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Exposed: A Jaded Regret Novel

Page 8

by L. L. Collins

  Beau nodded, pacified. “I don’t love it, but at least Kai seems to have a solid plan.”

  “I’m also meeting a band while we’re there called Fatal Knockout. Have you heard of them?”

  Beau nodded. “Yes, actually, just recently. All women, right?”

  “Yes. Kai is thinking about offering them to open for us on our tour.”

  “Wow. Could you imagine when we were first starting out if we got that kind of chance?”

  “Well, we did when we played for Halestorm, but I know what you mean. It’s amazing for them. Anyway, Kai’s letting me decide if I think they’ll fit with our show.”

  “He seems to put a lot of emphasis on your opinion.”

  “Yeah. He’s a nice guy.”

  Beau watched me for just a moment too long. “Single guy?”

  Oh, here we go. “Beau.”

  “Natalie.” A smile played at the corner of his lips.

  “I have no idea, Beau.” I did. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. “How are things with you?”

  He rolled his eyes, knowing my deflection game well. “I’m good, Nat. Beyond good.”

  April kept me up to date on how Beau was, but I liked to hear it from my brother, too.

  “Married life and dad life looks good on you. I’m so happy for you, you know.”

  He cleared his throat, reached over, and lifted my chin. “Thank you, Natalie. I’ve never felt better in my life. Those kids—that woman—damn…I don’t deserve to be this happy, but I am.”

  “Yes you do, Beau. You deserve it more than anyone.”

  He looked into my eyes, his gaze knowing and serious. “So do you, Natalie. It’s about time you realize that, too.”

  I fought the lump that immediately formed in my throat at his words. Too bad that wouldn’t—couldn’t—happen. “I love you, Beau.”

  “I love you, Nat. How long are you gone?”

  “Just a few days. The more we get done, the faster I get back. Think you guys can survive without me?”

  Beau put his hand over his heart. “I don’t know. We’ve never gone that long unattended.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Wonder what kind of trouble we can get into.”

  I grabbed my two rolling suitcases, my computer bag, and my purse. Damn, I have too much shit. I looked around, hoping I didn’t forget anything. If I did, it was too late now.

  It was time.

  I had to be at the private airport in less than an hour to leave.

  Steve was about to arrive to drive me.

  My stomach was in knots, and my hands shook every time I held them out.

  I could do this.

  My phone buzzed, and I groaned. I had too much in my hands, and it was buried in my purse. It would have to wait.

  Just then Steve opened the door.

  “Hey, Ms. Natalie. You all ready? Let me take that for you.” He grabbed the two suitcases from my hands and lifted them with little effort.

  “Thank you, Steve.”

  He smiled at me and turned to carry my things out.

  I followed him, looking back one more time before I locked the door and slid into the SUV.

  After I had talked to Beau a few days ago, he told the rest of the band. While they had their fair share of questions, they were happy Kai and I were working so hard to make sure their tour and album would be successful. I told them all to work hard on their new material, and I’d keep them updated on anything that happened while in New York.

  We also talked about Fatal Knockout, and Bex watched several videos on YouTube of some smaller concerts they did, plus she checked out their website. She was instantly impressed, as was Johnny and Tanner, so if they seemed like a good fit when I met them, we were all in on taking them with us on tour.

  Maybe this trip would be a good idea, after all.

  “You okay, Ms. Natalie?” Steve met my eyes in the rearview mirror, and I forced myself to smile, despite nausea crashing through my stomach like waves on the beach.

  “Great. Thanks, Steve. How are you?”

  He nodded. “Can’t complain. It’s a beautiful Florida day.”

  I pulled my phone out and looked at the screen. A text from Kai.

  Can’t wait to see you. Have a safe flight. I’ll be there with a driver, so just look for a town car. And me. I’ll be standing next to it. Oh, and here’s a song for your trip.

  There was a link to it, so I put my earbuds in and pressed it. “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys pumped through my ears, and I smiled. I lay my head back on the headrest and tapped my foot to the catchy beat.

  As the song ended, I felt excitement, though it was somewhat masked by the amount of nerves still coursing through my body.

  Thanks for that song. It was great. Got me in the mood to tackle New York City. I’ll see you soon! Almost to the airport. I’ll be the blonde getting off the plane ;)

  The small airport came into view, and I blew out a long breath. Flying wasn’t my favorite thing in the world, but when I saw the jet with No Limits Recordings on the side, I almost squealed and jumped up and down in my seat. I mean, really—this is an incredible life.

  “Going in style, Ms. Natalie,” Steve commented, reading my mind.

  “Right? I mean, wow.”

  “I would say they are pulling out all the stops.”

  They. Yeah. “You got that right! I thought I’d be in some puddle jumper or something! Look at that plane! All just for me?”

  Steve put the SUV in park and stepped out. He grabbed my bags out of the back before he opened my door.

  “I can take them.”

  Steve shook his head. “Oh, no you don’t, Ms. Natalie. I have strict instructions not to leave you until the plane is in the air.”

  Beau. Of course.

  I smiled. “Damn that brother of mine is protective.”

