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Bisexual Blues

Page 3

by David O. Sullivan

  “Whatever you want to.”

  Dino leaned close to Amelia. “Norris and I did it today. Our first time.” She gawked with her mouth open. “We sucked and fucked.”

  She whispered back, “Oh. My. God. You’re not joking. You guys really did it. Ohhhh, I’m so proud of you. I always thought you had it for each other.”

  Parelli and Bander’s sergeant pushed through the door and went right to them, “Guys, there’s a problem. The day shift had three accidents today, so we’re short of cars.” He shifted his gaze to Dino. “Yours is in the shop for about a month; it got crashed. So I’ve decided to put you two in a car for a while. We’ll see how it goes.” He slapped the table with both hands. His voice took on the stark tone of a priest at the pulpit. “I’m trusting you men to stay out of trouble, answer up for calls, and do real police work, including taking reports on both of your beats. No fucking off. The lieutenant was against it, so if you guys screw up, I take the fall. Got it?”

  Bander shot back, “You can count on us.” His smile lit his face.

  Parelli started, “Yes, dear—” Bander drove an elbow into his side. “Ow, damn, uh, okay, Sarge. You can count on us.”

  The sergeant threw his hands skyward but smiled.

  Amelia sucked a deep breath in and let it out forcefully. “I’m jealous.”

  The sergeant left.

  Dino asked, “Why are you jealous?” He poked his tongue into his cheek.

  “Because you guys get a two-man car and you fucked. I’d do either or both of you. You’re each so sexy. And you know most women like to watch men make love.” Dino’s eyes went wide, and Amelia laughed. “Wow, that shut you up.”

  After the usual boring briefing, the guys rushed to the police garage with equipment bags. They loaded their gear into the car, and both headed to the driver’s door. Bander stepped back.

  “You drive the first half since you have five badge numbers of seniority on me.”

  Dino nodded and grinned. “Thank you, Officer.”

  As they drove in the moonlight to the southern-most district of the city, Bander remarked, “No fucking around. This is our big chance. We got to make some arrests tonight to impress the bosses.”

  Dino glanced his way. “I agree. Arrests and no fucking off for tonight.” He smirked. “You can blow me tomorrow night.”

  Norris punched his arm. “No fucking off for the first week. That’ll surprise them.”

  They hit the south end of Highway 101 and parked with lights out, radar gun pointed to on-coming cars. Each volunteered on their days off to get the training to use the radar gun, and, of course, the department didn’t pay them for their attendance. The speed limit of fifty-five was often ignored by drivers who favored seventy and more. The scars on the bark of the oak trees that lined both sides of the road testified to the carnage the road carried. A few cars sped by but only in the sixties; they waited for the worst offenders.

  Bander yelled, “Eighty-five. Get him.”

  Dino turned the headlights on along with the red and blue emergency lights and siren. He floored the high-powered police cruiser. “Yee-ha!”

  They pulled the offender over and issued a ticket. The process repeated three more times.

  On the next one, Parelli stood at the driver’s door and handed a ticket to him, “Please slow down. Lives depend on it.”

  Bander yelled from the passenger side, “Car! Look out!”

  Parelli stole a glance and a speeding car just missed their police cruiser and aimed for him. He began to jump on the hood of the car as the other one sideswiped it and him and went on to slam into an oak tree. Parelli rolled to the ground in momentary shock.

  Bander rushed over, yelling into his portable radio, “Dispatch, Unit 717, Officer-involved collision, my partner’s down. Car into tree. Need back up and ambulance. We’re northbound 101, north of Metcalf.” He held Dino’s head. “Stay down; got an ambulance coming.”

  Dino shook his head. “Not bad; help me up.”

  Norris wrapped an arm around Dino’s waist. Their eyes met, and Dino stood.

  “I’ll check the guy here. You check the other car.”

  Dino limped to the driver he’d stopped and opened the passenger door. “Sir, are you hurt?”

  The heavy-set guy with streaks of gray hair moaned. “I don’t think so. Damn, scared the shit out of me. Are you hurt, Officer?”

  Dino shook his head. “A little.”

  Bander walked back with a wobbly driver from the other car in handcuffs. “The guy’s drunk but not a scratch on him. Good thing he had the seat belt and harness on.”

