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Carter (Mayfair Model Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Claire Castle

  “Are you kidding me? I’ll be there. Nothing would keep me away. I’ll let you finish your run. I miss you.”

  “Me too.” I hit End and continued a slow jog home. Then I did one hundred sit ups and got in the shower. Then I tried to figure out what I’d do with my day with Jamie still away. While life was good, more than good, it would be better after we were back together.

  I phoned Marshall up. “Do you guys want to come round?”

  Before I knew it, Stuart and Marshall arrived with the dogs. I chuckled. “They pooped outside.” Then I bent down. “Hello, cuties.”

  Marshall gave me a hug. “Things are going well I see? That smile is like the cat that stole the cream.”

  “It’s the cat that got the cream,” Stuart piped up.

  “Doubtful,” Marshall quipped. “We can fight and make up later on this. Unless you want to be the deciding vote, Carter?” He looked at me while Stuart did the action of slitting his throat.

  “No, no, not getting between you two lovebirds.” I rubbed my hands together. “Do you want a drink, guys? There’s soda, some weird drink of Jamie’s, or chocolate milk.”

  “What are you? Twelve. Chocolate milk. Yes, please, for me,” Stuart said.

  “And when is your dear man back home?” Marshall asked me.

  “Tomorrow. Finally. And then we have a short time together before I have to leave.

  “What one do you have coming up?”

  Stuart rolled his eyes. “Ha-ha, I’m only kidding. You guys talk shop and I’ll take the dogs outside, okay? Just be done when I’m back.” He gave Marshall a peck on the cheek before going.

  “It’s in California. I didn’t really catch it if I’m honest. Brenna said something Distant—Distressed maybe. Anyway, I’m kind of looking forward to it. ’Cause the sooner I go, the sooner I’m back to my man.”

  “Twitterpated, we told ya.”

  I gave him the middle finger. “Yeah, yeah. You’re the same.”

  He held his hands up. “That is true. And happy to admit to it.”

  When Stuart came back, we played with the puppies and watched some television shows. I wished for Jamie by my side, but just knowing I’d see him soon was enough.

  The next morning I stood at the airport waiting for him. He’d only been away for a couple of weeks, but it seemed longer. I had big plans for him, for us. At least he’d get through customs relatively quickly.

  Standing at the gate, I felt a mixture of excitement and wonder at getting see him again. I touched my chest and still held the balloons in the other hand. It was completely goofy and some might even say romantic, but what could I say? I’d do everything in my power to make him smile. We had our lives together again.

  I moved from foot to foot, not because I was nervous but because I was impatient. Come on, already. I watched the doors, waiting for them to open. Then they did. Not Jamie, but a pilot came out. And then, there he was.

  Our eyes met immediately. He pulled his suitcase and started running as soon as he saw me. Wrapping his arms around me, he kissed me. “I missed you so damn much.” He squeezed me and I bent down to hug him tightly, realizing moments too late that the balloons were now floating into the high ceiling. “Fucking hell,” I moaned.

  “What?” he asked while simultaneously looking upwards as I was. “Oh shit.”

  “I was trying to surprise you. Be all boyfriend-y like in those romcoms. Well then, I guess I played my part.”

  Jamie merely hugged me closer and kissed me. “It was a very nice thought. So thank you. I’d probably float away with them anyway. Can we go eat?”

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Eating? That’s usually my thing.” I took one last look up at the ceiling before we headed out to get a car back to the flat.

  “How did it go?” I asked as I backed up to leave the airport parkade.

  “Okay, I guess. One woman demanded I provide her with face cream for her wrinkles. Can you believe it? Said she was meeting her new man or something, and how could she see him ‘looking like this.’ I told her, ‘darling, we’re all in the same boat.’ I wanted to add that I’m not sharing mine with you anyhow.”

  “No doubt,” I said, ruffling his hair. “They couldn’t replicate your skin anyway.”

  Jamie placed his finger across his cheekbone. “Right. How do you think I keep it smooth like a baby’s bum?”

