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Carter (Mayfair Model Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Claire Castle

  I sat a moment in silence. The easy thing to do would be to nod and agree and keep eating my fish and chips before it all got cold. The thought of telling him the kiss caught me off guard sounded ridiculous too. And I was going away tomorrow anyway. What was the point of bringing up stuff I couldn’t change?

  Looking over at Jamie, I debated for a moment and then stood up. I bent down and whispered in his ear. “I’ve only got a few more hours. Come home. I mean, come to my place. We’ve got until 4:00 a.m. to enjoy each other’s bodies.”

  Hardly giving Jamie time to reply, I pulled him in back of me. His arms wrapped around my waist from close behind. Then we ran down the block and I flagged a cab. After we arrived at my place, we took the stairs two at a time, hardly breaking contact.

  When we were just inside the door, Jamie pushed me against the wall. Panting, I started to unbuckle my jeans.

  “No, let me,” he said and pulled down my jeans and boxer shorts. My cock sprang out and I saw him undo his own jeans as he bent down. I watched as he stroked me once, but then I had to close my eyes when he engulfed my cock and moved on and off it.

  “Oh god.” My head leaned back on the wall. Looking down, I found him touching his own cock and then he grabbed mine and stroked it in unison. “Fuck me.”

  “That’s later,” he replied cheekily. Then he went back to sucking me as my moans echoed in the flat.

  “Ah, ah, I’m going to …” Jamie’s mouth felt sensational as he continued to take me down his throat. Opening my eyes for one moment, I saw his cheeks hollow out around my cock. A shiver crept up my spine and before I knew it, I was coming in his mouth. “Whoa.”

  Trying to calm my breathing, I heard Jamie obviously doing the same. When I glanced down, I noticed his come splattered on the hardwood. I bent down and gave him a hard, open-mouthed kiss. “That is so fucking hot.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s cold.”

  I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. “You are such a dork.” I walked to the bathroom and got a cloth and came back to wipe the floor.

  “Oh, how romantic,” he said, slapping my ass.

  I froze. I was glad he couldn’t see my face. Romance. Romantic. That was furthest thing that would ever be used to describe me. Or something that I wanted. Did he want that?

  Jamie attempted to pull me up by the waist, but I had a few pounds on him. I got up myself instead. He turned me to him.

  “Don’t panic. We have a few hours to ‘enjoy each other’s bodies’ as you said. I want that.” Jamie pulled me in close, our cocks touching, and kissed me. His hands rubbed across my abs, obviously trying to distract me. I took him at his word.

  He took my cock and wrapped his hand around both of ours.

  “I’m gonna need a little more recovery time.”

  “Oh, that’s right, you’re older than me,” he said. “By ninety-two whole days. That is a lot.”

  “You little shit.” As he ran away from me, completely naked, I followed close behind. Finally I caught up and dragged him with me to the couch. “You’re in trouble now.” I sat down and bent him over me, then leaned into the coffee table drawer to grab supplies.

  Jamieson’s body was draped across me, his ass on my lap, and I massaged his beautiful globes. Nudging his ass in the air, I spanked him gently. “Wait, O Impatient One.” Then I opened the lube and coated two of my fingers. I slid them down his crease until I found his hole.

  Pushing in one finger, I massaged his shoulder at the same time. I could feel him clench around my finger. When I added another, his breathing become erratic.

  “Hey … nooo!” he gasped out when I removed them.

  I kissed his neck and felt his whole body react. “Liking that?” I asked.

  All I got was a grunt in response, which I took as a good thing. I drew a line up his back and down again and watched as his muscles moved, enjoying the anticipation that I effected his body this way.


  “Two then.”

  “No. More.” He moved his legs slightly apart on the floor.

  I resisted blurting out, “Really?” If he wanted more, I’d give it to him. It would be so damn hot. And to know he trusted me was beyond incredible.

  Feeling my own cock getting hard again, I added more lube and inserted three fingers in his hole, one at a time, assessing and watching his comfort level. He’d move his ass just a little when he enjoyed a certain twist or movement.