  Sirens shouted, and police cars arrived. First was the two-man car with Sanders and Larson. At least they were dressed.

  They rushed up. “Who’s hurt?”

  Bander pointed to Dino.

  Officer Larson, the one who was rude to Dino at first when he freed them from the back of their own car, suggested, “Maybe you should sit down. Where’s your pain?”

  The sergeant rushed up.

  “In my hip and leg. The car sideswiped me. If Norris hadn’t yelled, I’d be dead.”

  Bander said, “We’d just given a ticket to the first guy. The second one missed our car and took out the one we’d stopped. The driver’s drunk and in our cruiser.” He called on his radio, “Dispatch, Unit 717, cancel the ambulance, only minor injuries.”


  Officer Sanders looked at Bander. “We’ll take the crash report and book the drunk for you. Take your partner to the E.R. to be checked out.” He looked at the sergeant. “That okay with you?”

  The sarge nodded to the senior officers.

  Parelli said, “Thanks, we appreciate it.”

  Officer Larson said, “You’re welcome. Blue suits take care of each other.” He winked at the guys.

  Bander drove Dino to San Jose Community Hospital. He parked at the emergency entrance. “I’ll get a wheelchair, Dino.”

  “Aw, no, that would embarrass me.” He limped in with Bander at his side.

  Dino’s girlfriend, Chris greeted them. “Ah, I need visitors, thanks!” She smiled and then her face fell flat. “Dino, you’re limping.”

  Bander moaned. “He got hit by a car. He jumped out of the way just in time.”

  She grabbed a nearby wheelchair. “Sit!”

  Dino glanced at Norris and shrugged. Chris hugged and kissed Dino. She glanced at Norris.

  “Are you okay?”


  In the treatment bay, Chris undressed Dino to his underwear.

  “Do you undress every patient?”

  She passed her tongue over her lips. “Only the ones I intend to bed.” She glanced down. “Where did you get blue briefs?”

  “Out of a specialty catalog.”

  She palmed his hidden cock. “Nice.”

  Norris teasingly reached in slow motion to do the same. Chris slapped his hand. They laughed. With only one doctor on duty in the wee hours of the morning, Dino waited with Norris by his side. Their sergeant came and went, assured Dino had only minor injuries. An array of other injured or sick citizens came in, and Dino insisted they be tended to first, since they were more serious.

  The guys wrote their report, loving they got to sign it together. They chatted, and then Dino said, “I’m bored. I’ve got a boner.”

  Norris sucked a lip between his teeth and stared. Dino pulled the sheet back, exposing his hard-on hiding in the blue briefs.

  Norris said, “They’re all still busy with the other patients. If you come quick, we can do it.”

  Dino yanked his briefs down, showing a leaking cock. They were only separated by drawn curtains, but Norris leaned down and took Dino’s dick deep in his mouth and sucked for all he was worth. He worked the skin up and down with his hand. Dino stroked Norris’s hair. He let off the cock.

  “Dude, you need to come like now.”

  Dino face-fucked Norris, clamped his legs, shut his eyes, and scrunched his face. Another minute, a
nd he came in Norris’s mouth. He swallowed, licked the dick, and pulled the briefs up. They kissed.

  A minute later, Doctor Sumner strolled in. “Geesh, we’ve been swamped. Sorry to keep you waiting.” He examined Dino, moved his leg and hip around, and checked the swelling and bruising. “All in all, you are one lucky guy. Another few inches, and you’d be in the morgue.”

  He shook the doctor’s hand. “Thanks. Norris saved my life. If he didn’t yell so I could jump on the hood of the car, I would be dead.” He reached and held Norris’s hand.

  Dino dressed, and Doctor Sumner returned.

  “Do you want the rest of the night off? I’ll write the note.”

  Dino shook his head. “No, thanks. It’s our first night in the two-man car. I want to finish it, and besides, this is our last shift for the week.”

  The guys returned to patrol with a few hours left in the shift. Norris drove.

  “Let’s finish the shift in casual mode. No car stops; no digging for crooks. Take it easy, okay?”

  Their eyes met. Dino nodded, acting mature.

