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Undying Love

Page 13

by JD Penley

  She emerged from the bathroom wearing lingerie he hadn’t seen before, and to him, it was like watching a model step out of a magazine and coming to life. He had always found her attractive and sexy, but something about it felt different tonight. It was as if she had a glow about her as if her body called to him, and he felt a hunger for her as if he had been starved and she was the only thing that could make the craving go away. He couldn’t help himself and the urge to rip every shred of clothing from her body was almost too much for him to bear. It began to dawn on him that it must have been a side effect of the spell, but in the end, she was still his wife and the love of his life. He had always loved her, found her beautiful, and every day he desired her in the same way if not more so than the day before. “Do you like what you see my love?” she asked seductively. “Oh you have no idea, my love. Where did you find this?” he asked. “Alice and I went shopping while you and Galen went out for a walk. I hoped you would like it” she replied as she ran her hands over his shoulders. “Oh, you have accomplished your goal then my love. I can’t keep my eyes off of you. It’s all I can do to stop myself from tearing every bit of it off of your body” he replied. “Now that wouldn’t be very nice, I wouldn’t be able to wear it for you again if you did that” she teased. “I suppose you’re right” he said as he tried to fight his urges. “Look at you, the master of self-control and you can’t even keep your thoughts hidden. You want me so bad you can taste it, don’t you?” she asked. “I cannot lie to you my love, I cannot help myself. I find myself fighting an urge that I have not felt before, a craving that I cannot explain. I find myself wanting you more than I ever have before, and I find myself unable to think of anything else” he replied. “I am yours my love, you can have me any way you want” Eryn replied as she lowered herself onto his lap. He leaned in close to take in her perfume and kissed her neck as he inhaled deeply and smelled the intoxicating fragrance she was wearing. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him and whispered in her ear. “I love you Eryn, and not a day goes by that I don’t find myself falling more in love with you than the day before. All I ever wanted was to have a family and now we can do that together. I want to have a child or even children with you. Would you do that with me?” he asked. “I would do anything with you Lucas. I am yours forever and always my love” she replied as she caressed his cheek. “I was hoping you would say that. I am yours my love, forever and always” he replied. She smiled at him and kissed him before she began to undress him. He attempted to undress her, but she wouldn’t allow it. She stood up and slowly removed her lingerie and pushed him down on the bed before climbing on top of him. “Tonight, you are mine” she whispered into his ear. “As you wish my love” he replied as he surrendered to her command. They made love until the sun came up and began to illuminate the penthouse so brightly they had no choice but to close the blinds.

  They got up and took a shower together and got ready to head back to see how the evening had gone for everyone else. Lucas was quiet and didn’t speak a word and it worried Eryn. “Are you ok my love?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around him. He stood silently under the warm downpour from the showerhead above them and he slowly wrapped his arms around her. “Lucas, are you ok?” she asked again. “Sorry my love, my mind was elsewhere” he replied as he slowly came out of a trancelike state. “Are you ok this morning?” she asked with concern in her tone. “I’m ok my love, I was just lost in my thoughts. I’m sorry” he replied as he kissed her forehead. “What’s on your mind?” she asked. “You my love, and what the future holds for us” he replied. “What have you seen my love?” she asked. “Is it that plainly written on my face?” he asked with a laugh. “Not really, but your silence gave you away” she replied as she caressed his body and kissed his neck. “I guess you could say I had a dream or a daydream perhaps. I saw us having a child together, and it was amazing, it was the family I had always hoped for” he replied. “We will have that my love, I’m certain of it. I feel different this morning as if your spell is working and changing us both” she replied. “What do you mean Eryn?” he asked. “I know how you felt last night, because now I’m feeling the same way this morning. I don’t know how you managed to keep your hands to yourself last night, but I can’t take it” she said as she pushed him against the shower wall. “Don’t hold back then my dear. I’m all yours” he replied as he kissed her passionately. He carried her to the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed, and climbed into bed with her. They tumbled passionately for hours more until noon when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. They could hear the voices even from across the penthouse and could tell that everyone had come looking for them. They got dressed and opened the door and everyone gathered in the living room. Galen told the tale of their evening and how he proposed to Krystal at the top of the Empire State building and Krystal showed off the ring to Eryn and Alice. Lucas was still preoccupied as he continued to have visions of the future, and possible children with Eryn. “Brother are you ok?” Galen asked. “Yes, sorry, my mind was wandering again” Lucas replied. “Well how about we go home now if everyone is ready to go?” Eryn asked. “That sounds excellent” Krystal replied. “Lucas my love, let’s head home” Eryn said as she took his hand. “As you wish my love” he replied as he squeezed her hand.



