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Luci's Lullaby

Page 22

by Leaona Luxx

  I touch the photo of us and swallow hard. “She must really love Luci.”

  “Keep telling yourself that and you’ll lose her forever,” He warns me.

  “I’m not sure where to start, how to go about talking to her.” A knot forms in my stomach.

  He points around the room. “This is an incredible conversation starter.”

  “I have to be honest, I’ve never told anyone but Reese and my family how I feel about them”

  “Think of it this way, you want her to be your family. Skip a step and then go back.” He raises his brows.

  I shake my finger at him. “That’s good.”

  “It’s love, Alden. It’ll move Heaven and walk through Hell if you’ll let it,” Chord says.

  The pain in my chest sharpens. “Damn, you’re really good.”

  “You ever get tired of me being right?” He jabs my side.

  “If it helps me get Charlee back, I’ll let you have that one.”

  “You’re not letting me have jack; I earned that.” He dusts his shoulders off.

  “I have so much to make up for and to do.” I rub the tightness in my chest.

  He nods. “The first thing you need to do is to let her know you’re back. I’m not sure the blood loss could be controlled with a ‘surprise, honey, I’m home’ type reunion.”

  “Well, damn it. There goes my naked in the shower idea.”

  He slumps his shoulders. “Dang it, that’s a good one too.”

  “Chord?” He looks up at me. “Thanks.”

  “I’d do it for any of my brothers.” He leans in and sucker punches me.

  “You little shit.” I wince, rubbing my thigh.

  He flexes. “Naw, man. I’m the big shit.”

  “I thought I smelled something.”

  He throws his thumb over his shoulder. “We better get outta here, Charlee will be here soon.”

  “You think she’d notice me in the bed?”

  “I’m thinking that’s a hard yes.” He nods.

  “I need two minutes.” I jog into my bedroom and double check some measurements.

  Chord eyes me skeptically. “What’s up?”

  “It’s weird.” I shrug.

  “Do tell, I like kinky fuckery.” He wiggles his brows.

  I chew on the corner of my lip trying to decide if I should tell him. “No judgment?”

  He holds his hands up. “Nope.”

  “I’ve had a lot of time to think, and there’s one thing I have to do.”

  “Alright, what’s that?” He listens closely.

  “We need a new bed.”

  He cocks a brow. “For?”

  “I knew the first time we made love, it was different. It was different for her and that made it different for me. I can’t expect her to be in a bed where lesser women have been. My stomach turns every time I think about it.” Like right now.

  “Let’s go bed shopping.” He fist bumps me.

  I follow Chord out to his SUV and slide in. As I’m putting on my seatbelt, something catches my eye.

  “It’s Charlee.” I’m stunned, frozen in place.

  Chord looks over his shoulder. “I’m gonna jump out, make an excuse and help them inside. Hit the floor, I don’t want her to feel like we set her up.”

  “How in the hell am I supposed to hide in here?”

  He cuts his eyes at me. “No clue, kiss your ass if you have to.” He opens the door and shuts it behind him quickly. “Hey, ladies. How are y’all?”

  “Hello, Uncle Chord.” I hear kissing, asshole. “What are you doing? Is something wrong with Alden?” Charlee’s voice quivers on my name.

  “No, he’s good.” Chord hesitates.

  “I thought y’all went after him because he was in bad shape?” She sounds so close, I wish I could see them.

  “He was, he’s doing better.” Chord pauses. “He’s coming home.”

  There’s a long silence, which throws my imagination into overdrive. Is she running? Has she panicked? I bet she’s mad. She should be, I’m an ass. If she says she doesn’t love me anymore, I’m going to jump out and hold her until she does again.

  “I can’t see him, he was so angry at me; I don’t think we should talk.” The knot in my stomach is now in my throat, and I struggle to breathe.

  “Charlee, we all say and do things we regret. I know for a fact that’s one of his.” Chord for the save.

  “Maybe.” I can’t stand pauses. “Do you think he’ll be mad that I’m keeping Luci?”

  “No, Charlee. He’s beside himself with the knowledge she’s with you.” Talk me up, buddy. All this waiting and the only thing I can do is chew my dang nail.