  A few minutes later, a car blew through a red light. Bander couldn’t help himself and stopped it. His suspicions escalated, and he asked for permission to search the car. The driver gave it to him. Dino watched the guy after pat-searching him, and Bander searched the passenger area and then popped the trunk. Inside was stuffed full of a variety of items, mostly construction tools, power equipment, and office items.

  Turned out the items were all stolen less than an hour ago from a construction site. The guy asked for an attorney, but the guys pieced it all together, called the business owner who identified the items, and booked the suspect.

  Dino wrote the report while Norris drove around.

  At 5:30 A.M. Dino moaned, “I need to walk; I’m getting stiff.”

  Norris smirked. “Of course, about the time for E.M.H.”

  “Asshole! I’m not talking about Early Morning Hard-on.”

  Norris pulled to a stop.

  Dino palmed the microphone. “Dispatch, Unit 717, we’ll be out on foot patrol at the shopping center, Cottle and Santa Teresa.”


  They took turns checking doors on the assorted businesses to be certain they were locked.

  Back in their car, Dino said, “I think we should talk about it.”


  “I just think we should.”

  Norris gave a crooked smile. “Look, we told each other that I’m bi to the guy side and you’re somewhere else. What else is there to say?”

  “You’re turning into a wise-ass.”

  “Thanks, but I’m really gay.”

  Dino denied it. “No, you’re not.”

  “I mostly am. Known it since I was a kid. Women are okay time to time, but I really dig guys.”

  Dino shook his head. “How can you be gay? You fuck women. When we were in the academy, you had the pregnancy scare with your girlfriend.”

  Norris drove. “I fuck women. I desire men.”

  “So yesterday at my place wasn’t your first time?”

  “Yeah, it was. I’ve never had the guts to do anything with a guy. I had a few chances in college and chickened out.” He let out a quick laugh. “Was I your first time?”

  Dino nodded. “Why brag about bagging so many women?”

  “Fuck! Like I’m going to be open about liking guys? In a super conservative profession like law enforcement and a homophobic department like ours?”

  Dino slumped in his seat. “I guess you’re right.” He scanned the stars above. “My hip and leg feel better, thanks.”

  Bander queried, “So, how much do you like guys? Are you gay and can’t admit it?”

  “I like guys more than just sometimes. I like pussy, women, the way they feel and smell. I think of them when I jack off.”

  “And sometimes you think of guys.”


  Bander hunched his shoulders. “If I had my total and complete choice, I’d want guys, but I guess sometimes I’m in the mood for women. I always think of men when I jack off. Always. But I’m tired of hiding. I want to be out. Fuck anyone who doesn’t like it.”

  Bander drove behind another shopping center. They used spotlights to illuminate the black alley. After they checked it, Bander leaned over to Dino and pecked his lips. They stared at each other. Dino’s mouth rose at the corners, and he rubbed his boner under the uniform pants. Bander returned the smile. They finished the shift.

  In the locker room, Dino asked, “Want to come over for breakfast? You have a choice between Cheerios and Captain Crunch.”

  “Asshole. You cook real food for Chris but offer me cold cereal.”

  Dino rested a hand on his partner’s shoulder. “I’ll make pancakes and eggs for you.”

  Bander smiled and nodded. “Make my eggs over easy and put them on the pancakes.”

  They sat at the kitchen table in Dino’s small and sparse kitchen, washing down breakfast with beer.

  “You saved my life tonight by warning me about the car.”

  “Guess I did. You gonna name a kid after me?”

  “I just might,” Dino said.

  “We really scored getting put in a two-man car.”

  Dino’s cock bulged.

  “Yeah, we need to turn some good stats and make more good arrests. You were wonderful with that guy tonight.”

  They fell silent, hands touched. Dino stood and, holding Norris’s fingers, led him to the bedroom. He pulled back the bedding and undressed. So did Norris. They both sported erect cocks as they got into bed. Dino pulled the sheet and blanket over them and lay on his back. Norris rested his head on Dino’s chest and let his hand wander.

  Norris looked around the room. “This place could look better. You could read a book on decorating. It’s so sparse.”

  Dino whispered, “Yeah, maybe. I like that you kissed me in the patrol car. You gave me an instant boner.”

