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Anxious Love (Love Sick #1)

Page 10

by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

  I wasn't sure how she did it; she didn't offer advice, she listened and asked questions, and I didn't feel weird about telling her my insecurities.

  "Nothing is going to make him feel good about you taking his job." Her little face scrunched up as she thought about how to help me.

  "Yeah, I could learn right tackle if I have to, but I am always looking at what's best for the team. In three practices, it's a little disillusioning to find out not everyone feels the same."

  "It's weird when you all of sudden discover the world is different than you would like it to be."

  I smirked. See what I mean about wise.

  My bad mood disappeared. The killer blowjob helped, but what sealed it was lying in bed next to this beautiful woman. She might be cute and little, but she was wise, and she understood me.

  I leaned back when Leah sat up and drew her knees under her. She clapped her hands. Cheerleader Leah returned. "I have a great idea."

  I chuckled and sat up. "Okay. Let's hear it."

  "Let's go to the lake house."

  "What lake house?"

  "My lake house. When the world is kind of messing with me and I need a reset, I go to my lake house."

  "You have a lake house."

  "Yeah, at Calcasieu Lake. It’s about three hours away south of Lake Charles." She leaned closer and rested her hands on my shoulders. "It's my favorite place on earth, and I want to show it to you."

  "Okay." I snaked my finger over the collar of her T-shirt and pulled her close. "Let's go."

  By mid-morning the next day, we were on the road. We stopped by Leah's place first. I walked around the corner for coffee while she went upstairs to pack. I bumped into Sophie on the way back.

  "Good morning, stranger," I said and flashed her my most genuine smile. She sneered at me, not thrilled to have run into someone as she snuck into her apartment with her shoes in her hand and wearing an outfit that I bet looked hot on her... last night.

  "What? We have nicknames for each other now, Football."

  "I like that. How are you?"

  "Well fucked," she said and stepped too close for my comfort. "Can you say the same?"

  I narrowed my eyes and stepped back. "What's your problem?"

  She stepped back, hugged herself, and lowered her head. "Nothing. I'm sorry." She turned to go upstairs.

  "Sophie. What happened to you and Leah?"

  "Why don't you ask her?"

  "I did. She said it would work itself out."

  A breathy sob escaped Sophie's lips.

  "You sure you're okay?"

  "Yeah. I'm fine." She looked behind me at my bag on the backseat. "You two going somewhere?"

  "Yeah. To the lake house."

  "She’s taking you to the lake house?"

  "Yeah," I said. I stopped myself from asking why. I didn't want to get in the middle of whatever it was they were going through.

  "It's a beautiful place. You'll like it. It's where Leah is most herself." Sophie scampered toward her house and looked back for a second before disappearing through the door.

  I kept my conversation with Sophie to myself. The closer we got to the lake, the happier Leah got. I didn't want to spoil her mood.

  Three and a half hours later, we pulled off the highway onto a two-lane winding road. Over a small hill, the road veered to the right and through the trees, the house sat next to the lake. The one-story building, in brown and green painted wood, blended with the landscape.

  Leah's face lit up when we spotted it.

  "Park over there." She pointed to a covered carport on the right of the house.

  She had the door open before I turned the car off. She walked around the back and up the covered walkway to the large wooden front door.

  I grabbed our bags off the backseat and followed her into the house.

  I stopped inside the door. The living room and the lake spread out before me.

  "Isn't it beautiful?" Leah asked as she opened the sliding floor-to-ceiling glass walls at the back of the house. The breeze with a smell of pine trees and the lake filled the room. I heard the water crashing on the beach a few feet away and boat motors in the distance.

  "Wow." It was all I could say. Leah's place in the Quarter was small, cozy, and comfortable, but the house was large, minimally furnished, and open. I walked down a short hallway to the left and found Leah in the bedroom opening the doors onto the deck.

