The Ottoman Empire: a Historical Encyclopedia [2 Volumes]
Page 86
Treaty of Karlowitz, Treaty of (1699), 1:xxxiii, 30–33
Holy war (gazā), origins of Ottoman Empire, 1:xxiv
Horse Square (Hippodrome), 1:107
House of Islam (dār al-Islam), 1:123–124
House of war (dār al-harb), 1:123–124
Hunchak (Bell), 1:205–206
Battle of Mezőkeresztes (1596), 1:41–42
Battle of Mohács (1526), 1:42–44
Gallipoli, 1:23
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481), 2:107
Mehmed IV (1642–1693) (r. 1648–1687), 2:115, 162
Murad II (1404–1451) (r. 1421–1444, 1446–1451), 2:122–124
Süleyman I (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:157
Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 1:30–33, 121; 2:136
Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), 2:79
Hünkār Iskelesi, Treaty of (1833), 1:xl, 27–28; 2:99
Hunyadi, John, 2:123–124
Hürrem Sultan, 1:83
Hussein ibn Ali (1854–1931) and the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence (1915–1916), 2:41–43
Arab Revolt (1916–1918), 1:6–8
primary document, 2:222–223
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:50–51
ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad (1703–1792), 2:44–46
Ibn Arabi (1165–1240), 2:28
Ibn Battuta, 2:141–142
Ibn Saud Family, 2:46–47
Wahhabism, 2:45–46, 47
Ibrahim (1615–1648), 2:89–91
Ibrahim Pasha
Greek War of Independence (1821–1832), 1:25
Hünkār Iskelesi, Treaty of (1833), 1:27–28
Ibrahim Pasha (Nevşehirli Damad Ibrahim Pasha) (1662–1730), 1:80–82
Tulip Period (Lale Devri) (ca. 1718-ca. 1730), 1:xxxvi–xxxvii, 51–53
Ibrahim Pasha (of Parga) (Pargali Ibrahim Pasha) (1493–1536), 1:82–84
Ibrahim Pasha Sarayi (Ibrahim Pasha’s Palace), 1:83
Ibrahim Peçevi (Ibrahim Pechevi) (1572/1574–1650), 1:181–182
Ibrahim Şinasi (Ibrahim Shinasi) (1826/1827–1871), 1:182–184
Tasvir-i Efkār (Representation of Opinions), 2:51–53
Idris-i Bitlisi (1455–1520), 1:184–185
Ihtisab, 1:138–140
Imperial Council (Divān-i hümāyun), 1:103, 104–105, 107
Imperial Gate (Bab-i Hümayun), 1:149
Imperial Rescript (Hatt-i Hümāyun), 1:19–20, 60, 160
Abdülmecid (Abdülmejid) (1823–1861) (r. 1839–1861), 2:71–74
Afghani (Assadabadi), Jamal al-Din (1838/1839–1897), 2:36–37, 36, 37
Balfour Declaration (1917), 1:9
Nader Shah Afshar (1688–1747), 1:140, 144
Süleyman I (the Magnificent) (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:157
Timur and, 1:5, 163
trade routes, 1:52, 82, 102, 133–134; 2:66, 80
Infrastructure, Tanzimat (reorganization) and, 1:xli–xliii
Inns (hān, khān), 1:xviii–xix, 109
“Khān or Inns in the Late Ottoman Period,” 2:234–235
Interregnum (Fetret) (1402–1413), 1:xxvi, 164; 2:102
Ankara, Battle of (1402), 1:5–6
Abbas I, Shah of Iran (1571–1629), 1:97–103
Afghani (Assadabadi), Jamal al-Din (1838/1839–1897), 2:38–39
Ahmed I (1590–1617) (r. 1603–1617), 2:74–76
Ahmed III (1673–1736) (r. 1703–1730), 2:80–81
Armenia and, 1:204–205
Battle of Chaldiran (1514), 1:14–16
Bayezid II (1447–1512) (r. 1481–1512), 2:86–87
