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Lauren McKinnon’s life changed four years
ago when the car she was driving spun off the road and killed her lover, Gil and
left their best friend, Matt paralyzed. Overwhelmed by guilt, Lauren leaves
town, leaves Matt and lives a life as a shadow of the woman she used to
be.Matt Skarpinksy overcame all odds and learned to walk again. Now,
after tracking Lauren down, he moves to Jasper to confront the woman he’s always
loved. Why did she leave him when he most needed her? What isn’t she telling him
about the accident he doesn’t remember? And, just as their friendship turns to
love, will Gil always stand between them?Well, Matt’s about to find out
as Gil, in the form of a ghost, guides Matt toward what really happened four
years ago. But will the truth set Matt and Lauren free, or tear them apart once
and for all?