Book Read Free


Page 15

by Hildred Billings

  A warbling grunt echoed in the upstairs hallway.

  Foregoing slippers – she had none that tastefully matched her look – Aiko ascended the stairs one at a time, her senses alert to any surprises. She was taken aback by the darkness in the house. Usually when somebody was upstairs the bedroom light would be on. When Aiko rounded the hallway, only a faint glow resonated.

  Pleasurable prickles dotted Aiko’s bare skin.

  “Reina?” she said again, softer. Her head turned back and forth in search of her girlfriend’s hiding place. When she entered their bedroom, she met with a bare abode. “Doko ni iru no?”

  She stood in the center of the bedroom, bemused.

  “What a woman.”

  Aiko spun around, heart racing at the shock of hearing Reina’s voice. There, in the doorway, she leaned against the wall, ankles crossed and hands in pockets. A shadow hung along her face but not her clothes: a tailored suit dressing her torso and covering her calves. Aiko recognized it as the suit Reina wore for formal work functions, but the addition of a necktie made it more masculine than she reckoned possible.

  “Thank you for the gifts.” Aiko tugged on her robe and straightened her hair. “Although I’m rather confused as to what’s going on. Why are you in a suit?” Not that I’m complaining. Aiko could get used to her girlfriend in a suit.

  Yet she did not answer, at least not right away. Reina kicked her foot and stood up, hands still in front pockets but face coming into the light.

  Aiko gasped.

  Reina’s hair was slicked back across her scalp, leaving her forehead bare and open. Her eyebrows were immaculately groomed to curve along her profile, and her eyes lined in the shadowy black she once wore as a performer. But those were merely distractions. The main change to Reina’s face was a thin, black mustache penciled in above her lip. Had Aiko not known this was her girlfriend, she would have thought a man stepped into her bedroom.

  When Reina spoke again, it was with a rich voice shaking Aiko in the pit of her stomach. “You look lovely.”

  Aiko shivered. “A..arigatou…”

  One of Reina’s hands leaped from her pocket and brushed against the ruffles on her girlfriend’s collar. “I’m glad it fits.”

  “Barely.” Aiko looked down at her breasts heaving up toward her like bouncing balls. “But I think you did that on purpose. What is this about?”

  “Can’t you tell?” Reina straightened her sleeves.

  “No. Unless…this is some sort of role play.”

  The smirk on Reina’s face made her fake mustache curve; something warm swelled in Aiko’s pelvis. She’s too much!

  “It is! That’s why you’re dressed like that! Who are you playing, though? Am I also in costume?” Aiko spun around, the hem of her robe billowing out like a ball gown. “Who are we?”

  Reina stifled a laugh in her throat with a well-timed cough. Her hands dipped back into her pockets. “You really have to ask? You should watch your videos more.”

  Aiko cocked her head – and then her eyes popped out of her skull.

  Two weeks before Mari had loaned her a video of a takarazuka production of Gone With the Wind and had been too busy to reclaim it. With not much else to entertain her, Aiko watched it nearly every day, sometimes late at night when Reina was home to moan about how boring it was. Not so boring now!

  “You’re Rhett Butler!”

  “Very good.”

  “So that would make me…iya da!” Aiko hugged herself with shaking arms. “I’m not good enough to be Scarlett!” Especially a takarazuka Scarlett, who was loud, proud, and full of life. Compared to Rhett, who was stripped down to nothing more than a “sexy drunkard” who did nothing fouler than slur his speech when compared to the source. I wonder if Reina even knows what the “real” Rhett Butler was like… Wait, did she care?

  “We shall see.” In one suave move, Reina turned her palm to Aiko, motioning for her hand. Begrudgingly she gave herself over, their skin colliding in sweat and heat. Like a ringmaster Reina led her to the bed and sat her down on the edge. “Tonight, Scarlett doesn’t need to say or do much. It’s her birthday, and a lady of the South should be doted on.”

  Does she even know where “the South” is? Reina barely knew where Tokyo was on a map. “What are you going to do to me…?” Besides the obvious.

  Reina gently kissed her girlfriend’s hand and released it. “I’m going to sing you a song.”

