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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side: Sword Oratoria, Vol. 6

Page 2

by Fujino Omori, Kiyotaka Haimura

  “I can’t stop you from focusin’ on numbers, numbers, numbers all the time, either. Maxin’ out an ability takes a lot of time and effort, and it’d be much easier to just up and at ’em to the next level. But…” Loki set herself down on the bed then continued. “Those eensy-weensy little numbers you’d be giving up on could prove fatal in a familia like mine.”

  If two adventurers of the same level were to go head-to-head, how those figures matched up could mean the difference between victory and defeat. In other words, it was an ability gap. Acquiring more points at an earlier level could confer a distinct advantage, since it would be reflected in a person’s current level as “extra” power.

  Of course, numbers weren’t the only determining factor when it came to victory and defeat. An adventurer’s expertise—their techniques, tactical finesse, magic, and skills—all played an important role, as well.

  Still, it was a great advantage to have.

  And it went without saying that the higher one’s level, the more excelia required to raise one’s numbers.

  “Lucky for you, you’ve got Finn and the others who can help you get the experience you need. One more expedition like this and you’ll shoot right up, don’tcha think?”


  The fact that other familias did prioritize leveling up was the problem.

  In a departure from how Loki Familia operated with its legion of powerful elites, adventurers in less influential familias had to risk their lives in the Dungeon for any hope of leveling up. This made the level-ups themselves, along with the increase in fighting power they brought, absolutely essential. They didn’t exist in an environment where they could easily collect high-caliber excelia whenever and wherever they pleased.

  Lefiya could only force a laugh as Loki shot her a somewhat sadistic smile.

  “I know, I know…you may be thinkin’ life’s a little bit cruel right now, but…Lefiya, think about it. Your level-ups have been comin’ faster ever since you converted to my familia, yeah?”

  “They have, yes…”

  Lefiya’s first level-up had taken her three years to achieve. She’d been a mere eleven years old, still in the middle of her studies in the Education District.

  After one more year in school, she’d joined Loki Familia, and after only another year’s time, she’d reached Level 3. Now, two years after that moment, she’d received the golden ticket that would accelerate her to Level 4.

  Putting aside a certain white rabbit’s insane growth, Lefiya’s progress was nothing to scoff at, either. It was steady and sure, thanks to the strength of Finn, Aiz, and the others.

  “I know it’s a lot of pressure hearin’ it again and again, but Finn, the other top spots, and I all want ya to follow in Riveria’s footsteps. Super Lefiya’s great, but Hyper Lefiya’s what we really want, no matter how much time ’n’ energy it takes,” Loki continued with a grin as Lefiya looked on quietly. “Remember what your last Level Two Status looked like? We want something like that again, yeah? Leavin’ yer magic at a B would be such a waste…so let’s get it up to a high A.”


  “O’course, I’ll admit this isn’t really my decision to make. You should do whatever you feel is right. If you wanna level up right now, I won’t stop you. So…whaddaya think?”

  Lefiya was silent for a moment.


  Finally, she nodded.

  “I understand. I’ll continue at this level for a while longer.”

  There was pressure, just like Loki had said.

  All these expectations from those around her made her timid to the point of shame.

  But now she would rise to meet those expectations.

  Being Riveria’s successor—that’s what she needed to be thinking about if she hoped to compete against her boy rival. If she hoped to lend her strength to Aiz and the others. And it was the expedition, and its intense battles, that had allowed her to do so.

  Something in Lefiya had changed on that expedition, and even she had realized it.

  “Thanks a million, Lefiya. Finn and the others already filled me in on everything that happened down there, and it’ll probably be a bit before we organize another. I know it might not feel great, but try and hold out till then, okay?”

  “I will.”

  As Loki smiled, Lefiya turned her head over her shoulder to look at the Status on her back, currently stuck in its arrested state of development. The glowing hieroglyphs affirmed that a level-up was possible at any time as long as her patron deity allowed it.

  Once Loki had redone the lock and the light of her Status had faded, Lefiya redonned her garments and left the room behind her.

