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Undying Love

Page 15

by JD Penley

  The two celebrated the exciting news by taking a late-night flight up towards the stars and enjoyed each other’s embrace. They soaked up the moonlight as they flew through the clouds together for hours and Eryn held Lucas tightly as they soared through the sky. They returned home before sunrise and walked through the gardens together as they watched the sunrise together. When they came back inside after watching the sunrise, everyone was waiting for them in the kitchen, eagerly waiting to see if they would announce what everyone had already heard from Alice’s thoughts as she made breakfast for the children. Lucas and Eryn sat down together at the table and Lucas laughed as he could hear everyone’s thoughts. “So you all want to know the news I assume? None of you seem to be able to hide your thoughts this morning” he said with a laugh. “Sorry daddy, I couldn’t help it. I was excited and I forgot to shield myself from prying minds. I could hear both of you last night, and your thoughts were pretty loud and exciting with the news” Alice said. “It’s quite alright little one, it would have happened eventually. Since all of you but the children seem to know, I’ll just confirm it. We are pregnant and are going to be having a baby” Lucas said. The kitchen was filled with excitement and screams of joy, and everyone was hugging each other at the news. Lucas and Eryn were overjoyed that the news brought such happiness to everyone. “Daddy I’m so happy for you and mom, and I will finally have a baby sibling to watch over. This really is amazing news!” Alice exclaimed. “Thank you little one. Perhaps one day when you meet the right one for you, you can experience the same thing” Lucas replied as he hugged her. “Perhaps one day daddy, but for now I will settle for taking care of my new baby brother or sister” Alice replied as she hugged him and Eryn. Galen and Krystal came to hug them both, and Lucas could tell they had been thinking about his offer. “So brother, you get to be a father again, only this time you helped to create the child. Are you excited?” Galen asked. “Of course I am brother, this is what I had always hoped for, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better to experience this with. Eryn is the perfect mother, and spending time with Jaidyn has helped me feel more prepared to have a child with her. My offer still stands for you and Krystal as well. If you choose to have a child together, I can use the spell to grant you the same chance to do so” Lucas replied.

  Galen and Krystal sat down with Lucas and Eryn later than evening after the children had been put to bed. “So we have talked it over, and we’ve given your offer quite a bit of consideration” Krystal said. “What have you two decided?” Lucas asked. “We decided that we want to have children together, but we aren’t ready for it just yet. We want time to travel the world and spend time with Susan together before we bring another life into this world” Galen replied. “There is nothing wrong with that. I think it wise to wait until you are both ready for such responsibility. With that in mind, I think you will make an excellent father brother, and Krystal is already an amazing mother so you’re both going to be fine. The offer still stands, and I’m happy to help whenever you decide you are ready” Lucas replied. “It means a lot to us, having your support and that you are willing to help us fulfill our dreams brother” Galen said as he hugged Lucas. “I will always be here for you brother, both of you. You’re family, and I will always look out for my family” Lucas replied. Lucas hugged them both and Eryn smiled at him as they left the library. “You give so much to others without thinking of yourself, how did I ever manage to find such a wonderful man as yourself?” Eryn asked. “You are pretty amazing yourself my love. You’ve been so many things in your lifetime. You’ve been a warrior, a mother, my best friend, and now the love of my life. You’ve risked your life to protect others and you’d do anything for those you love, and you’re already an amazing mother. I can’t wait to raise this child with you, my love, it’s going to be an amazing journey” Lucas replied. “Of course it will my love, we have each other and this baby will be loved so much. You’re an amazing father already, and the way you are with Jaidyn leaves no doubt in my mind that you’ll be even more amazing with this child. I couldn’t have asked for anyone more perfect to have this experience with Lucas” Eryn replied. “You and Jaidyn are the most wonderful thing that could have ever happened to Alice and me, and no matter what we’ve gone through I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are absolutely perfect for me my love” Lucas replied as he kissed her forehead. “You’re perfect for me as well my love” Eryn replied as she wrapped her arms around him.

