The boss refused to be pissed around by survivors, this usually meant hoarding supplies, stealing or anything the boss deemed to piss him off. Also once in you were never allowed to leave in case you gave away secrets. The population count only consisted of the men or boys as some were as young as fourteen. Most of these were hooked on cheap ass meth, some of the bosses workers would cook up in an improvised drug factory. The stuff was at best rough and at worst lethal a few had even died but a lot were hooked on the stuff which was another way of control. Jarred steered clear of the stuff and kept a low profile keeping in the bosses good books, he had no vices but he craved a better status. He would like a place in one of the houses and maybe even the company of a woman now and again. The women were kept near the boss and rarely seen and their numbers kept a secret. Some of the scouts or scavengers had chosen hide women away, or rape and kill them while out on missions. But if the boss found out usually through grasses looking to up their status, then it never ended well. He turned off onto a street of houses which was reserved for the highest rankers and went up to Tommy's which had a guard on the door of course.

  "What you want," the guard said gruffly.

  "I need to report in my scouting mission," he explained.

  The guard never replied but banged on the door behind him. Moments later the door opened and another guard appeared and gestured for him to come inside. Once inside he was led to Tommy's office, the guard waiting outside.

  Tommy looked at the youth who had just entered his office and gestured for him to take a seat, which he did quickly. He studied boy who was maybe 18 -19 years old, medium height, small frame and Asian descent. The lad showing the same nervous behaviour that many of his scouts and scavengers exhibited, fidgeting in his chair, fearful eyes, and sweat appearing on his forehead.

  "How did your scouting go," he asked.

  "I err... saw a survivor," Jarred said swallowing a build up of saliva in his throat.

  "Whereabouts was this," he pursued.

  "Near a farm between Ravenstone and Ibstock, he was hunting," Jarred continued nervously.

  They had been pushing their scouting range lately even though supplies were plentiful, but Mick always wanted more. Which meant more hassles and more risk, and not something he agreed with but he wasn't about to voice his opinions though. He would rather keep to boss happy and enjoy the relative safety and luxury his current status provided.

  "Hunting?" He said expecting a lot more information.

  "Yeah, he had a bow and took down a deer from over 200 metres away like it was nothing," Jarred blurted.

  "Go on," he said losing patience.

  "Well he sprinted over to this deer incredibly fast, and that was when I co
uld see him better through the binoculars. The guy was huge, as tall as the boss but built like Arnie, dressed like a soldier with guns and bloody massive blades on his back," Jarred said seeming a little more confident.

  "Yes that's some good information anything else," he asked in an interested tone.

  "Yes sir the guy seemed superhuman, he slung the deer over his shoulder which probably weighed over 50 kilos and sprinted off with it, he didn't even slow down until I couldn't see him any more on the binoculars. I don't know how he did it maybe he's on some serious roids and speed, but I ain't never seen shit like that," Jarred couldn't hold back the excitement in his voice.


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