  “Well, I’ll be. Still no Level Seven for ye?”

  The mad rush of Status updates had just about ended when Gareth made his comment, arms folded as his fellow elites took their turns.

  “Seems it wasn’t quite enough. Perhaps I should go to Ottar, hmm? Ask him for his secrets.”

  Finn turned toward the dwarf from his spot outside Loki’s chambers, a wry grin on his face.

  “Then there yet remain only two Level Sevens, the strongest in the world…” Riveria finished for them.

  It would seem all three Loki Familia elites, updated Status parchments in hand, had to spend a bit more time as Level 6s. As they glanced out the window, down to the courtyard where their friends either celebrated or lamented various Status updates, the trio felt the undeniable sting of impatience as well.

  “You guys are natural-born leaders. Fact is, I don’t think there’s anyone alive who could lead the three of you. Which is kinda the problem, yeah? I know it’s tough, but y’all still have a ways to go before you can match the big mom ’n’ pop, Zeus and Hera.”

  Loki curled an arm behind her head as she explained.

  For all the excelia it netted them, the three upper-class adventurers might as well have been floundering around in the Dungeon’s upper levels. The value of any experience points received from the floors they’d already cleared wasn’t very good. For Finn, Aiz, and the other first-tiers, this created a sort of wall, prohibiting any real growth.

  Even the experience they’d earned from their fight against the expedition’s final boss, the spirit, had had to be divided up among the entire party—which was exactly what Loki was alluding to now.

  “Aaanyway, that’s an issue for another time. I’m behind schedule! Y’all take care of tradin’ in the spoils, all right?”

  “Of course. We’ve dropped well into the red thanks to this expedition. There’s the cost of the magic swords and Durandal weapons before we even left, plus all that poison-vermis antivenin we were forced to buy…”

  “And the drop items, too, aye. We had to give ’em to Hephaistos Familia in exchange for their services…”

  “Hnnnnngh, stop, stop, stop, please! Yer givin’ me a splittin’ headache!”

  “Will we be holding a party tonight, then?”

  “’Course we will! Gotta celebrate your homecomin’, after all!!”

  The conversation continued as the Loki Familia elites discussed the day’s schedule with their patron deity.

  Almost as they were done wrapping things up, though, Finn seemed to remember something. “Ah, right. There was something I forgot to tell you…about the incident with the minotaur down in the upper levels. Considering we were forced to face off against Ottar, it would seem the goddess Freya may have played a part in the attack.”


  “I’m sure we’d be able to uncover evidence if we investigate. Though we avoided any casualties, Aiz in particular had to cross swords with him…so at the very least, we should report it to the Guild, yes?” Finn posed.

  “Ah, right…It came up at Denatus, too. Whole thing got pretty much left up in the air, though…so diggin’ any further probably won’t do much good. Let’s just ignore it!”

  “Are you sure?”

  But Loki merely flapped her hand in nonchalant di
sregard. The unusually forgiving demeanor of their goddess was enough to draw questioning glances from all three elites.

  Loki, however, simply ignored their looks.

  “Anyways, I got somewhere to be! Meetin’ adjourned!”

  She offhandedly dismissed them as she made to leave the room. On the inside, however, she was sweating up a storm.

  Actually, Loki had a secret agreement she’d made with the goddess Freya.

  Moreover, it hinged entirely on Loki’s own Achilles’ heel.

  She wasn’t allowed to interfere in any of Freya’s doings. Naturally, she couldn’t talk about those things with her followers, either. It certainly felt like her dignity as a goddess (nonexistent though it might seem) had taken a hit.

  As their patron deity scrambled out of the room, the remaining three adventurers could only stare at her back in disbelief.

  “Somethin’ happen between the two of them, ye reckon…?”

  “More drunken dealings? Really now…”

  “Hmm, or perhaps something more like a debt.”

  Followers could not lie to their god.

  Similarly, Finn and the others were not about to be taken in by their goddess, either.

  Their time together had been far, far too long for that.

  Their Status updates completed, the members of Loki Familia made their way into the city to finish off their remaining expedition obligations—namely, the exchanging of loot for money.