  Aiko clutched both hands to her chest. “What song?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Her former life as a professional singer afforded Reina the confidence to perform in public, let alone in front of her girlfriend – although Aiko hadn’t heard her sing like this in years, karaoke notwithstanding. She began with a low hum, her throat vibrating and her mannerisms quickly mimicking those of the takarazuka actresses: cocky hair checks, sniffing noses, and chests heaved forward as if she were king of the world. She’s really been studying it! Aiko hadn’t considered the “male” roles as attractive as Mio did, but now she saw the appeal. Here was a woman already androgynous by nature but taking it to the highest level. The words of the song Reina sang were not from the play, but from an ‘80s love ballad undoubtedly an old favorite.

  Still, it was lovely. More than lovely, it riled Aiko’s body up in ways she hadn’t felt since the beginning of their relationship, as if she were once again a virgin seduced by the arrogant Reina Yamada. She protected her breasts and crossed her legs in case they jumped at Reina of their own volition.

  I haven’t heard her sing this way in years. It almost embarrassed Aiko. Reina’s voice was warm, still recognizably hers but pushed to a lower register. How she managed to keep a straight face through her performance Aiko had no idea, but by the end when Reina held a note for more than five seconds, Aiko swore she would topple back onto the bed and spread her legs, ready for admission. I’m not wearing any underwear so it’s perfect! Ah, so this is how her friends felt watching those videos. Now Aiko understood the true appeal of a woman pretending to be a man for a while. I could get used to this.

  At the end of the song Reina knelt before Aiko and whispered the last fleeting notes into her ear. Breath coursed its way into her brain and melted her interior.

  “Happy birthday, Ai-chan,” Reina said in her normal voice.

  A squeak of frivolity escaped Aiko’s taut lips. “This is too much! You know, I wasn’t even into that sort of thing before, but now I think I understand it. Especially when you do it.”

  Kisses dotted Aiko’s throat and chin. “Me too. Are you ready for your final present?”

  “Yes. Kiss me, Reina.”

  She sat on her haunches and gently coaxed her girlfriend’s legs apart. Although she tried to hide it, Reina’s nose still scrunched at the sudden scent of Aiko’s readying sex. “No, I don’t think I will kiss you. Although you need kissing, badly.”

  Aiko leaned back on her arms, breasts tight against her bodice. The front tie of her robe came undone under Reina’s tutelage. “Please.” No more quotes! Just do me!

  “Jya, there really is one last present.” Reina settled between her girlfriend’s legs and unzipped her own trousers. “I think you’re going to like it.”


  Winking, Reina pulled the last present out.


  Since their first time using such things five years before, toys had become a staple in their love life – especially granted Reina’s talent for wielding them. They had a modest collection of toys, from the classic vibrator that Aiko liked when she was alone, to a little thick phallus she secretly liked the best. The one attached to Reina’s waist, however, was neither: it was long and purple, with a unique curve at the end.

  “You really are spoiling me with the new presents…”

  “I’ve had my eye on this one at the sex shop for a while,” Reina said, referring to the lesbian-run store in Ni-chome. “I know how much you like having that spot inside you stimulated, and they say this kind of
shape is made for that.”

  Aiko shuddered, her legs drawing up onto the bed while her pelvis warmed, readying to take that special shape inside her at any moment. Her hand passed between her legs, grazing her vulva and slinking to the present in Reina’s hand.

  It was firm, yet malleable. She yanked on it once and elicited an excited hiss from her girlfriend. “I don’t suppose it goes both ways,” Aiko said.

  Reina smiled. “I also liked it because there are nubs on the other end. For me.”

  Aiko took a stronger hold on the phallus and ground it against Reina’s labia. The fake mustache twitched under the pressure. “Well, I suppose it’s time for this man to fuck his lady.”

  Two tsks shot from Reina’s mouth. “A lady shouldn’t say such vulgarities.”

  Aiko licked her thumb and wiped away the mustache. I don’t want to kiss that thing. “Weren’t you the one who told me I should be able to say whatever I want in this bed?”