  “Do you think that’s how Sanders and Larson started?”

  “Maybe. Maybe they go both ways; ya never know.”

  Minutes passed. Norris rubbed his hand over Dino’s abs, chest, and then his face. He slid up and kissed Dino with passion, holding the kiss for a while, and then Norris put himself face down with legs spread.

  Dino got lube, applied it to his swollen dick, and then to Norris’s hot ass. Norris turned his head to the side at the sliding closet doors with mirrors. Dino rubbed his dick up and down the crack. He aimed the head of his cock at the pink hole and pushed. Norris groaned. Dino pulled away and poked again.

  “It’s tight.” He pushed harder. The head of his thick cock popped in.

  “Awww, ow! What the fuck do you expect? Of course, it’s tight.”

  “Damn, sorry.”

  Their eyes met via the mirror. Dino froze in place with his cock throbbing. Norris nodded, and Dino pushed until he was halfway in. He pumped slow despite the urge to ram it. He dropped his weight on his partner and kept fucking. Norris gripped the bedding with his fists. Dino picked up the pace. That special tingle passed down Dino’s spine and into his cock and nuts, and he erupted. He grunted each time his cock spasmed until he just lay on Norris, panting. He pulled out, grabbed tissues to wipe his dick, and lay face down with legs spread, wanting Norris to return the favor.

  Norris shook his head and rolled him to his back. “I want to see your face.”

  Dino scrunched his face in confusion. “I thought guys only did it from behind.”

  Norris smiled like Dino was some teenager who just said something stupid and moved him to his back. Norris lubed his cock, then Dino’s hole, sending a shiver through him. Norris lifted Dino’s legs to his shoulders and slipped his dick inside.

  Dino arched. “Oww.”

  “Try to relax.”

  “Your fucking horse cock is in my ass. How can I relax?”

  Norris blew him a kiss, and Dino’s hole took time to relax.

  When it did, Dino crowed, “Did you feel t
hat? The tension went away.”

  Norris fucked him amid a mixture of pain and pleasure. Their gazes locked.

  It’s happening. I’m taking a dick in my ass again after years of fantasy.

  Dino wanted to express care, maybe even love. He wondered if it was proper to be romantic with a guy. They both sucked air.

  Norris clenched his jaw and jammed his eyes shut. A deep sound erupted as his body shook. He dropped Dino’s legs and lay on him. They kissed with the cock embedded. After a minute, Norris pulled out, and they rested in an embrace.

  Dino whispered, “Norris, stay with me. Sleep here.” He rubbed his buddy’s chest.

  Norris nodded and smiled. They kissed. The long work shift, coupled with their love session, eroded their endurance, allowing them to drift asleep.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Dino blinked awake to Norris resting on an elbow and rubbing Dino’s chest. “Norris, my ass is sore.”

  As though at a director’s cue, they embraced and kissed with a fury, rolling the width of the bed. Tongues got involved, and their hard cocks rubbed. Dino loved Norris’s manly scent of faded cologne and day-old sweat. Norris grabbed the lube and rushed to apply it to his cock. He put Dino in doggie position and watched via the full-length mirror. Norris jabbed his ass with his cock.

  “Ohhh. Damn.”

  Norris pumped hard with the slapping sounds of sex. Dino didn’t care. His ass felt so full. He loved the dominant way normally passive Norris took him. Norris wrapped arms around Dino, grunted, and obviously came. He pulled out and got in doggie posture, monitoring the event via the mirror.

  Dino lubed up and was equally forceful on the entry. Norris howled. Dino pumped, not caring how long he lasted like he did with women. He wrapped arms around Norris’s torso and rested his head on the back, watching in the mirror. He pumped for almost forever. The tingle came, and so did he.

  “Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah. Fuck!” He knew he sounded like a kid, but trusted Norris not to kiss and tell.

  He pulled out and tossed Norris to his back. Dino pounced. They kissed again, holding a long time, rolling on the bed.

  Norris broke the kiss and panted. “It’s better than I dreamed.” He checked the alarm clock. “We slept five hours. Can we take a shower together?”

  Dino nodded. Under the hot water and still sporting hard-ons, they embraced. They soaped and rinsed each other, taking extra time around the dick and nuts and assholes.


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