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Sweet Nothings

Page 3

by Baker, Tory

  “We’ll work on it. Together. You ready to go? I know we talked about me picking up food on the way here, but I figured we’d have enough time to go the grocery store together.”

  “Sure, let me shut the windows, grab my bag, and we can go,” Kinsley goes around shutting the living room windows. “Can you shut the bedroom window for me?” she asks.

  “No problem,” I walk down the short hall and step into her bedroom. It’s feminine and soft with vibrant colors.

  What captures my attention the most is the bed, it has to be a king size bed and taking up the majority of the room.

  “You need help?” I hear Kinsley say, it snaps me out of my reverie, “Nope, I got it,” I say closing her window.

  That bed though, it already has me thinking of all the ways I’m going to make Kinsley mine.



  Luke and I walked in the grocery store, Luke’s hand encompassed in mine, the grocery basket in his other hand. We decided on beef fajitas on the way to the store. It was a quick trip, it didn’t take us too long, but I did notice when his hand wasn’t in mine, he kept a hand on my lower back at all times.

  Now our bellies are full, Luke is working on some work he has to prepare for tomorrow. I pull a book out that I’ve been reading lately, but every time I start a chapter my gaze lingers on Luke. He pulled out a pair of eyeglasses he uses while reading papers or working on his computer, and I have to say, I love this look on him.

  He’s deep into his work, not really noticing me blatantly staring at him. A yawn takes over me, and that’s when Luke looks up from his work.

  “You ready for bed?” he asks.

  “No, just relaxing and taking in the view,” I admit.

  “Oh yeah?” he closes his laptop, moves his paperwork and laptop to the coffee table. Luke’s body, that’s long and lean, prowls towards me, I look up at him, as he crouches down.

  “Come on, Kinsley. You need the sleep, I see the tiredness in your eyes. But, feel free to stare at me as much as you want. In fact, I like knowing I have your undivided attention, on me, and only me.” His voice is deep, I can feel his heat, and he’s not even touched my body.

  “I don’t want you to leave yet though,” I let out a frustrated moan.

  “Not leaving you, I’m going to fall asleep with you in my arms. Nothing is going to happen, not yet at least. But baby, there was nothing better in my life than holding you all night long,” Luke croons.

  His voice, so smooth, yet commanding. I nod my head and say, “Yes, please.”

  Luke smiles, we both put our things away. Him making sure the front door is locked, me heading to my room to turn down the bed and take my mountain of pillows off the bed. Before Luke can make his way into my room, I grab a pajama set, go into the bathroom and do my night routine.

  I do my routine of washing my face, brushing my hair, and throwing it in a messy bun. I don’t want it to get knotted up through the night. Then, I brush my teeth, and change.

  By the time I make it out of the bathroom, I see Luke, he’s already in my bed. I’m really freaking glad I bought a king size bed when I moved out of my parents’ house and into my apartment.

  He’s shirtless, his upper body is on full display, his lower half hidden beneath the sheets. The smile he has plastered across his face has me smiling, and letting go of my shyness.

  “Comfortable?” I ask.

  “Not yet, but as soon as you get in bed with me I will be.” Luke responds.

  I make my way towards him, sliding in on the other side of the bed. His arms bring me in close to his body, “Sweet dreams, Kinsley,” he kisses the top of my head.

  “Good night, Luke,” I say as another yawn takes over me. My eyes flutter shut, and I drift off to sleep, with a peacefulness in my soul.



  This week has been hard after having Kinsley in my arms two nights in a row, it was hard for me to sleep without her. It sucked, but her early mornings and my late nights working, I knew our sleepovers would have to stop until both of us could make a few changes. Something that I’ve been working on today. But first I had to stop at Topped Off, not only to get my daily dose of coffee. What I’m really looking forward to though, it’s definitely seeing Kinsley, she’s become the brightest part of my day.

  I walk into the coffee shop, she’s not behind the counter, but Kate is, “Hey, she’s in the office, Kins said to send you back when you got here.”

  “Good morning. Thanks Kate,” I respond veering off to go and see my woman. Kinsley and Kate have been working on the shop all week getting it ready for Valentine’s Day. They have heart shaped streamers hanging every which way, red knick knacks that are heart shaped and spread throughout the bookshelves.

  I’m not even halfway to her office when Kinsley comes out, launching herself straight into my arms.

  “Good morning,” she murmurs as her lips find mine. The shy woman has now been replaced ever since I’ve shown her exactly what she means to me.

  “That’s a hell of a good morning,” I say when we pull apart. Our foreheads meet one another’s.

  “I hate not seeing you at night,” I grumble out.

  “Me too, today though I’m sitting down with Kate and ironing out schedules and giving her the promotion she deserves. I suck at this business owner stuff at times,” Kinsley admits.

  “Nah, things slip sometimes. Hell, even I make mistakes from time to time. Delegating isn’t my strong suit, but I’m going to make it my own priority as well. Not having you in my arms at night is getting annoying,” her legs are still wrapped around my body, as I carry her into the office.

  It has me visualizing what she would look like in my office, spread out on my desk as I eat her like she’s my last meal.