  That night, two of them walked to the garden to enjoy the quiet breeze and to gaze up into the stars together. As they sat in the garden and looked into the sky Lucas felt a change in the air and Eryn could feel it too. A portal soon appeared and the king and queen stepped through with their guards. “This is a pleasant surprise father, we weren’t expecting you” Lucas said as he rose to greet his parents. “Good evening my son, we wanted to stop in for a quick visit to check on you and your brother. I assume he and his wonderful bride have returned?” his mother asked. “Indeed they have mother, and your arrival could not have been at a more perfect time. Please come sit with us, we have news to share with you” Lucas replied. Destrian and Mirabelle joined them in the garden as their guards observed from a distance. “So what news do you have to share with us my son?” Destrian asked. “Would you like to tell them my love, or shall I?” Lucas asked with a smile on his face. “I can tell them my dear. Lucas and I are expecting a child my lord, we just found out” Eryn replied. “My dear girl, you do not have to address me so formally anymore, you’re family now. As for your news, this is amazing news, worthy of a celebration!” Destrian exclaimed. “I’m so happy for you my dear! I had feared that Lucas’s condition would rob him of the chance to experience fatherhood but when he was able to craft a spell to get around it, I had hoped he would be able to have such luck. I am happy for the both of you! I can finally be a grandmother and actually get to see my grandchild grow up!” Mirabelle exclaimed. “What of your brother my son, has he taken you up on your offer?” Destrian asked. “Galen and Krystal wish to wait for a while father, they aren’t quite ready to have a child yet. They wish to see the world together and to spend time with Susan before trying to have a child together” Lucas replied. “That seems very fair, your brother always has been one to plan ahead and avoid acting on impulse. It would give them time together before their sole focus becomes their children” Destrian replied. “I thought so too father and they have an eternity together so it’s not as if time is against them” Lucas replied. “I suppose you are right there my son, and we already have one grandchild to plan for since we didn’t get a chance to do anything for Alice” Destrian replied. “You don’t have to do anything for us” Eryn said. “Nonsense my darling girl, you are family now. We want to plan a celebration if you can break away for a few days and come back home and share the good news with the kingdom” Mirabelle replied. “I think we can break away to make time for that mother” Lucas replied. “Very well, it is settled then. We shall celebrate and have a feast!” Destrian exclaimed. “Please bring everyone with you this time, I would very much love to show my granddaughter the kingdom this time my son” Mirabelle replied. “As you wish mother, I’m sure she would like to visit this time. We will see you once we are able to pack our things!” Lucas replied.


  A Family Celebration

  It had been some time since Lucas had been to Ebos, and he returned reluctantly. The king had prepared this time and spared no expense when it came to security. The finest guards kept constant watch over the palace this time, and no one would dare get close to his son or his new daughter-in-law this time. Lucas and his family got settled into their rooms and the king had a grand feast prepared for them all. The crowds gathered to hear the announcement the king had promised would be coming that evening during the feast, and they were all buzzing with anticipation. Most of the kingdom was expecting the king to announce the heir to the throne now that both sons had returned, but no one was expecting what came next. “My faithful subjec
ts, I have gathered you all here for the most wonderful news. As many of you have most likely have assumed that we are here to announce the heir to the throne, the news I have is actually much more exciting than that. We are here to announce the upcoming birth of a child to our eldest son and hero of the kingdom Lucas!” the king exclaimed. The room was filled with thunderous applause and cheers from all in attendance. “Looks like you’ve become quite the hero my love” Eryn teased. “I’m just a man, I’m not some superhero and I really don’t even think of myself as royalty” Lucas replied. “You are to us, my love. You’re my hero and my prince” she replied as she kissed his cheek. “I’m just me, you give me far too much credit” Lucas replied as he kissed her hand. “You do not give yourself enough credit my love. You saved this kingdom single-handedly, saved our son, and you saved Krystal and Alice from death as well as your brother. You are a hero, even if you refuse to see it yourself, and you are the prince by birth. You may see yourself as just a man, but to everyone else you are so much more” she replied as she smiled at him. “Thank you, my love, for everything. You see me like no one else ever has and you and Jaidyn and Alice have always made me feel like a hero even when I don’t feel like I deserve the title” Lucas replied as he kissed her softly.