  “You’ve never told me. I love it, so I’m not complaining, but one day I’ll find out your secret.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Back at the loft, I told him to sit down. “Just let me pop the food in the oven.”

  “What’re we having?” He sat up excitedly. “The last thing I had was a protein bar that, if I’m honest, tasted like cardboard.”

  “Well, I got a recipe off Stuart. My first time trying it out. I never have time to be a domestic goddess these days,” I said and did a catwalk strut towards him.

  “Such a hard life. I really feel for you.” His statement was dripping with sarcasm.

  “Hey, you try holding a pose with your leg positioned just so, and then having to lean forward an inch, and … They pinch and prod me to get me ready too.”

  “Try having some drunk man ask you to pass him the doggy bag that’s right there in the pouch in front of him, and he somehow still manages to miss the bag, and projectiles on your trousers.”

  I pulled the lasagna out of the oven and let it cool. “We could go at this forever. That might win, but once I was wearing only swim shorts and the sun was beating down. Well, the makeup person went to grab the bottle of sunscreen, but instead, it was some disgusting, lumpy … I don’t even know what. They almost had to scrape a thick layer off my back. But I’ll stop now. You know me, I’m not really competitive.”

  He burst out laughing. “Oh sure. Like I’m believing that.”

  Then I brought the food over and we were still at an impasse over who had it worse at their job. Of course it was all in good fun and joking because we both loved our jobs really.

  “This is magnificent.” Jamie dug in and I smiled at him.

  “You’ve got a little …” I pointed to the tomato sauce on the edge of his lip.

  “You better help me with that.”

  I leaned over and kissed him, then licked it off.



  We both had to go away and since it was within two hours of each other, we decided to head to the airport together.

  “Why’re you nervous?” he asked. “You’re acting weird. Is everything okay?”

  I put on a brave face. “All’s well, Carter. Of course it is. I’m just going to miss you.” Not a lie so I felt okay about it. I pulled him in close and raised up on my toes to kiss him.

  Currently I was doing okay, but last night I had made a panicked phone call to Stuart:

  “What if my plan goes terribly wrong? I deceived him. I did.”

  “You did not,” Stuart said calmly. “Well, you did, but with good reason.”

  “Not helping,” I bit out sarcastically.

  “I can’t foresee the future, but from what you told me, this is the best thing ever.”

  Then Carter came in from outside and I clicked End on the call, shoving my phone into my back pocket. “You’re cold. Come let me warm you up.”

  I took a deep breath as we sat in the back of the cab to the airport and tapped on my thighs.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Carter asked. “You aren’t acting like yourself.” He wrapped his arms round me. “We’re good. It’s us two. I’m always here for you even when I’m many kilometers away. Okay, no, that sounds terrible. Many miles away, right?”

  Carter looked at me with such sincerity, mixed with a request for reassurance, I felt terrible that I couldn’t fully tell him what was going on. “Of course.” I peppered kisses on his face. “Everything is wonderful. I love our time together and everything in between.” I would obviously make a terrible poker player. That, or he knew me better than I knew m
yself. I smiled at that. “You are everything to me.” I couldn’t reveal to him the surprise. Brenna had helped me along with Stuart and Marshall.

  At the airport, I squeezed him hard and he met up with Brenna. She gave me a sly wink behind his back and then we said our goodbyes.

  Carter waved as I headed to what he thought was my long-haul flight to Toronto. I’d even put on my uniform. I actually went to sit in the lounge and wait for another flight.

  My planning had started a few weeks ago. I’d had a lot of logistics to work through, what with my work and Carter’s, but finally, with Brenna’s help, we worked out five glorious days for him and me together at Disneyland. Carter thought he was going for another work engagement. I could only hope he would be happy with the change of plans.

  Our dream trip together. Well, his dream that had stayed with me for many, many years. I never imagined this day would come, or that I would be the one to make it happen for him. But I couldn’t be happier.