  “I guess we both need to work on that together,” Kinsley says as I sit down on the couch she has in her office.

  “We will, I don’t have that much longer till I need to be in the office. How about you come over to my place tonight? I’ll get off work early, make us dinner, and you can stay at my place this time around,” I suggest.

  “I’d really love that, are you sure that’s okay? I have to be up early,” she kisses the underside of my jaw. Fuck, I want this woman, and tonight I’m going to show her just how much.

  “Positive, I’ll text you the address and code to my place in case you get there before me.” I give her one last kiss, she climbs off my lap, and walks with me until she reaches the counter.

  She veers off, I go to Kate and pay for my cup of coffee. Kinsley tried to make it to where I can’t pay, but I put my foot down.

  Once that’s done, Kinsley gives me a small peck on my lips, hands me my coffee, and we part ways.



  “You know I’m a shit boss, right?” I tell Kate once there’s a lull in customers. We should have this conversation in my office, but right now it’s just the two of us here until after school where a few of our employees from college come in to help part-time.

  “What? Why do you say that,” she responds.

  “I should have given you a promotion a while ago, I was just reluctant, and for that I’m sorry,” I say with remorse.

  “Oh, Kins, I completely understand. I was here, but sometimes I wasn’t completely here. And now that he, who shall not be named, is out of the picture, well, I can see it all so much more clearer now. So, you’re not a shit boss and I can see that you were protecting me all along,” I can’t hold out, I’m a hugger. Kate knows this, she lets out a breath of relief. I feel even worse, not just as a boss, but as a friend too. She clearly needed to let things out, and I’ve been so wrapped up in the coffee shop and even Luke, that I feel like I’ve neglected her.

  “I promise, I’m here for you. No matter what, and I’m so so sorry that I haven’t been here for you enough lately. Just so you know though, I’m promoting you to manager with a pay increase too,” I tell Kate.

  “Oh my gosh, no w
ay! No freaking way!” she moves away, jumping up and down. A smile plastered on her face, thank goodness Kate is happy. I was worried that this could have gone one or two ways. She’d want the job, or she’d say no. I’m really glad she’s willingly accepting it.

  “Yes way, that being said. Now here comes the not so fun part. You get to help open and close more. It sucks, I know it does, but the good thing is we close early. We’ll bounce off each other until we bring in someone else we both trust to help us along the way,” I breathe out, hoping like hell she doesn’t runaway once I give her even more responsibility.

  “No problem! I’m so excited, you want me to start opening this week?” she asks.

  “Absolutely, as soon as Mike and Josiah get here, you and I can hammer everything out. Does that sound okay?”

  “You’re the boss,” she says with a wink. We return back to the counter when the next slew of customers come in.

  Kate and I hammer out other details about Valentine’s Day, perfect our drink of the day for the fourteenth, which is only a week away. We even suggest giving our customers a percentage off if they wear red, something we’ve never done before.

  Once everything is done today, I’ll get our social media posts ready for the big day.



  I make it to my place before Kinsley does, it kind of sucks. I’d love to walk into my home and see her smiling face. Hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later, if I have it my way she’ll be here forever.

  I’m ready to see her colorfulness invade my space. Seeing how I was able to delegate more responsibility to my vice president, I’m off work earlier than I ever have been. I do something I should have done a week ago.

  “Luke! It’s so good to hear from you,” my mother says into the phone.

  “Hey Mom, I’m sorry it’s been so long since I last called.” I tell her, even though she could pick up the phone too, but I get it. She’s living the dream now that her and dad are divorced.

  “It’s okay, I need to get better about calling too. How are things going with you?” she says what I’m thinking.

  “Really good, I’m home at two o’clock in the afternoon. About to pull out something to prepare for dinner while I wait for Kinsley to get here.”

  “Kinsley, who’s Kinsley? I think we have a lot to catch up on.” I hear the hopefulness in her voice.

  “We do, she owns the local coffee shop. She caught my attention and she’s made me revaluate my life, for the better,” a smile appearing on my face. I didn’t realize just how much my life needed changing until now.

  “I’m happy for you, maybe I’ll come up soon and meet this amazing woman, Kinsley.”

  “We’d like that, Kinsley’s parents are out RV’ing across the country and I think they’ll be coming back in the next couple of weeks too. Maybe we can have it to where everyone is here at the same time?” I question.

  “I’d like that, keep me posted, please,” my mom being happy is a gift. After her divorce from my father, it wasn’t good. She went through a rough patch, emotionally. I tried to be there for her as much as I could, she wouldn’t allow it though. Mom said she needed time to process and heal, so that’s what she did.

  “I will, love you mom,” I tell her.

  “Love you, my sweet boy. Talk to you soon” she responds.

  “Soon,” we both click off. I go to my freezer taking out two steaks to thaw, root around the fridge to see what sides I can make along with it. Once I see what I’ll make us for dinner, I pick up my laptop and do some research for a certain holiday that is fast approaching.



  After Kate and I get the schedule taken care of, I head upstairs to change and pack a change of clothes.

