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All I Need

Page 8

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  “Let me guess. Miss Polly?”

  He smiles and shrugs, his hands shoved in his jeans pockets. Jeans that probably were made for him with how perfectly they hug his thighs. His dark blond hair that’s usually mussed is now covered under a black ball cap and his dark gray t-shirt molds to his body, his strong biceps bulging from under the sleeves. From the scruff covering his jaw, it’s clear he didn’t take the time to shave this morning. The tattoo that wraps around his upper arm playing an alluring game of peek-a-boo.

  I step aside to let him in. “Miss Polly, your delivery is here!”

  “Oh? How does it look?”

  Walker smirks and I roll my eyes. “Come on. I’m making breakfast.”

  He follows me to the kitchen where I put two more pieces of bread into the toaster and add two more eggs into the scrambled egg mixture.

  Walker grabs a mug from the cupboard and pours himself a cup of coffee, adding a bit of cream.

  “Don’t you have patients today?”

  “I had a light day and have another vet on staff on Wednesdays. He’s taking my appointments for me.”

  “I’m sorry you’re rearranging your day,” I whisper, not fighting him on helping me. I’m quickly learning that once Miss Polly has something in her head, there’s nothing that will stand in her way.

  “Don’t apologize. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. Polly might be pushy but I do have a mind of my own.”

  “Well, thank you. I suppose I should probably thank you, too, for stopping me from damaging his car. That wouldn’t turn out the best if I returned it today with a cracked windshield and enough dents that it looked like it was caught in a hail storm.”

  “You’re welcome. Though, I’m beginning to think he deserved to have a busted-up car.”

  “I did wreck his clubs and destroy his clothes so I figure that’s at least part of a win.”

  He smiles, his entire face lighting up. I’m not sure I’ve ever been in the presence of a man as handsome as he is. Where Gary was slender and good looking, Walker is the opposite. His frame broad, his hands are deliciously rough as if they’re used to working. Gary would often get manicures. The differences between the two men is so stark, I never felt the instant attraction to Gary that I do with Walker.

  I spin around and face the stove to begin scrambling the eggs. When they’re finished cooking, I put them in a bowl and place them and the toast on the table. Polly strolls into the kitchen, looking much more put together than earlier.

  “Walker! It’s so nice of you to stop by entirely unexpectedly this morning.” I roll my eyes and Walker chuckles. “This looks delicious, Ellie. Thanks for making breakfast for us.”

  “You’re so full of it.” I grin and she straightens in her chair.

  I give her a look which she ignores and moves her focus back to Walker. “Did Ellie tell you about our plans for the day?”

  “Oh save it. I know you called him to take your place.”

  “Me?” She makes an effort to look innocent.

  “Yeah, you.” I point my fork at her smiling so she knows I’m not angry. “You’re not as sneaky as you’d like to think you are.”

  This time she doesn’t even try to appear innocent. She grins shamelessly as she spreads some strawberry jam onto her toast.

  “How much stuff do you have?” Walker asks me as he butters his toast.

  “Not much. I mean, clothes and my bathroom things, obviously. I have a couple small pieces of furniture that I’d like to bring and a few other personal items but the rest of it is his. I don’t want it or the memories that come with it.”

  Walker looks at me intently, my skin tingling under his stare. His brown eyes darken, his jaw hardens and it makes me wonder what Miss Polly told him about why I’m here or if he knows that I had not just one but two men cheat on me after asking me to marry them. Part of me hopes she shared everything so I wouldn’t have to but a bigger part of me knows that she wouldn’t do that. I didn’t necessarily tell her about my past in confidence, but I know Polly would rather I have the choice to share what I’m comfortable with. What I do know is he looks angry.

  “I’m fine,” I assure him. And me.