  The cheers died down, and the crowd settled in and they all enjoyed the rest of the feast but the merriment continued on for hours. The guests all came to wish their congratulations to Lucas and his beloved princess and some even offered gifts for the child. Lucas and Eryn spent hours speaking with the guests and thanking them for coming, while Alice and Krystal got a grand tour of the palace from the king’s royal advisor. The children got to sit with the king and queen and enjoyed pretending to rule while Destrian and Mirabelle looked on and laughed at the children. Once the guests had finished their rounds of speaking with Lucas and Eryn, they took the children to the top of the castle and Jaidyn showed Susan the kingdom as if they were looking down on it from the top of a mountain. Lucas and Eryn watched happily as Jaidyn ran around excitedly explaining the various parts of the castle to Susan and showing her all the places he played, and he took her to the spot where he first saw Lucas fly. “Could you maybe take me to fly sometime Lucas?” Susan asked innocently. “I would be happy to little one, but we have to make sure it’s ok with your mother and father” Lucas replied. “Could we please go ask her Lucas?” Susan begged. “No need to go looking for her little one, I’ll ask her now” Lucas replied with a grin. Lucas reached out across the castle searching for her with his mind and found her not far from where they were. “Krystal, your daughter would like to know if she can fly with me. I told her we had to ask first before going. Would that be ok with you and Galen?” he asked. “That’s perfectly fine Lucas, we trust you” she replied as she laughed to herself. “What’s so funny my love?” Galen asked her. “Lucas was just asking me if he could take Susan for a flight around the kingdom” she replied. “He can do that without being here? What can’t he do?” Galen asked with a laugh. “It would appear that there isn’t much he can’t do. Your brother is quite talented” Krystal replied with a laugh.

  Back on the top of the castle Susan eagerly awaited news of her mother’s response. “It’s ok little one, she will allow you to fly with us” Lucas said as he kneeled down to talk to her. “Yay! I can’t wait to fly!” Susan exclaimed. “Before we go, we have to go over the rules little one” Lucas replied. “Yes sir!” she said excitedly. “You must listen to me at all times, and you have to hang on tight, can you do that little one?” Lucas asked as he smiled at her. “Yes I can do that Uncle Lucas!” she replied with glee. “Very well, climb onto my back and hang on tight!” Lucas replied. “Mommy, are we going to fly too?” Jaidyn asked. “Of course we are, you didn’t think we would let them have all the fun did you?” Eryn replied with a grin. “Yay! We get to fly with you!” Jaidyn screamed. “Well let’s go then before they get away!” Eryn screamed as she picked him up and into her arms. Lucas bolted up into the sky and Susan squealed with joy as the wind whipped through her hair. Eryn was right on their heels and Jaidyn screamed into the clouds as they chased Lucas and Susan through the clouds and up into the night sky. “So are you and daddy having another baby? Jaidyn asked. “Yes we are sweetheart, are you excited?” she asked. “Yes! I hope I get a little sister so I can protect her” he said proudly. “You’re such a brave little man” Eryn replied. “I want to be a hero like daddy when I get older, and I want to be able to be strong and fast and fly just like him!” Jaidyn replied excitedly. “Perhaps one day you will sweetheart, but daddy can’t make you like him unless he chooses to and you’re old enough” Eryn replied. “Do you think he would make me a vampire, like you and him?” Jaidyn asked softly. “I couldn’t answer that for him, you would have to ask him yourself sweetheart” Eryn replied before thinking about what else to say. “You can ask him Jaidyn, but he only turned Alice and Krystal because they were going to die. I don’t think that he ever intended to turn Alice until she asked him to do so when she was old enough. You have plenty of time to grow up and enjoy life before you worry about that my son” she said as she kissed his cheek. She could tell it wasn’t the answer he wanted, but he accepted it nonetheless. “Ok mommy, I can wait until I’m older. We can still fly together or daddy can take me right?” he asked softly. “Of course baby, you know daddy would take you flying” she replied with a smile.

