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Undying Love

Page 14

by JD Penley

  Meanwhile across the manor, Eryn was comforting Krystal. Krystal was pacing and her mind was racing, and worry filled her mind. “I know that I shouldn’t be worried, and I know that Galen would never hurt me, but everything in my past has made me wary of marriage before” Krystal said as she paced the floor. Eryn stepped into her path and grabbed her by the shoulders and stopped her in her tracks. “You have nothing to worry about dear. Galen is a man of honor, I can promise you this. He would die before he allowed you to come to harm, and I’ve never seen him fall for anyone before and he’s fallen hard for you. Besides, if he breaks your heart I can always rip his out” she said with a wink. Krystal burst into a fit of laughter and fell to the floor, and Eryn was soon behind her laughing. “Thank you, Eryn, I don’t know what I’d do without you. With everything I’ve been through I never thought I could find happiness and even after finding it, I questioned it because of what I’ve been through. Lucas found me at the lowest point of my life and he saved my life and pulled me back from the darkness. He knew everything I had been through before he had to turn me into a vampire and he looked out for me in a way no one ever had. He was like the brother I never had, and now I’ve fallen for his brother and it scared me because I was afraid it was too good to be true. Now I have you too, and you’re the sister I never had, and between you and Alice I have never been without someone to support me. I can’t thank you all enough for everything you’ve done for me. Lucas has made me feel like a part of the family from day one, and he gave me my life back and my daughter. I don’t know what I would do without any of you” Krystal said as tears began to fill her eyes. “You don’t have to thank us for anything Krystal. You know Lucas as I do, he would do anything to help someone if he could. He’s the closest thing this world has to a superhero and they don’t even know it. He saved my son and our world from the darkness that plagued it for centuries and he risked his own life to do so. He saved you from being murdered by your ex, and then risked himself to save you and Alice before he turned you to save your lives, and he could have died then too. We both know that Lucas is always trying to save someone. It’s like he’s drawn to those in need, and he never could walk away from someone in need. As for me, you’re like family to me too and I will always be here if you need to talk about anything, and if Galen ever gives you trouble, I’ll be there to hold him while you beat him” Eryn replied with a laugh. “I’m still grateful for you all anyway. If it wasn’t for Lucas I’d be dead, and if it wasn’t for you and Alice, I’d be a mess right now. I can’t thank you enough no matter how much you say it isn’t needed. I love you all because you are my family now” Krystal replied. “You have always been and will always be our family Krystal, you know that” Eryn replied as she hugged her. “Well enough worry for one day, we have a wedding to get ready for” Krystal replied.


  Another Happy Ending

  The day was quickly approaching for Krystal and Galen’s wedding, and Lucas was like a blur as he raced all over the manor, getting everything ready so they didn’t have to worry about anything. Krystal had decided to have just a small ceremony amongst them and to invite Destrian and Mirabelle. Little did she know that Lucas had secretly set up a wedding registry for them and sent it to everyone at the office and had been quietly bringing the gifts home and hiding them out of sight to save them for the wedding party. Lucas had taken care of everything for them as a wedding gift but he had also had offered to let them use the cabin he had bought in the mountains for their honeymoon. Eryn and Alice had helped to plan everything with Krystal, and Lucas helped Galen pick out a suit and decorated the gardens for the wedding. Lucas had taken every opportunity to make sure that their wedding would be just as perfect as his had been, and that it would be a day they would never forget. The morning of the wedding, Destrian and Mirabelle arrived at dawn with an honor guard that would have been present during a royal wedding on Ebos, and they brought wedding gifts of their own. For Galen, they had brought the ceremonial sword given to Destrian on his wedding day, and for Krystal, they brought a pair of ceremonial daggers crafted for a princess. They surprised Lucas and Eryn as well, as they brought them belated wedding gifts. They had the blacksmith craft a pair of swords bearing the crest of the family on the hilt for Lucas, and for Eryn, they had the blacksmith craft a shield bearing her family crest as well. They were both overwhelmed with excitement as they both understood the significance of such a gift. Krystal was confused about her gift until Galen explained what an honor it was for a princess to be given the daggers. She thanked her future in-laws for their kindness and for coming to celebrate with them, and Lucas and Eryn set off to get things in motion for the day.