  “He is? I thought he’d be upset, especially with me staying here. Wait. When is he coming home? I don’t want to see him.” Her voice trembles with the thought of seeing me, taking my hope and tossing it off a ledge.

  “He’ll be home tomorrow, I think.” Chord clears his throat.

  Again, another long pause. “I guess I need to get my things out of here tonight and the pictures.”

  “I’d leave them, if you don’t mind Luci having them.” Good save, Chord.

  “I don’t care, but what if he doesn’t want them?” She sighs.

  “I think it’ll be fine. Let’s get y’all inside,” Chord suggests.

  They must be walking away because their voices become mere mumbles. How could I hurt her this way? I’m not sure if I’m dizzy from lack of oxygen from holding my breath, or from wanting to die for hurting her this way.

  Chord opens the door, smiling. “Stay there until we’re out of sight.”

  “Sure, I always wanted to eat my knees.”

  He backs up and hits the gas, and my head bumps against the door. “Sorry.”

  “You jackass. You did that on purpose.” I rub my head.

  He grins. “Yes, I did, and I’ll do it again if you get this girl back and act a fool.”

  “Point made.” I scratch my chin. “When can I get up?”

  “Before I pulled out. She had to change Luci, but I wanted to see how long you’d stay down there.” He side-eyes me, chuckling.

  I flip off him again and climb from the floor. “Friends like you, who needs enemies?”

  My phone buzzes, it’s Sam. “Speak of the devil and she calls.”

  “You going to answer it?” Chord looks over to me.

  “No, I’ll wait on Reese and hope she has good news.”

  Chord taps the wheel, looking around. “You know she’s afraid you’re going to take Luci from her.”

  “I would never, but I hope we’re together then it won’t be a problem.” I pop my knuckles.

  “Are you nervous?” Chord laughs.

  “Listen, I have one woman I’d do anything to have back in my life and another I’d do anything to get her out. Yes, I’m a wreck.” I trot my knee.

  “I can tell.” He points to my leg.

  “Oh, this. Just trying to get the blood circulating again.” My cell rings. Reese. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Samantha Moxy is suing you for breach of contract.” She seethes.

  I shrug. “Oh dear, and here I was hoping she’d have a change of mind.”

  “She would if you’d beddidle her.” Reese snorts.

  “What the hell is a beddidle?” I pull my brows together.

  She giggles. “Have the sexes with her.”

  “I… just threw up in my mouth a little.” I gag, trying to swallow.

  Chord scrunches his face up. “I think we all just vomited a little.”

  “Okay, so One, Walker, and Lachlan are working on something. I’ll let you know when I can, but I will say this—don’t mess with One’s kids. That’s scary.” She laughs.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I look at Chord. “Apparently your brother is mad at She-Devil.”

  “May she rest in peace,” Chord sniggers.

  “Bless him!” I throw my hand in the air.

  “Now that we’ve gone to church, have
you saw Charlee?” she asks.

  “Not exactly laid on eyes on her, but if I get my hands on her I’ll be in heaven.” I smile with a big cheesy grin.

  “Boys!” Reese sighs. “Love ya.”

  My chest aches knowing what I’ve put her through. “Thank you, Reese. I love you.”

  “Awe, all the feels, big guy.” Chord hits his chest. “Right here, in the goods.”

  I punch his arm. “Screw you.”

  “That sounds personal. I’mma let you have at that.” Reese giggles. “Use protection. Make good choices. I support y’all. Love is love.”

  “Walker’s more my type.” I wiggle my brows.

  “Hell, he’s everybody’s type.” Chord shrugs. “Expect maybe Hardy’s.”

  There’s a pause and then we all burst into laughter. Chord runs me by the furniture store, and I order a new bed. Bigger and completely different than my old one.

  There’s a knock at the door and my heart is in my throat. “Get a grip! He isn’t gonna knock on his own door.” I roll my eyes and plod over. Checking the peephole, I see Reese and Emerson.

  I yank open the door to faces that look as though someone died. “Well, gracious girls, did Luke Kuechly get married?”