  A FaceTime request appeared. Stuart. Or Stuart and Marshall. It was a guessing game these days. But I finally “got” what they had together and having that someone in life who completed you—who you couldn’t live without. That was me and Carter now.

  “Hey,” I said. It was the two of them.

  “All set?” Marshall asked. He was grinning like a schoolboy about to go on summer holidays.

  “Yes, I think so. Said goodbye to him and he seems none the wiser that I’ll be with him later today.”

  “Wow, that’s good. You have a terrible poker face, so good work,” Stuart chimed in.

  “Thanks guys for always being there through everything,” I said, suddenly feeling overwhelming emotions for them. “Yeah, it’s just that … you mean a lot.” My voice sounded broken.

  Over the loudspeaker, I heard the call for my flight. Better timing I could not have chosen since I felt as if I might cry. “That’s me, guys! Thanks for calling. Talk soon.” I waved through the small screen then leaned back and took a deep breath.

  The flight as a passenger was longer than anything I’d experienced as a flight attendant. Add to that, the combination of excitement and being scared shitless over Carter’s reaction to my surprise, and it was a recipe for disaster.

  I vaguely knew one of the flight attendants and she came over to check on me much more often than she needed to. I could’ve given her a bear hug for days.

  Poor people sitting near me: I opened a book and closed it, put on my headphones and switched them off, stood up then sat down.

  Eventually I fell asleep. Napping should have helped, but as we flew in towards the West Coast of the US, I felt even more tired. I really hadn’t thought this through. I should have arrived days before him.

  When we landed, I got in a cab to the hotel and absently rubbed at the pendant under my shirt. I had a strange conflict of feelings like I could do anything—mixed with—what was I thinking. No Stuart here, but also no Carter yet.

  I lifted open my suitcase in the beautiful room I’d booked in a hotel near the park. There was a large envelope on top of all my stuff. Strange. Opening it, I saw it was a card from Stuart, Marshall, and the dogs. “Everything will be okay.”

  Chuckling, I sent Stuart a quick “Thank you” text. Wow, did they know me well.

  There were beautiful Mickey Mouse shaped chocolates on the table. The room had floor to ceiling windows and a wonderful view. It was tastefully decorated and had air-conditioning. Thank goodness.

  In some ways, I couldn’t believe this was happening: Carter and me, together at Disneyland. It was his dream from years ago. The fact that we were truly together now, and after all we’d been through, it really was the dream fairytales were made of.

  After getting in the shower to wash off the layer of airplane grime, I put on shorts and a T-shirt. The heat here was more than I was used to. I sat at the small table after turning on the Keurig machine for some caffeine. There was a binder filled with all of the attractions and events going on. I couldn’t believe how much was available.

  There was a box with wristbands for us that I’d ordered online. It should be so exciting, but Carter wasn’t here yet. I couldn’t experience anything here without him. Then the text came in.



  Brenna was acting very cagey on this flight. Something was going on but I couldn’t figure it out.

  “Can I see the itinerary for the company and everything?” I questioned her.

  “Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be good. It’s for bespoke dress shirts. You and a few guys. We go to the hotel once we land and then I’ll tell you the rest.”

  The flight was uneventful. I tried to sleep because I knew jet lag could hit hard at the other end. I’d call Jamie once we landed to see how his trip was too.

  Brenna and I ordered drinks and she raised hers in a toast. That was bizarre, but I went with it. “To you and Jamieson. You’ve made amends I hear?” She took a sip of her drink from the plastic cup.

  I wasn’t even aware she knew Jamieson that well. I knew she’d been at York way back when. Something was up, I decided. But I just went with it. Maybe she’d let something slip. “Yes, well, we had a lot to get through, but now we’re both where we want to be. Have you talked to him lately?”

  She’d gotten a deer-in-the-headlights look for a split second, which disappeared as quickly as it came.

  As if saved by the bell, she took the overhead message to fold up our tray tables and make sure our seatbelts were secure before descending as the ability to not reply.

