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Carter (Mayfair Model Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Claire Castle

  I brought up the hookup app as was my routine, and after I’d swiped, I put the phone down while I finished eating. The bartender brought me a complimentary drink and was obviously flirting. Any other day and it would have been a quick room number and await his arrival.

  “Hey, hot stuff. I love your accent.”

  Knowing exactly where this was going and trying not to groan internally, I told him, “No thanks.”

  There was really no point for me to stay at the bar any longer. I wasn’t in the mood to drink or to thwart off any future advances from the bartender, so I decided to go back to my room and relax. Instead of plugging my phone in to charge, it fumbled in my hand—and while my fingers had a mind of their own, I tried not to analyze my actions—because as soon as I heard Jamie say, “Hello,” I knew I’d just crossed a line.

  Just hearing his voice sent a shiver through me and my gut clenched. “Ah, it’s me, Carter.” My stomach rolled in waves, waiting for any response, not knowing what reaction I’d get.

  “Oh, hi. Spooky, actually,” Jamie said.

  “You’re spooky or I’m spooky? ’Cause I do have this really dark fake tan going on right now, if you must know.”

  Jamieson laughed and it was the highlight of my day. I smiled, though he couldn’t see me.

  “No, it’s so strange that you rang when I was just wondering what you were doing right now, across the world.” His voice sounded a little wobbly, unless I was completely off-base.

  “Well, I had to lounge around a pool all day. Pose with a beautiful woman and then I ate way too much. Alone.” Not entirely sure why I added that last part, I waited for him to speak.

  “Wow, hard life. You never did tell me how you got into modelling.” I took the olive branch he was offering. Or that’s how I saw it at least.

  I sat back in the hotel chair, trying to get more comfortable. “Well it was a bit of luck. I left, ah, Xavier’s, and he told me never to come back after, you know. Anyway, then I moped around for a while, but I needed money. I was playing frisbee in the park with some guys and had my shirt off when this woman came over and handed out flyers. It was for a modelling agency. I was a bit leery, but what did I have to lose. So I went to the casting call. It wasn’t for Mayfair Models, where I am now. It was some tiny fashion house, but I guess, as they say, the right people saw me, and I kept getting booked and built a portfolio.”

  “Wow, that’s great. And you enjoy it, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. The travel can get a bit much, but I can do what I want on my days off. I get enough gigs but my popularity is nothing like Marshall’s, where he has to disguise himself—well, not yet anyway. Knock on wood. I’m good the way it is now. I actually meant to ask how you’re feeling.”

  “Ah, better. And yeah, thanks for helping me and everything. I don’t think I was very grateful before.”

  “No, true, you weren’t. But it’s no problem.” I smiled, though he couldn’t see me. “I was happy to.” Very quickly it all became awkward between us. How had that happened?

  “When are you back here? We should go for breakfast or something. Just for me to thank you for, ah, that night.”

  Suddenly there was light at the end of my trip. “Okay, sounds great. Tuesday, I think. You, ah, don’t leave again ’til Thursday?” I asked. Why did that suddenly sound like a lifetime away.

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Did you really think that before?” I blurted, though he probably had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Not sure what you mean?” Jamie asked, sounding unsure.

  “You said you don’t need me to protect you anymore. I just was curious … Is that how you saw me … before?”

  An eternity seemed to pass. “I guess. Kind of. But I’m a different person now … I’m my own man. I can stand on my own two feet.”

  We were treading into dangerous territory, I knew. That was still the Jamieson I remembered though. Making sure he got his point across. He was stubborn, I guess, but in a good way. “Of course. I know that. I see … you’ve obviously become great”—I was getting choked up. I could feel my throat constrict, and I needed to stop it—“even without me around.”