  “For good reason, Ms. Natalie.” Steve walked a few steps behind me, pulling both of my bags. I felt my phone vibrate again, and it made me smile. I knew it had to be Kai. I would check it once I got onto the plane.

  We went through the short process of getting me ready to board—really, flying private jet was uber cool—and then Steve said his goodbyes.

  “I’ll be out there until you take off, so if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Steve. You’re the best.”

  “Be safe, Ms. Natalie. See you when you get back.”

  I approached the “gate,” which was just a door I would walk through to the tarmac on my way to the giant plane for one.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Anderson. Please, follow me.” I walked out the door behind the young man dressed in a suit. I felt completely out of place. I wasn’t anyone special, but they sure treated me like I was.

  As we approached the plane, the steps descended and a flight attendant in a blue pencil skirt and jacket appeared at the doorway. “Come on up, Ms. Anderson. We’re ready for you.”

  The young man stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Have a safe flight. We’ll see you when you return.”

  I climbed the stairs and stepped into the cooled airplane. Holy shit. The interior was the nicest thing I’d ever seen—probably nicer than my living room. No, definitely nicer. Full sized leather seats filled a portion of the cabin. A desk with chairs took up another part, and a couch with a large television caught my attention.

  “Wow.” I couldn’t help it. I was shocked.

  “Make yourself comfortable. We have a fully stocked refrigerator, and if you want something to eat, we have lunch or snacks. We’ll be taking off shortly once the captain gets the paperwork all finalized and gets cleared for takeoff.”

  “Thank you.” I looked at her nametag. “Carly.”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  “Do you work for No Limits?”

  “Only when the plane is in use.”

  I chose to sit on the plush couch in front of the television. I didn’t care much about watching it, but it felt cozy and homey.

  I slid my phone
out of my purse. It was Kai, as I suspected. It was a link to a song again, so I clicked it.

  “Dangerous Woman” played from my speaker, and I laughed out loud. This man. He was crazy.

  I’m a dangerous woman now?

  He immediately began typing.

  It seemed fitting. You in the air yet?

  Uh no. I wouldn’t be able to talk to you if I was.

  Yes, you would. We have Wi-Fi on the plane.

  Of course, they did. Was there anything this plane didn’t have?

  This is the most beautiful airplane I’ve ever seen.

  Not nearly as beautiful as you.

  Kai said these things a lot since I sent him that picture. I wasn’t sure how to take them, though. I guessed I was glad he wasn’t repulsed by me, but…I was confused. Then again, friends thought friends were beautiful.

  Even if I thought he was wrong.

  My stomach growled, but I ignored it. No eating until later. Kai said he’d take me to one of his favorite places in Manhattan, so I had to save eating for then.

  “We’re cleared for takeoff.” Carly appeared again. “Would you like anything before we leave the ground?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  Two hours until I get to see you! Just a warning—I’m a hugger.

  If he cared that I didn’t respond to his comment, he didn’t say. A hugger was foreign to me. My boys were not. I was dumbfounded men who looked like Kai could be huggers.

  Then again, he did say he was very close to his mother. And he had two sisters. Neither of which I could understand.

  I’ll forgive you for being a hugger, then. See you soon.

  I needed the next two hours to steel myself for touching this man in person and knowing there’d never be anything more than friendship between us. And to convince myself it was better that way, anyhow. No one needed to get messed up in my crazy.

  I stepped off the airplane onto the tarmac of the private airport in New York. The air was much cooler than the humid temps I was used to, and it felt wonderful. I spent most of the last two hours either pacing the airplane or sitting, wringing my hands and worrying. This was not me. I didn’t do things like this.

  It’s just a business trip, Natalie. Stop reading more into it. You know where he stands.

  I slid my sunglasses on and looked around, wondering where he was.

  “Mr. Pierson will meet you outside the building. Your luggage will be taken to the driver.”

  This was it.

  I was about to come face to face with him.

  My friend.

  My hot, gorgeous, swoony friend.



  “Thank you, Carly.” I walked down the steps and flung my hair behind my shoulder. Just before I opened the door, I stopped briefly. I could see my reflection in the window, and I needed to make sure I looked put together.

  I wore a pair of dark jeans, low heels, and a long cardigan with a Jaded Regret tank underneath. The jeans felt a little looser than the last time I wore them, which made me happy. My hair behaved today, and my makeup was on point.

  I was as ready as I would get.

  I stepped through the door, and my eyes scanned the people in the room.

  “Right this way, Ms. Anderson. Mr. Pierson is right out here.”

  Breathe, Natalie. You can do this.

  Another young man led me through another door, where I saw a black town car idling. The back door swung open, and I stopped, my feet cemented to the pavement as I caught sight of Kai in person.

  He wore a pair of khaki dress pants and a light blue dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. The top two buttons were undone like he wore a tie and got tired of it and took it off.

  His hair—the hair I wondered if he wore messed up when he was casual—well, he did. It looked like he’d run his hands through it over and over again, the dark strands going in all different directions before settling back on the top of his head.

  “Natalie!” Kai smiled, and I swore all the cartilage dissipated from my knees as they buckled. My leg muscles lurched and locked, forcing me back upright before I made a fool of myself.

