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Bad Behavior

Page 16

by Kiki Swinson

  “He wants to set me up? Set me up for what?” Joel demanded as he sat up in his wet bed. The thin spread fell down to his waist and his nasty taco meat chest hair was exposed.

  “Jail time!” Honore said.

  “You must be kidding me!” Joel exploded. “I don’t believe it. That whining bastard Sal isn’t stupid enough to cross me. Tell me what the hell is going on! Why the fuck would he try to take me down?”

  Cucci shrugged. “Beats me. But whatever you did it must have upset him real bad.” She sat down on the edge of the bed that she had fucked him in numerous times and tried to make him feel more comfortable as she explained, “Look, Sal wants to fry your ass until you’re real crispy. He’s willing to pay us a pretty penny just to plant some shit in here that could send you to prison for years and totally fuck up your good name and ruin your reputation.”

  Cucci reached down in her back pocket and pulled out a picture of a diamond. It was the rare Moussaieff Red Diamond, and that shit was worth boo-coo cash. According to what she’d read in a bulletin at work, the diamond was supposed to be auctioned off soon to the highest bidder, but right now it was the property of the New York Diamond and Jewelry Exchange, and the only two people who were authorized to sign a stone of that magnitude out of the store were Joel and Sal. They were the only two with access to that security level of the vault, and they were planning to yap that shit before it could be auctioned off and replace it with a clone.

  Cucci saw the confusion in Joel’s eyes turn into rage as the wheels started turning around and around in his head. A few moments later realization set in and he knew the girls were telling the truth.

  “That dirty son of a bitch!” Joel bitched as anger replaced his earlier fear. A shock of thin gray hair fell over his forehead and flecks of spit were on his lips as they trembled in a crook’s indignation. “Oh, so I’m supposed to help him steal the diamond, and then that slimy piece of shit is gonna try to get you to plant it on me so he can turn me in? After all the work we’ve done together and all the money we’ve made? I’m the one who brought him into the game in the first place! I introduced him to the key players and showed him the ropes!” Joel shook his head in disgust. “That’s the kind of thanks I get for helping a fellow Jew get a toe up in this business. I should have known that spineless fucker would try to double-cross me some day!”

  Honore shrugged as she chewed and popped on her spearmint gum. “Well, that’s why we here yakking with you instead of jacking your ass up,” she said. “We ain’t feeling Sal’s slimy ass either, and we figured since you’re the head honcho you might wanna get some get-back on him and make us a counter-offer. So instead of helping Sal send you to jail and ruin your lil jet-setting life, me and Cucci are giving you a chance to turn the tables on him and up-up the stakes. So what do you think about that?”

  “What exactly is it that you two want?” Joel snapped. His face was turning red with quiet rage. “You wanna shake me down, is that it? So what’s to stop me from calling the police and letting them in on your whole little brainless plot? I can have you both arrested for breaking and entering on top of attempted blackmail at the snap of my fingers.”

  “Is that right?” Cucci said as her eyes flashed darkly and her ghetto blood started flowing hotly through her veins. “Now why in the hell would you wanna do some stupid shit like that? Even if you change your security code it won’t be enough to stop two killer project bitches like us,” she warned him evilly. “We’ll just cut some wires and disable all your high-tech security bullshit and end up right back inside your house. We’ll catch your ass laying up here raising the roof and snoring deep in your third dream, and you won’t hear a damn thing until the devil calls out your name, ain’t that right Honore? Trust me, what we just did can easily be done again, and the next time it won’t be just me and my cousin standing over you while you sleeping, I can guarantee you that. Nah, next time we’ll bring two big black niggas along for the ride. They’ll be standing over your bed swinging baseball bats and they won’t be willing to do no talking to you at all. Now, don’t get me wrong, Mr. Samuelson. You’re a real good boss and I appreciate you for putting me on with ya diamond hustle and for getting my cousin that babysitting job too. But I been sucking your dick for a minute now and you ain’t never gave me no twenty grand payday for all the work I been putting in. So the way I see it, I did you a real good solid by coming over here peacefully to give you the heads-up, and to offer you a choice in this matter. Can’t you see I’m giving you an opportunity to flip the script and turn the tables on that greedy sucker-ass Sal? Even if I don’t get the job done for him that’s not gonna stop him from sending somebody else after you. And the next person might not like the way your old wrinkled-up sweaty balls smell coming straight outta ya drawers. They might wanna bash your brains in without even waking you up. So, whatever you do is up to you, but now is the time to choose, buddy. If you like living you’ll choose wisely.”