  Swirling my fingers, I moved them in and out and could feel him humping the outer part of my thigh. After about a dozen twists and turns, I moved my hand up slightly and in.

  His whole body convulsed and moved almost like a wave as I hit that bundle of nerves and he squeezed around me.

  He gasped when I removed my fingers and touched his cock.

  I smacked his hand away and flipped him over on me, reinserting two fingers. With one stroke, he moaned and sprayed all over me and himself, crying out as if experiencing part pain, part pleasure. I squeezed one of his nipples and slowly removed my fingers.

  With closed eyes, he chanted, “Oh, my god. Oh, my god.”

  I placed my hand under Jamie’s back and lifted him up, bringing him to my bed. His body was lax, and as I put him down, he reached up to kiss me.

  Walking through to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and splashed some water on my face. I didn’t think I’d sleep for a while. To explore his body and be able to assess his reactions was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

  I checked to make sure the front door was locked and walked back into the bedroom. Gently, I wiped the come off him and then myself. He didn’t move, and when I quietly said his name, there was no response.

  I went through to the kitchen and opened my computer to check work emails and see when my flight would leave tomorrow. Luckily, I’d already packed the night before.

  When I walked back to the bedroom, Jamieson was curled up in a ball and he looked perfect in my bed. I walked over to try and wake him. Gently, I kissed his ear. “Want to go brush your teeth? I have a spare toothbrush.”

  He followed me through with glazed-over eyes and tousled hair. I passed it to him and waited outside while he got ready and then took care of my own after he was done. He stretched and thanked me. “I’m tired, is that okay?”

  “Of course. Let’s go back to bed. I have to take off early but you can leave whenever.”

  “Okay, cuddle me ’til then.”

  I got in the bed behind him, pulling him in close to me after I set the alarm on my phone. I could tell sleep came quickly for Jamie. While I held him, I thought back on the day. It had been perfect. I’d hold it in my memory for a long time I was sure. Caressing Jamie’s arm, I eventually fell asleep.

  “Why? Why?” Jamie cried out dramatically.

  Clambering over him, I gave him a quick kiss. “I know, the joys of having to fly halfway across the world again.”

  Jamie sang a few out-of-tune lines of “Leaving on a Jet Plane” and rolled over to promptly fall back asleep. Smiling, I went out to the kitchen then scribbled a quick note for him.

  My flight was uneventful. When I arrived, a driver was there to meet me with a placard displaying my last name. Brenna had wanted to come but had to be present at some big board meeting at the Mayfair offices. I assured her I’d be fine.

  Five hours later, I was immersed in the hustle and bustle of Toronto. The time difference had me all out of whack. Thank god for schedules. The cab driver dropped me off, and as I entered the hotel lobby, I could tell it was very upscale. I got checked in and the first thing I did was take a shower.

  When I came out, I had a missed call from Brenna, so I called her back. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “You won’t believe this. At the meeting they announced … Wait, are you wanting to sleep?”

  She was always a bit of a damn tease. “How can I sleep now, Bren?”

  “Okay. Right! Well, for the Industry Style Awards, you are nominated for Fashion Icon of the Year.�

  I dropped my phone and had to pick it up again. Then I moved around the foreign hotel room, searching for the couch so I could sit down. “You’re joking. I-I’m shellshocked.”

  “I know, right? I had to tell you right away though. Next month is the awards ceremony at the Victoria & Albert Museum. Have you been? The ceilings … the galleries, it’s all just stunning.”

  “Uh, no. I’m more interested to find out when exactly it is? Will you be there? Marshall?”

  “Right. Right. It’s June twenty-fifth. I’ll keep your schedule clear. Yes, Marshall is also invited. You’ll be there, right?”

  “Without a doubt. Oh, my god, this is so stressful. What will I wear?”

  Laughter greeted me across the line. “Carter, are you actually asking me that? First of all, you would look amazing in anything. Second, Antoni could suit you up in whatever you please. Even if you do pick something outlandish.”