  Once that is done, I make a mad dash to my car, I’m so excited to see Luke’s place. He hasn’t once boasted about where he lives or the money he brings in. Even though I know he makes a really nice living as an attorney. He’s not once made it seem like money was everything.

  Driving to his place, I’m singing along with the music as my GPS tells me where to go, when I pull into his driveway. It’s in a nicer and newer development, but it’s not a mansion. It makes me fall for Luke even more than I already have.

  I don’t even have a foot out of my car and Luke is out greeting me, giving me a kiss that has my toes curling.

  “I’m loving the way we say hello to each other,” I tell him when our kiss ends.

  “Agreed, how’d you day go?” Luke asks as he takes my bag out of my car for me.

  “Amazing, Kate took the promotion. That means less openings and closings, I shouldn’t be this excited, but it’s been a long time coming. Add to the fact that Kate is excited about it, it’s even better,” I tell him as we take the steps up to his home, it’s a beautiful two-story home, the exterior is painted in a soft grey color. The landscape is to die for, I spy the water in the background.

  When we walk inside, it’s just as beautiful, but it’s missing something. It’s apparent that Luke’s favorite colors are white and black.

  “Luke, your home is beautiful.” It really is the white walls pop out against the natural wood beams, beamed tray ceiling, and molding.

  “Thank you, I know you’re just saying that though,” Luke says with a chuckle.

  “I’m not though, it is beautiful. It just has a very bachelor like style,” I can’t hold my laugh in anymore. I bend over laughing, the look on his face when I told him my thoughts, it’s what tipped me over the edge.

  “That’s it, you’re going to get it now,” he says. I’m up and in his arms, he’s carrying me up the stairs, thrown over his shoulder as he slaps my ass along the way.

  I let out another laugh, it wasn’t done in meanness, but it does have me squirming in a state of need.

  My body hits the bed, his mattress is soft, much softer than my own I have at home. If my body wasn’t on sensory overload from Luke already, I’d fall asleep.

  “Your bed is so much better than mine. All sleepovers will be commencing here from now on,” I tell him.

  His eyes get a soft look, and then Luke’s lips are on mine. We haven’t done much in the way of anything else, but something tells me he has a lot planned for us, and I can’t wait.



  The way she looks all soft and pretty laid out on my bed, yeah this is going to be our night. I pull away from her lips, grazing my teeth down the column of her throat, my hands find the hem of her dress, bringing it up and over her head.

  “Please,” Kinsley murmurs, her hands going under my own shirt to pull it over my head, her wish is my command. I’m left in a pair of jeans, and she’s only wearing a see through bra and panty set. It’s pink with lace edging, giving me a tease of what she has underneath. Her nipples are pebbled.

  My mouth salivates, I want my tongue tasting every inch of her warm skin. The way her fingernails dig into my shoulders as I make a path to my destination. My nose nudges the cup of her bra down and then do I get my wish. Hollowing my cheeks, I suck as much of her breast into my mouth as possible. She tastes like warm vanilla sugar, her legs wrap around my waist, and she rocks her hips as I thrust into her.

  If only I didn’t have these damn jeans on, I’d slide her panties to the side and make my way inside her.

  My mouth is still on her nipple, reaching my way behind her back, I unclasp her bra. Kinsley helps me take it off, “Fuck,” I let out, when both breasts are bare to my gaze. I lean away, I want to see all of her. I need it like I need my heart beating.

  “You okay with this?” I mumble as my hands glide down her stomach, stopping at the edge of her panties, my knuckles grazing her lower stomach. I see the effect it’s having on her, and I want to see it even more with my tongue.

  “Yes, I need you Luke,” she pants.

  I rip her panties off her body. I put her legs over my shoulders, my hands holding her hips, using my lips, tongue, and mouth I devour every inch of h
er bare pussy.

  “God damn, Kinsley,” I grunt against her quivering body, her taste in my mouth is sweet and savory. I want it there forever.

  Looking up, I see her hands gripping the sheets, the way her body is arched back, deep in the throes of ecstasy. I want those hands fisting my hair as she comes. That won’t happen this time though, this time my soul focus is what I’m doing right now.

  “Luke,” she screams out, and I know she’s right on the edge. I thrust my tongue inside her, feeling her tighten around me. I use my teeth to graze her clit, and that’s when she shatters.

  Her whole body does a full body shiver and I slowly bring her down, I come up to lay beside her. Kinsley doesn’t allow that though, she brings my lips to hers, not giving one fuck that she’s tasting herself on me.

  God damn this woman is perfect, and she’s all mine.



  Luke gave to me, boy did he give. I’m returning the favor, right now, well, as soon as I can get my legs to stop trembling. Our kiss never breaks, his hips between mine, and I need to feel him, deep inside me.

  “Luke, I want to return the favor, please,” I request.

  “Babe, I did that just for you. Not to have you feel like you owe me,” Luke states.

  “I want to, no. I need to,” I mumble.

  “You got it,” Luke stands up, stripping out of his jeans. He’s commando, and holy shit. He’s long, thick, and dangerously hard.


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