Book Read Free

Little Spirit

Page 12

by DaNeo Duran

  ‘U2 do okay.’

  ‘They’re “underground”.’

  ‘The Police?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘Sting took his shirt off. We’re not gonna forget that are we Amy?’

  ‘No,’ she purred. ‘Plus they did that bleached hair thing when they started – they had image.’

  ‘And image will give your audience even more to talk about,’ Katherine said.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon when the lads returned from rehearsal Amy said, ‘Me and Katherine have been discussing it – image that is. We reckon you should stick to three specific colours.’

  Only Danny resisted. ‘I like wearing jeans.’

  ‘So wear your jeans,’ Katherine said. ‘Maybe blue can be one of your colours.’

  Soon conversation, ideas and objections flowed. Eventually everyone agreed on black, due to the colour of their instruments and the band’s collective favourite colour – blue.

  They struggled to agree the third colour until Calvin described looking into a heavenly sky.

  ‘From John’s yacht in the Med, the palest blue faded deliciously to black and spotted with white stars and moon.’

  After that Raphael asked, ‘Is everyone happy with black, white and blue?’

  ‘Looks like it,’ Danny said when no further objections rose. ‘I guess we need a logo.’

  When suggestions started Danny the art graduate took pen to paper. Images came and went. Someone proposed a flag. With everyone shouting different things he almost used a full pad before the imagery settled. Black flag with blue parallel lines surrounding a five pointed star and Little Spirit written beneath in bold white letters.

  Monday 19th September 1983

  On Monday Katherine got up once everyone had left. Despite Calvin’s instruction to take it easy she needed to rise, shine and make some money.

  Because of Saint Tropez’s contrast to Cumbria, Katherine had thought she’d never fit in anywhere else. Yet the previous night everyone confirmed they wanted her to stay; meeting each day as it came.

  Calvin’s clothes hung from a suspended broom since he’d donated his wardrobe to her. She looked at the now somewhat ostentatious dresses bending the rail but managed to put a formal outfit together despite not knowing what sort of work to look for or how to find it. She neither had a CV nor qualifications to type on one.

  After a couple of hours traipsing around Chingford’s businesses Katherine headed to The Lion, where she’d arranged to meet Calvin for lunch. Danny had time to spare her a couple of minutes and introduced her to Liz the manageress who asked if she’d consider bar work.

  ‘It’s something I’ve done before so yes,’ Katherine said.

  ‘I’ll keep you in mind.’

  ‘Worth a try,’ Danny encouraged once Liz had moved away.

  Calvin soon turned up and then to everyone’s surprise Amy.

  ‘Got my new timetable today,’ Amy said. ‘Nothing else on for today; thought I’d find you here.’

  ‘Wanna help me show Katherine around before I get back to work?’ Calvin asked her.

  ‘Sure, beats being inside on a day like this.’

  But, an hour later Calvin had used his entire lunch hour in the pub. So, together Amy and Katherine hit one business after another. Most places had no vacancies. Some required qualified workers.

  ‘D’you fancy working in a pub?’ Amy asked.

  ‘Maybe, Liz couldn’t offer anything,’ Katherine said despondently.

  ‘Okay, but there’s The Dog and Parrot.’

  Katherine remembered from Calvin’s letters that Little Spirit had played there. Time had passed and in the dry heat Katherine figured it could be time for a Coke.

  Inside, she accepted the easy atmosphere of the homely pub.

  Asking the barmaid, Amy learned Kev would be back after changing a barrel and a moment later the loveable thickset Geordie appeared.

  ‘Hiya saucy,’ he said spotting her.

  ‘I’m Amy, I’m friends with Little Spirit who played upstairs.’

  ‘I remember, Raphael’s squeeze.’

  ‘Just friends actually.’

  ‘Oops, my mistake – or Raphael’s. You didn’t break his heart did you?’

  ‘No, his heart’s fine.’

  ‘Pleased to hear that like. Nice lad that one. D’you wanna book Little Spirit back in?’ He walked behind the bar to get the gig diary.

  ‘I can let them know any available dates,’ Amy said. ‘But I’d like to introduce Katherine.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Katherine said offering a hand.

  ‘Katherine?’ he said. ‘Enchanté.’

  Smiling at his French accent she allowed him to kiss her hand.

