Book Read Free


Page 20

by Jennifer Foor

  “I think you’d keep your eyes open.”

  I stare straight at a tree and prepare for my photo shoot. “Make sure you get my best angle. I need to at least look sexy.”

  “Shut up and stay still.”

  I hear her taking pictures. It feels like little bugs are crawling up my skin, but I remain still so we can pull this off. It’s only the first piece to puzzle, and if it works I know we’ll be one step closer to bringing Alizar down.

  She extends her hand for me to take. “Okay, Moth. You’re officially dead.”

  I look at the pictures and smile. “Damn. We did good.”

  She wipes off the fake bullet hole and gets on her tippy toes to kiss me. I pull her close and plaster my mouth to hers. We’re standing in the middle of the damp woods making out for a few minutes until I’m out of breath and turned on. “Okay. We should probably make the phone calls before we end up fucking right here against these trees.”

  She raises her shirt just enough for her abdomen to show. She’s teasing me on purpose and I’m suddenly starved. “Don’t you want a break first? We could be quick?”

  I chase after her until she’s pinned up against a tall white oak. I raise her hands above her head and remove her top. My face lowers until her hardened nipples are within reach. I suck on each for only a second before I begin unfastening my jeans. She’s shoving down her own pants to make this easier on me. I don’t take my time when I enter her. She’s dry and it feels like it’s ripping the skin off my cock as I get into an early groove. We’re out in the middle of the woods fucking like animals and I love it. It’s freezing, a light mist of rain coming down, dripping from the trees above. It’s dirty and smells of musty leaves, but we don’t care. We’re too consumed with one another to worry about the elements or if wild animals are watching and taking notes. I pull out of her when she begins to feel wet and spin her body around so her face is up against the rough bark. I finger around her pussy and reposition my dick to take her from behind. My strong arms lift her enough for it to be comfortable and I go to town. She’s crying out and I’m coming undone at the same time.

  When we finally part we’re both smitten. I kiss her gently in between pulling up my pants and fastening them. “Okay, we need to stay focused from now on.”

  She laughs against my mouth. “Okay. I promise. No more distractions.”

  I slap her ass as we head to the truck, all while trying to come up with a way to protect her from whatever she’ll face when this is over.

  Chapter 21

  We’re standing in the parking lot of the little country store, leaning against the truck while I turn on my phone and begin the process of explaining the plan to my team. Meanwhile Nina has already sent the text along with the picture to the person who ordered her to kill me. We both know they’ll still be coming for her, so she shuts off her phone, breaks it in half, and discards the sim so we can’t be traced.

  My phone is vibrating with a ton of messages as soon as it’s able to power on. I wait for them to finish and decided to read them before making the call.

  Moth, that bitch is FBI. That’s why we couldn’t trace her. Her files are locked. We had to make calls. She’s playing you. Get out of there. We think you’re the target. – House

  Answer us. Let us know you’re alive. – Renner

  When you get this message call headquarters immediately – Director John

  There are several more messages from House and Renner, but I ignore them and make the call. The director can wait.

  I put it on speaker so I don’t have to explain everything to Nina when the call is over. Renner answers on the first ring. “Holy shit, you’re alive. Man, we were thinking the worst. Where the fuck are you? Are you injured? Did that bitch hurt you?”

  “The bitch is right here,” she says before I can respond.

  Renner immediately counters. “What the fuck have you done to Moth?”

  “She hasn’t done anything,” I reply. The line goes silent. “We’re working together. I have a new plan.”

  House responds letting me know they’re both listening. “You have some explaining to do, Lucy.” His rendition of Ricky Ricardo is terrible, but it brings another smile to my face.

  “Look, I’m not going to get into details. There’s a hit out on both of us. We came up with a plan, but I’m going to need your help to make it happen.”

  “Anything, boss. Tell us what we can do.”

  “First and foremost, don’t call the director. If we have a mole in the department we’ll flush them out. Nina and I staged my murder. She’s already sent photographs of my dead corpse to the people she’s been trying to infiltrate. Since my death will be a celebration for Alizar, we’ll be able to sneak under the radar to get to him. Nina knows where he’ll be next week. I need you both to hop on a plane to Guatemala in the next three days. Stay put and act as if nothing is wrong until then. We want to make them think you’re sticking around to solve my murder. Don’t make any calls into the director. Wait for him to call you. If he confirms that I’m dead then we know someone is leaking the information. Don’t tell anyone you’re going to Guatemala.”

  “Two of us won’t be able to infiltrate his security.”

  “We’ll call in reinforcements at the last minute that way we’re sure to take him by surprise. Get Cowboy on board. He’s an asshole, but I know he’s not the leak. He was too torn up over what happened the last time.”

  “Sounds good. Can you tell us why we can’t call the director?” House questions.

  “After convincing him I needed to go home to bury my brother, he all of a sudden decided I needed to stick around. He was adamant. The switch was too drastic. Something is up. I don’t want it to be him, but I have one of those feelings. He claims it was because we fucked up, but now I’m not so sure. Someone is in Alizar’s pocket, so we’ll need to weed through the suspects to figure it out.”