  Some sort of dam broke, one that must have invisibly been surrounding me. The phone dropped onto my chest. I let out a muffled cry. I knew I’d let many people down, but I hadn’t fully taken into account what it meant for me and Jamie. Sure, my parents had been mad and wouldn’t talk to me anymore, but I could live with that somehow. To think of how strong he was. All the friends he’d made and how he’d succeeded, made me wonder why he’d even need me in his life now. It was a lot to take in, and while I’d thought of him quite a bit over the years, it was as the boy I’d left. I probably did protect him back then. So much had changed.

  “Carter,” I heard over the phone. At first I thought it was part of a dream. But no, his voice repeated my name.

  I picked up the phone and sat up, trying to clear my head and make my voice sound normal. “I’m good.” I tried to sound strong. “And I’m glad you’re good. Yeah, so I better go here. Long day tomorrow.” I hit End on the phone.

  I brushed my teeth and stripped down so I was only in my boxer shorts then slipped under the cool covers. Stretching out, I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so emotional. And I was the one who had brought it up. I rolled over onto my stomach, unable to get comfortable. What would it have been like if I’d stayed. Stayed for him. Would we even still be together with the two-point-five kids and the white picket fence or would we argue all the time like an old married couple? I didn’t want that now, and I sure didn’t want it back then.

  Touching the chain on my chest, I fell asleep, dreaming of kissing Jamie again.

  My mind was playing tricks on me when I woke up. For a brief moment, I couldn’t remember where I was or even what day it was. Finally, after getting some coffee, I remembered breaking down on the call to Jamieson, then trying, terribly, to cover it up. I needed a distraction but my usual distraction would feel almost like I was cheating on Jamie, even though we weren’t in a relationship. I let out a sigh.

  I had a couple of hours before my flight would leave. Texting Marshall, I asked if it was a good time to call. I didn’t want to interrupt him and Stuart. If there was no answer, I’d just wait ’til I got back home. Only a torturous seven hours or so.

  He replied, so I called.

  “Oh, is this the morning-after-phone-sex call? Because I really don’t want to know.”

  I chuckled at that. “No, not so much. Ah, can I talk to you and Stuart when I’m back? Tomorrow?”

  He gasped. “Is everything okay? It should work. We were going to leave for York, but we can postpone it a couple of hours.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks. Please ask Stuart not to say anything to Jamieson?” My voice got all high and squeaky. God.

  “Done. Always here for you. As I’ve learned from Stuart. Is this an ice cream or ice cream-and-chocolate or ice cream-biscuits-and-chocolate dilemma? I need to get in the supplies.”

  “All of the above,” I said.

  I heard an audible gasp come across the line. I smiled as I packed and got ready for my flight.

  Trying to relax was not an easy feat, and when I walked into my flat, it seemed eerily quiet. Like something was missing. I’d never had that feeling before.

  I took a taxi to Marshall’s and gave them both a hug. “Sorry to delay your trip.” I paced back and forth and shoved my hands in my jeans. Marshall manhandled me, for lack of a better word, and pulled me down to sit on the couch. Jess jumped up to lick my face and I petted her head.

  “Even Jess is worried.”

  Stuart sat with his feet under his bum across from me. Taking my hands in his, he looked at me with an intense expression on his face. “Carter, look, you can tell us anything. Know we are here for you. Jamieson may be my friend, but you are too.

  “I made a fool of myself to him,” I blurted. “But okay …” I blabbered on in incoheren
t sentences. “He doesn’t need me. He’s amazing I’m just ruining his life being back in it.”

  Stuart put a finger across my lip. “Wait.” He disappeared, but I wasn’t sure where to, and then came back. He opened a container of biscuits and chocolate goodness wafted out, and wait … was that peanut butter?

  “Homemade?” I almost salivated embarrassingly. I sniffed one as a mother might smell roses and then munched on one. “So good.”

  He nodded and smiled, then rubbed Marshall’s leg.

  “I don’t know what’s happening or what to do. I mean, in New York I didn’t hook up with anyone.” Even in my head, I sounded needy.

  Marshall handed me some water and hugged Stuart. “I’ve got news for you, but I don’t know if you’re ready. Stuart get the ice cream ready too.”

