The Cradle King: The Life of James VI and I, the First Monarch of a United Great Britain
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57. Calderwood 5: 37.
58. Asheby to [WC], 14 March 1589, CSPSc 10: 2; Fowler to FW, 14 March 1589, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 4–5; Asheby to [FW], 15 March 1589, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 6–7; Ashton to Hudson, 15 March 1589, CSPSc 10: 7–8; Fowler to FW, 18 March 1589, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 10. Woddryngton to WC, 18 March 1589, Border Papers 1: 335–6; Calderwood 5: 37; Grant, ‘Brig o’ Dee Affair’, 104.
59. Calderwood 5: 52–4.
60. Colville to Asheby, 12 April 1589, Stirling. Colville, Letters, 90.
61. Huntly to J, [April 1589] cit. Grant, ‘Brig o’ Dee Affair’, 104–5.
62. J to Huntly, [1589]. Akrigg, Letters, 89–91. The correct line in the Vulgate is ‘Peccavi in caelum, et coram te’ [I have sinned against heaven and before you]. Akrigg and Grant date this letter to February 1589, immediately after the interception of the Spanish letters, but I propose that its content suggests a date after the military action.
63. Colville to WC, 18 April 1589, Aberdeen. Colville, Letters, 91.
64. Fowler to [FW], 23 April 1589, Aberdeen. CSPSc 10: 44–5.
65. Calderwood 5: 55.
66. Calderwood 5: 56–7; Fowler to WC, 11 May 1589, CSPSc 10: 69–70.
67. Calderwood 5: 56–9.
1. Sir John Gilbert to Bedford, 25 December 1583, Exeter. CSPD 1581–1590, 139. FW to Davison, 6 October 1584, Barn Elms. CSPD 1581–1590, 205. Anon., secret advertisments, to FW, March 1585. CSPD 1581–1590, 233.
2. ‘Articles to be ministered to Don Pedro de Valdez and his associates’. CSPD 1581–1590, 523.
3. Woddryngton to FW, 11 April 1582. CSPSc 6: 112.
4. William Davison to FW, 8 October 1586, Windsor. CSPD 1581–1590, 361.
5. Calderwood 4: 612.
6. R. Lemacon de la Fonteine to Buchanan, 14 March and 7 May 1580, London. Buchanan, Opera Omnia, ed. Ruddimann, 2: G2r, G2v–Hr (epp. XXX and XXXII).
7. Melville, Memoirs, 364.
8. J to Catherine de Bourbon, [c. September 1588]. Warrender Papers 2: 80–81.
9. Catherine de Bourbon to J, [c. December 1588]. Warrender Papers 2: 92–3.
10. Fowler to FW, 23 May 1589, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 82.
11. Cit. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 52.
12. Melville, Memoirs, 365.
13. See Fowler to WC, 28 [May] 1589. CSPSc 10: 87–8; Melville, Memoirs, 368. Lee, John Maitland, 193.
14. J to Henri de Navarre, [c. July, 1589]. Warrender Papers 2: 107–8.
15. Calderwood 5: 59; for the making of the treaty see ‘Danish Account’ in Stevenson 79–86.
16. Calderwood 5: 60–63.
17. Cit. Normand & Roberts 31; Calderwood 5: 59–60.
18. Moysie, Memoirs, 79.
19. Melville, Memoirs, 369.
20. RPCS 4: 423n.
21. Calderwood 5: 59; Moysie, Memoirs, 79.
22. J to A, [c. 2 October 1589]. Warrender Papers 2: 109–10; trans. Bingham James VI, 117.
23. Craigie, Poems, 68–73.
24. Asheby to FW, 24 September 1589. CSPSc 10: 157.
25. Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 264–5 (based on Niel Krag’s journal); ‘Danish Account’, 86–8; Calderwood 5: 60, 64.
26. J to the people of Scotland, [22? October 1589]. Akrigg 97–100.
27. RPCS 4: 423; Calderwood 5: 67.
28. J to the people of Scotland, [22? October 1589]. Akrigg 97–100.
29. Calderwood 3: 486–7; see ch. 4.
30. [Woddryngton] to FW, 30 April 1588, Berwick. CSPSc 9: 557–8.