  “Okay, boss. We’ll wait to hear from you. We’re glad you’re all right. We thought that bitch took you out.” Renner’s comic relief hour needs to go somewhere else.

  Nina replies. “I can still hear you.”

  “We know,” House says with confidence. I can already imagine them snickering about the situation, because they know we’re a lot more comfortable with each other than we should be.

  When the call ends I know we’ve taken the steps necessary to make this happen.

  “Now what?” Nina asks.

  “Now we wait a couple days. Do you have a passport?”

  “I have two. One for Windy and one for me.”

  “I have two as well. One for Monty and one for myself. I’m just wondering which will be flagged first. We need to keep our whereabouts a secret for as long as we can.”

  “Maybe we should drive most of the way. It might take us the whole week. I have an SUV parked outside of D.C. We can take it and not worry about breaking down.”

  “You don’t like the amenities at the cabin.”

  She reaches over and takes my hand. “I like being hidden, but I’m tired of running from this. I want it over with.”

  I nod. I couldn’t agree more. “Yeah. Maybe we should take it on the road.”

  “I have money put away, cash actually. It’s in the safe. It’s a couple grand. That should be enough to get us across the border into Mexico and then to Guatemala.”

  “We should leave tonight,” I suggest.

  “Okay. It sounds like a plan. We’ll load up and head out.”

  Even though I’m glad we’re working together, I’m still concerned. I’m supposed to be dead, so traveling alongside of her will only make it more dangerous. I have to keep reminding myself that she’s trained to handle intense situations. She knows how to hide and keep from being caught on cameras. She knows all about leaving breadcrumbs, or none at all.

  We close up the cabin after packing supplies for the trip. The nearly two thousand mile trek will take up several days if we don’t stop that often and take turns operating the vehi
cle so we can each rest. The first stop we make is to a local gas station where we purchase three burner phones to use along the way. The calls will come up with a Virginia area code, and even though they can ping the telephone towers, they’ll assume the calls are local when they first come up in the system.

  Since we are the only two who know we’re driving, I’m confident we’ll make it safely across the border. Nina has the address of where Alizar will be meeting the pharmaceutical team written down. We’ve made sure to keep it under lock and key until the last minute.

  It takes us about an hour to arrive where she’s kept her vehicle parked. We transfer everything over and I take the first turn driving. The two of us go over every scenario as we make progress with the miles. We manage to get to the South Carolina/Georgia border before having to stop to refuel. We grab something to eat at a rest stop and decide to stay parked and nap for a few hours.

  While we’re reclined in the seat next to one another I reach my hand over and take hers, pulling it up to my lips. I know the risks we’re taking, and I’m also aware this could backfire. We could be killed, or she’ll be arrested for her involvement. At the least she’s going to lose her job and creditability. Somehow none of that matters to me. I want to spend as much time as we can together before it’s all taken away, no matter what the outcome.

  “I’m scared, Moth. What if this is a trap?”

  “He thinks I’m dead in Virginia.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do if something happens to you when we get there.”

  I smirk, but not because I find it funny. It’s uncanny how we’re on the same page. “Don’t worry about me. I’m invincible.”

  “Don’t joke. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I care about you.”

  “I feel the same.”

  She seems shocked as she sits up straight and stares at me. “You do?”

  I shrug. “I thought you would have figured it out. I haven’t made it a secret.”

  “I just figured you enjoyed the sex.”

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, being with you intimately has perks, but you and I both know there’s more.”

  “That’s why we should turn around and take a different approach.” She’s worried when it comes out of her mouth.

  I squeeze her hand as I respond. “We’re going to take Alizar down. Nothing will stop us.”

  “I spent the last year of my life wrapped up in this madness. As much as I want to find out what happened to Nico, I can’t wait for it to be over.”

  “Have you considered they’ve killed him?” I hate to say it and see her reaction, but she needs to prepare for the worst, especially considering they know she’s FBI.

  “Yeah. I think I already know he’s gone. That’s what makes this so personal for me. It’s an unsettled vendetta.”

  I lean over and kiss her like it’s our first time all over again. I’m falling hard for this woman and there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  After a short rest, we get back on the highway. By the next night we’ve made it to Houston. Our legs are aching and I know we need to be able to get out of the SUV for a while to recuperate. We find a sleazy motel and pay cash for a room. Once inside we toss a few blankets over the made bed before climbing on top of it. There are probably fungus organisms living in a place like this. “Don’t let the bleach smell fool ya. Murders likely happened in this space.” I tease her.

  She shoves me. “You are disgusting. I might have to sleep in my vehicle.”

  The blanket we’ve brought is extra fuzzy. Even though the mattress is hard, I get comfortable quickly. “Come be with me. Let’s get some rest. We’ve got another long day of driving ahead of us.”

  With her head now resting against my chest I find solitude and close my eyes. She’s speaks quietly, her words slurring as she falls victim to her own exhaustion. “I’m going to miss this, Moth.”

  As I fall asleep her words linger in my mind. I’m going to miss her too. There’s no doubt about it.