  Everything went perfectly for them, with no issues with the weather or the ceremony. Everything was like a dream come true for Krystal, and it was everything she had ever hoped for. Susan was excited to play flower girl, and Jaidyn made the perfect little ring bearer. Lucas was Galen’s best man and Alice was Krystal’s maid of honor. Eryn performed the ceremony for them and Destrian and Mirabelle stood by Galen and Krystal throughout the ceremony. Rather than having a reception, they all enjoyed a meal together and then Lucas surprised them with the gifts he had been sneaking home leading up to the wedding. They were both blown away by the level of support her co-workers had shown and how well Lucas had done in hiding everything. Eryn looked on with a smile as she watched as Lucas delighted in being able to give them more than they could have expected. Between the gifts they received from her co-workers, and the ones Lucas and Eryn had already snuck into the guest house for them they had everything they would have needed to stock an entire household. It wasn’t until Krystal and Galen went back to the guesthouse to get their bags for the trip that they saw everything Lucas and Eryn had been up to. They found that all of the furniture had been removed and that new furniture was now in its place in every room, and they found that Susan had new furniture in her room as well. When they went to the garage to retrieve the car, they found that there was a new car hidden under a cover in the garage. As they approached it, Lucas and Eryn stepped into the garage. “I see you found my final gift” Lucas said with a laugh. “What is it brother?” Galen inquired. “It’s for you brother, a car of your very own” Lucas replied. “You shouldn’t have, I don’t even know how to drive” Galen replied with a chuckle. “You will learn soon enough brother, that is, once you return from your honeymoon” he replied. “Thank you so much brother!” Galen replied as he hugged him tightly. “Do you want to see what it is?” Lucas asked. “I do!” Krystal shouted.

  They walked to the car and Lucas had Galen pull off the cover to reveal a brand new BMW sedan. “Lucas, you shouldn’t have!” Krystal said as her jaw dropped. “We wanted to do it for you both” Eryn replied. “This gives you both a car and room for all of you to travel together” Lucas added. Krystal began to cry as she hugged them both. “You two have been there for me more than anyone else in my entire life and I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done. Lucas you’ve saved me on more than one occasion and my life has been so much better since the day you found me. Now we’re all family and I couldn’t possibly be any happier, and I can’t imagine life without any of you” she said as she sobbed softly. “Krystal you have always been like family to me, and you will be until the end of time. You are the sister I never had, and I will look out for you as if you were as long as I walk this earth” Lucas replied. “I have forbidden his death, so you can count on that being a very long time” Eryn said with a laugh. Krystal and Galen burst into laughter and it echoed throughout the garage, and Lucas smiled as he winked at Eryn. “All jokes aside, I have one last thing to give you both” Lucas said in a serious tone. “What else could you possibly have to give us brother?” Galen asked. “I want to give you the choice together, and you can talk about it alone. I’ve crafted a spell that would allow you to have children despite being vampires, and should you choose to have them together, I can give you that chance. You don’t have to dec
ide now, but the choice is there should you decide to take it” Lucas replied. Eryn looked on as both Krystal and Galen looked at each other and a look of shock came over them both, and she tried her best not to laugh. “You two have time to decide, and you can let us know when you return” Eryn replied with a laugh. “Now, you two lovebirds get out of here and enjoy yourselves. The plane is waiting at the airport to take you to your honeymoon destination. We will see you when you return” Lucas said as they waved goodbye and helped them put their bags into the car.

  Krystal and Galen kissed Susan goodbye and headed off to the airport, and Susan went to go play with Jaidyn. Alice took Susan and Jaidyn to play out on the playground and Lucas and Eryn settled down to choose a movie for the evening. “You are such a generous and caring man, how did I ever get so lucky?” Eryn asked as she kissed his cheek. “I’m the lucky one, I just like to take care of the people that I care about” Lucas replied as he held her in his arms. “Like we always say Lucas, we’re both lucky. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you” Eryn replied. “Well, you never have to worry about that my love, I’m never letting you go again” Lucas replied. Lucas and Eryn chose a movie and everyone gathered together for the night and settled in together to watch it. Afterward, they got the children tucked into bed and Alice kept an eye on them while Lucas and Eryn enjoyed some time alone. Lucas and Eryn lay together in bed for hours, talking about the future and different potential names for children. They talked and cuddled until the sun came up, and then got up to get breakfast ready for the kids for the morning. Alice was already down in the kitchen with the children and had already begun fixing breakfast for them both. “You’re up early Alice” Lucas remarked. “Yeah, I wanted to let you guys have a break so you could have some time to yourselves. You always look out for other people, without thinking of yourselves, so I wanted to give you two some time to relax” Alice replied. “You’re too sweet Alice, but we appreciate it” Eryn replied. “You guys deserve a break, go enjoy your time and I’ll let you know if I need you” Alice replied.