31. ‘Danish Account’ 87, 90.
32. William Hunter to Asheby, 3 November 1589, ‘Fleckra’. CSPSc 11: 187.
33. Melvill, Autobiography and Diary, 277.
34. Melvill, Autobiography and Diary, 277; ‘Danish Account’ 90–92 and 138 n. 19.
35. Moysie, Memoirs, 80–81.
36. Hunter to Asheby, 29 November 1589, ‘Houslo’. CSPSc 11: 188; ‘Danish Account’ 91.
37. ‘Danish Account’ 92.
38. David Lindsay to eldership of Edinburgh, 28 November 1589, Upslaw, cit. Calderwood 5: 68. For the sermon see ‘Danish Account’ 92–4.
39. ‘Danish Account’ 94.
40. Hunter to Asheby, 29 November 1589, ‘Houslo’. CSPSc 11: 188.
41. Mortenson, ‘Anders Sørensen Vedel’, 276, 280; Ekrem, ‘Historiography in Norway’, 247; Ekrem, ‘Jens Nielssøn’, 224.
42. On 3 December. ‘Danish Account’ 95–6.
43. For the journey see ‘Danish Account’ 96–9.
44. ‘Danish Account’ 96.
45. Calderwood 5: 70.
46. ‘Danish Account’ 96–7.
47. Calderwood 5: 72; Spottiswoode 2: 405.
48. Kirby, Northern Europe, 95, 70; Stevenson, Scotland’s Last Royal Wedding, 47.
49. Melville, Memoirs, 277.
50. ‘Danish Account’ 99.
51. ‘Danish Account’ 99; Marryat, Residence in Jutland, 1: 120; Bowes to WC, 24 April 1590, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 281.
52. Thirlestane’s Accounts, f. 11r, cit. Stevenson, Scotland’s Last Royal Wedding, 50.
53. Brahe, Opera omnia, 81–95; Thoren, Lord of Uraniborg, 334.
54. See McFarlane, Buchanan, 360–62; Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 121.
55. Brahe, Opera omnia, 6: 309; Dreyer, Tycho Brahe, 203; Thoren, Lord of Uraniborg, 334–5.
56. Brahe, Opera omnia, 2: 11; Thoren, Lord of Uraniborg, 315–16.
57. Brahe, Opera omnia, 2: 11, trans. Stevenson, Scotland’s Last Royal Wedding, 51.
58. See James VI and I, Poems, ed. Craigie, 100–102.
59. Quoted in Dreyer, Tycho Brahe, 204.
60. Marryat, Residence in Jutland, 1: 306–7 n. +; Bingham, James VI, 127.
61. Brahe, His Astronomicall Coniectur, A4r. The Latin verse reads: ‘QVam temerè est ausus Phaëton, vel prastat Apollo | Qui regit ignivomos Æthere anhelus equos. | Plus TYCHO; cuncta astra regis: tibi cedit Apollo | Charus & Vraniæ es hospes, alumnus, amor.’ Ibid., A4r.
62. Christianson, On Tycho’s Island, 140–41. For Maitland’s poetry see ‘Ioannis Metallani Thirlistonii Domini, Scotiae quondam Cancellarii, Epigrammata’ in Johnston ed., Delitiae poetarvm Scotorvm, 2: F9v–F11v; and Maitland, The Poems of Sir Richard Maitland.
63. Brahe, Opera omnia, 2: 12, 9: 83, trans. in Brahe, His Astronmicall Coniecture; Christianson, On Tycho’s Island, 141.
64. J to Bruce, 19 February 1590, Kronborg Castle; Calderwood 5: 81–2.
65. Hunter to Asheby, 29 November 1589, ‘Houslo’. CSPSc 11: 188. ‘Danish Account’ 95.
66. Maitland to Bruce, 12 February 1590, Kronborg Castle. Calderwood 5: 83–6.
67. Bowes to WC and FW, 16 March 1590, Edinburgh, and Bowes to WC, 16 April 1590, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 252, 276.