  The sun has already risen when I sit up in bed and find that I’m alone. Filled with worry I finally hear the sound of the shower running and know Nina isn’t far. I check the clock to see it’s still pretty early before making my way to take a piss. The moment I see her image behind the sheer shower curtain I’m turned on. I brush my teeth and climb inside to join her. Her arms welcome me as they wrap around my neck. “Took you long enough.”

  “Some of us require sleep to be beautiful.”

  She flashes a smile before our lips collide for a kiss that leaves us both wanting much more. I watch her body lower until she’s on her knees. Since I know exactly what’s about to happen I lean back on the wall to provide her more room to work her luscious lips around my engorged cock. She gets right to it, sucking me off, taking me as far as her throat will allow. As she works with tight precision, I’m forced to close my eyes and let it play out. Normally I’d be able to watch, but Nina giving me head is something I can’t begin to grasp. Shortly after she begins I’m writhing and losing my ability to stand. She captures my load in her mouth and takes it in like breakfast. I grab her by the hair and jerk to stand so I’m able to thank her properly. I can taste remnants of my cum on her tongue and it only increases in the intensity of the embrace. I’ve spent my load but remain semi-hard and prepared to fuck. She doesn’t waste time wondering, but spins around with her ass in the air. I enter her without warning, hearing her tiny cries as the friction takes us both to new heights. When her pussy begins to contract I know I’ve given her what she desires. As we’re both satiated we take turns washing each other and enjoying being within close proximity of each other. As the time we get to spend together nears the end, I think we’re both consumed with making the best of it, no matter how many pit stops it requires a long the way.

  It takes us four days to make it across the country, and another after we’ve reached the border into Mexico. We stop only for gas and pay in cash for the rest of the of drive. We’re using our alias passports in order to prevent our names coming up as flagged by government officials.

  According to Nina, the meeting between Alizar and his associates is to take place in El Estor Guatemala off the grid at a home he supposedly owns under a fake identity. It sits on one side of a private lake, and can be seen from some local hotels. Since I’ve been living there for a while I’m familiar with the area and know exactly where we’re going to stay.

  It’s important we blend in, so I locate the perfect place and come up with a story to keep us under the radar. We take our bags in with us and approach the front desk. We need to look like tourists and not lead on that either of us knows fluent Spanish. “Hi. My new wife and I would like a room for two nights. It’s our honeymoon.”

  The female smiles and nods. She pushes a book in our direction and speaks with a strong accent, giving us some papers to fill out and a total in which I pay in cash. We’re then led to a second floor room with a view of the jungle. In the distance I can hear monkeys in the trees. It’s a nice place, and I can tell from the look on Nina’s face that she likes this idea. “Married, huh?”

  “Hey, it’s just for a couple days. You can divorce me when we check out.”

  We both stand on the balcony and look out at the surrounding area. The lake is to the left of us. We can see it, but it would be impossible for us to be spotted watching who is coming and going by boat. I’m betting we’re going to see activity, and now I’ll know exactly what I’m going to be dealing with.

  We spend the day scoping out the area. We blend in on the beach, pretending to take photographs of each other while actually surveying the boat traffic coming and going from the remote location across the water. We use binoculars and Nina identifies two people she recognizes from the lab. And then it happens. I hear her breath in and make a familiar sound. She hands me the binoculars. “The one in the green shirt. Do you see him?”


  “That’s Nico. He’s been here all along. Oh my god, Mo
th. I thought he was dead.”

  While she speaks I watch him. It’s evident he’s not working with Alizar. After further inspection he’s being led inside of a small shack and the person behind him is holding a gun. “Fuck. Nina they’re holding him. They took him inside a building with a gun pointed at his back.”

  She stands like she’s about to swim across the water to rescues him. I grab her by the arm and motion for her to calm down. “Shh. Don’t make a scene, babe.”

  “I can’t help it.” She jerks out of my hold but manages to sit back down. “That’s my brother. We have to get to him.”

  “We will. First we need to contact the guys and make sure they get here. Once we know Alizar is on that property we’re going in. I’ll do everything I can to help you save your brother. I promise.”

  Nina is a nervous wreck for the remainder of the evening. She refuses to eat and seems to be in a trance. I know this is hard for her. I can’t imagine being this close to someone I care about and not being able to reach them. She’s given up everything for this guy, and now there’s finally redemption waiting for her. It will have all been worth it if she can get him out of there in one piece.

  After we’re both back in the room and I’ve made my impertinent calls to ensure backup is on the way, I climb into bed next to Nina hoping I can get her to talk to me. “Hey. I know you’re worried about Nico, but this could be our last night together.”

  She offers an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I can’t stop thinking about him. All this time I thought he was dead.”

  I begin considering why they’d keep him alive and then it hits me. “What if this is insurance? They know you’re out there somewhere with the location of where they’re meeting. Alizar is always one step ahead. He could have been keeping Nico somewhere and had them bring him over to insure you wouldn’t be able to get to him. It’s a long shot, but worth thinking about.”

  “I have. I know. What am I supposed to do? We’ve come all this way. I won’t back down now.” She’s tearing up and it takes everything in me not to put her in her SUV and send her away. She’s too involved, and I’m concerned it’s going to get her killed.


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