  “Indeed I did.” Reina leaned forward and pulled open Aiko’s robe, exposing the mounds of her breasts. More breath tickled her skin. Aiko moaned, legs spreading further. The first of her aieki trickled out of her as her mind conjured images of where they would be in five minutes. Me on my back with these legs up in the air. She bet Scarlett never did that. The real one, anyway. She had no comment about what went on in musicals.

  “Well, then.” Aiko smiled. “Sing and make love to me.”

  Reina dipped the front of Aiko’s bust and licked her nipple until it hardened, as pink as the silk and satin around it. “What should I sing?”

  “Whatever you like.”

  She didn’t sing anything comprehensible – just random words of romance strung together along a simple melody while she shirked her own clothing and pressed her lips against Aiko’s skin. At some point Reina dropped the notes and resorted to whispering the things she liked about her girlfriend into her ear, hand cupping her breast while phallus ground into her thigh. “I really like how sexual you are.”

  Aiko’s legs slacked, followed by Reina’s tie.

  “For the love of…kiss me!” Her whole body felt liable to burst.

  Reina grabbed her from the back of the head and brought her face closer. “Do you need it badly?”

  One powerful shudder knocked a long trail of aieki loose from Aiko’s body. I’m bursting. “Badly.” Her lips reached for Reina’s.

  They kissed.

  For a long time.

  Aiko’s body tried to do too much at once: it tried to deep-kiss her girlfriend, whose tongue lashed against hers and dove down her throat; it tried to hold her with arms already dedicated to leverage; it tried to strangle her with legs while a needy pelvis searched for her last present. Her own vocal chords, while no good for singing, erupted into a loud groan as Reina slipped her fingers into her girlfriend’s drowning omanko.

  “Fuck!” Aiko said.

  Reina concurred.

  Her breath heaving from her chest, Aiko latched onto Reina’s shoulders and jabbed her pelvis against those raunchy fingers. It’s so good! A miniscule orgasm took hold of her stomach and flailed her legs into the air.

  Reina withdrew, tearing her clothes off while Aiko tossed her robe to the floor. They lunged together and fell over the edge of the bed, bare skin now rubbing against satin and lace.

  “Irete!” Aiko cried. She squeezed her eyes shut whilst aligning her pelvis with Reina’s.

  Grunting, she complied, the last present pushing inside.

  Heaven! Nirvana! All the good places in between! With the brunt of Reina’s energy behind her thrusts, Aiko was able to leave her legs hanging in the air without a care. The back of her skull dug into the comforter and her mouth hung open to admit every cacophonic moan bursting from her throat. Reina moaned along with her, teeth nipping at nipples while tongue scoured the cleavage between. Within the first minute the new phallus penetrated Aiko with the ease of a well-oiled machine.

  “Ikitai!” Aiko’s legs quivered in the air. Her second, harder orgasm stewed in her loins and gripped her heart. Every thrust Reina gave her was another step closer to popping that balloon. “Ima ikitai!” Aiko’s arms stiffened beneath her. While Reina pushed herself as hard as she dared into a frantic frenzy, grunts echoing, Aiko’s body slowed down as the first wave of orgasm claimed her. “I’m coming!” Her words ended in a high-pitched whine.

  Again, Reina concurred.

  They stilled against one another, the plateau of their mutual orgasm draining the life and sounds from their bodies. Aiko opened her eyes in time to see Reina fall on top of her. The phallus dislodged, pulling a long string of aieki with it.

  “Ai-chan…” Reina exhaled, her mouth inhaling the scent of her girlfriend’s body.


  Without a word they broke apart and then rejoined on the bed, Reina lying with a basked countenance while Aiko climbed atop her naked body. She lowered her hips, hand searching for the phallus. Gently she glided it back into her and rocked back and forth. Her arms rested against her girlfriend’s bent knees.

  Their lovemaking was slower this time, but no less passionate. Reina held Aiko’s hips with the strength of a wanton woman; Aiko ground against her with the desire to feel her come again. Reina spent herself first, her chest arching while a soundless cry sprung from her lips.

  Aiko soon followed.

