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Carter (Mayfair Model Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Claire Castle

  He got a cheeky glint in his eye. “Oh, I won’t. I’ll take it as a job well done by me.” And with that, my whole cock was engulfed in his mouth. I thrust up into his throat and spread my legs wider.

  The sensation of hitting the back of his throat was incredible. I couldn’t remember anyone ever taking me completely. “Oh god … fuck,” my words came out in a jumbled mess.

  Jamie did something where he swirled his tongue over the tip, which set me off, and I called out to warn him. Just then I exploded in his mouth, and I don’t think a single drop escaped.

  Trying to even out my breathing, I praised him. “Holy hell, Jamie, where the hell did you learn to do that? That thing at the end with your tongue. Damn.”

  He only stared at me with wide, innocent-looking eyes. His whole face was glowing and I could tell he was proud of himself. “Now who’s ego is fully bloated?” I asked. Before he could answer, my stomach growled.

  He poked at my belly. “And you sound hungry. I’ll make us some food, then we can pick a movie.”

  “Can it be …” I said at the same time—

  —he said, “Not Cool Runnings.” Jamie laughed then tapped my nose and said he’d already downloaded it for us when he was on his phone earlier.

  “You remembered?” I said, shocked.

  “Of course! You only made me watch it twenty million times before.” But as I glanced at him, I could see that maybe he was pleased that I appreciated the thought. “And after that, I pick.”

  Smiling at him, I couldn’t remember the last time I had so much fun. Certainly not on the runway or in a photoshoot, that was for sure.

  I got up to help him and it was all very domesticated. I really enjoyed being with Jamieson. This was where I wanted to be, and I now realized how long we’d waited.

  After opening the mayonnaise for our sandwiches, I stuck my finger in and then tapped his nose.

  He ran away from me around the kitchen island. “I’ll get you back for that.” Saying that while pointing a knife at me was actually kind of scary.

  Eventually, we sat down to eat our sandwiches. We couldn’t seem to stop touching each other, no matter how small.

  I smiled at Jamie and laughed when he had some mayo just above his lip. “Let me get that for you.” Putting my finger up, I tricked him and then licked it off. The look he gave me was absolutely devilish. “You keep doing that and I’m saying to hell with Cool Runnings.”

  Gasping, he put his hand to his heart. “I’m game. Like I don’t know all the lines.” Then he chuckled.

  “Hey, back in the day you acted like you liked it.” I pouted.

  “Well, I was young and horny. I agreed to a lot.”

  The sarcastic tone to his words made me laugh. “Ah, the truth comes out.”

  He bit his lip again and leaned over to kiss me. “You know I’m just kidding you. That’s the best thing. I can make fun of you and it’s all good-natured.”

  As we watched the movie, he leaned his head on my shoulder. I could hear traffic outside, but otherwise it was as if we were in our own world. “When did you get this?” I asked, touching his ear which had a second piercing with a small diamond stud in it. “I like it.”

  He put his hand up to twist it, as if just remembering it was there. “A bet actually.”

  “Wait,” I moved to get into a better position, facing him. “Did you win or lose?”

  Laughing, he took my hand. The warmth was settling and gave me butterflies in my stomach. “I lost. But I like the earring. It was a silly bet, don’t worry about it.”

  “What was it?” I asked, curious.

  Jamie’s face turned a hot pink and he squirmed as if he was uncomfortable. “Um.”

  I rubbed his cheek and pulled my hand back like I’d been scalded. “Ouch.” Then I patted him on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, if you don’t wanna tell me, it’s no big deal. Seeing you blush though, it’s adorable.”

  He must have taken offence to that because he crossed his arms over his chest and then looked directly at me. “If you must know, it was a party for the flight attendants at someone’s beach house. This guy, Alexander, dared me to jump into the swimming pool naked. Skinny dip, you know. And I was all set to do it. Believe me. But then someone else came out of the house and I lost my nerve.”

  “Ha-ha. I woulda paid money to see you do that!” My grin went ear to ear. I was happy to hear stories from his past, even if it was without me.