  He doesn’t respond but rather takes a deep breath through his nose, nostrils flaring, chest rising. For reasons I don’t understand, I reach out a hand and grip his in mine. “Walker, I’m good. I appreciate that you’ll be there to help me get my stuff out of his house and I’m moving on.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I don’t know him. I barely know you,” he admits and pulls a face like he tasted something bad. “You deserve better, Ellie.”

  For the first time in my entire life, I think I believe those words.

  My eyes flit up to my rearview mirror and see Walker’s large pickup still following behind me. I can’t explain why it brings me so much comfort to know that he’ll be with me when I see Gary again.

  I texted him before we left to let him know I’d received his message and he could expect to have his car returned to him in a few hours.

  The familiar road that once brought a small sense of comfort to me comes into view. A comfort that I now understand was a total farce.

  I suck in a breath when I see Gary’s house. My stomach is tight, my anxiety making my skin hot and sweat to line my brow.

  I steal my nerves when I push the button to open the garage and turn in the driveway. My car is still sitting in the same place it was the last time I was here and I wonder what he’s been using for a vehicle while I had his.

  I put the car in park and the door between the garage and the house opens, revealing a very angry looking ex-fiancé.

  Whatever. Me using his car is the least he deserved after what he did.

  Climbing out of the car, I look behind me to see Walker has parked along the street and is striding my way.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Gary growls, crossing his arms over his chest, lifting a chin in Walker’s direction.


  I offer no further explanation as Walker comes to stand next to me. He rests a hand on my shoulder and Gary has the nerve to look pissed that another man is touching me.

  I, on the other hand, have to remind myself to breathe. Between Walker’s nearness and gentle and comforting touch, I almost forget the reason I’m standing here. Not to mention he smells freaking amazing—woodsy and fresh air and a hint of spice.

  “And?” Gary prompts.

  “And nothing, Gary. This is Walker. He’s here to help me get my things.”

  His eyes, that have been focused on Walker, shift to mine quickly. “Get your things?”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Uh, yes. My clothes. Whatever I have left in the bathroom. My chair and end table.”

  “You’re moving out?” His voice has taken on an odd tone that I don’t quite understand but when he continues talking, it clicks into place. “Why? We aren’t done.”

  He can’t be serious. “Gary, might I remind you the last time I saw you, I was wearing a wedding dress and you were in a tuxedo with the pants down to your ankles as you screwed my maid-of-honor.”

  At my words, Walker’s body goes still, his height increasing, if that was even possible, his stance broadening as he shifts. His hand that was resting on my shoulder slides down my back, leaving a hot trail until it lands on my lower back, just above the waistband of my shorts then glides over to rest on my hip. He tugs me closer, my shoulder brushing up against his side.

  “It was a misunderstanding,” Gary says like an idiot.

  “Your dick slipped out of your pants and landed in her vagina then? You should do magic shows. I’d bet you’d make a killing in Vegas.”

  Walker makes a noise that sounds like he’s choking down a laugh and I look up at him when I see him lift his other hand to his mouth to cover up his smile.

  I roll my lips together to stop myself from giggling also.

  “You know what I mean,” he hisses.

  “No, actually, I don’t. I’m not su
re anyone would, in fact. Gary, I know why you want it to work. Your birthday’s coming up and you’re running out of time to marry yourself off so you can cash in. If you want your inheritance so badly, marry Crystal. Remember, you admitted you’ve been sleeping with her for almost six months so clearly there’s something there.”

  His eyes narrow and his voice takes on a dangerous tone when he bites out, “And you also know that isn’t possible.”

  “Then grow a pair and make it possible,” I snap. “I’m tired of you being a giant pussy when it comes to your father. Either man up, tell him what’s going to happen in your life, or walk away from the money. What do you care more about? Money or your own happiness? We clearly weren’t good together—now that I’ve been away from you I realize just how truly unhappy I was. It’s your choice what you want to do with your life but thankfully I no longer have to worry about it. I said we’re done. We’re done. I returned your car, safe and sound. Now step aside so Walker and I can load up my things and I’ll be out of your life forever.”

