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Princess Meorie is kidnapped from the Norinian capitol, finding herself aboard a warship of Tendaria, a victim of treachery and dishonor. She discovers her captor is Dareena, daughter of the Tendarian queen, who intends to return Meorie to Tendaria to stand trial for war crimes of four years ago.Dareena promises justice, but Meorie knows she will only receive vengeance. She is offered the choice of spending the voyage trussed like a turkey with an equally undignified delivery to the Tendarian palace, or she can accept a magical slave collar of obedience, to be removed upon delivery. She accepts the collar, binding her to obedience to Dareena.As the voyage progresses, Meorie attempts to defeat the collar while learning how deep the treachery towards her has extended. She also finds herself falling in love with her captor.This novella of 43,000 words, about 130 printed pages, is the darkest story Julia P. Lynde has written.From the AuthorI've had this idea for a while. I started it once as a very different story. Instead of the Princess being kidnapped, the original story was the brother of the queen, and in the end, he repents his actions. Then, and only then, could he be saved. From himself.But when I started writing, I decided I wanted to write it this way instead.This is a dark story, at least for me. While writing this story, I was very much in Meorie's head, and it has been difficult for me to step away and remember, it's a story. I believe in the end it will all be worth it for you, the reader.Justice takes many forms.