  This time they did not disengage – this time Reina sat up, holding Aiko to her chest and kissing her shoulder. The phallus dug deep into Aiko and found one spot it was designed to stroke. When before Aiko thought she couldn’t do it again, she did, thrusting her omanko into Reina’s lap. She was so slick the phallus glided in and out of her.

  The best part was being held in Reina’s arms, as thin as they were. Aiko threw her head back and leaned into her girlfriend’s embrace, her throat sucked by harrowed lips. The front of her negligee drooped down and allowed her areolas to rub against Reina’s chest. Between that and the phallus digging deep inside her most intimate spot, Aiko knew this would be her last orgasm before she almost died.

  It was long. Longer than almost any she had before. So long she almost didn’t even notice it had come, until it raked through her thighs and slowly spread to her breasts. The strangled cry booming from her chest in languished intervals set the pace to her harried humping in her girlfriend’s lap. Each ripple pulsed through her with new, invigorating power.

  Even when it began to subside, she couldn’t stop.

  “Reina,” she said, her hands grasping her girlfriend’s face, “it feels so good…”

  For the last time, Reina concurred.

  Slowly, oh so damn slowly, Aiko’s thrusts came to an end, but she could not bring herself to break the connection between them. She draped herself over Reina’s torso and laid her head against her bony shoulder. The phallus remained stiff inside her, but still.

  Her thighs were sore.

  She didn’t care.

  “Maa,” Reina finally said after a long silence. She rubbed her hand against the length of Aiko’s left leg. “I think you like your newest present.”

  Aiko managed a smile. “I like all my presents.” The straps of her negligee fell down her arms. “As I said, you truly spoiled me today.”

  Reina wrapped her arms around her again. “After all that’s happened lately, you needed spoiling. And besides, I love spoiling you like this.”

  “I know.” Aiko didn’t comment on the other part. She didn’t want to imagine her mother’s reaction to knowing they fucked like this – not when a fake penis continued to push deep inside her. As long as she didn’t move, she could sit and appreciate the welcomed fullness.

  Chuckles brought Aiko back from her post-coital daydream. “I bet those musicals would get an even bigger audience if they ended like this.”

  Another stifled laugh made the phallus poke Aiko in an uncomfortable place. “Sou yo. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. You’re sexualizing everything.”

  “You help me.”

  “I do.” Aiko kissed her girlfriend, tongue drawing across her lips. “And it makes me happy.”

  “That’s my Scarlett.”

  “I should really return that tape soon.”

  Reina fell sideways and took Aiko with her, their hips drifting apart. “Let’s watch it one more time.”

  “Right now?”

  The phallus rubbed against Aiko’s open hole. “Right now.”

  Two weeks later Reina celebrated the finality of Suzuki’s promotion with a drunken outing.

  Well, everyone else was drunk, or near drunk. For once Reina decided to pass on the alcohol aside from the compulsory beer. While her section chief spittled froth at somebody’s joke and another man ran to the bathroom to retch, Reina kept to herself lest her bitterness overtake the party.

  Cheers and speeches accompanied Suzuki’s foray into the business world. That Friday was his last in the department – starting Monday he would go into training for the promotion Reina originally coveted. It should still be mine. Even the man getting served another free drink admitted as much. But I’m not getting married. And if she were, everyone would have assumed she would resign to become a housewife. She nearly gagged.

  “When’s the wedding, Suzuki?” a coworker asked.

  He downed his beer in one gulp. “No set date yet, but we’re looking at next spring! Gonna give us plenty of time to find a decent place to live.”

  “Un.” The section chief sat at the head of the table, holding a piece of pink ginger between his teeth. “This promotion is one of the first of many steps into your new life. You will be able to support your wife with it, and hopefully some children later on, eh?”

  Suzuki blushed. “We haven’t talked about children yet, but…I’m sure it will happen!”

  Everyone else clapped him on the shoulders with more cheers. Reina remained on her side of the table, chain smoking away her bitterness. I hope his wife is more dried up than a prune. She then retracted that thought. If this man were to take her promotion away from her because he had a lady friend somewhere, they might as well have a dozen or so mouths to feed to make it worth it.


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