  His smile—I could practically hear panties dropping all over Manhattan. Straight white teeth gleamed, his lips quirked to one side, on top of that “more than five o’clock shadow” thing, and God help me.

  The picture I studied religiously over the last few weeks was nothing in comparison to seeing him in front of me.

  He strode up to me, his long legs getting him there a lot faster than I was ready for.

  Before I knew it, he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me slightly before placing me gently back on the ground. I couldn’t make my mouth open and say anything because my nerve endings were too busy taking in every place his body touched mine. I could feel the definition of his chest and abs as his arms squeezed me to him. My hands didn’t know where to go, so they went around his waist and settled on his back.

  I could smell whatever cologne he wore, and it made my head spin—in a fantastic way. It was quite possibly the best scent I’d ever smelled. And I spent a lot of time with several guys who liked to smell good.

  He stepped back, and I almost groaned at the loss of his touch, but his hand lingered on mine. I lifted my face to his. We both wore sunglasses, but I could feel his penetrating gaze as we searched each other’s faces.

  I was in deep shit here.

  Chapter Seven


  Every single thing I told myself over the last several weeks went right out of my head the second I saw her step out of that building.

  I memorized every feature on that picture she sent me—but it was nothing like seeing her in person for the first time. Her blond hair fell around her shoulders in soft waves. Her flawless light skin and bright pink, full lips were like a beacon of light in the darkness. The large eyes covered by sunglasses but not hidden called to me like a flare. Her womanly—though extremely thin—body dressed like she just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine. And more than what she looked like was the feeling of her in my arms. She…fit there. When she took her hands and rested them on my lower back…I almost dipped my head and tasted those lips like I knew I’d want to.

  The feeling was foreign and I didn’t know if she felt it, too. Capitalizing on it would be tricky if not pointless.

  I knew I had to tread lightly with Natalie. Not only did we have to have a business relationship regardless of what happened with our friendship, but she was skittish. I knew this.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally here.” I settled on small talk, needing to cut some of the sexual tension in the air.

  “I know.” Natalie smiled, and I swore my knees almost gave way. She had a slight dimple I wanted to kiss. “Here we are. Together. It’s great to meet you, Kai.” She lifted the sunglasses and put them on top of her head.

  It might have been my imagination, but I’d swear Natalie just perused my body before she looked back into my eyes.

  “The pleasure’s all mine.” Before I could stop myself, I took her hand, lifted it, and pressed a kiss to the top. When my eyes met hers again, they were wide, and her mouth was open in surprise. Her eyes were a beautiful bright green.

  Natalie licked her lips, and I had to look away before I embarrassed myself.

  “Are you ready to go? I figured you’d be starved, so I have early reservations to eat.”

  “Ready. That sounds great.” Natalie seemed nervous, and I guessed it was understandable.

  I refused to drop her hand as we walked together back to the car. I opened the door and let her in, my body craving hers the second we stopped touching.

  I was in trouble. Big trouble. I’d known it before she came, but it was verified now. All the months of speculation culminated in the last few minutes, and I knew I was right.

  The car moved away from the airport. This wasn’t Natalie’s first time to New York, as I knew her and the band came several times over the last few years. But Nata
lie would see the city in a whole new light after this.

  “Do you want to go back to my place first to freshen up, or are you ready to go eat?”

  Natalie looked over at me. I noticed her hands twisted in her lap. “I’m fine, unless you think I need to change.”

  I couldn’t stop it; I had to touch her again. I reached over and covered her hands with one of mine, and she stopped wringing them.

  “You look breathtaking, Natalie. I just want you to be comfortable. So whatever you want to do, you let me know. You’re the guest.”

  Looking into her eyes made me feel lightheaded like I got up too fast from lying down or I drank too much the night before and didn’t drink water and take aspirin. She gazed at me, her eyes taking in the features of my face.

  I had a million questions for her, but I didn’t know how to ask them. The connection between us sizzled and crackled with every second we sat here, but I didn’t know if it was one sided or if she noticed it, too.

  “Why do you always say that?” A piece of her hair floated into her face, and before I could move to touch it, she put it behind her ear.

  “Say what?”

  “That I’m beautiful.”

  “I didn’t say you were beautiful. I said breathtaking.” I didn’t want to freak her out, so I chose to tease her instead.

  It worked. Natalie laughed, throwing her head back onto the seat behind her. Except it didn’t work for me, because seeing the smooth skin of her neck made me want to…

  “You are something else. ‘Dangerous Woman,’ really?”

  You are dangerous. To me. I shrugged. “Yeah. I know you don’t love to fly, so I figured if you thought you were dangerous, kind of like a superhero, then you wouldn’t be worried.”

  “I was too busy ogling that gorgeous plane to be nervous.”

  “I only flew in it once, but I remembered being awed by it, too.”

  “So where are we going to eat?”

  “This great little Italian place I love. It’s a hole in the wall, but those are usually the best for food around here. I know the owner well, so she’s saving her special for us.”

  “Sounds great.” Natalie turned to look out the window as Manhattan came into view. “God, this city is so beautiful.”


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