  Joel leaned back against his headboard and exhaled heavily. He was in a fucked-up situation and he couldn’t deny it. The girl was right. If Sal Silberman was after his head, then he wouldn’t stop here, even if he picked up the phone right now and had the two girls arrested. Besides, there was no way Joel could complain to the authorities about Sal trying to get a stolen diamond planted on him anyway. Hell, he was gonna be the one signing it out of the Diamond Exchange’s vault so it could be fabricated by a crooked jeweler in Brooklyn and then handed off to be crushed and sold by an underground Belgian trader. No, calling the police and reporting Rayven and her cousin would be a very foolish move indeed. A foolish move that would likely expose all of his black market dealings and get him thrown in jail for life.

  And right then life was what Joel wanted from Sal Silberman. He wanted that whining little fuck to pay for this transgression with his life.

  Joel looked up at Rayven and nodded his head. He was a shrewd businessman and he knew when to pluck and when to hold. These two ghettofied scammers were obviously about their business, and the way they had caught him with his pants down told him he was lucky to even be getting a choice in the matter. They could have easily waited until he handed the diamond over to Sal, then planted it in his house and left it for the police to find, or worse, they could have rearranged his whole face while he was sleeping. But they didn’t.

  Rayven Jones, aka Cucci, was the best piece of ass he’d had in a very long time, and she blew cock like she was born with a silver dick in her mouth. But both of these girls could be very beneficial to him in the future. He already knew Rayven was smart and cunning, and her beautifully gorgeous cousin Honore seemed just as ambitious and crafty.

  “Okay,” Joel finally said. “I’ll pay you double—no, triple what Sal is paying you. But I don’t want you to plant anything on him. No, that’s too simple-minded. What I want you to do is plant his treacherous ass in the ground. That’s my offer. I’ll give you thirty grand to put Slimy Sal Silberman down like a rabid dog.”

  “Thirty grand each, right?” Cucci clarified.

  Joel nodded. “That’s what I said. Thirty each.”

  Honore and Cucci quickly glanced at each other as dollar signs jumped in their eyes and the cha-ching! sound of a cash register sounded off in their brains. There was no doubt in their little scheming minds that they were thinking the absolute same thing. Hell yeah they would plant Sal’s ass! Triple the cash was sweet music to their ears!

  “A’ight, I guess triple sounds fine,” Cucci said, sporting the poker face.

  Joel nodded. “I’ll give you half of the money in cash, and then you’ll get the other half when I see word of that shithead’s murder on the news and then sit shiva with his family at his funeral. Are we good?”

  “Hell yeah, it’s all good, boss,” Cucci giggled as she thought about all that cream. “Now make sure you get up outta that wet bed and take care of yourself! If I was you I would forget about fuckin’ with that Moussaieff diamond though, because if you ever get down with Sal ag
ain he’s gonna have some FBI jokers and them Pinkerton boyz banging down your door. Now, I’ma take it that you ain’t tryna get knocked and end up out on Rikers Island washing none of Crazy Haz’s dirty drawers, so ga’head and get our cash up and don’t try nothing stupid.”

  Cucci grinned down at her boss and then she pushed her chest out so he could get a good look at her thick nipples and her puffed-up cleavage. “Hey, me and you was supposed to meet up and have us a lil play date this week. So what’s up? You still wanna fuck?”

  Joel’s eyes roamed over those perfect tits with the inch-long nipples, and despite his anger his dick leaped a country mile and almost came up outta his pissed-up drawers.

  “Yeah.” His voice was gruff and he had a big-time attitude, but he had a serious boner going on too. He reached out and slapped Cucci on her thick, round ass. “But there’ll be no more hooking up at my place anymore. From now on we’ll get together at a hotel because I want you two bitches to stay the fuck away from my house!”