  “What news?” I looked up at him and there was a twinkle in his eyes. The wink he gave me was absolutely full of cheekiness.

  Looking to Stuart, I wondered if they were trying to cheer me up and had some news of their own. I waited and absently took the spoon from him to eat the ice cream.

  “You’re officially twitterpated,” he said with a chuckle.

  “What?” I almost yelled. “I don’t even know what that means, but it doesn’t sound good.”

  Stuart joined in his laughter. “Yep, what Marshall said. Completely and utterly.”

  I looked to Jess and Lola to try and get some sympathy, but they were trying to lick the ice cream tub. “Traitors.” Clearing my throat, I said, “A-and … is there a cure?” Subconsciously, I rubbed my throat.

  By this time, Marshall was rolling over laughing. At me or with me, I wasn’t entirely sure.

  “Only if you want there to be. I don’t think there is.” He kissed Stuart and looked deeply into his eyes. The connection was so palpable, I had to look intently into the ice cream bucket.

  “Um, do you guys want me to leave? I can take the dogs out for a walk.”

  Absently I rubbed the castle on the chain. I’d kept it as a memory—a touchstone of a happy time. And one that I’d never have again. I shook my head.

  Stuart moved his hands to make a heart symbol. “Yep, it’s that, or he’s in love.”

  I jumped up, almost spilling the ice cream. “I am not in love with Jamieson.”

  “Ah, so it is him. I knew it. Look how he’s blushing.” They chatted back and forth as if I wasn’t even there.

  I waved my arms around. “I’m here, you know.”

  “Oh, we know. Now did you or did you not say yes right away when Jamieson asked you for breakfast?” Stuart blinked like an owl.

  I raised my arms, flabbergasted, and stormed through to the bathroom, leaving their chuckling in my wake.

  “You suck,” I yelled behind me.

  “Really well!” They both said in unison.

  Good lord.



  I checked myself in the mirror for about the twentieth time. When had I become this person, I did not know. It was cold and rainy out so I wore a white V-neck shirt, dark jeans, and my leather jacket. My favourite Timberland boots finished the ensemble. I checked that I smelled okay and rearranged my hair ten times. Was this a date? Yes, it was. I was trying my best not to think of it as an official date. It was just Carter and me grabbing breakfast after he’d been away for awhile. It made me think about the first date Carter and I had gone on.

  I’d held my hands over Carter’s eyes.

  “Where are we?” he had questioned.

  “You’ll see soon enough.” I’d had this idea for us to have our first real date. It was the weekend and we had taken the train to Marsden together. I hadn’t told him why. I started having self doubt that it was a lame idea, but it was too late now. Before we stopped in front of a small café, I covered his eyes. I stood on my tippy-toes and then whisked my hands away. “Ta-da.”

  Carter looked baffled but pulled me in close to his side. We were both enjoying the ability to show affection. It was the little things.

  “I thought we could have breakfast together. A real date.” I looked up into his eyes, trying to see his reaction.

  Pulling me round in front of him, he hugged me and gave me a quick kiss, then his belly growled, as if on cue. “I love it.” He proceeded to pull me inside.

  As we munched on toast and eggs, I put my hand on the table. Carter didn’t stop for a second before placing his on top of mine. I let out a sigh of happiness. “I thought we could go walk through the hills before we go home.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Great idea.”

  Carter was far more brave than I was. As we followed the trail outside of town, we enjoyed the rolling hills and the quiet contentment that came when time was spent with someone you knew so well. There was no need for conversation, just being together was enough. I’d thought that a lot lately as I contemplated him leaving.

  Deep in thought, I almost missed him pulling us off the trail. I followed behind as we entered rougher terrain. Behind a large stone, almost like the standing stones, Carter pulled me close to him and rubbed my cock. Young and horny, I panted and it didn’t take long before I’d become rock hard.

  He knew exactly what to do, and before I knew it, he’d enveloped my cock in his warm mouth. I’d have scrapes on my arse, but I didn’t care. I moved against him and looked down to watch him bobbing on the end of my dick. Hottest thing ever.