  ‘Steady on,’ Amy said appalled not knowing Katherine would set him straight soon enough. ‘She’s the bass player’s girlfriend.’

  Kev whipped his hand to his chest and stepped back. ‘He’s the ugly one right?’

  ‘He’s gorgeous,’ Amy said looking aghast.

  ‘Just kidding,’ Kev said. ‘How d’you know this lot?’

  Katherine told him, and how she needed a job.

  ‘Perhaps bar work,’ Amy said.

  ‘I tell you what I’ve just had to sack someone.’ Katherine and Amy looked at each other.

  ‘If you need a replacement would you consider someone like me,’ Katherine asked.

  ‘Have you any bar experience?’

  When she said she had Kev vanished and reappeared with an application form. ‘When can you start?’

  ‘Right now, I guess.’


  ‘Yeah, why not?’

  ‘Okay it’s five past four. I’ll pay you for a couple of hours and show you the ropes. You can start properly tomorrow at eleven. How’s that?’

  ‘Great. Don’t you want references?’

  ‘Nah, Amy seems to like you and if you turn out to be dodgy it’ll be no more gigs for Little Spirit.’

  * * *

  That evening Calvin came back from Proper Printing with rolls of blue and white electrical tape. Amy told him Katherine would be back after she’d finished her first shift as a stripper before telling him the truth.

  ‘What’s with the blue and white tape?’ she asked the delighted bass player.

  By the time Katherine came home and been congratulated, Calvin and Amy had striped his guitar leads in band-coloured electrical tape.

  ‘Distinctive,’ Katherine told him.

  ‘Isn’t it?’ Danny agreed having arrived too. ‘Is there enough for me?’


  Soon his leads sported more artistically grouped stripes.

  Later the two girls relaxed on Calvin’s bed when Katherine referred back to Kev’s comments on her romance with Raphael.

  ‘He was just another of my multitudinous mistakes,’ Amy sighed.

  Katherine didn’t press but after a moment’s silence asked, ‘How long have you been in love with Danny?’

  Amy’s jaw dropped as the words echoed hollowly. ‘Is it really that obvious?’

  ‘It is now, but not really.’

  ‘I suppose I’ve always liked him. It’s just been getting worse recently.’

  ‘Have you told anyone?’

  ‘Not a soul. Though friends sometimes tease they don’t know.’

  ‘We’ve both got secrets then.’

  ‘He snogged my friend Alison.’

  ‘Sorry to hear that.’

  ‘Do you think Calvin, or Danny suspect?’


  ‘Doesn’t matter, Danny wouldn’t touch anything that’s not stick thin, super blonde and way cooler than me.’

  ‘Don’t sell yourself short Amy. You’re way better than you realise.’

  Amy’s cheeks flushed. ‘Thanks but even if you’re right that stunt with Raphael will have ruined any chance. And then there’s …’


  Looking away Amy wrinkled her nose. ‘I don’t know.’

  Katherine didn’t tell her of the beautiful woman she could see waiting to break through Amy’s expression of angry regret. She wouldn’t have believed it right then.

  Katherine described life in Saint Tropez but in the next lull Amy said, ‘Sometimes I think you look really sad.’

  Katherine nodded. ‘They’re my first proper friends. I never thought I’d leave but now I’m here with Calvin and you guys I feel I can’t go back.’

  ‘So stay. They’d never need to know.’

  ‘I’m one of Elaine’s bridesmaids next June. I booked and arranged her venue.’

  ‘That’s right, Calvin mentioned that. Where is it?’

  Katherine brightened. ‘The perfect chapel and then to a place called Château Hôtel de la Messardière for the breakfast and party. Should be amazing.’

  ‘How did you afford all that?’

  ‘It wasn’t my job to pay. I took Elaine’s parents up there and negotiated the tiniest deposit.’

  ‘Clever lady. So, what’s the guy you flew across with like?’

  ‘John’s great. Bit of a yuppie but you guys would like him.’

  ‘Invite him to a gig.’


  ‘Saturday night; The Water Rats. Introduce Calvin and tell him exactly who you are. We’ll soon see how great he is.’

  ‘I don’t know about all that,’ Katherine said. After some thought she added, ‘I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to invite him along.’