  Heaving bags on top of more bags, they set off from the manor en masse before dispersing into every corner of the city.

  “Finn Deimne of Loki Familia. As relayed previously, my familia has returned from its expedition, and I’m here to trade in magic stones.”

  “You got it! Misha Frot at your service! Welcome back! We’ve been waiting for you!”

  “We encountered many unreported monsters down in the Dungeon’s depths. Though this will only apply to a small selection of familias, I’d like you to issue a warning for all floors below fifty. I’ve included further details in my report, along with a list of all our members who’ve leveled up.”

  “Understood, sir! Now, let’s see…Whaaaaaa—?! Three Level Sixes?!?”

  Some spread word about the fruits of their adventure, along with the new intel they’d gathered, before carting their haul of magic stones to the exchange room.

  “I, uh…erm…Mr. President? You don’t, uh…think you could buy them for a bit…more…do you?”

  “What do you mean, Raul? This is already a generous amount! Or are you saying you’re dissatisfied with my offer?”

  “N-no, of course not, just…Well, this expedition left us…pretty deep in the red. So money would be greatly appreciated…”

  “Oh, come on, Raul! Put some oomph into it! Pleeeeease, Mr. President! We’re desperate!”

  Geez, Aki! What are you—some kind of devil in disguise?!

  “Yes, we’re begging you, Mr. President, sir! You’ll be our go-to shop from now on! Think of all that business! Right, Leene?”

  “E-exactly, Narfi! It’s just like the captain—like Braver’s always told us! That you have such a big heart! You’re truly a man worthy of respect!!…Or, you know, something like that.”

  “Though I have to ask—you didn’t change your cologne, did you? That elegant scent, it’s almost…spellbinding. And I’m an elf. I should know! In fact…I must say, you practically look awe-inspiring today, Mr. President.”

  “Is that so? Heh…heh-heh-heh…Well, I suppose I could raise my offer a bit. You are such valued customers, after all.”

  ““““Thank you, sir!!””””

  “…Yeesh! W-women are so scary.”

  Some threw themselves into heated episodes of haggling with the merchant familias, bringing out their drop items, ores, and other Dungeon finds.

  “You here, Tsubaki?”

  “Ohhhh!! Been waitin’ for ya, Gareth! Get yer butt in here!”

  “No need t’rush, lass…Now then, the drop items from the depths, just like we agreed.”

  “Aha! This is it, this is it! Dragon fangs…dragon scales!! Bwa-ha-ha!! The goods I can make with these babies…!! C’mon, don’t get cheap on me. I know you got more in there!”

  “If we already promised these…then why does partin’ with ’em cut so deep?”

  Some relinquished contractual payment to those who’d lent their aid during the expedition.

  “Oh-ho? Bete Loga? On bag duty? A rare sight indeed!”

  “Aw, can it! There weren’t enough people, so Gramps asked me. Make sure this gets to that smith woman, will ya?”

  “And what’s this?”

  “Money. For fixin’ up my Frosvirt. It’s not the whole amount, but…I’ll get her the rest soon.”

  “Heh…you really haven’t changed, have you?”

  Some repaid their debts via a certain goddess of the forge.

  “Oh, Riveria! You’re back! And in one piece to boot.”

  “All thanks to you, Lenoa. Though I need to apologize first, since I’ve gone and broken it again.”

  “Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! A-are you cursed or something?!”

  Others still took in their staves for repair, given that the magic stones adorning them had cracked.

  “Amiiiid! Long time no see!”

  “Shhhhh! Inside voices in the store, please!”

  “Ha-ha-ha. Nice seeing you, Amid.”

  “Hello again…Amid.”

  “Welcome back, my friends. Miss Tiona, Miss Tione, Miss Lefiya, and…Miss Aiz.”

  Lastly, a certain set of girls made their way to a certain clinic, where a certain friend awaited.

  It was the clinic of Dian Cecht Familia, complete with emblem of herb and light, a facility they’d not visited in some time. Today, as always, its rooms were filled with upper-class adventurers. From within the hustle and bustle, the human girl Amid greeted Aiz and the others with a smile.