68. Dreyer, Tycho Brahe, 205.
69. Papers Relative has the oration in Latin, no pagination.
70. Calderwood 5: 94–5.
71. Calderwood 5: 95; Bingham, James VI, 123.
72. See Calderwood 5: 96.
73. Williams, Anne of Denmark, 30.
74. Papers Relative, 54.
75. Melvill, Στɛϕανισκιον, rpt in Papers Relative, no pagination. See also Calderwood 5: 96–8 although Calderwood has this as part of Anna’s entry celebrations; Papers Relative places it at the coronation (p. 55).
76. Calderwood 5: 95–6.
77. Russell, Verba … pro senatv popvloque Edinbvrgensi habita, rpt in Papers Relative, no pagination.
78. Another account has Justice, Temperance, Prudence, Fortitude; Papers Relative, 41.
79. Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 265–6.
80. Calderwood 5: 99.
81. Calderwood 5: 98; Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 265.
82. Calderwood 5: 99.
83. Meikle, ‘Anna of Denmark’, 129; Nichols 3: 531, 549, 541, cit. Meikle, ‘“Oeconomicall rule”’, 105.
84. Melville, Memoirs, 393–5.
85. Calder
wood 5: 98.
86. Calderwood 5: 99.
87. Calderwood 5: 105–6.
1. Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 267.
2. See Larner, ‘James VI and Witchcraft’; Larner, Enemies of God; Cowan, ‘Darker Vision of the Scottish Renaissance’; and especially Normand & Roberts.
3. Larner, ‘James VI and Witchcraft’, 74–5.
4. Kirby, Northern Europe, 95.
5. Riis, Should Auld Acquaintance, 1: 267.
6. Larner, ‘James VI and Witchcraft’, 79; see also Black, Calendar of Cases of Witchcraft, 21–3; Stafford, ‘Notes on Scottish Witchcraft Cases’.
7. News from Scotland; Normand & Roberts 316.
8. Melville, Memoirs, 395.
9. Normand & Roberts 159.
10. Melville, Memoirs, 397.
11. Robert Bowes to WC, 17 April 1591, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 504.
12. Bothwell’s declaration, 7 February 1592. CSPSc 11: 61–4.
13. R[alph?] Carr to William Jennison, 4 May 1591, Pierce Bridge, co. Durham. CSPSc 10: 514.
14. RPCS 4: 643–4.
15. ‘To the Nobility’ [June–July? 1591]. Warrender Papers 2: 154–64.
16. Calderwood 5: 129.
17. J to Maitland, April 1591. CSPSc 10: 510.
18. Cit. Larner, ‘James VI and Witchcraft’, 83.
19. Daemonologie; Normand & Roberts.
20. Daemonologie; Normand & Roberts.
21. See Willson, ‘James VI and his literary assistants’.
22. Bodl. MS Bodley 165 nos 17 and 18.
23. FSL MS V.a.185.
24. The suggestion is by Dunlap, ‘King James and Some Witches’, 43.
25. FSL MS Va.185; Daemonologie.
26. Larner, ‘James VI and Witchcraft’, 86–7.
27. Willson 106; Bingham, James VI, 132.
28. See Bowes to WC, 1 August 1590, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 371.
29. Meikle, ‘Anna of Denmark’, 130.
30. Bowes to WC, 14 July 1591, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 543.
31. Meikle, ‘Anna of Denmark’, 130–31.
32. Melville, Memoirs, 403.
33. Bowes to WC, 26 January 1592, Holyroodhouse. CSPSc 10: 626–7.
34. Bowes to WC, 6 June 1592, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 687; News from Scotland, [August 1592]. CSPSc 10: 755; Meikle, ‘Anna of Denmark’, 131.
35. Craigie, Poems of James VI, 106. See also ‘An epitaphe on John Shaw’: Craigie, Poems of James VI, 106.
36. Calderwood 5: 140–42.
37. Calderwood 5: 142–3.
38. Calderwood 5: 143–4.
39. Bingham, James VI, 133.
40. For Moray’s murder see Roger Aston to James Hudson, 9 February 1592, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 633–4; and Aston to Bowes, 8 February 1592, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 635–6.