  Lucas and Eryn returned to their room to contemplate more baby names while Alice entertained Susan and Jaidyn after breakfast. Alice kept the children busy all day to give Lucas and Eryn time to themselves, and they only saw them later that evening before bed when they tucked the two of them in for the night. They returned back to their room where Lucas went to work on his novel while Eryn watched as she leaned against his shoulder. He worked for hours on his novel as she sat patiently waiting for him to take a break, and although he didn’t listen for her thoughts he could feel a change in the room. After hours of patiently waiting, she could take no more. She closed the lid of his laptop and put it on the table beside the bed, and she crawled onto his lap. “Yes my love?” he teased. “Oh you are so not funny Lucas” she replied as she stared into his eyes. “I don’t know about that, Jaidyn seems to think so” Lucas teased. “He doesn’t know any better yet” Eryn teased back. Lucas grabbed her and tossed her onto her back and rolled over so that he was staring down at her. “Is this what you wanted my love?” he asked as he kissed her lips and ran his fingers through her hair. “Yes” she whispered as her breath escaped her lips. He began to kiss her softly and passionately as he slowly undressed her, as she moaned softly in ecstasy. “Is this what you wanted?” he whispered into her ear. “Stop teasing me and make love to me now!” she growled into his ear. He leaned in closer and whispered into her ear softly “As you wish my love” before ripping her clothes from her body. “Perhaps I should interrupt you more often my love, I like this side of you” she whispered as she ripped his clothes off in return. “You could if you like, but if this is what you desire you need only ask my love” he replied. “You don’t always have to be gentle my love, I was a warrior before I was your wife so I’m not some delicate flower” she teased. “Then the lady will have what she desires” he replied with a hunger in his eyes. He nuzzled closely to her neck, kissing slowly before biting into her flesh. She moaned into his ear as she whispered “much better my love”. She returned the favor when she had the chance and did the same to him, her teeth sinking deeper than she anticipated. “It’s ok my love, you haven’t hurt me” he whispered to her as he heard her panicked thoughts. They spent the next several hours going back and forth, moving all about the room, making love wherever they might fall. Sunrise came before they knew it, and they were both covered in bite marks and scratches, although they were healing quickly as they tried to survey the count of who had the most marks.

  They continued this exchange every night until Krystal and Galen returned from their honeymoon the next week. Susan was excited to have her mom and dad back home and Alice was happy to have her best friend back as well. Jaidyn was worried that Susan wouldn’t want to play with him as much, so Lucas sat him down to talk to him. “You know you don’t have to be afraid Jaidyn, she will still want to play with you. She’s just excited to have her mom and dad back” Lucas said as Jaidyn crawled onto his lap. “How did you know daddy?” Jaidyn asked curiously. “I read minds my son, just one of the many things I can do” Lucas said as he looked into Jaidyn’s eyes. “Can you really?” he asked with wonder in his eyes. “Yes indeed little one, and I can fly too” Lucas replied. “I remember daddy, you flew the night you saved me and mommy thought you were dead. You were the man in the moon I saw” Jaidyn replied. “That I was little one. Would you like to fly with me?” Lucas asked him. “Could I? I would really like that. Do you think mommy would let me?” he asked with excitement in his voice. “Oh I think it will be quite alright” Eryn replied as she entered the room. “Really mommy? I can go flying?” Jaidyn asked excitedly. “Of course you can but you have to listen to Lucas if you go” she replied. “Thank you so much, mommy! Of course, I’ll listen to daddy, I promise!” Jaidyn replied as he hugged her. She caught a tear streaming down Lucas’s face and she could tell that hearing Jaidyn call him daddy was more than he had ever hoped for. Seeing Jaidyn with him like that brought tears to her eyes as well, but it made her happy to see Jaidyn bond with him so well. “Well you heard your mother, so we shall go flying this evening before I tuck you into bed. Now go find your little friend and have some fun, and remember I’m always here if you ever want to talk Jaidyn” Lucas said as he hugged him tightly. “Thank you so much, daddy! I love you!” he replied as he hugged Lucas before dashing down the hallway to look for Susan.

