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Love scares them...SeeJai and Rhinegold fight for their independence. Ever since a drunk driver killed her twin sister at age 3, SeeJai feels half a person. Her still-grieving mother barely remembers one of her daughters survived the accident. In high school, her best friend "outed" her on Facebook as a lesbian. Thrown out into the street right before a major ice storm, SeeJai must survive. A crazy man not only befriends her, and loves her, but sees her as a magical soul. SeeJai just wants a room of her own, a job, and a career to aim for while attending college. Love? People you love die, ignore you, and ultimately betray you. As the lonely son of a wealthy lawyer, Rhinegold retreated into worlds of fantasy while growing up. The last thing he wants is to live like his father. He left home and refuses to go to college as his father wants. Instead, he uses his martial arts skill to guard people against street criminals. Greco, the city's biggest pimp, pays Rhinegold to escort women to their hotel room trysts. However, he spends more time protecting mothers and children without charge. A knight. A samurai. A dragon slayer. A gunslinger wearing a white hat. Protector of the weak. He once violated a social taboo to love a woman. The only love he wants to feel is the chivalrous adoration of a lady fair. Now he lives in a condemned house. At first, when he saves SeeJai from freezing to death, he does so simply as the Gold Knight, a duty. He wants no payment in return, and her offer of her body to pay back her debt angers him. Even when he falls in love with her, he intends for his life to remain unchanged. He cannot handle SeeJai insisting he go to college. So he retreats even further into fantasy. Can SeeJai save her savior? Can Rhinegold protect her from his own demons?