  I laid the bags down and stepped outside. It covered the entire back of the house. On the right side, the kitchen opened onto an indoor/outdoor dining area.

  "Did you build this place or was it already here?"

  "The main part was here. I added the master bedroom on this side and the deck."

  I walked to the edge and peered down the six steps that led to the beach. Dense trees hid both sides of the house, which sat in an alcove. It felt like we were the only people around for miles.

  "The guy who looks after the place when I'm not here stocks it with stuff, but if we want anything, there's a grocery store a few miles from here."

  "It's quiet back here."

  "Too quiet?" she asked as her brow furrowed.

  "Not at all." I smiled, and she smiled back. She wanted me to like this place as much as she did.

  "Make yourself at home. I'll be right back." She disappeared in the bathroom off the master suite. I walked back into the bedroom.

  A small reading area sat off to the side and behind it a bookshelf full of books, including hers. I had only read one of them, so I picked up the next in the series and flipped through it as I walked over and peeked at the lake. I understood why she loved the place. I found myself soothed by the ripples in the water and calmed by the breeze.

  Football was a million miles away.

  I focused on the lake so much that I didn't hear Leah walk back into the bedroom. She came up behind me, her hand underneath my T-shirt, pushing it up.

  "What are you doing?" I looked over my shoulder.

  "Trying to get you naked."

  My cock hardened as she pushed my shirt up and laid small little kisses on my back. They tickled.

  "Are you going to help me or am I going to have to get a stepladder?"

  I laughed as I spun around. I dropped the book, grabbed her behind the knees and tossed her over my shoulder.

  "Ryan, put me down." She giggled and squirmed as I stalked over to the king-size bed and tossed her down. She blew the hair out of her face and blinked.

  "If you want me to take my clothes off, all you had to do was ask, Little One." I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it at her. It covered her eye. She pulled it off her and discarded it on the floor. I reached in my back pocket, fished out a few condoms, and threw them on the bed.

  "Way to be prepared, big guy," she said and giggled.

  I winked as I unbuttoned my cargo shorts and they fell off my hips. I stood there in my boxer briefs. I cracked my knuckles and waited while Leah's eyes took me in. I loved the way she looked at me.

  "Your body is amazing," she said; her tone displayed her awe, and I felt worshiped. It was a cool feeling.

  She got up on her knees and scooted to the edge of the bed. Her fingers traced the edges of my pectoral muscles. She ran her fingertips over my nipples. They ached. As she passed over them and ran her thumbs over my abs, she leaned in and tasted me. Her tongue darted out, and where it touched my skin, my body tingled. She tilted her head up to me and whispered, "Beautiful."

  She ran her tongue over my nipple, and I groaned. The bulge in my boxer briefs remembered what it felt like to have her mouth on it. I loved her mouth on me.

  My mouth salivated as I remembered what she tasted like, too. I wanted more.

  I bent over, picked her up, and flipped her on her back. I reached for the edge of her leggings and pulled them off her legs along with her panties. Her long tank top covered her, and I kneeled on the bed and pushed her t-shirt and the tank top underneath up and over her head. She laid flat on the bed, her legs bent toge
ther. She stretched them out on either side of me.

  I could see the small crop of hair at the top of her core. I rubbed it with my thumb, and she opened for me. We both groaned.

  "You are gorgeous," I said, but the word seemed inadequate. I looked into her eyes, and she seemed lighter, more open, and so fucking beautiful.

  I leaned over and kissed her, a firm, but gentle kiss. I poured every feeling I had for her in that kiss. Everything I had told her since we met and more things I wanted to tell her but feared she would run away if I spoke them out loud.

  Something about her in this setting let me know she was open to hearing them, but right now, we were both saying more than words.

  She reached up and touched my cheek, and I pulled back to stare into her eyes. They smiled. Her eyes actually smiled at me and told me how much she wanted me.

  "Beautiful," I whispered against her lips and kissed them. She offered her thank-you by pushing my shorts down and pulling me close. Her legs opened to let me in.