41. Calderwood 5: 144–5.
42. Willson 108–9; Bingham, James VI, 135.
43. Bowes to WC, 12 August 1592, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 752–4.
44. News from Scotland, [August 1592]. CSPSc 10: 755.
45. Lee, Maitland of Thirlestane, 254.
46. For the Spanish blanks affair see Law, ‘The Spanish Blanks’; Stafford, James VI, 74–123.
47. Burgh to WC, 5 March 1593, Edinburgh. CSPSc 11: 66.
48. Calderwood 5: 255–6.
49. J to Lord Burgh, [late March 1593]. Akrigg 120–21.
50. Quoted in Willson 112.
51. For Bothwell’s attack see Thomson, Historie and Life of James the Sext, 270–2; Calderwood 5: 256.
52. Craigie, Poems, 2: 111.
53. Lee, Maitland of Thirlestane, 262–7.
54. E to J, [November 1593]. Bruce ed., Letters of Elizabeth and James, 98 n.*.
55. Calderwood 5: 296.
56. See DNB s.v. Gordon, George, sixth Earl and first Marquis of Huntly (1562–1636).
57. Grant, ‘Brig o’ Dee Affair’, 108, 109.
1. Worcester to WC, 15 June 1590, Edinburgh. CSPSc 10: 324–5.
2. Advertisements from an Englishman in Berwick, 30 September 1591. CSPSc 10: 574. For a false rumour of Anna’s pregnancy see Robert Bowes to WC, 21 November 1591, Berwick. CSPSc 10: 591.
3. Calderwood 5: 171.
4. Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, 3: 351; New Poems, ed. Westcott, lviii.
5. HMC Mar & Kellie 1: 40.
6. Colville, Letters, 163–77; Calderwood 5: 365–6.
7. Roger Aston to Bowes, 22 March and 30 May 1595, Holyroodhouse. CSPSc 11: 554, 602.
8. Nicholson to Bowes, 15 July 1595. CSPSc 11: 640.
9. J to Mar, 24 July 1595. HMC Mar & Kellie 1: 43–4.
10. Aston to Bowes, 31 July 1595, Edinburgh. CSPSc 11: 662–3.
11. Colville to Bowes, 20 August 1595. CSPSc 11: 683.
12. Craigie, Poems, 107.
13. George Nicolson to Bowes, 8 October 1595, Edinburgh. CSPSc 12: 41.
14. The Octavians were Walter Stewart, Prior of Blantyre (a fellow student with James); Alexander Seton, Lord Urquhart; John Lindsay, the parson of Menmuir; James Elphinstone; Thomas Hamilton (‘Tam o’ the Cowgate’); and Pluscardine.
15. Meikle, ‘“Oeconomicall rule”’, 108–9; Willson 121–2.
16. Bowes to E, 24 February 1596, Edinburgh. CSPSc 12: 149–51. This account is based on Barroll, Anna of Denmark, 25.
17. Melvill, Autobiography and Diary, 2: 369–70.
18. Calderwood 5: 510–14.
19. Melvill quoted in Willson 125.
20. Calderwood 5: 681; Bingham, James VI, 139–40.
21. Calderwood 6: 96.
22. James VI, Daemonologie, in forme of a Dialogue. See Willson, ‘James VI and his literary assistants’; Dunlap, ‘King James and Some Witches’.
23. See, for example, Gentili, Regales disputationes tres, 18–19.
24. Trew Law of Free Monarchies; Sommerville 62, 63, 71.
25. Trew Law of Free Monarchies; Sommerville 64.
26. As BL Royal MS 18. B. xv.
27. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 1.
28. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 2.
29. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 9–10.
30. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 3.
31. Buchanan, De ivre regni apvd Scotos, A.2.v; trans. Arrowood, Powers of the Crown in Scotland, 37–8.
32. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 41.
33. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 46.
34. Basilikon Doron, Sommerville 25–6.
35. Calderwood 5: 744; Willson 126.
36. This summary is based on Craigie 2: 6–17.
37. By Peter Blayney, as quoted in Wormald, ‘James, Basilikon Doron and Trew Law’, 51.
1. On the Gowrie conspiracy see Bisset, ‘Sir Walter Scott’; Lang, James VI and the Gowrie Mystery; Barbé, Tragedy of Gowrie House.
