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William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return

Page 5

by Ian Doescher

  Possessing every virtue possible,

  While from the Empire’s certain point of view

  It is a mere annoyance to be crush’d.

  But this, I do not understand: how can

  A certain point of view say that a man

  Was murder’d by another man, when both

  Are one and they together are my father?


  Luke, thou shalt find that many of your truths

  Depend entirely on your point of view.

  It well may be that thou dost like it not,

  But does not follow that it is not so.

  ’Tis true, that Anakin a good friend was.

  When I first knew him, he already was

  A pilot skill’d and swift, and it amaz’d

  Me with what strength the Force work’d in his life.

  I took it on myself to train him as

  A Jedi. Even then I did believe

  That I could train him just as Yoda could.

  But there my fault did lie. Therein I fail’d.


  I do believe it may be rectified.

  What if he could be turnèd once again?

  There is yet good within him—I can feel’t.


  He is machine e’en more than man, I fear.

  His soul’s an evil, tangl’d labyrinth.


  I shall not do it, Ben.


  —Thou canst not ’scape

  Thy destiny. You must confront and face

  Darth Vader once again.


  —I shall not kill

  My father.


  —Then the Emperor hath won.

  Thou wert our only hope the Empire and

  The dark side to defeat. If thou wilt not,

  No other shall arise to take our place.


  But must this necessarily be so?

  For Yoda spoke of yet another. Who?


  No more of hidden pasts: thou shalt know all.

  The other one of which he spoke is none

  But thy twin sister.


  —Sister? I know none.


  Both thou and she were hidden safely from

  The Emperor just after ye were born.

  For he did know, as I do, that the kin

  Of Anakin would be a pow’rful threat

  Unto his reign of madness, might, and murder.

  At birth, the two were separated: thou

  Unto thine uncle Owen and thine aunt

  Beru, on Tatooine, where I did watch

  O’er thee as thou didst grow into a man;

  Thy sister to a senator did go,

  Apart from thee and thy dread father’s wrath.

  There she did grow into a woman fine,

  And has, since then, remain’d anonymous.


  [ aside:] O wondrous revelation to my soul!

  A sister, and before me comes her face:

  For surely Leia is my sister, else

  My instincts have no truth in them. What news!

  I know not whether to respond with shouts

  Of greatest joy, or to shrink back in fear

  And paralyzing shock at what we’ve done.

  Three times hath she kiss’d me in friendship’s name,

  The last of these more passionate than e’er

  A sister should upon her sib bestow.

  There is an ancient tale of Tatooine,

  That tells of Tusken Raider who, through Fate

  And circumstance, join’d with his mother in

  A bond most strange and quite unnatural.

  They liv’d in blissful ignorance of their

  Relation until they discover’d it

  By chance. And O, what awful times befell!

  The Tusken Raider’s mother hang’d herself

  Upon a bantha’s horn. The Tusken, in

  His agony and grief, pull’d off his mask

  And claw’d at his own eyes until they bled,

  Then came dislodg’d, and finally pluck’d out.

  He fell unto his knees and cried with pain—

  Not merely pain to have his eyes remov’d,

  But deeper pain that sear’d his very heart.

  ’Tis said that though he then could see no more,

  He saw more clearly than he ever had.

  At night, upon the sands of Tatooine,

  His howl may still be heard, a warning to

  Those who would break the sacred fam’ly bond

  Through passions of the body. Shall this be

  My fate, for crossing o’er the boundary

  That none should cross, e’en once? I’ll warrant: nay.

  Not only have I superstitions none,

  But our brief moments of affection were

  A trifle none could call a love affair.

  I now see clearly but still have my eyes,

  And may my sister know sans tragedy.

  Thus, I do make a solemn, earnest vow:

  I shall embrace my royal sister as

  A pow’rful ally, and shall show to her

  The path that surely leads unto the Force.

  [ To Obi-Wan:] ’Tis Leia, aye? My soul doth know ’tis she.


  Thine instincts serve thee well, Luke. Bury now

  These feelings, for they do thee credit but

  May be manipulated and abus’d

  If e’er the Emperor should learn of them.


  It bringeth my heart joy to see thee, Ben,

  I’ll heed thy counsel till we meet again.


  SCENE 3.

  The rebel fleet, in space.