  I rested my weight on my elbows. I called her little one for a reason. I didn't want to crush her. My cock hardened as I ground against her folds. She moaned as each movement rubbed against her center.

  She reached between us and stroked my cock. I licked my lips and concentrated on not getting too excited.

  I peeked at her and saw the concerned look on her face.

  "Hey, Little One." I ran my hand over the crease in her brow. "You okay?"

  "I haven't done this in a long time, and I really want to, but . . ." She continued to stroke me, and I grabbed her hand and placed it on her stomach and sat up on my knees.

  "But what?"

  "Please don't laugh at me, but is it going to fit?"

  Okay, I had to laugh.

  I reached down and rubbed myself against her folds, coating it with her juices. She moaned and squealed. I pressed two fingers inside her, and she pushed back onto them.

  She squeezed herself on my fingers.

  "See, there's plenty of room."

  She groaned as I rubbed her clit and continued to move my fingers in and out. We both knew I was lying, but I wanted to make her feel better. It was going to be tight. I bit my lip in anticipation. She convulsed against my fingers and threw her head back as she came.

  I smiled. It was going to feel so good.

  I retrieved a condom and rolled it over my member. I reached up behind her, grabbed a pillow, and placed it under her hips. I stayed on my knees and rubbed myself through her folds a few more times. Her breath hitched at every pass.

  "You ready for me?" I asked as I rubbed the inside of her thigh and lined myself up at her entrance. She bit her lip and nodded her head.

  I dipped the head in, guiding it with my hand. She tensed. I leaned over and kissed her. "You have to relax for me, Little One."

  She kissed me back. As I slid in a little farther, she kissed me harder. I pulled out and pushed back in and she moaned, "Oh my God."

  "Okay, wait. Stop," I said and reached out for his hand. He laced his fingers with mine.

  "You okay?" Ryan asked a look of concerned torture on his face. He held back to make me comfortable.

  "Yeah, um," I began but stopped and tried to figure out the best way to put this. "You are so perfect. I just need to get used to it."

  He laughed.

  "Oh, ow." I scooted away from him.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "Don't make me laugh."

  "Okay, good point." He pressed back into me and stopped. I couldn't speak. I only hummed. I flexed around him, and his cock twitched. I moaned. "Okay, move. Slowly."

  He moved inside me. My mind raced. It felt so good and hurt at the same time.

  "Keep doing that, please."

  "Why so formal, Little One?" he asked and pushed in farther.

  "Oh, fuck," I whispered.

  "That's more like it." He grinned, leaned down, and gripped my hips as he took my left nipple in his mouth. He sucked on it and slowly pounded me. I moaned with each thrust. My left hand held his tight, but I ran my right hand through his gold shaggy locks and yanked on them. It spurred him to move faster. My heart pounded, and I wrapped my arm around his neck and held on. He placed my other hand over my head, found my lips, and pressed his tongue between them, matching his thrust. His body arched over me. He controlled himself, but before I lost control and consciousness from the orgasm tickling at my core, I wanted to feel him all the way inside me.

  I raised my legs and placed them on his hips. I let go of his hands and ran my hands down his sides.

  "Ryan," I moaned his name. "Baby?" I said, and he stopped and stared into my eyes; his face scrunched in a scowl.

  "Don't hold back. I promise I won't break." I used my legs and my arms to pull him down on me. His pelvis grinding on my core and a jolt of electricity made me moan.

  He kissed me, gentle at first, but then bit down on my lip and growled as he slammed into me. I gasped and dug my fingers into his back. He pulled out a little and did it again and again and again.

  Each thrust sent thunderbolts of shockwaves through my body. He snaked his hands underneath my ass to pull me even closer.

  I exploded with his name on my lips and his tongue down my throat. My eyes fluttered, and I was on the verge of missing it as he screamed my name and exploded inside me.