decline of Ottoman power, 1:xxxi–xxxii
Halveti Order, 2:13–15
Ismail I, Shah of Iran (1487–1524), 1:126–129, 154–158
Kadiris, 2:15–16
Karim Khan Zand (ca. 1705–1779), 1:132–134
Kurds, 1:219–221
Mahmud I (1696–1754) (r. 1730–1754), 2:95–96
Murad II (1404–1451) (r. 1421–1444, 1446–1451), 2:123
Murad III (1546–1595) (r. 1574–1595), 2:126–127
Murad IV (1612–1640) (r. 1623–1640), 2:128–129, 130–131
Nader Shah Afshar (1688–1747), 1:140–145
Osman II (r. 1618–1622), 2:133–134
Safavid Dynasty, 1:xxxvi–xxxvii, 52–53, 154–158
Selim I (1465–1520) (r. 1512–1520), 2:150
Sufi orders, 2:26
Süleyman I (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:157, 159–160
Treaty of Amasya (1555), 1:3–4
Treaty of Erzurum (1823), 1:21
Treaty of Erzurum (1847), 1:21–22
“Treaty of Peace and Frontiers: The Ottoman Empire and Persia (May 17, 1639),” 2:181–183
Treaty of Qasr-i Shirin (Kasr-i Sirin) (1639), 1:45–46
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:12–14, 165–167
Arab Revolt (1916–1918), 1:6–8
Kurds, 1:219–221
Murad IV (1612–1640) (r. 1623–1640), 2:128–129, 131
Nader Shah Afshar (1688–1747), 1:143–144
Sufi orders, 2:26
Süleyman I (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:157, 159–160
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:xlvix, 50–51; 2:224–225
Treaty of Erzurum (1823), 1:21
“Treaty of Peace and Frontiers: The Ottoman Empire and Persia (May 17, 1639),” 2:181–183
Treaty of Qasr-i Shirin (Kasr-i Sirin) (1639), 1:45–46
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49; 2:119
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:165–167
Iskander Bey (Skanderbeg, Gjergj (George) Kastrioti), 1:199–201
in Bosnia, 1:209; 2:107
in Bulgaria, 1:212
gāzi, 1:123–124
“Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Accounts of Women in the Ottoman Empire,” 2:186–187
pan-Islamism, 1:xlvii; 2:34, 36–40, 70–71
Wahhabism, 2:44–46
See also Religious communities; Shia Islam; Sufi Islam; Sunni Islam
Islamic law ( şeriat ), 1:xviii
Ismail Enver (Enver Pasha) (1881–1922), 1:70–73
Ismail I, Shah of Iran (1487–1524) (r. 1501–1524), 1:126–129
Chaldiran, Battle of (1514), 1:14–16
Ismail II, 1:97
Ismet Pasha (Ismet Inönü), 1:113, 115
establishment of, 1:xlvix–l
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:50–51
Istanbul, Mehmed II establishment as capital, 2:106
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481), 2:108–109
Süleyman I (1494–1566) (r. 1520–1566), 2:158–159
Treaty of Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 1:37–38
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 2:119
Treaty of Sèvres, Treaty of (1920), 1:48–49
See also Venice
Ittihad-i Osmani Cemiyeti (Ittihad-i Osmani Jemiyeti) (Ottoman Unity Society), 2:56
Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Ittihad ve Terakki Jemiyeti), 2:56
Janissaries, 1:129–132
administration, central, 1:103–104
Bektaşi (Bektashi) Order, 2:1–4