  My friend, well met! ’Tis good to see thee here

  And not a’dangling o’er a sarlacc’s pit.

  Thou wast promoted well—a general!


  Belike our leaders were inform’d about

  Mine actions at the battle of Taanab.


  Cast not thine eyes on me for blame or thanks—

  I did but tell them thou art pilot fair.

  But knew not that they hop’d to find the one

  Who would direct this crazy-brain’d attack.


  Nay, “crazy-brain’d” thou sayst? How may that be,

  Since thou dost know a thing or two of Death

  Star battles and what it doth take to win?

  Surpris’d I am that they did not ask thee.


  But who hath said that they did not inquire?

  Yet I am not of madness made. And thou,

  Remember well, art fashion’d of respect.



  I prithee, gather ’round, ye rebels all,

  And mark ye well the message I relay.

  The Emperor hath made a critical

  Mistake, and our time for attack is nigh.

  The data brought to us by Bothan spies

  Details th’exact location of the vast

  New battle station that the Emperor

  Hath underta’en to build. We also know

  This battle station’s weapon systems are

  Not fully operational as yet.

  Th’Imperi’l fleet is spread both far and wide

  Throughout the galaxy, with hopes—quite vain—

  That they shall soon engage us in a fight.

  And while the fleet’s away, the station hath

  But minimal protection. This, my friends,

  Would be good news enough, but there is more:

  Reliable report hath come to us

  That e’en the dreaded Emp’ror Palpatine

mself doth oversee construction of

  The Death Star, and is presently on board.

  This news doth cheer us, friends, but pray recall

  That many Bothans died to bring it here.

  I call on Adm’ral Ackbar to unfold

  Our plan so you may know your roles in this,

  The final chapter of rebellion’s tale.

  [Admiral Ackbar turns on a visual model of the Death Star and the forest moon of Endor.


  You may within this model see the Death

  Star orbiting around the forest moon

  Of Endor. Though the weapons systems on

  The Death Star are not operational

  As yet, the Death Star hath a strong defense:

  It is secur’d by shield of energy

  A’generated on the forest moon.

  Deactivated must this shield be ere

  We can attack. Then, when the shield hath been

  Disarm’d, our cruisers shall take wing and fly

  Within the superstructure to destroy

  The main reactor. This attack shall be

  Made by a squadron of our wingèd ships

  Led by our General Calrissian,

  Who is a worthy and a noble chap.


  Good luck be thine, my friend. Thou shalt need it.


  Thus endeth my report. Now General

  Madine, thine efforts for our mission wilt

  Thou presently recap?


  —We’ve stolen an

  Imperi’l shuttle, which, disguisèd as

  A cargo ship, shall use a secret code

  To land upon the moon. Thereon a team

  Shall fearlessly deactivate the shield.


  A dangerous experience, no doubt.


  [ to Han:] And who, I wonder, has agreed to it?

  For such a mission may quite futile prove.


  Nay, be thou not afraid. A man of wit,

  Of clever mind and fine exterior

  They must have chosen, whom thou shalt approve.


  Good Gen’ral Solo, is thy team prepar’d?


  [ aside:] A man of wit! He ne’er doth cease t’amaze.


  My team is ready, yet I do not have

  A crew who shall the shuttle’s flight command.




  —It shall not be easy, friend, thus I

  Had not yet volunteer’d thy worthy name.




  —Well! Now have I one!


  —And count me two.

  Good General, I gladly follow thee.

  Wherever thou dost go, then so shall I,

  Wherever thou remain, thus I shall too,

  Thy people shall my people be as well,

  And all thy battles shall my battles be.

  Enter LUKE SKYWALKER and R2-D2.


  Why have but two when three is company?

  I shall go with thee also, noble friend.

  [ Aside:] My sister! Ah! To see her fills my heart!

  [Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia embrace.


  What is’t?


  —Ask yet again, another time.


  Ho, Luke!


  —Good Han, and Chewie!


  —Beep, meep, squeak!


  “Exciting” would not be my word of choice,

  ’Tis more like “harrowing,” if I were ask’d.

  [Exeunt all but Han Solo and Lando of Calrissian.


  Now preparation’s made, good Lando, yet

  A word with thee ere thou depart, my friend:

  With heart sincere I proffer this to thee:

  Take thou my ship, the brave Millenn’um Falcon.