  True to his word, just after sundown Lucas came to get Jaidyn. “Are you ready to go flying with me little one?” Lucas asked. “Yes!” Jaidyn exclaimed. Jaidyn ran towards him and jumped into his arms, and Lucas scooped him up and they disappeared in a flash. They were out on the balcony before Jaidyn could even realize they had left his room. “Wow, you’re fast daddy!” Jaidyn exclaimed. “Well I am a vampire little one, and speed is just one of the abilities we have” Lucas replied. “I know, mommy said you were invincible like a superhero!” Jaidyn replied. “I only wish I was invincible little one, but I can get hurt just like you can, I just heal faster” Lucas replied. “That’s really cool!” Jaidyn exclaimed. “Indeed it is little one. So are you ready to fly with me?” Lucas asked. “I sure am daddy!” Jaidyn replied with excitement in his eyes. Lucas held him close in his arms and looked up into the sky before looking back at Jaidyn. “Are you ready Jaidyn?” he asked. “Let’s fly daddy!” Jaidyn shouted. “Hang on tight then little one” Lucas replied with a smile. Jaidyn wrapped his arms around his neck tightly and Lucas held onto him as he flew up into the sky. They soared up into the clouds and Jaidyn was giggling the whole way up. Lucas flew him up and over and through the clouds, and he could hear the excitement in Jaidyn’s thoughts. Lucas smiled as he watched Jaidyn’s thoughts turn to Susan and how he thought she would love to fly too. They flew around for a while before Jaidyn fell asleep in his arms and he flew back home to tuck him into bed. He had just finished tucking him into bed when he could hear Eryn’s thoughts as she came into the room. “You made his day, you know that right?” Eryn asked as s
he grinned at Lucas. “I could tell” Lucas replied. “He loves you, Lucas, you’re his hero” she said as she wrapped her arms around him. “He thinks I’m like a superhero, and apparently you told him I’m invincible” Lucas said with a laugh. “Well he does look at you as a hero, after all, you saved him and you fly. You can’t blame him for wanting someone to look up to, and you are the perfect person for him to look up to my love” Eryn replied. “I’m no one extraordinary, but it does feel good to be his hero” Lucas replied with a grin. “Are you kidding, you are so much more than extraordinary, you’re my hero too. Now that you’ve tucked in the little prince, I need you to come with me. I have a surprise for you my love” Eryn said as she took his hand.

  Eryn led Lucas to the bedroom and sat him on the edge of the bed. He sat in silence as she paced back and forth in front of him, but her thoughts were too jumbled to read so he sat patiently waiting for her to speak. She finally stopped in front of him and took his hands in hers. “I have something I have to tell you my love, and I don’t know how to do it. I’ve never done this before” she replied. “Calm yourself my love, and just say what it is you have to say” Lucas replied. “Ok, I’ll try my best. I’ve never done this before because in the past I didn’t get the chance. Jaidyn grew up without knowing his father because he died before he was born, and you’ve been the father he never had” she said as she paused to take a breath. “You seem nervous my love, is everything ok?” Lucas asked as he pulled her closer. “It’s nothing bad my love, yet I still feel nervous. I’ve never had the opportunity to do this before” she replied as her eyes filled with tears. “What’s wrong my love? What can I do to help?” he asked as he wiped her tears away. “Nothing is wrong my love, I’m just overcome with emotion. I’m crying because I’m happy. I’m happy because of the way you love me and Jaidyn, and more importantly because of what I have to tell you. I’m pregnant my love. We’re going to have a child” she said as tears streamed down her face. “Are you certain my love?” Lucas asked as hope filled his thoughts. “Alice confirmed it while you and Jaidyn were gone. We are going to have a child together my love!” she exclaimed. Lucas grabbed her in his arms and lifted her into the air and spun her around. “I can’t believe it! It worked! This is the best news I’ve ever gotten!” Lucas exclaimed. “I was hoping that you’d be happy, but this is even better than I had hoped for” Eryn replied as she hugged him. “Why would I not be happy? I did all that work to create a spell to let us have this and I was worried it might not work. I couldn’t be happier my love! We finally have everything we could have possibly wished for and more. I love you so much Eryn, this is the best news you could have ever given me” he replied as he kissed her softly.


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