  “Ellie…” he starts but Walker’s clearly had enough.

  “She said what she came here to say. Now be a man, for what sounds like the first time in your life, and allow her to move on.”

  “With you?”

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Walker says, his voice calm.

  “She’s my fiancée so—“

  “Ex. She’s your ex-fiancée.” He uses the hand not wrapped around my hip to lift my left hand and present it in front of Gary’s hand.

  “I gave you everything you ever wanted.”

  At that, I’m done. I step forward, losing Walker’s hand on me but not my confidence. I point at Gary and narrow my eyes. “No, you asshole. You pretended to not be a selfish asshole but proved you were no better than Michael. I gave you everything you ever asked for by being exactly who you needed me to be. Every event you needed me at, I was there, dressed perfectly. Every dinner party or opening, I was the perfect little woman. Said the right things, laughed at your stupid ridiculous jokes that no one else laughed at. Always by your side. I pretended to be someone I wasn’t for you. That doesn’t say a lot about me. I lived for a long time with blinders on but my eyes have finally opened. I deserve more than to be someone’s pet or trophy wife. There’s more to life than money. You’d do yourself a favor to realize that.”

  I grab my purse from the front seat of the car then grip Walker’s hand in mine, tugging slightly so he follows me.

  I glance back in time to see Walker grin smugly as he passes by Gary. It’s a cocky move that makes me have to hold back a giggle.

  Entering our old bedroom, I wrinkle my nose at what I see. Walker stands behind me, close but not touching.

  “Um,” he murmurs.


  “It’s… interesting?”

  “I was such an idiot.”

  “Was this room used in a 90’s porno shoot?” he asks, humor lacing in his tone.

  I playfully hit him with the back of my hand against his stomach then quickly realize what a mistake that was because holy rock hard abs!

  “And you’ve watched so much 90’s porn?” I tease.

  “Seriously. This was your bedroom?”

  I look around at the leopard print chair in the corner, the black satin bedding with leopard print throw pillows and glossy black furniture. The mirrored closet doors and gaudy silk tree in the corner really set the room apart.

  “He always talked about how much he loved it and it didn’t matter to me what my bedroom looked like so I never…” my voice trails off in a whisper when Walker moves from behind me and turns to face me.

  “Cared? Right. I got that. We’re moving on, Ellie. Let’s get your shit and get outta here. You’re better than 90’s porn.”

  “That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” I croon.

  His lip quirks up and he looks around, spotting the door that leads to the closet.

  “Tell me where to start and we’ll make this quick.”

  Together we gather up all the clothes we can in the garbage bags I took from Polly’s and stuffed in my purse. I don’t even care that I’m going to have to iron for days. The only focus I have right now is to get packed up so I can get back home as fast as I can.


  How quickly I considered Miss Polly’s house my home.

  “Which dresser?” he asks, two empty bags in his hand.

  I point and he immediately gets to work by opening one of the top drawers. He stuffs all my socks into the bag then moves to the next drawer. Before I can open my mouth to stop him, he’s pulling out my underwear in handfuls. Then… “Well, well, well… what do we have here?”

  I dart over as quickly as I can and wrench my hot pink vibrator out of his hand and hide it behind my back. He bursts out laughing when he leans over to look into the drawer, spotting a few more toys and a bottle of lube.

  Horrified, I push him out of the way so I can slam the drawer shut.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Ellie. I think it’s hot.”

  I cover my face, the messy bun on my head flops to the side when my head falls forward. Walker moves in closer, lifting his hands to move mine and wraps me up in his strong embrace.

  Our eyes meet, his… heated.

  Oh my.

  “It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice is low and husky. “As long as he’s no longer allowed to be a part of that game.” He rubs his hands up and down my arms, squeezing my biceps lightly. “You’re not the idiot. He is. Rearview mirror, babe. That’s where he’s at. Load that sexy shit into the bag and let’s finish up.” He presses his lips to my forehead and I suck in a breath, placing my hands on his chest.

