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Andrew's quest is to find his true companion while fighting through his own inhibitions. During this quest, he must overcome the inherent barriers between his Average Joe background and Chelsea's life in the spotlight, between the stigma of his middle age and her stereotypical youth, and between his naive hold on the romantic and her jaded view of the opposite sex.Andrew, a man from middle management, upon reaching his early 40's, realizes he has lived his life through infatuations and fantasy, never following through on any serious romantic relationships. On a random business trip, he decides to fully commit to pursuing a celebrity named Chelsea he is currently infatuated with. Initially, Andrew tries to gain her attention directly, through romantic notes and flowers. In this courtship, their paths accidentally cross. Using this twist of fate, Andrew creates a reason for the two of them to work together, never letting on his true intent. This story is a complicated romance. Andrew's quest is to find his true companion while fighting through his own inhibitions. During this quest, he must overcome the inherent barriers between his Average Joe background and Chelsea's life in the spotlight, between the stigma of his middle age and her stereotypical youth, and between his naive hold on the romantic and her jaded view of the opposite sex.