“Çelebi Effendi’s Defense of Sultan Selim III’s Nizam-i Jadid (Nizam-i Cedid),” 2:200–204
“Destruction of the Janissary Corps: Mahmud II’s Firman Abolishing the Janissary Corps (June 17, 1826),” 2:204–209
devșirme (devshirme), 1:117–119
Mahmud II (1784–1839) (r. 1808–1839), 2:99
Mehmed IV (1642–1693) (r. 1648–1687), 2:112–113
Murad IV (1612–1640) (r. 1623–1640), 2:129–130
Nizam-i Cedid (Nizam-i Jedid), 1:57, 58, 145–147; 2:139–140, 153, 154–156
Osman II (1604–1622) (r. 1618–1622), 2:134, 148
See also Military
Jassy, Treaty of (1792), 1:28–
30; 2:153–154
Jemal Pasha (Cemal Pasha) (1872–1922), 1:68–70; 2:55, 60–61
Jem Sultan (Cem Sultan) (1459–1495), 2:84–89
Jews (Judaism), 1:214–219
Balfour Declaration (1917), 1:8, 9–10; 2:226
Israel, establishment of, 1:xlvix–l
millets, 1:xviii
Zionism, 2:43
Jinji Hodja (Cinci Hoca), 2:91, 92
Joha (Johi), 2:21–24
Jordan, Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:50–51
Jtzye (cizye), 1:xviii
Judges (kādis), Islamic law, 1:xviii, 109–110
Judicial system
administration, central, 1:103, 104–107
administration, provincial, 1:109–110
Ahmed Cevdet Pasha (Ahmed Jevdet Pasha) (1823–1895), 1:171
Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal) (1881–1938), reforms of, 1:116
muhtasib and ihtisab, 1:138–140
“Noble Rescript of Gülhane (1839),” primary document, 2:209–212
Ottoman Constitution (December 1876), primary document, 2:212–219
Tanzimat (reorganization), 1:159
“The Young Turk Revolution: The Second (1909) Constitution of the Ottoman Empire, Selected Articles,” 2:220–222
Kādiaskers, 1:103, 104
Kadiris, 2:15–16
Kādis (judges), Islamic law
administration, provincial, 1:109–110
introduction, 1:xviii
muhtasib and ihtisab, 1:138–140
Kalfas, 1:139
Kanoun, 1:139
Kāpi ağasi (chief of the Gate of Felicity), 1:122
Kapi kullari, 1:118
Kapudān Pasha, 1:104
Kara Davud Pasha, 2:134
Karadjordje (Kara George) (1762–1817), 2:47–49, 97–98
Kara Murad Ağa (Agha), 2:112
Kara Mustafa Pasha, 1:119–120
Karim Khan Zand (ca. 1705–1779), 1:132–134
Karlowitz, Treaty of (1699), 1:xxxiii–xxxiiv, 30–33, 121; 2:136
Kars, Treaty of San Stefano (1878), 1:148
Kastrioti, George, 2:123
Katib Çelebi, 1:177–178
Kazas, 1:108–110
Keçecizade Mehmed (Fuad Pasha) (1815–1869), 1:73–75
Kemal Pāşāzāde (Kemal Pāshāzāde) (1468–1536), 1:185–186
Kemankeș Kara Mustafa Pasha, 2:89–90
Keresztes, Battle of (1596), 1:41–42
Khān (Hān), 1:xviii–xix, 109
“Khān or Inns in the Late Ottoman Period,” primary document, 2:234–235
Khawjah Bahauddin Naqshband (d. 1389), 2:20–21
Kiliç zeāmat (sword fief), 1:108–109
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2:46
Ibn Saud Family, 2:46–47
Kizilbaş (Qizilbash)
Abbas I, Shah of Iran (1571–1629), 1:97–98, 100
Afshar tribe, 1:140
Battle of Chaldiran (1514), 1:15
Safavid dynasty and, 1:154
Kizil Elma (red apple), 2:105
Kızlar ağası (chief of women), 1:122–123
Knights of Rhodes, 2:107–108
Başkent (Bashkent), Battle of (1473), 1:13
Koja Nasreddin, 2:21–24
Kolluk, 1:130