  Oh my.

  Muscles and hardness and he smells good and…

  “You with me?”

  I rock back on my heels and look up. I swallow hard. “I’m with you,” I whisper.

  “Right. Let’s move.”

  I push away the last of my embarrassment and do exactly what he just commanded.

  We move.

  In ten minutes, we have all my belongings thrown into the bags. It takes two trips to get all my bags brought down to my mid-size SUV and place what doesn’t fit in Walker’s pickup.

  “Where’s Gary?” Walker asks me.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Should we be concerned that he hasn’t been in our way?”


  But I don’t say that out loud.

  Instead, I shrug. “Let’s get the chair and table and hope he stays away.”

  “Not incredibly reassuring,” he mumbles and nudges my shoulder with his.

  The chair and end table are in a corner nook that I claimed as my own reading area. They were both items I brought with me when I moved into his house and mean something to me. I round the corner and stop in my tracks.

  “Shit,” I mutter.

  “Guess that answers my question.”

  Gary’s sitting on my chair, a glass of what looks like whiskey dangling from the tips of his fingers as he sits casually, elbow to the arm of the chair and right leg bent, ankle resting on his left.

  “I need my chair and table, then I’ll be gone.”

  “Nah,” he says, a look in his eyes that sends a chill down my spine.

  Instead of showing him my fear, I tell him firmly, “Gary, don’t be a prick.”

  “You want the chair and table? Come get it,” he challenges.

  “Are you threatening Ellie?” Walker asks, shifting so I’m behind him. “Or are you trying to scare me?”

  “I’m not threatening anyone.”

  “So you’re trying to scare her—or again, me. Newsflash, dickhead, I’m here for Ellie. My guess is that you’ve been able to use scare tactics your entire life, thinking if you throw around your money that you’ve got a leg to stand on. That ends now. If Ellie wants her items, she’s going to get them.”

  “Let’s just… forget it,”
I tell Walker quietly from behind him. I hate that I’m caving to him so quickly but at the same time, I truly just want out of this house. Away from Gary and everything that I turned into for him.

  He subtly shakes his head.

  “Maybe I should make that call to the police and inform them of my missing vehicle.”

  What an ass! I want to say that I take it back, I’m not walking out of here without what’s mine just because he’s not getting what he wants.

  “The one that’s sitting in your garage? Try it, moron. They’re going to look into it, realize that you made a boner move and fucked up. She brought it back to you when you asked her to. You fucked up and didn’t appreciate Ellie for what she is and now you’re going to have to deal with the blow back of that. Now, are you going to sit there like a punk ass bitch or move from Ellie’s chair and get out of our way?”

  “You think you know anything about me?”

  Walker’s so calm, his words never wavering. Meanwhile, I’m so angry I’m shaking. “Didn’t claim to, no. But from what I’ve heard here today and the little Ellie has shared? You’re nothing but a man who’s lived off his daddy’s money his entire life and now that’s about to be taken away from you. Not her problem. Not mine.”

  I’ve never had someone stand up for me the way Walker did just now. Especially someone who barely knows me.

  Warmth fills my stomach and tears sting my eyes. Before I allow Gary to see them, or allow him to think he has anything to do with my emotions, I push the tears back. Instead, I move in front of Walker and look Gary straight in the eye. “You want to throw around your threats? I have one of my own.” I lift my phone and show him his dad’s contact on my screen. “I’m sure Gary Sr. would love to hear the real reason the wedding never happened. My guess is you lied through your teeth, throwing me so far under the bus that my name was used as a curse by the end of the conversation.”

  His eyes widen then narrow. “He won’t believe you,” he says casually but I can see in the way his shoulders tensed that he’s nervous.

  “Might I remind you Allison was there, also. She saw the state you two were in. She would have no problem standing up for me.”

  Gary’s face pales and he stands slowly. He cracks his neck and takes a step toward me.


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