  “Yeah, I ended up putting outdoor seat cushions at my ass and my cock and running back inside. He probably wouldn’t have made me get it, but I went the next day.”

  “Go into the bedroom,” I said. “Lie on your front.” As Jamie walked away, I watched him. Then I went to my bag and got out some supplies. I took a deep breath. Everything would change now. The way my stomach clenched, I knew it was for the better.

  One hand wavered as I clutched the door of my room. As I pushed the door open, nothing felt more right in my life. I took in the beautiful man before me and stepped closer.

  “Carter,” Jamie’s voice held such vulnerability, not as if he was scared, but that he was worried I wouldn’t come in. I hated to hear that in his voice.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m here.” I straddled his back and massaged his shoulders. Feeling the tension release gave me a huge sense of contentment. I rolled him over and gave him a gentle kiss.

  “You are so handsome,” he told me. “I know all the people at Fashion Week say

  that, but I really, really mean it.” He made his mouth form into a straight line and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  Playfully, I slapped his abs. “You ruined the moment.”

  “What moment?” he asked and then kissed me. I’d always loved the playful side of Jamieson. “Seriously.” His gaze held such intensity.

  I looked away from him, suddenly nervous but then snapped out of it. “I want to make love to you, to feel you and take my time.”

  His eyes looked to be welling up as he nodded. One lone tear escaped and I wiped it away. “It’s what I want too.” As Jamie brushed his thumb over my eyebrow, his voice wavered a little. “Carter, I need you more than anything in my life.” He rubbed his hands slowly over my chest.

  I moved to stretch out over him and my feet hit the bottom of the bed so I bent my legs a little. The juxtaposition of Jamie being smaller than I was had always been a reassurance to me. I guess I did always feel like I could protect him, but now I also realized that he was more powerful and stronger in so many ways.

  “We’re getting a king-sized bed one of these days,” I told him. “But for now, it’ll work.” I grabbed the lube and poured it over my fingers, and when I moved down, I brushed along his side.

  Jamie spread his legs and lifted his hips for me. “Do you trust me?” I asked, looking him in the eye.

  “Always, Car, always,” he said as I pushed two lubed fingers in. As I scissored them, he let out a sigh.

  Casting my mind back, I tried to remember what he loved, what made him tick. Then I did less thinking and just let go. Caressing and touching, I got him ready for me.

  His hands moved down my body as if it was his own and I melted into his touch. As I reached for the condom, my hand shook. “Here, let me.” Jamie sat up and ripped it open, then rolled it onto my throbbing cock. I added more lube.

  “Thank you, I just want it to be perfect.”

  He stopped me, placing his finger over my lips. “It is perfect, because it’s you.”

  That seemed to be all I needed. I pushed my body up over his, putting all my weight on my arms. I took hold of my cock and moved to place it at his hole. As I entered him, I watched his eyes and his delectable lips.

  My body reacted to Jamie at every level. I took a deep breath as he lifted his legs up. Working my way into his body was almost like coming home. I froze for a moment at that thought and then continued.

  He looked up at me with such pure lust and love in his eyes that I almost had to look away. But I didn’
t. Instead, I met his gaze as I drove further in. “You feel so good.” I leaned down, towering over him, and held myself above him. Rotating my hips, I endeavoured to get deeper.

  He moved up to kiss me, slowly, passionately. I moaned into his mouth as I rotated my hips.

  He squeezed around me and I let out a sound I’d never heard from myself: part helpless keening and part mystification as if I was discovering a whole new world. And maybe I was.

  “Carter,” I heard his croaky voice as he held my hips. “Move with me.”

  With his hands, he put a little pressure on me and I did as he said. After a few thrusts, we were moving as if synchronized. I let out a little breath of contentment and leaned down to kiss his neck.

  He moaned and moved his legs higher to each side of me. Panting, I wanted to make it last so I pulled fully out of him. “No!” I heard him let out. “Ahhhh.”