Köprülü Mehmed Pasha (Mehmed Köprülü) (d. 1661), 1:xxxii–xxxiii, 84–85; 2:113
Köprülüzade Fazil Ahmed Pasha (d. 1676), 1:xxxii–xxxiii, 85–87; 2:114–115
Kösem Sultan (ca. 1589–1651), 2:89–90, 92–93, 112, 128, 133, 134, 147–148
Kosovo, Battle of (1389), 1:33–34; 2:120–121
Küçük Kaynarca (Kuchuk Kaynarja), Treaty of (1774), 1:34–36, 224, 230–231
primary document, 2:199–200
Kurdistan, 1:219–221
Ahmed I (1590–1617) (r. 1603–1617), 2:74–76
Ahmed III (1673–1736) (r. 1703–1730), 2:80–81
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 2:118
Kurds, 1:219–221
Armenians and, 1:205, 206–207, 220–221; 2:60–61
Idris-i Bitlisi (1455–1520), 1:184–185
Nakshbandi Order (Naqshbandiyyeh), 2:20–21
nationalism, 1:221
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49
Kütahya, Treaty of (1833), 1:xl; 2:99
Lak, 1:132
Lale Devri (Tulip Period) (ca. 1718-ca. 1730), 1:xxxvi–xxxvii, 51–53; 2:80
Ibrahim Pasha (Nevşehirli Damad Ibrahim Pasha) (1662–1730), 1:81–82
Land ownership and administration, 1:xxii–xxiii, 108–110
Larder chamber, palace, 1:xxii, 152
Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 1:li, 37–38, 115–116, 221
Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia) (1888–1935), 1:7, 134–138
Lazar, Prince of Serbia, 1:33–34
League of Prizren, 1:202
Arab Revolt (1916–1918), 1:7
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:50–51; 2:224–225
Treaty of Sèvres (1920), 1:48–49; 2:119
Legal system. See Judicial system
Lepanto, Battle of (1571), 1:38–40
Lispos, Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 1:116
Livas, provincial administration, 1:108–110
London, Treaty of (1913), 1:xlviii, 11
Lor, 1:132
Lord privy seal (nişānci, nishānji), 1:103
Luristan, 2:80
Mabeyn-i hümayun, 1:151
Ali Pasha of Janina (Tepedelenli Ali Pasha), 1:62–64
Ali Pasha of Janina (Tepedelenli Ali Pasha) (1744–1822), 1:62
Balkan Wars (1912, 1913), 1:10–12, 202–203
Bektaşi (Bektashi) Order, 2:2
Congress of Berlin (1878), 1:17–18, 213; 2:69, 70
Halveti Order, 2:14
Mehmed Ali (Muhammad Ali) (1769–1849), 1:87
Murad I (1326–1389) (r. 1362–1389), 1:33, 208; 2:120, 144
Skanderbeg (Gjergj (George) Kastrioti, Iskender Bey) (1405–1468), 1:200; 2:50
Young Turks, 2:57, 58, 59, 220
Mahmud Abdülbāki (Bāki), 1:176; 2:160
Mahmud I (1696–1754) (r. 1730–1754), 2:94–97
Mahmud II (1784–1839) (r. 1808–1839), 2:97–101
Alemdar Mustafa Pasha (1765–1808) and, 1:58
“Destruction of the Janissary Corps: Mahmud II’s Firman Abolishing the Janissary Corps (June 17, 1826),” 2:204–209
Greek War of Independence (1821–1832), 1:24–27
janissaries, 1:131
rise to power, 1:xxxviii–xxxix
Russo-Ottoman War (1828–1829), 1:1–2
Treaty of Erzurum (1823), 1:21
Treaty of Hünkār Iskelesi (1833), 1:27–28
Mahmud Șevkat Pasha, 2:57–58, 59
Mahpeyker. See Kösem Sultan
Mamluk Sultanate
al-Jabarti, Abd al-Rahman ibn Hassan, historical writings of, 1:173–174
Bayezid I (1360–1403) (r. 1389–1402), 2:83
Bayezid II (1447–1512) (r. 1481–1512), 1:184; 2:84–85