  “Thanks, Brenna. Wow.” Looking at the time, I realized I had to be at the photoshoot in an hour. “Okay, I better go. Thanks, though.”

  “Bye. Good work.”

  I got ready and went downstairs to the café in the hotel and picked up a coffee and a muffin. Then I walked the block to the art gallery where the photoshoot would take place. I’d looked up the information last night and been happy to see that I could actually get there on foot.

  I strolled along with a skip in my step. Checking the time, I realized I wouldn’t be able to call Marshall and tell him the good news. Then I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, almost causing a pedestrian version of a traffic jam as some people behind me had to swerve to avoid me.

  I wanted to tell Jamieson the news, too, and the realization of that made my palms sweat. Sharing things with him, the highs and lows, all sounded so relationshippy. I continued walking and erased that thought from my mind. No, it had to be because we’d spent the day together yesterday.

  Opening the door to the art gallery, I plastered a smile on my face and greeted the photographer and the other model I’d be working with. I couldn’t help but think about the time that I was so excited to tell Jamie about one of my best track meets.

  One of my track and field teammates had given me a high-five. We had been travelling back to the hotel from the meet in Glasgow. Our team for the 4 x 400m had gotten a first-place finish and the only thing I wanted to do was get back to the hotel and phone Jamie to tell him.

  I needed to hear his voice, then everything would be right with the world. When I’d crossed the finish line one step ahead of the runners from the three other schools’ teams, I could hear his encouragement and excited cheers assuring me that I could do it. I even looked to the sidelines for him, though I knew he wasn’t there.

  I returned the high-five. “Yeah, what a day. The whole team did such a good job.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t play it down. You did the final push to get us the win against the Claymore School.” My teammate paused for a second then added, “You know what you need? Your buddy Jamieson to be here. Where is he anyway? When he’s around, you never play it down. You’re more positive, man. He’s good for you.”

  I merely nodded and then I folded my hands in my lap, not sure what to say. I never realized that Jamie had that effect on me or, even more so, that anyone else noticed. Of course I loved having him around, but the fact that anyone could tell I acted differently because of his presence was news to me.

  The bus arrived at the hotel and we all clambered up to our rooms. There were four of us to a room, so I needed to figure out how I could get the room to myself to phone Jamie. I threw my duffle bag on the bed and was greeted by more pats on the back and words of congratulations. Through all the celebration, I only wanted to hear from Jamie.

  Eventually the guys left to go to the coaches’ room for a party of some sort. I promised I’d be right there, that I just needed to make a call. Thank goodness they all took me at my word and exited the room.

  The rings seemed deafening as I waited. Finally, he answered, “Carter, hey.”

  Just hearing his voice brought a reassurance I hadn’t even realized I needed. An imaginary weight was lifted off my shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, of course, since you’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “We, ah, got the first place trophy for the 4 x 400m. All the guys are celebrating somewhere.”

  “That’s fantastic. Way to go. I knew you could do it. That’s an amazing win, Carter.”

  “Thanks. It felt really good. I pushed as hard as I could.”

  “Like you always do. I’m so happy for you.”

  Hearing his voice was like having a warm blanket swaddled around me. It felt like magic.

  “I, well, I just wanted to hear your voice. But I better go. Good night, Jamie.”



  “Can’t wait ’til you’re home again. Good night.”

  Heading to the party for a short time, I was able to enjoy it now that I’d talked to Jamie. After that, sleep came easily.



  It was strange to wake up in Carter’s loft without him there. After I woke up, I got ready to go see Stuart to learn about what the dogs would need when he and Marshall were away.

  In the kitchen, I fumbled around and found what I needed to make coffee. There was also a note left on the counter.


  Thanks for a wonderful day.

  Talk soon.


  I chuckled. Not signed with his undying love and Xs and Os then. My phone beeped with a text from Stuart. Shit. Quickly, I got dressed and headed to Marshall’s loft.