  The difference in our heights was not lost on me. I could probably cover him head to toe and more. I moved on the bed, making it squeak. “Is this bed trying to tell me I’m too big,” I said.

  He chuckled and pulled me forward. “Hell no, you’re not. Now get inside me again.”

  I moved him onto his side and he was spreading his cheeks for me even before I got into place. I spanked one ass cheek. “Oh, I like this.”

  “You’re paying for this next time,” he grunted out, stroking his cock.

  “Don’t you dare come yet.”

  Jamie held his length near the base and I bit his shoulder at the same time I drove in. From my vantage point, I could look over and see his cock. It was shining at the end. I moved my hand to twist his nipple and he pushed back into me while he grabbed my ass, bringing me closer than I could ever imagine. Pumping in and out, I could feel sweat building up and it was reminding me how close I was. “Ohmygod,” I let out, and thrust one more time, pouring into him. I grabbed his cock and pulled the skin back and then with one pump, he was coming all over the sheets.

  My breathing was erratic as I came down from the biggest high I’d ever had in my life. I wanted to feel him forever. Stay in him forever. I pulled him so he was on top of me. My chest to his back.

  Stroking his chest, he fit there perfectly. As I kissed his shoulders, his legs were splayed apart at either side of me. He tasted like a bit of sweat and something inherently Jamie. Suddenly a breeze floated over the top of us. “Are you warm enough?” I asked him.

  With the length of time it took him to reply, I was worried he’d fallen asleep. I dragged my finger up and down his skin. Goosebumps popped up. “A little. But I don’t want to move. I know that sounds crazy.”

  I kissed his neck. “No, I think I get it.” I pulled the cover up to our waists. We dozed off like that and woke some time later. I sat up and peppered kisses across his face. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but was it … was I, uh, good?”

  Jamie turned to me, hugging my larger frame. It was a bit awkward but I tried to let him wrap himself around me. He leaned on his elbows and looked at me. “Absolutely terrible. Need to practice a lot more I think …” Before he finished, he licked my nipple, causing it to get hard. When he blew on it, my whole body rose up off the bed.

  “Now,” he said, showing his bossy side, “don’t ever ask those questions again.” He put his finger over my lips. I couldn’t help but dart my tongue out to lick it. He smiled at me. “If you don’t know by the sounds I made then …” his voice trailed off.

  “No, I know it’s ridiculous. I don’t want—I mean, I’ll screw up and I have no idea what I’m doing, what we’re doing, and we travel so much and …”

  “Stop,” he murmured to me. “We can do that later.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Fine, let’s continue with no talking.”

  Jamie straddled me and kissed me until I was gasping for air. If that was the reward, I’d take it.



  I lay awake having no idea what time it was. Carter had moved to have his head and chest partly on me. It was perfect. Things had certainly taken a turn, one that I never saw coming. Now, to have Carter here in my arms, it was everything.

  I didn’t know what we were doing, both of us didn’t—but it felt right. I silenced his talking because it was so perfect in the moment. There was time for working all that out later. For now, I just wanted to exist in the moment with him, and never let him go.

  I stretched, which made him move and change position. He got comfortable again and I marvelled at his ability to sleep so quickly. I’d always been the opposite. It took forever to fall asleep and even in strange places, like different hotels, I never could take it in stride as the other air stewards and pilots seemed to do. One day, Wendy, a lovely girl who I worked with on the last few flights, and myself got to chatting, and she told me that she could sleep ’til noon in any different city. I just couldn’t fathom it.

  I eventually got up and padded through to the kitchen. I needed coffee. Somehow I’d managed to slide out from under Carter’s large body and he’d kept sleeping. Wonders would never cease. He must set at least ten alarms to get up.

  After the coffee had finished brewing, I took a cup and sat down then flipped through one of the gossip magazines on the coffee table. I never knew Carter was into them. I loved reading them though Stuart gave me a hard time. It was my way of relaxing in some way. An ad for some denim jeans caught my attention. I stared and then brought the magazine right up in front of my face. No, it couldn’t be … but how …

  Then Carter made an appearance, looking delectable in only a pair of plaid pyjama pants hung low on his hips. They were always too long for me, but on him, crikey, they were formidable.