  They returned home and returned to their daily routine, still abuzz with excitement for the upcoming wedding that now had to be planned. Krystal was happier than Lucas had ever seen before, and Susan spent every moment she could with Galen and he loved every minute of it. Lucas had become quiet and distant when they returned home, constantly in the library staring off into the distance as if he were searching for something. He would often gaze off as if he were lost in thought and then snap back as if he had dozed off and was simply waking up in a panic. Eryn could tell something was on his mind, but she wasn’t sure what to do so she went to Alice for help. “Alice I need to ask you something. Could I ask you a favor?” Eryn asked. “Sure mom, what’s going on?” Alice asked. “Something is bothering your father, but I’m afraid he wouldn’t talk to me about it” Eryn replied. “I thought he was acting a bit odd. Of course, I’ll go talk to him, but I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t talk to you. I’ll still speak with him all the same” Alice replied. “Thank you, my dear, I worry about him. You know how deeply he feels things, and I worry what could have him so distracted and distant” Eryn said as she hugged Alice. “I know mom, I’m a bit worried myself, but I’ll see if I can get him to open up about it” Alice replied. Eryn left to go play with Jaidyn for a while and Alice headed for the library to find her father. She found him seated at his desk with his head down on the desk not moving. She normally would have panicked but she could hear him breathing, and she tried listening to his thoughts but it was as if his mind was on mute. “Hello little one” he said with a muffled voice with his head on the desk. “Daddy are you ok?” she asked. “I’m ok little one, just a lot to think about. Come sit with me” he replied.

  She came around the desk and sat on his lap as she used to when she was a little girl, and she put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “What’s wrong little one? You seem upset, I sense you have something you want to ask me” he said as he hugged her. “Mom is worried about you daddy, and I am too. You’ve never been this way before, quiet and keeping to yourself. Is everything ok?” she asked. “I will be fine little one. I’ve just been lost in my thoughts lately. I’ve been having visions since I performed the spell to allow us to have a child, and I keep trying to look into them to make sure nothing goes wrong” he replied. “That’s what you’re so worried about? That’s why you’re shielding your mind with magic?” she asked. “How could you tell?” he asked. “You were always good at keeping your thoughts hidden when you needed to, like for planning surprises and whatnot, but suddenly it’s like your mind was a television and someone switched off the volume completely and you can’t tell that it’s stil
l on anymore. Are you afraid something might happen to mom?” she asked. “That’s a small part of it, but part of it is that I want to make sure that our child or children would be born safe and healthy. I love Eryn more than anything in this world and I would be lost without her. I have always wanted to be a father, and I got that chance with you little one, but I also always wanted to have children of my own. Becoming a vampire took that from me, and until I managed to create this spell I thought I would never get that chance. You and Jaidyn mean the world to me, and you are my children, but I always wanted the experience of having children with the one I loved” he replied with tears in his eyes. “Daddy, it’s ok to feel this way. I understand completely how you feel. I’ve wondered countless times since becoming a vampire what I’m missing out on, but your magic has allowed you something we all thought impossible. I had thought that one day if I ever met someone worthwhile that loves me the way you love mom, I would want to have a child and maybe your magic could let me have that experience. You worry too much daddy, everything will work out” she replied as she wiped away his tears.