  “Hush your mouth, I would die!” Emerson giggles while Reese’s brows knit.

  “Carolina football linebacker, gorgeous.” I glare at her. She takes her phone out as they walk in.

  “What are you doing?” Emerson spots my bags in the hall.

  I plop onto the couch with a sigh. “Getting my things out before Alden gets here tomorrow.”

  “How do you spell his last name?” Reese peeks up.

  “K-u-e-c-h-l-y.” Emerson rattles off. “Before Alden gets back?”

  “Holy wowza! We need game tickets! I’m gonna marry him,” Reese interrupts.

  “Keep dreamin’, Alice. I’m the single one here.” Reese sticks her tongue out at me.

  “Alden’s already back, that’s why we came over.” Reese hits her leg.

  I incline my head. “Come again? He’s already back. Where’s he at?”

  “Chord’s.” Reese looks down.

  My eye twitches. “Has he been with Chord all day?

  Reese peeks up again. “Mhmmm.”

  “He was with him earlier, wasn’t he! Alden was feet from me and didn’t even speak!” I jump up, rounding the couch. “He didn’t even want to see Luci!”

  “Hang on, I’m thinking it was probably for your benefit.” Emerson leans back looking at me.

  “How is that?” My mouth gapes.

  Reese runs her hand through her hair. “They thought you’d flip if you were to run into him before knowing he’s back.”

  “Uhh, yeah I would’ve, but for him to not want to see Luci. I have no words.” I’m so full of anger it boils my blood.

  “He wanted to, believe me. I have, in detail, heard what he wants to do when he sees you and her, but you said it yourself—you would’ve flipped.” Reese points out.

  “In detail?” I frown.

  Reese rolls her eyes. “In ad nauseam.”

  I wander the room finally sitting again. “I don’t want to see him.”

  “But you love him?” Emerson quirks her brow.

  “I do, but I’m scared.” I lean over, taking slow, deep breaths. “If things don’t change, I can’t be here for either of them.”

  “He’s well on his way to cleaning his stuff up,” Reese insists, but she loves him too. She makes enough excuses for the both of us.

  Emerson takes my hand. “You can’t dodge him forever.”

  “I’m not dodging, I’m staying out of his way.”

  “I’m sensing there’s something more going on here than just an argument.” Reese looks from me to Emerson.

  Emerson wrinkles her nose. “Tell her.”

  “Tell me what, Charlee?” Reese stares at me.

  “Alden and I only argued once, at the hospital.” I pick at my nail. “It was Sam. She told me she would make sure Alden lost Luci if I didn’t leave.”

  “Is that all she said?” Reese scoots closer to me.

  I shrug. “Nothing else I didn’t already know. Alden needs to get a contract and to get one, he didn’t need me around. Women were everywhere and all over him. It was a constant fight that night with them, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer. How is he supposed to be faithful to me?”

  “He loves you, he’d remain faithful,” Reese says.

  “I don’t know that, Reese. He hasn’t even said he loves me.” My chest tightens with the thought of it.

  “He rarely tells me.” Reese bumps my shoulder. “I still think you should consider talking to him, and don’t worry about Sam—she’ll get hers.”

  “What about his contract?”

  “She’s suing him, and I’m sure she’ll try to use Luci against him. She’s already used you to hurt him.” Emerson grimaces.

  I pick at my nail. “What’s he going to do?”

  “He’s home. He’s going to straighten things out, and we’re going to do our best to get out of the contract,” Reese reassures me.

  “What about Luci? I will beat her ass if she messes with them.” I grind my teeth.

  “Get her, Momma bear.” Emerson snickers.

  I set my jaw. “Make no mistake, I’ll beat her ass over Alden too.”

  “He needs his kicked.” Reese smirks.

  “Or at least spanked; he’s got a good ass.” Emerson giggles.

  I raise my hand in the air. “I volunteer as tribute!”

  “Ohhh, I’m gonna tell him you want to spank him.” Emerson wiggles her brows.

  “Gag! I shouldn’t be surprised after the things he has planned for you, if he can get you back.” Reese’s eyes are wide.