  “Congratulations on the completion of your expedition. I had heard you ran into an Irregular and were forced to stay for some time on the eighteenth floor…Nothing too serious, I hope?”

  “It was a formidable battleground to be sure…but thanks to your potions and elixirs, we were able to pull through by the skin of our teeth. Well, there was the antivenin, too, of course.”

  “Your magic potion helped me a lot as well! I cannot thank you enough!”

  After Tione spoke, Lefiya added her own thoughts.

  “It brings me nothing but joy to hear that my medicines were able to assist you.”

  The warmhearted healer answered with another smile, her long silver hair fluttering. Her delicate, doll-like features softened at the news that Aiz and the others had escaped unharmed.

  Then, all of a sudden.

  Her eyes turned toward Tione, almost as though she’d just noticed something.

  “Miss Tione…is something wrong?”

  “…You can tell?”

  “I am a healer, after all.”

  What with the countless sick and injured patients Amid had treated in the past, it was all too easy for her keen eyes to notice the change in the girl’s pallor. The fact that the rest of her friends had not noticed anything yet was further proof of Amid’s skills as a healer.

  Tione brought a finger up to scratch lightly at her cheek. “It’s not really, you know, a big thing…I had a bad dream is all. You don’t have anything that might help me sleep better, do you?”

  “I see. Perhaps I can recommend some Argelica Root, as it promotes restful sleep.”

  “Thanks…Uh, would you mind keeping this from Aiz and the others? Especially that idiot?”

  Tione spoke in a low voice while the girl behind the long counter responded with a kind smile.

  “Whaaatcha guys doin’, huh?” The aforementioned idiot came bounding over when she noticed the two’s conversation.

  “Merely discussing the details for an exchange of drop items,” Amid answered dutifully before moving on to a new topic. “I assume all of you ar
e quite busy again today, yes?”

  “Yup, yup! After this, I’m headin’ over to Goibniu Familia so I can get my Urga fixed up. You’re comin’, too, aren’t ya, Tione?”

  “Yeah. I ran out of spares for my Zolas…and I could definitely use some more Filuka throwing knives.”

  “Will you be going as well, Miss Aiz?”

  “Yes, I need them to take a look at my Desperate…”

  The first order of business was turning in magic stones and drop items, but the second would be repair (or replacement) of their weapons and armor. For as many times as they’d done it now, it still always felt like a mountain of things needed doing after they returned from an expedition. Even as Amid gathered materials and replenished the supply of items from across the counter, Aiz and the others were already focused on the great many other tasks they still had yet to do.

  “Now that you mention it, didn’t Loki leave the manor with us, too? I wonder what she could be up to,” Tione mused, almost to herself.

  “She said she had an errand to run, I believe…”

  “Probably gettin’ the goods for the big bash tonight, yeah?”

  Lefiya offered her own thoughts on the matter, as did the younger Amazon with an accompanying belly laugh. The conversation made Aiz think back to earlier that morning, when she’d seen Loki exit the manor before disappearing almost immediately.

  It almost seemed like…something was wrong? she thought with a curious cock of her head, her gaze traveling nonchalantly toward the ceiling.

  “Oh? All alone, are you?”

  “Aizuu and the others are all busy settlin’ matters now that the expedition is over.”

  The man who had been waiting for Loki inside the room had a regal demeanor about him, almost like the prince of some well-to-do nation. His elven servant accompanied him.

  They were in a certain high-class establishment somewhere in the Shopping District. This bar and its soundproof room had become the “usual spot” for their secret talks.

  Loki pulled out a chair from the round table before thumping herself down across from Dionysus.

  “Where’s our mutual friend?”

  “Not back yet, it seems. Rumor has it he was seen heading for the Dungeon…but he’s sent some of his followers in his stead.” Dionysus directed his gaze toward the wall where a young chienthrope girl stood. She responded with a nod and a stiff smile. Next to her, a sizable war tiger let out a sigh.


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