  Friday 23th September 1983

  By Friday Katherine had done several fun shifts at The Dog and Parrot. Kev booked Little Spirit for two more gigs but had expected more from their demo.

  Danny arranged Friday off and Amy skipped lectures. Band and girls headed to London to shop for clothes following Katherine’s guarantee to style Little Spirit on a budget. An excited Katherine had never been into the city so Amy took the role as guide.

  To gather ideas they began by looking at exorbitantly high priced clothes. Katherine wouldn’t have let them buy anything even if they’d wanted arguing the clothes would look cheap and unflattering if they didn’t fit properly.

  When they arrived at the cheaper shops Calvin tried second-hand leather jackets. ‘Check this one out,’ he said posing like Elvis.

  ‘Looks good on the hanger babe,’ Katherine said. ‘But it’s not complimenting the wonderful physique God gave you.’

  ‘What about this one?’ he said modelling another second-hand item.

  ‘Sorry darling it’s tight across your chest. Actually let Raphael try it.’

  When Calvin surrendered the jacket, it and Raphael transformed.

  ‘Perfect,’ Katherine said.

  Disappointedly Calvin agreed.

  Linking Calvin’s arm Katherine said, ‘Don’t worry we’ll find you one that looks good as Raphael’s.’

  By 16:30 the lads had jeans and shirts that looked made to measure. Other purchases included blue and white paint, black clothing dye, bleach and a sizable rectangle of black fabric.

  Heading for the train station they passed a previously overlooked second-hand clothes shop. Despite everyone’s tiredness Calvin insisted they go in. Inside rows of different styled leather jackets faced them.

  Danny found a blue and white leather-sleeved baseball jacket. Katherine gave the thumbs up.

  Amy handed Calvin one jacket after another. Katherine shook her head before he could ever reach a zip. Minutes passed with Danny and Raphael scurrying re-hanging the castoffs.

  ‘Stop!’ Katherine said.

  Everyone froze.

  ‘That’s it.’

  As Calvin posed before the dusty mirror everyone agreed the winning jacket had been found.

  ‘Can I buy it?’ Calvin asked.

  * * *

  For Amy the day had been an education in style. Back at the flat she left the boys in the living room drawing huge letters on the fabric as it became the band’s backdrop. She knocked on Calvin’s door.

  ‘Come in,’ Katherine said.

  ‘The phone’s out here.’ Seeing Katherine’s puzzled expression Amy added, ‘To ring that John fella?’

  ‘Oh, it’s Friday night he’ll be out.’

  ‘So ring anyway. You’re just inviting him to a gig. He might have other plans anyway.’

  Beaten Katherine retrieved John’s business card from her purse. Amy waited in Calvin’s room.

  ‘I don’t believe it,’ Katherine said a minute later. ‘He’s coming.’

  Saturday 24th September 1983

  The following day Calvin woke smelling chemicals. He found Danny painting the backdrop.

  ‘I should have this finished soon.’

  With his back to the still sleepy Raphael, Calvin admired the bold letters beneath the blue flag. ‘You’re doing a good job mate.’

  ‘Cheers. We can crack on with the jeans shortly.’

  And after breakfast they started making their new clothes more unique. Danny painted blue patterns on his Converse. Calvin and Raphael threaded blue laces through theirs. The bottoms of jeans soaked black dye from a bucket. Raphael put ties around the left leg of his creating blue stripes.

  Two hours later Calvin put a solution of bleach in the bathroom sink and dipped the beltlines into it. By midday the washing line aired white belt-lined jeans with blue midsections and black lower legs.

  ‘That’ll give them something to talk about,’ Katherine said when later they did their best to hairdryer them ready for the night’s show.

  The band headed to London before the girls, ready to put their new image into action. ‘Hey cool guys, what a transformation,’ Stosh said.

  ‘Thanks man,’ Danny said.

  ‘You’re higher up the bill; third band of four, principle support act.’


  ‘Is it okay to hang ze new backdrop?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘Okay with me,’ Stosh said.

  Without regard for fire regulations the backdrop hung behind the drums rolled such that it could be exhibited when Little Spirit came to play.

  Soundcheck sorted they took their positions outside the pub enjoying the warm fresh evening. Soon Amy skipped into view. Katherine followed elegantly with a tanned stout man in his thirties.