  Coming into land, I got up when we were instructed and passed her bag to her before taking my own from the overhead bin. We walked out to the waiting car and Brenna turned to me. “How long have we known each other?”

  I shrugged, suddenly unsure. “Ah, since I started at Mayfair Models. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, of course. Do you trust me?” The car was weaving slowly through traffic now.


  “Okay. Put this on then.” She handed me a blindfold.

  I laughed. “Okay. But you know I only do the kinky stuff with Jamie.” I was all for a guessing game though, so I went with it.

  Pulling it over my eyes, I lost track of time and, of course, had no idea where we were going. For some reason I wanted to burst out into song. Maybe I was becoming hysterical. Then Brenna’s hand squeezed mine.

  “Almost there.” And I could feel the car come to a stop. Not knowing what to expect, I tried not to let my brain go wild with ideas. Good and bad thoughts invaded my mind. “Okay, here you go.” She pulled the blindfold off my eyes and sort of pushed me towards the door at the side.

  “What? You aren’t coming? What’s going on?”

  “Just trust me, please.” She blew me a kiss and then the door opened. I got out and as I took a few steps, I was greeted by the entrance to Disneyland. I was torn between wanting to run in and wanting to run away.

  My legs started to shake and I looked back to Brenna then back to the entrance. “I can’t. I’m …” Tears flowed and I wrapped my fist around the castle at my chest. Bending down in front of the gate, I didn’t care who saw me or how I must have looked.

  Moments passed and I didn’t know what to do. And then everything was right with the world as Jamie emerged from somewhere to the side of me. He pulled me up and I lifted him in my arms, spinning him around in circles. I put him down and we kissed for what seemed like eternity.

  “You,” I murmured, stroking my thumb over his eyebrows. “This, I can’t believe. You are a trickster, but I love it.”

  “You really didn’t know?” he asked, then raised up on his tiptoes and kissed me.

  “No idea. But how … my modelling—wait.” I turned to Brenna and she gave a pinky wave. “You!” I pointed at her playfully. “I’ve been had.”

  “Ha-ha. Bye guys. Jamie, I’ll leave his stuff at your hotel like we planned.” Her look was full of cheek and she was rather proud of herself.

arter, we have five days here together. I’ve arranged it all for us. Your dream vacation—”

  “With the only person who matters,” I finished for him. “Can’t wait.” Leaning into him, I breathed in his scent and although it had only been ten hours apart from him, it felt so much longer.

  “You are everything to me, Carter. I hope this will make you happy.”

  “More than happy. You mean everything to me too. I’ll never forget it.” I pulled the chain out of my shirt and touched it against Jamie’s, which was already outside of his T-shirt and clinked them together. “To us!” I exclaimed. “Now I do need to get changed. Can I do that first?” I couldn’t help it, I clapped my hands together.

  “Yes, come back to the room and we’ll go out again after.” Grasping his hand, we walked back to the hotel, grinning from ear to ear.

  “I still can’t believe this. Amazing, Jamie. Just wonderful!” I squeezed his hand and raised it, kissing his knuckles.

  I lifted my leg and tapped his arse. “Beware, I’m going to be like a little kid after Santa comes at Christmas.”

  “I hope so. Can’t wait to experience it with you.” He gave me a sweet smile that seeped deep into my soul.

  We made it back to the hotel. “Wow, this is amazing. So close to everything.”

  He pointed at the table. “Look …”

  There were wristbands with Mickey on them. “Wow, this is going to be epic.” I turned to him and couldn’t help it: I kissed him and cuddled him close. To feel him and hold him was the best thing in the world. Squeezing his ass, I nibbled kisses on his ear and down to his neck. My hand moved down to cup his cock.

  “If you keep that up, we’re not going anywhere. Now behave.” He put on a mock angered voice, sounding like a school principal.

  “Okay, fine. Later, then?” My face perked up.

  “Ha-ha. We shall see.” He strutted away when there was a knock at the door. Then he came back. “Here’s your stuff. But don’t worry, if you’re missing something, we can go and pick it up.”


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