  “Do I need to get you in for an eye test?” he asked, pulling the magazine down. “You’ve got it awfully close there, mister.” The magazine fluttered down, luckily flipping over from the page that had Carter looking stunning, though he was hardly recognizable in the 1950s ad. I usually would have skipped right past it.

  Jumping up, I apologized. “Let me get you coffee. Ah, how do you …”

  “Don’t be daft. I’ll get it. After all, you already made yourself at home.” He proceeded to push me back to the seat, glancing at the magazine.

  “So, you were intently looking at this feminine hygiene product ad? Should I be worried?”

  I guffawed in fake laughter. “Oh, you’re very funny. No, I, ah … okay, well.” I grabbed his leg and rubbed it, just gently. “Don’t let it go to your head—but I was checking if this was you.” Shoving the magazine in his direction, I watched him closely.

  “Oh wow, is this the new ad? It’s really cool, isn’t it? I hadn’t seen it yet. Brenna sends them sometimes, but I don’t pay much attention.” Turning to me, he gave me a quick kiss, and as we parted, I noticed a smirk.

  “What then? Out with it.”

  “Well, I didn’t get all egotistical over it as I’m sure you were worried about. Nor did I tease you. I’m quite proud of myself actually.” He proceeded to do a bow and then sip his coffee before sitting down across from me.

  “Ha-ha, did you read my mind or something? It does look really good though. It could be a wall hanging.”

  “Okay, now my brain is exploding, Jamie. All these positive comments.” He laughed and got up. “What time is it anyway?”

  “I have no idea, but we have the whole day until either of us has to leave. So, wanna stay here all day or go out?”

  “Follow me,” I said, walking back towards the bedroom.



  I was getting ready for Marshall’s photoshoot that was coming up. So I hit it hard at the gym and made sure I was clean shaven like he wanted. Antoni fitted me with some amazing jeans to go with the rainbow logo shirt. It was white and fitted.

  My phone rang as I ran down the sidewalk, and I moved to the side of the path, sweating and too hot with the sun beating down. “Hey,” I said out of breath.

  “It’s me. I’ve arrived safely,” Jamie’s
voice came over the line from Tokyo. It was hard when he was away, but after he was back with me, it would be even better.

  It had been a couple of weeks since the “big day” as I called it. I probably needed a new name or people would think I was talking about my wedding day. The day ending at the warehouse and everything that happened in the twenty-four hours leading up to it. I touched my pendant though I knew it was there. It was my connection to him while he wasn’t here.

  “Cut out the sappy crap,” I heard him say.

  How does he always know what I’m thinking? I marvelled. “Can’t wait until you’re back.”

  “Why’re you breathing so heavy?” He laughed.

  “Getting my body ready?”

  “For me? I’m honoured but you know I love you however you are.”

  “No, Jamie, it’s for all my fans. You know they want me.” He knew I was kidding. “How is everything?”

  “Pretty good. I’m at the hotel now, have a few hours until the return flight. I got you something too.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait. I can meet you at the airport. Actually, since we’re both here at the same time. Do you … no, it’s okay.”

  “Carter, I totally want to unless it involves picking up dog poop. I had enough of that looking after Lola and Jess, adorable as they are.”

  I sat down, still talking through my Bluetooth headphones and started laughing. He’d told me before how he dog sat and managed to get the lead twisted around his legs and then step in one of their poops before eventually scraping it off his shoe and picking up the remnants.

  “Don’t even think about remembering my shoe horror. Those were my favourite Doc Martens I’d gotten in America, you know.”

  “I’ll get ya more.” I had an unexpected moment of nervousness before continuing, “I was going to ask, do you want to come see me work? You could come and watch the photoshoot. Marshall’s playing the role of photographer. It could be fun, but if you don’t want to, I get it. Probably boring.”


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