  Thou shalt be greatly aided in thy task

  If thou wilt take the fastest ship that e’er

  Did fly within our galaxy. Thou dost

  Have more experience with this swift ship

  Than any but Chewbacca and myself.

  Thou art a skill’d and worthy pilot, and

  I trust that thou shalt keep her safe.


  —’Tis well,

  I am persuaded, and shall take the ship

  And leave with thee both gratitude and my

  Assurance that I know how deeply thy

  Heart stirs for her. Thus do I pledge: I shall

  Take care of her as though she were my own,

  And shall deliver her sans e’en a scratch.


  [ aside:] This Lando doth protest too much, methinks.

  I was not nervous till he made his pledge.

  [ To Lando:] No scratch, indeed. I take with me thy word.


  We part, thou pirate true. And Han, good luck.


  To thee as well, good friend.

  [Exit Lando of Calrissian as Han Solo boards the Imperial shuttle Tydirium.

  Enter Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 in the cockpit with Han Solo.




  —Nay, I think

  The Empire had not Wookiees on their minds

  When they design’d her, Chewie. Are we set?

  Enter PRINCESS Leia.

  I see the good Millenn’um Falcon yon,

  And wonder how the die for her is cast.


  Art thou awake, or dost thou slumber on?


  A feeling tells me this look is my last.




  —General, let us depart.


  —Aye, true—

  Now let’s see what this heap of junk can do!

  [Exeunt, flying off in the shuttle Tydirium.

  SCENE 4.

  Inside the second Death Star.



  The strangest feelings have been mine of late.

  To know my son exists confounds my wits

  As I did ne’er imagine. What is this

  Confusion that doth obfuscate my mind?

  For evil I am made, for punishment

  Of foes, for conquering of peoples, and

  To do the perfect will of my great lord

  And Emperor. Of these I certain am,

  For this hath been my role full many years.

  Yet where within this surety is room

  For offspring? For a son? What can a life

  Liv’d on the dark side of the Force have still

  To do with heirs, with flesh and bone that sprang

  From me and that sweet life that once I led?

  How can this Sith, this man of pain and death,

  Be father to the fruit of far-gone love?

  It seems well nigh impossible when one

  Considers what I’ve been. For, verily,

  I may not hide the man I truly am:

  A warrior devoted to the cause

  Of Emperor and Empire both. ’Tis who

  I am: I must be mad when I have cause

  And smile at no one’s jests. No humor doth

  Give pleasure to my mouth or stir my heart,

  Nor would I dare to ever love again,

  If e’en this mess of tangl’d wires could love.

  I am a Sith, most surely to be fear’d.

  Yet that perplexing thing remains: a son.

  Enter EMPEROR PALPATINE and royal guards.

  What is thy bidding, master?


  —Send the fleet

  Unto the farthest side of Endor. There

  Let it remain, until ’tis call�
�d for.


  What of the recent news that rebels are

  Amassing near to Sullust? Is it so?


  It is of little consequence, for soon

  This vile Rebellion shall be crushèd and

  Young Skywalker shall know the dark side’s pow’r.

  Thy work upon the Death Star is complete.

  Thou shalt go hence to the command ship, and

  Await my orders there.


  —My master: aye.

  [Exit Darth Vader.


  Now all the players and the scenes are set

  To bring about our greatest triumph yet.


  SCENE 1.

  On the Imperial shuttle Tydirium and the Super Star Destroyer.

  Enter LUKE SKYWALKER, HAN SOLO, CHEWBACCA, PRINCESS LEIA, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Enter ADMIRAL PIETT and IMPERIAL cONTROLLER on balcony, on the Super Star Destroyer.


  Now if the Empire is not by our ruse

  Deceiv’d, we must fly quickly, Chewie.




  We have you on our screens; identify



  —The shuttle of Tydirium

  Requests deactivation of the shield

  Of energy.


  — Tydirium, transmit

  Your clearance code for passage through the shield.


  Transmission doth commence.


  —Now shall we learn

  If all these codes were worth the price we paid

  For them—the loss of friends, the loss of life.


  Aye, it shall work, ’twas sacrifice well made.




  —Vader is aboard that giant ship.



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