Out of Gas
by Randy Dyess
Mark and Kelly Turner are what many call “average Americans”. Their childhoods were spent in small Texas towns with summers at their grandparent’s farms. Like most teenagers growing up in small towns they could not wait to flee after graduation for big cities and successful careers. Careers were launched, the big house on the golf course bought, luxury cars leased, and fancy vacations taken. They had it all until a global fuel shortage started causing Mark to wonder about his job and the financial future of his family. Follow Mark and Kelly as they learn about global finances, hidden agendas, and the cover-up of the upcoming global fuel shortage and severe economic depression it will create. Follow the Turner’s as they plan their strategy to voluntarily move from an upper middle-class lifestyle to a self-sustaining lifestyle on an Oklahoma farm before it is too late. Learn alongside them as they learn the skills needed to live on a small farm, raise their own food, and prepare for a global economic depression on a scale never seem by mankind before.About the AuthorRandy has a large variety of experiences dealing with Microsoft SQL Server over the past 20 years and has worked with environments with Terabytes of data and environments that have over a 40,000 databases with only a few megabytes of data in each database. In the past Randy has specialized in training and consulting with a focus on topics pertaining to performance tuning, SQL Server hardware infrastructure design and configuration, and SQL Server capacity planning. Randy is the author of TransactSQL Language Reference Guide, coauthor of MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance (Exam 70-431) and numerous magazine and newsletter articles pertaining to SQL Server and has spoken at various international and national conferences. Currently, Randy is a database administrator with Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in Williston, Vermont. He lives in Milton, VT with his wife Judy and their three dogs.