  He pressed into me a couple of more times as his body shook involuntarily. I released my grip on his back as his sweaty body slid off mine. He collapsed on his side and tried to hold me close, but his body was spent. We touched each other everywhere we could without exerting much effort and drifted off to sleep.

  When I woke up, Ryan had me cradled in his arms with a blanket over me; he remained naked. I scooted out of his reach, and he rolled over. My eyes grew wide, and I marveled at his beautiful member. My core twitched as I remembered how it felt inside of me. I watched his broad chest rise and fall for a minute before wrapping myself in a blanket and stepping out on the deck.

  I picked the house because of its seclusion.

  The sun hovered over the lake. I walked out to the outdoor bed, my favorite spot, and watched.

  A few minutes later, I heard footsteps behind me. Ryan in all his unashamed glory walked across the desk.

  "You aren't concerned with anyone seeing you?" I asked. The sun hadn't quite set.

  He grinned and shook his head.

  "You okay?" he asked as he sat at the head of the bed, his back resting on the headboard.

  I kneeled on the bed and scooted up to straddle him. It was the same position we were in last night in his bed. So much had happened in a day.

  His cock sprang to life so close to my pussy. It was as if our bodies needed the connection. His lips sought my neck, and he sucked on it as I ground on his lap.

  I wrapped us both in the blanket cocooning us from observers. I leaned back and found his eyes dark and lust filled as the setting sun caught the gold flecks.


  "Hey," I said. Speaking took effort. I wanted to burst into tears, so moved by the intimate encounter, but how pathetic would that be? I was excited and happy and grateful. I told myself I had no hang-ups when it came to sex, but in three years, I’d never had a chance to test the theory. It turned out, I was right. I couldn't wait to tell my therapist.

  Instead of crying, I smiled and laughed. I grabbed Ryan’s face and pulled it toward mine. "That was amazing. You were... are amazing."

  "No, you were amazing."

  "Can we do it again?"

  "I need to go grab a condom," he said.

  I reached under the pillow he had pushed aside and pulled out the condom I stole off the bed. "I know how to be prepared, too."

  His lips turned up into a grin that took my breath away. "Be my guest."

  I opened the packet and rolled the condom over his cock.

  Ryan's hands snaked up under my ass. He lifted me and sat me down on cock. My hands rested on his shoulders; with little effort, he did all the work. We stared into each other�
�s eyes as I rode him. Our breathing synced as the pressure and emotion increased to a fever pitch.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he slid down on the bed a little so he could press into me. The care he took not to go too fast made we want to weep. A few tears escaped as he continued to caress my core.

  "You're close," he whispered. "I can feel it."


  "Wait for me," he said, his breath throaty and ragged from the strain.

  "I can't," I said, clenching my insides, which further pushed me closer to the edge.

  "Look at me." I focused on his face. I took note of the small tic in his eyelids as he moved faster. The way his breath warmed my face as he pounded into me. I zoned in on the feel of his cock inside me, and the tightness he pushed through to reach my core. When he tensed, I saw it on his face and felt it in his body. His hand cupped my pussy from underneath, and he ran his fingers over my clit. Our orgasm hit at the same time in a mind-altering quake of mind, body, and soul.

  As we came down, we held on to each other tight as if the quake would dare attempt to tear us apart. No, we were together. Melded, tethered, bound together by need, desire, and lust. Maybe by love.

  We were made for each other.

  I peppered his face with small kisses. I took my time, and he was more than satisfied staying nice and safe and warm inside me until he softened.

  I shivered from the cold, and he replaced the blanket that had slid down. He gathered me in his arms and took me back inside. He laid me down and covered me, discarded the condom, and slid in next to me, pulled me close to him, and we fell fast asleep.

  Only one thing could explain the joy I felt. Lying in his arms after having the most amazing sex, I couldn't even write sex scenes that good, and I felt what I always wanted to feel.


  When my eyes opened again, it was dark outside.


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