  She sat in the library with him for hours, talking about her time in New York and all the things she got to do, and they talked about the possibility of her becoming a big sister again. She had always had a way of being the balance for him, helping him to keep calm when most people would break down from the overwhelming nature of vampire emotions. He had always been more in tune with his emotions than any other man, but being a vampire made him feel things even stronger than before. As they talked he felt more at ease about it all, and he began to open up more about it with her. They talked about his fears of becoming a father for the first time, not wanting her or Jaidyn to feel neglected or forgotten, and how he hoped that he would be good with having a baby. “Daddy you need to relax. You’re already a wonderful father. The only thing that will be different is that you’ll be starting with a baby. You took care of me better than I ever could have asked for and you take care of Jaidyn as if he were your own. You’re going to do great daddy, so try to relax” she said as she kissed his cheek. “You’re right little one. I have worried too much about it when I really shouldn’t. Thank you Alice” he replied. “It’s ok daddy, I can understand why you worry, but everything is going to be ok. I love you daddy” she said as she hugged him. “I love you too Alice” he replied. Eryn came into the room to see the two of them hugging and she knew something had happened but she couldn’t tell what. She tried to read his thoughts but as Alice had remarked earlier it was as if there was total silence. As she stood there wondering what had happened she could finally hear his mind again, and in her confusion, she never saw him get up. By the time she realized he had moved from his chair he was standing behind her and he placed his arms around her so quickly it startled her. He spun her around and took her into his arms, kissing her repeatedly. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant my love. My mind has been going in so many directions at once. All my life I’ve wanted to be a father, to have children of my own that I shared with the love of my life, and now knowing that it can finally happen, I’ve been scared something might go wrong. I have been so worried that I’ve isolated myself away from the people I needed the most, and for that I’m sorry” he said as he put his head on her shoulder. “It’s ok my love, you’ve never experienced any of the emotions that come with potentially becoming a parent. When you think about how deeply you feel things, and add in the fact of being a vampire, it’s no wonder you’ve been keeping everyone out. You don’t have to be scared my love, you are going to be a wonderful father, now please stop worrying and let’s go watch a movie together” she said as she kissed him softly.

  Lucas and Eryn gathered everyone together for a movie night, and it was exactly what he needed, time with those he cared about. He had Eryn laying on one shoulder holding his hand while Alice leaned on the other one. Jaidyn had crawled into his lap and fell asleep while Galen had Krystal leaned against him and Susan asleep in his arms. It was a perfect night for Lucas, and Galen was overwhelmed with a feeling of bliss with Krystal and Susan beside him. After the movie Lucas and Galen got the kids tucked into bed and Alice went to bed as well. Krystal and Galen sat up for a while discussing their future, talking about wedding plans and if they might want to have children together. Eryn was waiting for him in the bedroom after he tucked Jaidyn into bed. She was sitting on the edge of the bed lost in thought, and he could tell she had something to talk to him about. “What’s on your mind my love?” he asked as he sat down beside her. “I’ve just been thinking about everything that’s happened. You’ve done so much for me Lucas, more than anyone has ever done for me. You risked everything to save Jaidyn, gave the both of us a life we would have never dreamed possible and you’ve been the father he never had. Now you’ve created a spell so that we can have children together, but is that even what you want or is it just another thing in a long list of things you’re doing for me?” she asked. “My love, I had always dreamed of a day where I’d settle down with my true love and start a family with her, and I’ve always wanted children. Life stole that from me the day I became a vampire, and now I’ve found a way to get around that. This is something I want for once, and I want it with you because you are my true love. I want to have a child, or even more than one child with you if you want them” he replied as he took her hand. “Oh Lucas, that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. Of course, I want children with you! I had always imagined us having children together and I couldn’t think of a better father than you. You raised Alice and she turned out to be an amazing woman, and Jaidyn adores you and looks at you as his father. I can’t wait to have children with you Lucas” she said as she wrapped her arms around him. “You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear that Eryn. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders” Lucas replied as he kissed her forehead. “That’s what’s been worrying you my dear?” she asked. “No, I’ve been worried that something could happen to you or that I wouldn’t be a good father because I’ve never raised a baby before” Lucas said as he lowered his head. “Lucas, you are going to be an amazing father. Just the way you are with Jaidyn convinced me of that. I was disappointed when I learned we couldn’t have children, and this spell is the most amazing thing that could have ever happened to us. I can’t wait to have children with you my love” she replied as she kissed him.