Cem Sultan (Jem Sultan) (1459–1495), 2:88
Marj Dabiq (Mercidabik), Battle of (1516), 1:40–41
Ridaniya, Battle of (1517), 1:47–48
Selim I (1465–1520) (r. 1512–1520), 1:66; 2:150
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:12, 165–166
Mansur Hallaj (858–922), 2:26
Ottoman Empire (1453–1520), 1:lxi
Ottoman Empire (1683–1800), 1:lxii
Ottoman Empire (1877), 1:lxiii
Ottoman Empire (1914), 1:lxiv
Piri Reis (1465/1468/1470–1554), 1:189–191
Maraños (Muranos), 1:215, 216
Marj Dabiq (Mercidabik), Battle of (1516), 1:40–41
Maronites, 1:xviii
Mawlawiyah, 2:18
McMahon, Henry, 1:50–51; 2:41–43
primary documents, 2:222–223
Meals, 1:105–106; 2:4–13
Mecca, Ibn Saud Family, 2:46–47
Medina, Ibn Saud Family, 2:46–47
Medressehs, 1:110
Mehmed Ali (Muhammad Ali) (1769–1849), 1:1, 87–89
Egypt and decline of Ottoman power, 1:xxxix–xl
Greek War of Independence (1821–1832), 1:25
Mahmud II (1784–1839) (r. 1808–1839), battles with, 2:99–100
Treaty of Hünkār Iskelesi (1833), 1:27–28
Mehmed I (1381–1421) (r. 1413–1421), 1:xxvi; 2:102–103
Mehmed II (1432–1481) (r. 1444–1446, 1451–1481), 2:104–109
Armenia and, 1:204–205
Battle of Başkent (Bashkent) (1473), 1:12–14
Bosnia and, 1:208–209
Constantinople, conquest of, 2:104–106
expansion of Ottoman State, 1:xxvi–xxvii
Uzun Hassan (1423–1478), 1:165–166
Mehmed III (1566–1603) (r. 1595–1603), 2:109–111
Battle of Mezőkeresztes (1596), 1:41–42
Mehmed IV (1642–1693) (r. 1648–1687), 2:111–116
Mehmed Köprülü (Köprülü Mehmed Pasha) (d. 1661), 1:xxxii–xxxiii, 84–85; 2:113
Mehmed Pasha Sokolović (Sokollu Mehmed Pasha), 1:227; 2:125–126, 151
Mehmed Talat (Talat Pasha) (1874–1921), 1:95–96; 2:55, 60–61
Mehmed VI (Mehmed Vahideddin) (1861–1926), 2:117–119
Mehmed V Reşad (Reshad) (1844–1918) (r. 1909–1918), 1:xlviii; 2:116–117
Melametiyye, 2:26
Merre Hüseyin Pasha, 2:134
Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha (d. 1683), 1:xxxiii, 30, 89–90; 2:115
Arab Revolt (1916–1918), 1:6–8
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 1:xlvix; 2:224–225
See also Baghdad; Iraq
Mevlana Celaledin Rumi and the Mevlevi Order (Mevlevi Order of Dervishes), 2:16–20
Mezőkeresztes, Battle of (1596), 1:41–42
Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) (r. 1593–1601), 1:229–230
Middle Gate (Gate of Salutation / Bab-üs Selam), 1:149
Midhat Pasha (1822–1884), 1:91–93; 2:64–65, 132
Mihai Viteazul (Michael the Brave) (r. 1593–1601), 1:229–230
Abdülhamid I (1725–1789), reforms of, 2:65–67
administration, central, 1:103–104
askeri, 1:xvii
“Çelebi Effendi’s Defense of Sultan Selim III’s Nizam-i Jadid (Nizam-i Cedid),” 2:200–204
decline of Ottoman power, 1:xxxi–xxxiv
“Destruction of the Janissary Corps: Mahmud II’s Firman Abolishing the Janissary Corps (June 17, 1826),” 2:204–209
devșirme (devshirme), 1:117–119
fiefs, 1:108–109
gāzi, 1:123–124
governmental reforms, 1:xxxviii–xxxix
Hamidiye regiment, 1:206
janissaries, 1:129–132
Mahmud I (1696–1754) (r. 1730–1754), reforms of, 2:94–95