  It was hot and muggy in the tiny project apartment and Honore was stretched out on the couch watching a stupid reality show on television while her aunt Frita was in the kitchen putting a hurting on some homemade sweet potato pies. Frita was her mother’s older sister, and judging by the old photos that Honore had seen, the two beautiful women looked just alike.

  Honore’s mother had been murdered by her father before she was old enough to remember her, and Frita had raised Honore right alongside of her daughter Cucci, just like they were sisters. Even though Frita had always loved on Honore and treated her the same way she treated Cucci, Honore had always been drawn to her godfather, Sly McFly, who had guided her and looked out for her for as long as she could remember. While Cucci and Frita were closer than close, Sly McFly was much more than Honore’s mentor and friend, and she was thankful that his court date was right around the corner and it looked like he would soon be hitting the bricks and coming home.

  But right now Frita had the small apartment stankin’ like a mutha. The delicious-looking pans of heaven had been in the oven just long enough to send their delightful scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, butter, and vanilla wafting through the warm air, and Honore couldn’t wait to get her a slice.

  She had just grabbed the remote control to flip the channel when the telephone rang.

  “I got it,” she called out to her aunt, who was running water in the kitchen sink and probably washing dishes.


  Honore picked up the phone and waited while the familiar recording played, the one you got whenever you got a call from jail. She pressed the required numbers and then waited until she heard a click and Sly McFly’s deep male voice slid into her ear.

  “Ay, hit this jack real quick,” he said and spit out ten digits at her real fast before hanging up the phone.

  Honore knew what time it was. Somebody musta snuck a cell phone in to the jail and Sly wanted to talk to her without them nosey COs listening in on the line.

  “What’s good, baby girl?” he picked up the line and asked as soon as she called. Honore grinned. This nigga sounded like he was chilling on a yacht somewhere throwing back shots of Ciroc and cranberry juice. Jail didn’t have shit on Sly McFly, because no matter where he was, he was always free in his mind.

  “Ain’t nothing much happening,” Honore said, trying to amp up the tone in her voice so she didn’t bust his good mood. If there was one thing Sly McFly couldn’t stand it was no whining-ass bitch. He was the type of OG playa who believed in staying up at all times and making shit happen for yourself.

  “I’m doing pretty good. I’m still tryna find a way to get a job in that diamond spot in Manhattan where Cucci works, though. I figure if I can just get my toe in the door and get access to a few pieces of that expensive jewelry, then maybe we can snatch up a few of those diamonds on the low and then hustle them off to some of these niggas around the way.”

  “Now I know I taught yo ass better than that,” Sly said turning serious with his voice going low and deep. “You cut from my type of cloth Honore, so don’t be thinking with no bird-type brain. I raised you to be a hustler and a go-getter, my princess. I purposely ain’t send nobody to give you no money yet ’cause I wanted to see what the fuck you was gonna do if I wasn’t around.”

  “I’m bustin’ my ass out here,” Honore said, getting aggravated. “I ain’t sitting around waiting on no handouts. I’m tryna stay outta jail and make shit happen at the same time. Some of the plays I’m making ain’t panning out how they should, but that don’t mean I ain’t thinking and scheming and putting in work. You know how it is out here, Sly. I’m a female so niggas be steady tryna yank me. Plus, I don’t have all the resources and connects you have either, nigga. But that don’t mean I’ma lay down and roll over. Hell no. I’ma get mine.”

  “Yeah. Now that’s the type of fire I wanna see in you,” Sly said smoothly into the phone. “Whatever kinda gigs you got going, you gotta make ’em work in your favor, darling. But you also gotta know when you’re looking a gift horse dead in his mouth.”

  “Huh?” Honore said, confused as fuck and failing to follow him. “What you mean by that?”

  “I mean fuck tryna get that damn job just so you can steal shit and sell it to some bum-ass low-level niggas on the corner! Don’t fuck around and get fired before you get ya foot in the door! You gotta think bigger than that, baby doll! It’s time for you to be your own fucking boss. If you lucky enough to get up on that job you better walk on eggshells and play every last one of your cards right! You gotta take that damn job and look to make it even bigger than what it already is!