  There’s another knock on the door and we glance at one another. I stand and walk to the door. I peek out to see a woman. I swing the door open.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Is Alden here?” the brunette asks. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end; this isn’t good.

  “He isn’t here at the moment; may I help you?” I cross my arms.

  “Yeah, tell him Jessica came by and left him this.” She hands me a piece of paper. “He’s going to be a daddy.” She turns and struts away.

  I slam the door and fall back against the wall as the room begins to spin. “What the fuck?”

  “Let me see that?” Reese takes the paper and opens it.

  “No way, she’s has to be lying,” Emerson says as Reese pulls her phone out of her pocket.

  She quickly dials a number. “Hey, we have a problem.”

  “It isn’t true, Charlee.” Emerson rubs my arm as I fight the bile rising in the back of my throat.

  “Jessica dropped by to congratulate you on becoming a father,” Reese spits. “Yes, Jessica gave it to Charlee.”

  I run to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I barely get the lid up before I lose the contents of my stomach. The room continues to spin as her words take up more space in my head than they deserve.

  “Charlee, you alright?” Reese taps on the door before opening it. I stand at the sink, rinsing my mouth. “I’m not sure it’s a good time, Alden.” I shake my head. “Would you speak to him?” My entire body shakes with my head this time. “She can’t, she’s sick. I will. I promise.” She ends the call.

  “I don’t believe her,” I spout before Reese can say a word.

  “Alden said to tell you, you would know why there’s no way in hell she can be pregnant by him.” Reese frowns.

  “I have no way of knowing…” It dawns on me what he means. “He’s right, not his baby.”

  “How do you both know?” Emerson asks.

  “Ask for a paternity test. Furthermore, I’m gonna kick Sam’s ass. She set this up. That’s one of the girls from the night I left, but her hair is dark now.”

  “So you don’t think he slept with her?” Reese raises her brows.

  “First, he always uses con
doms. Second, this has Sam written all over it,” I sneer.

  “Geez, let me get outta here and back to the office. I have twins that don’t cause as many issues as Alden,” she huffs, walking down the hall. We follow her out as they ready to leave.

  “Charlee, are you okay?” Emerson hugs me tightly.

  “No, but I will be. I guess it’s another reason I left. I’m not sure I can deal with all that comes with being a star.”

  “I’m not positive it’s always like this, Charlee. I have a feeling Sam’s the reason Alden’s having such a horrible experience. Besides, if you were together, he wouldn’t allow this to happen.” Reese releases a heavy sigh.

  “It is a dirty, rotten shame she’s doing all of this. She’s needs adjusted,” Emerson sneers.

  I cock my brow. “I’m about to hand deliver some justice.”

  “I’ll drive!” Emerson chimes in.

  “I’m the legal counsel, I’ll post bail.” Reese snickers. “Alright, I’m gonna go clean house.”

  “You do that.” I high five her and then hug her.

  Luci begins to wake as I watch them leave. I wave and shut the door behind me. Walking through, I enter the room to the sweetest, babbling baby ever.

  “Hello, my love. You always wake up the sweetest little thing.” I pick her up and kiss her chubby cheeks. “Gosh, I love you.”

  It’s getting late, so I decide to get Luci ready for bed when I get a message. My heart races with the hope that it’s Alden. I know I shouldn’t expect him or even be excited, but when I see his name, my mouth goes dry.

  Hey, Charlee. ~A


  I wanted to check on Luci. ~A

  She’s good, she keeps cooing.

  Reese had a pic, she’s grown. ~A

  Crazy how fast.

  It is, hate I’ve missed it the last few months. ~A

  Me too.

  Are you okay? ~A

  I’m sorry about today. ~A

  I swear, I never. ~A

  I know, I recognized her.

  I’m sorry. ~A

  Me too.

  I’d love to talk sometime. ~A


  We need to. ~A

  Think about it. ~A

  I will.

  Kiss baby girl for me, please. ~A

  I will.

  She’ll be happy to see you tomorrow.

  It’s killing me not to see y’all. ~A


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