  Lucas breathed a sigh of relief, as he wrapped his arms around Eryn. He kissed her passionately as he gently laid her down on the bed. For the first time in all his time on earth, he finally felt like things were going his way. He was on top of the world, and nothing could bring him down. He had the girl of his dreams, he had the family he had always wanted, and now he could add to that family with a child of his very own with the woman he loved. He let himself go and fell onto the bed beside her, a smile across his face and his eyes filled with tears. “What’s wrong my love?” she asked as she wiped them away. “Nothing my love, absolutely nothing is wrong. For the first time in my life, I have everything I could have ever dreamed of and more and I am happier than I ever thought I could be” he replied as he caressed her cheek with his fingers and brushed the hair away from her face. He stared deeply into her eyes as he had done so many times before, and if he were still human his heart would have skipped a beat at that moment. “How do you always do that my love? How do you look at me as though it’s the first time you’re seeing me?” she asked. “The only way to explain it is that I fall in love with you, head over heels every single day, and every single look or glance feels like falling for you for the first time over and over again” he replied as he kissed her softly. “No one has ever loved me the way you do Lucas or looked at me with the passion and desire you do. I cannot tell you how much that means to me. I never ever want to lose you again my love” she replied as a tear rolled down her cheek. “You will never lose me, Eryn, I am yours and yours alone, always and forever” he replied as he wiped the tear from her cheek. She climbed on top of him and laid her head
on his chest and breathed deeply and held him tightly. She had everything she had always wanted as much as he had, and they were both finally where they had dreamed of being so many years ago. The room was silent for what felt like an eternity while she lay in his arms, and they were content to share the silence together. Finally, it was Lucas who broke the silence as he cleared his throat to ask a question, but she beat him to it when she asked him through her thoughts. “So when do you want to start trying to have a child together my love?” she asked. “I am ready whenever you are my princess. It can be today, tomorrow, or next year. The fact of the matter is we have nothing but time, but I’m happy with whenever you decide” Lucas replied as he ran his fingers up and down her back. Eryn ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him. “Of all the things we’ve done together, I believe this will be the most exciting journey yet” she said. “I believe you may be right my love and I cannot wait to start that chapter of our lives together” he replied.

  As the weeks passed they contemplated when the right time was to start trying for a baby and they all worked on planning Krystal and Galen’s wedding. The house was abuzz with excitement day and night as they all counted the days until the wedding. As the day approached Krystal and Galen were both nervous and it fell to Lucas and Eryn to calm them down. They decided to speak to them separately and so Lucas decided to talk to his brother while Eryn spoke to Krystal. “So I take it that you’re feeling a bit nervous brother?” Lucas asked. “Of course I am brother. I’ve never done this before, and I never thought my life would allow for it. I know that Krystal is the one for me, but I am clueless about the customs of marriage on this world” Galen replied. “That’s why you’re nervous?” Lucas asked with a laugh. “Is that not a reason to be?” Galen replied with a confused look on his face. “Not typically brother. Most people get nervous because they are unsure of their partner or they may be changing their mind, but I’ve never heard of anyone being nervous for that reason before” Lucas replied. “Wow, I’ve worried myself over nothing then. I feel the fool for worrying so much” Galen replied. “Don’t worry yourself brother, you’ve never done this before and you had no idea what to expect” Lucas replied. “Thank you once again brother, you always have a way of keeping me grounded” Galen replied as he hugged his brother. “Think nothing of it brother, we’re family and I’ll always be here for you” Lucas replied.


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