  “Carter, I, ahhh …” Then I came down his throat and he didn’t miss a drop.

  It was such a turn-on to look down and see him licking his lips. “Now your turn.”

  He’d already pushed his pants down, granting me access. I sucked him off like there was no tomorrow.

  I remember getting home and my mom asking me if I’d had a hard day.

  “Very,” I replied with a huge smirk.

  I smiled at the memory. We were so carefree back then. Was that what made young love so easy? I wondered. It had all changed now. Sitting in the café I tapped my fingers on the table, wondering if he’d even show up.

  Each time the door opened, I looked up. Then there he was. Carter looked stunning: his hair was perfectly coiffed and he wore an emerald green sweater paired with black trousers. My face lit up like a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t help it even though I had no idea what he was thinking. The month he’d been away had seemed like a lifetime. I hadn’t even realized it until now.

  When Carter walked over to me, the smile on his face mirrored mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach but tried not to get ahead of myself.

  He leaned over to hug me as I stood up. “Good to see you,” he said into my ear. Then he sat down, looking relaxed.

  “How was work?” I asked. “You were away a while, but I guess you’re used to that by now.” I couldn’t help it, my body felt alive in a way I couldn’t explain just by being near him again. It was like I was whole again.

  “It was good.” He cleared his throat as if unsure of something. I couldn’t read him like before, but I knew that look. “But it’s wonderful to be home, you know?” He had a glint in his eye that I hadn’t seen in a long, long time.

  My stomach felt like a rollercoaster though I hadn’t even eaten yet. The waitress came over with the menus. We thanked her and ordered coffee.

  “So, still got an appetite like a horse?” I teased him as we perused the menu. I settled back, bemused by how perfect this all seemed.

  “You know it. With all the exercise I do, if I don’t eat, I’d wither away to nothing.” He grinned.

  I admired his physique, not for the first time in recent weeks, and responded, “I highly doubt that will happen.”

  He blushed and I couldn’t help but tease him again. “What’s with the blushing?”

  Carter shook his head and took a large gulp of coffee. “Ah, nothing. It’s just …”

  “Juuuust …” I coaxed him.

  “You were looking at me like you want to undress me.” He licked his lips, and fuck, if it didn’t make me hard behind my

  “Not like you to get all coy over that.” I bit my lip to drive home the point, making him squirm. Cruel, maybe, but I couldn’t resist.

  Before I knew what was happening, I realized he was doing his own bit of teasing. I could feel his foot rubbing ever so slightly between my legs. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of squirming—or moaning for that matter.

  I sipped my coffee ever so slowly as he continued his ministrations. Straightening up in my seat, I managed to move away just enough to feel my jeans loosen up a bit.

  When the waitress came over to take our order, Carter smirked and was quicker than I to place an order: four eggs over-easy, sausage, toast, and beans. My order of eggs and toast paled in comparison.

  I tried to get back to normal and remember we were having breakfast in a bustling café. We weren’t alone in the backwoods on a hilly trail.

  “Two can play at your little game,” Carter said, tapping the side of his nose.

  When our food was brought over, we both started eating in companionable silence. The café felt cozy while drizzly rain pattered on the windows outside.

  I watched him as he ate, trying not to be too obvious: his square jaw, long neck, and beautiful lips. I could see why the modelling agency had taken him on. He had grown into a beautiful man.

  “That was fantastic,” I heard him say while he patted his belly. My plate was only half eaten. I had some catching up to do after my little daydream. He was staring outside at the overcast day.

  Then he looked over at me and his expression could only be described as naughty and devilish. I bit my lip and couldn’t deny I was curious as to what he had in mind. “Do you want to—” he started.

  We were interrupted when the bill came. I had to stop myself from sighing. No one had worse timing than waitresses, I swear.

  “We could go to the seaside. You and me on the beach … partially sheltered. I know it’s naughty, but there’s nothing like the adrenaline of possibly getting caught.”


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