  ‘Guys, this is John,’ Amy said.

  Danny found himself surprised to like the stereotypical Thatcher-type yuppie. He accepted John’s handshake delivered with engaging eye contact.

  Standing outside the pub in his suit and open shirt John produced a gold cigarette case. ‘Silk Cut anyone?’

  Katherine joined in greeting the walk up crowd. With her on the case Danny figured they’d be in for a good headcount.

  John prattled in rich tones asking and telling them about the music business making comparisons with his own line of business, like he’d know Danny thought.

  In John’s high regard of Katherine, Danny warmed more to her too. John took near fascination in Calvin wanting to know how he’d succeeded where all other red-blooded males had failed.

  After the first two bands had played the girls and John positioned themselves with a decent view of the stage. John asked Katherine in anticipation, ‘Do they sound as good as they look?’

  ‘Better,’ she said admiring the now unfurled backdrop sporting the name and logo.

  When the intro piece began Little Spirit took the stage. Seeing Calvin wobbling John said, ‘Oh God, is he alright, he doesn’t look well?’

  Katherine, perhaps out of sympathy found herself nauseous and touched her hand to her throat.

  ‘He’s fine,’ Amy soothed. ‘You’ll see.’

  Proving correct, two beats into Life in the Sunshine, Calvin’s nervous condition became as forgotten and irrelevant as the poor choice of clothes the band previously wore in gigs.

  Little Spirit’s familiarity with venue and audience created intimacy. They dropped the band name into their crowd banter and praised venue and staff. They advertised their next Water Rats gig and invited people to buy demos or just say h

  Though Katherine’s Saint Tropez girl friends had sneered at Calvin, John exalted him. She feared he’d see through her disguise of wealth given her present company and the bar’s grunginess but John appeared too enamoured with the band; more intrigued with the venue than put off.

  The friends headed to the street after Little Spirit handed the stage to the final band.

  ‘You guys should be headliners,’ John said. ‘You can really tell which the proper band is.’

  ‘Really?’ Calvin asked. ‘I think these guys on now are good.’

  ‘No way.’ Gesturing with his hands John said, ‘There’s a clear distinction between you up here and them down here.’

  ‘Have a demo,’ Raphael said handing him a tape.

  ‘Thanks,’ John said reaching for his wallet.

  ‘It’s our pleasure,’ Danny said refusing payment.

  Despite Katherine’s own love of Little Spirit she hadn’t expected them to steal John’s attention as they had. Her objective to share her secret with him got lost as John surrounded himself with the band, Amy and friends. When they said goodbye John smiled and waved his demo at them.

  * * *

  Coming through the flat’s door to the ringing phone Calvin made a dash grabbing it. ‘It’s John for you babe,’ he said.

  Worried she’d been sussed Katherine took the receiver.

  ‘Katherine,’ John said. ‘Had a tremendous night. I wanted to thank you.’

  ‘I’m relieved. It was good seeing you.’

  ‘Didn’t get much of a chat with you though.’

  ‘No.’ Katherine could only guess what he wanted to talk about.

  ‘I’d be honoured if you and Calvin would join me for lunch at The Sheraton in Knightsbridge tomorrow.’

  Surprised Katherine didn’t know what to think. Daring to test the water with honesty she said, ‘We’d love to but we can’t afford to be dining expensively at the moment.’

  ‘Don’t worry I got it. I’ll claim it’s a business expense.’

  ‘A business expense?’ Katherine said and, forgetting Calvin’s rehearsal wondering why he hadn’t queried her admission. ‘We’d love to join you.’

  ‘Excellent. See you at noon.’

  In the living room with the others Katherine said, ‘He might be on to me.’

  ‘How so?’ Amy asked.

  ‘I told him we couldn’t afford The Sheraton; he wasn’t surprised.’

  Sunday 25th September 1983

  With Katherine’s assistance Calvin looked as worthy as she did when the Sheraton’s butler held open the door for them the next day.

  ‘Ah, perfect timing,’ John said having spotted them across the foyer. Stopping before he reached them he admired the couple. Gesturing his approval he kissed Katherine’s cheek saying, ‘Exquisite as always. And Calvin …’ He took his hand bowing slightly with respect. ‘Nice to see you both. I hope you’re ready to eat.’


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