  They flew through the sky and through the clouds until the children could barely hold their eyes open, and then they returned to the castle to get them ready for bed. They tucked the children into bed and then met with the King and Queen for a late-night gathering with Alice, Galen, and Krystal. “You’ve brought a great joy to the kingdom my son” Destrian said with a hearty laugh. “Why is that father?” Lucas asked. “You’re a hero my son, you saved the kingdom and defeated the dark wizard that had plagued our kingdom for ages. Now they get to celebrate the birth of your child, and they see it as a possible heir to the throne one day. I can’t rule forever my son, you and your brother were destined to one day take the throne. I may be immortal, but it is tradition for the son to succeed the father. I had hoped it would one day be you as the eldest, but you’ve created a life on Earth and a family so I can understand if you wish to stay there. Your brother has only lived there shortly, but he too has a life there now. I have no one left to take over the kingdom if you both choose to give up the throne until your child is old enough, but that’s a conversation for another time my son” Destrian replied. “It’s ok father, I understand completely. I wouldn’t even know where to begin here, let alone know how to be a king. I’ve never even thought about it, to be honest, and I don’t even know that I would make a good king” Lucas replied. “Nonsense my son, I’ve watched you from afar since we discovered you were still alive and I’ve seen how you treat those that answer to you. I’ve heard firsthand from Eryn and your brother how you are with those that have less than you do. You have the heart of a king and you put others before yourself, and you are more than capable enough to be king, but we are not going to worry about that right now. All that matters now is celebrating and enjoying our time together and the upcoming birth of your child” Destrian replied. “I’m ok with that father. We always have time to discuss the matter later” Lucas replied. “Right you are my son. For now, let’s enjoy some time together before you all have to return home” he replied.

  They stayed up all night talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Destrian and Mirabelle shared stories of Lucas and Galen as children as parents do, equally bragging on their children and sharing embarrassing stories of them with their wives. Lucas felt at peace, despite having lost so much while he was on Ebos the last time. Eryn could sense his conflicted emotions at being back on Ebos after what had happened with Leliana. Although she didn’t get to know her very well, she knew that she deserved to be remembered somehow, but she didn’t know how just yet. They returned home and went back to their normal routine until it was time to hav
e their first ultrasound to identify the sex of their child. Lucas and Eryn were both excited, and Alice tagged along with them. They waited with anticipation, ready to find out what their first child together would be. To their surprise and Jaidyn’s delight, they determined that they were having a girl. Lucas and Eryn both held each other as tears of joy streamed down their faces as the doctor told them they would be having a perfectly healthy baby girl. At once Eryn knew what to do, they would name the baby Leliana Grace, to honor Lucas’s late wife. “Lucas, how would you feel about naming the baby Leliana Grace?” she asked. “Really? Are you sure about that? We hadn’t really talked about that name before” he replied. “I thought it would be a great way to honor her and her sacrifice. After all, she did save your mother from an assassin” Eryn replied. “I think it’s a perfect name. She would have been happy and honored to hear you want to name the baby after her” Lucas replied. “I hoped you would like it. The name is unique, and I had never heard of the name Leliana until you both came to Ebos. I love that name and I think that it would be a great way to remember her” she replied. “It’s perfect my love, Leliana Grace it is” Lucas replied. “I love you so much Lucas, I am so happy I have you back in my life again, and this baby is one of the most amazing things that could have ever happened to me. She is our little miracle baby” Eryn said as she wrapped her arms around him. “She is most definitely a miracle, but I suspect she’s also going to be the first child born on Earth in ages with magic” Lucas replied. “How can you tell?” Eryn asked. “I can sense it growing within the child already” Lucas replied with a smile. “Is it really that strong?” Eryn asked with amazement. “Yes, I have a feeling that our daughter will become even more powerful than anyone could ever imagine, and not only that but she will be the first natural user of magic to be born on Earth in centuries” he replied.


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