  “The first thing you wanna do is learn how them diamond niggas operate inside and out. Be a perfect employee and get them to trust you. Study the craft and identify all the major power players. Next, find out who can be corrupted. Throw some pussy juice at a few of them big boys and see who licks it up. You know how to play the game. Drop ya damn drawers and get on ya knees if you have to.

  “Next, when you feel you got a handle on the whole hustle, go get yourself a team of chicks who think just like you and teach them the game. Put them in position to help you make money so you can build you an empire, baby. It’s all a state of mind, Honore. An empire state of mind! Girl, if you just do what I say and follow my instructions you can be the fucking Queen of Diamonds one day. All you gotta do is elevate ya hustle and think bigger. This could be the ultimate power move if you can use your brain and put yourself in the right position. You betta act like I raised you, girl! Swing ya damn bat and go for the home run!”

  “That’s what I needed to hear on some real shit,” Honore said as she soaked in the game that Sly had just dropped on her. “I was tryna tell Cucci the same type of shit. We gotta think bigger and go harder! I didn’t know exactly how to organize all that shit in my head, but you just made it much clearer to me. And trust, I already know how you do,” Honore said, catching the wave of Sly’s excitement, which put her mind at ease for the first time all day and boosted up her confidence. “I promise I’m not gonna let you down. I’ma take your advice and make this shit shake. Plus, I like how ‘the Queen of Diamonds’ sounds. Sounds like a name that’s fit for me.”

  “You damn right it is,” Sly chuckled and agreed.

  “Thank you so damn much, Sly,” Honore gushed. You always come through for a bitch. I’ma take over this shit. Just watch me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for,” Sly said as he laughed at his young protégée. “But first you gotta get the damn job,” he reminded her.

  “True shit,” she said with a frown. “I’ve been working on Cucci tryna get her to hook me up, but now I’ma really have to start leaning on her even harder.”

  “Do what you gotta do,” Sly said. “Look, I gotta run. I’ll see you in a minute, but in the meantime I want you to give Frita a message for me. Tell her I’ma send Charlie over with some scratch to put in y’all pockets just to hold you over until you get your p
lan mapped out. Now what you gotta do is handle your fucking business, ’cause I got my court date coming up and I’m getting the fuck outta here. Believe me, when I come home I’ma set them streets back on fire like I ain’t never missed a fucking beat. Everybody in the quantum town of Queens better be fully prepared for the return of this here Sly nigga. Ya heard?”

  * * *

  As it turned out, Cucci Momma caught a case of the guilts and the next time she was riding Joel Samuelson’s dick and whispering sweet nothings in his ear, she mentioned her cousin Honore.

  “Remember, if me and Honore take Sal down for you then that means my cousin is gonna be out of a job.”

  “And?” Joel gripped her magnificent black ass and gasped in between moans.

  “Well,”—Cucci humped down on him hard and licked his earlobe—“that means I’m gonna need another lil favor on top of the deal we already have.”

  Joel shuddered and wheezed as her tongue darted out from between her chocolate lips and licked his pink nipple. “What kind of favor?”

  “A job type of favor. I need for my cousin Honore to get hired at the New York Diamond and Jewelry Exchange, and come to work right beside me and get the same benefits I get.”

  Cucci winded her hips in fast circles as she milked his stiff meat with her inner muscles. “All you gotta do is hand us off our cash, then put Honore on the payroll and get her set up with HR, and then you can just go back to work like nothing ever happened and everything will still be sweet in your life. How’s that sound? Do we have us a deal or nah?”

  “Yes!” Joel cried out as he felt the best damn orgasm he’d ever had struggling to bust outta the tip of his swollen dick. “It’s a deal!” he shrieked as he slapped Cucci on her ass like a jockey on a slow horse. “It’s a deal . . . oh, goddamn,” Joel moaned as slobber slid outta the corner of his mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head. “It’s a sweet, delicious motherfucking deal!”


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