2. Calderwood 6: 45–6.
3. Calderwood 6: 46.
4. Melvill, Autobiography and Diary, 326 n.*.
5. Calderwood 6: 49–50.
6. Calderwood 6: 50.
7. Calderwood 6: 47.
8. Nicolson to RCe, 14 August 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 684. Calderwood 6: 50–51.
9. Calderwood 6: 51–2.
10. Calderwood 6: 52, 53, 55.
11. Calderwood 6: 56.
12. Calderwood 6: 56, 49.
13. Nicolson to RCe, 11 August 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 681–3.
14. Brouncker to RCe, 30 August 1600, Berwick. CSPSc 13: 693.
15. Calderwood 6: 68–70.
16. Calderwood 6: 46.
17. Calderwood 5: 57–8.
18. Calderwood 6: 85.
19. Calderwood 5: 58–9; Melvill, Autobiography and Diary, 326.
20. Nicolson to RCe, 6 August 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 679.
21. DNB s.v. Ruthven, John, third Earl of Gowrie (1578?–1600); DNB s.v. Ramsay, Sir John, Viscount Haddington and Earl of Holderness (1580?–1626).
22. J to Christian IV, 11 November 1605, West
minster. Akrigg 276.
23. J to C and GV, 5 August [1623]. Akrigg 421.
24. Nicolson to RCe, 11 August 1600, Edinburgh, CSPSc 13: 682. For Anna and the Ruthvens see Barroll, Anna of Denmark, 25–7.
25. Nicolson to RCe, 6 August 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 679.
26. Nicolson to RCe, 21 August 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 691.
27. Aston to RCe, 1 November 1600, Berwick. CSPSc 13: 723.
28. Sir Robert Carey to RCe, 21 October 1600, Woodrington. Border Papers 2: 698.
29. Neville to Winwood, 15 November 1600, London. Sawyer, Memorials, 1: 274.
30. Gray to RCe, 31 October 1600, Chillingham. CSPSc 13: 721.
31. Cit. Meikle, ‘Anna of Denmark’, 139.
32. Nicolson to RCe, 20 November 1600, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 737.
33. Hudson to RCe, [December 1602]. CSPSc 13: 1092.
34. Nicolson to RCe, 1 January 1603, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 1095–6.
35. Aston to RCe, 6 February 1603, Edinburgh. CSPSc 13: 1110.
36. Bruce, Letters of Elizabeth and James, vii–ix.
37. For the Adamson affair see PRO SP 12/41/28; Neale, Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments 1559–1581, 158–60; Hartley, Proceedings in the Parliament, 1: 121, 158–9, 163.
38. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 200–201.
39. J to Essex, 31 October 1592, cit. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 203.
40. See for example J to Essex, 13 April 1594, Edinburgh. Birch, Memoirs, 1: 175.
41. Lambeth Palace Library MSS 647–62; for Anthony Bacon, see Jardine and Stewart, Hostage to Fortune.
42. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 200–201.
43. See Nicolson to RCe, 14 October 1598. HMCS 9: 307–10.
44. Sir Charles Davers’s confession, 22 February 1601. Birch, Memoirs, 2: 470–2.
45. Bacon, Letters and Life, 2: 336–7, 359.
46. 7 [Essex] to J, 17 May [1600?]. Birch, Memoirs, 1: 176.
47. Essex to J, 25 December 1600. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 214–15.
48. J to Mar and Kinloss, [early February 1601]. Akrigg 169–70.
49. J to Mar and Kinloss, [mid-February 1601]. Akrigg 170.
50. RCe to Nicolson, 23 May 1601. HMCS 10: 155–6 (misdated).
51. Mar and Kinloss to [RCe], 29 April 1601. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 251.
52. RCe to Gray, 14 May 1601. HMCS 14: 176.
53. Bruce, Letters of Elizabeth and James, 134–8.
54. E to J, 11 May 1601. Stafford, James VI of Scotland, 253.
55. On Howard and Essex, see Peck, Northampton, 13–18.
56. Rowland Whyte to Sir Robert Sidney, 30 September 1599. HMCD 2: 397; Peck, Northampton, 17.