  Stuart walked around Marshall’s place with me following like a lost puppy dog. “This is where the food is for the dogs.” He opened a door to what looked like a linen closet. “And here’s each of their beds. This is the emergency …”

  I was frowning, wondering why I hadn’t heard from Carter. We had the most perfect day together, and now, nothing. No communication. But I think I was more angry at myself that I was worrying about it. He was his own man, as I was mine. I wanted Carter—for everything, and also to be there for him. That meant nothing though, if he didn’t want it. I wouldn’t force him into anything. Or beg.

  Stuart slapped me. “Are you even listening? This is important stuff.” He shook me and my lip quivered. I had to hold back a sob. “Marshall … he wants someone trustworthy.” Then he turned and must have seen something in my eyes because he pulled me in for a hug.

  Next thing I knew, I was sitting on the couch with a dog at either side of me and he was plying me with hot tea and biscuits. I took a sip, then said, “Sorry, this isn’t me. I’m being ridiculous. And promise Marshall he has nothing to worry about. I’ll look after Jess and Lola as if they’re my own. I really was taking it all in, I swear.”

  He gave me a hug and patted me half-heartedly. “Okay.”

  “Stuart, I’m serious. I know how much those dogs mean to you guys.”

  “Okay, Marshall will leave a list, too, no doubt.”

  “Where is he?” I looked around, finally realizing he wasn’t here.

  “Some ‘secret excursion’ he said.” The grin on Stuart’s face was contagious. “I, ah, think something for our trip, maybe.”

  “Could you get any happier?” I quipped sarcastically.

  “No, not really.” He still couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I’m really, really happy for you.” It was true. Disregarding my own problems, I was thrilled for Marshall and Stuart.

  “What’s upset you?” Stuart manhandled me and I ended up with my head on his lap like a patient would do in all those therapist cartoons.

  For a few moments, I just enjoyed his pushing my hair off my forehead. He was such a good friend. I might even say he’d become my best friend. I twiddled my thumbs and played with the cord of my hoodie for awhile.

  “Carter and I had the most magical day together yesterday. It was sexy and fun, a
nd I can’t even really explain it. It’s just … everything was better because I was experiencing it with him.”

  I knew Stuart was a good listener, and while he nodded, he didn’t interrupt me. I continued, “And I know I’m being stupid, but I thought maybe I’d hear from him today. That he’d call. On the other hand, I feel ridiculous for even thinking that. He doesn’t owe me anything.”

  I moved to sit up, my arms flying around in over-the-top gestures. Crossing my legs, I bent my head over. “I don’t know what I’m going to do or what we’re even doing. It’s like we’re in some self-imposed limbo. I want more, but I’m too scared to know what he’d say if I asked him if he’d want that too. I’d be devastated if he said no. He wanted me for the whole day yesterday, and I didn’t want to rock the boat, so I went with it.” I bit my lip. “Then, there’s the fact I go away tomorrow too.”

  “That’s a lot of information for little me,” he said, smiling. “I’m just kidding, of course. But this is a bit like déjà vu, don’t you think?”

  I pet Lola’s head and was rewarded by a little noise, almost like a purring sound. “I don’t think I quite get it?”

  “I remember you telling me it was hard for Marshall to get used to us—to make changes. When he came over to kiss me the night that Damien came by, in my mind he’d just come because he was about to leave me, but you were the one who explained to me that it was a big thing. I know this isn’t exactly the same, but to Carter, it’s probably a major change. He took you away for the day. That had to be huge to him.”

  I sighed. “When did you become the one who’s always right?”

  “My wisdom knows no bounds.” Stuart got up and flitted away somewhere.

  “Okay, Merlin,” I called out.

  “The wizard? No, I prefer to think of myself as Abby. You know, ‘Dear Abby’ but of the gay variety.” When he came back, he had a Scrabble box. “Now we’re going to play this and enjoy ourselves. I can’t tell you what to do, but the last thing I will say.”


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