Page 59
Frederick II, the Great, King of Prussia, 67
Freud, Sigmund, 102, 103, 104
Frick, Henry Clay, 177
Frick, William, 169
Fried, Alfred, 77
Fujise, Sub-Lieutenant, 412
Fukazawa Yukichi, 354, 424–5
Futurism, 8, 53, 54, 122–3, 172; paintings, 85
Gamboa, Federico, 219
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 16, 229, 294–5, 300–4, 301
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 82
Garvin, James Louis, 432
Gavit, John Palmer, 150
Gavotti, Lieutenant Giulio, 80
George, King of Greece, 376
George V, King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 11; character, 10; coronation, 17; India visit, 281, 284; at Kaiser’s daughter’s wedding, 10–12, 13; and Poincaré’s state visit, 20, 34
Germany: attitude to Balkan War, 378; coal imports, 28; ethnic and political unity, 71; First World War’s effects, 452; German facilities in Jerusalem, 332; Germans living in and visiting Britain, 18–19; importance as world power, 350; interventions abroad, 386; militarism, 12–13; naval might, 412; political system, 71–4; population, 56; relations with Austria-Hungary, 98; relations with Britain, 36; relations with China, 352, 386, 394, 406; relations with France, 10, 35, 38–9, 48, 57, 261; relations with Ottoman Empire, 364, 365, 380; relations with Persia, 317; relations with Russia, 120, 128; Social Democratic Party, 7, 452; trade and industry, 28; welfare policies, 33; see also Berlin
Gettysburg, battle of (1863): fiftieth anniversary, 154–6, 155
Ghent, xvi, 4–5, 130
Gide, André, 369
Gilbert, Cass, 166, 168, 182
Giolitti, Giovanni, 81
Girdner, John H., 163, 169, 173
Glinka, Mikhail, 110, 114
globalisation: Algiers’ diversity, 270; Australia’s diversity, 233–4; Austro-Hungarian Empire’s diversity, 88–94; Bombay’s diversity, 290–1; British Empire’s free right of movement, 300; Buenos Aires’ diversity, 259–60; Canada’s diversity, 233–4, 242–3; Constantinople’s diversity, 360–3; Detroit’s diversity, 182–3; European identity, 3–10; London’s internationalism, 15–22; Los Angeles’ diversity, 196; New York’s diversity, 172–6; overview of extent in 1913, xiv; Russia’s diversity, 114–16; St Petersburg’s international feel, 127; Shanghai’s diversity, 397–401; US love of European art, 169–72; Winnipeg’s diversity, 242–3; world’s interconnectedness, 225–7
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna, 282, 294–5, 299, 301
Gold Standard, 27–8, 455
Gooch, G. P., xiv
Goodnow, Frank, 402, 409
Gorky, Maxim, 9
Goto Shinpei, 426
Gould, Jay, 177
Gourmont, Remy de, 39
Graham, Stephen, 332–4
Greece, 351, 366–7, 376, 378, 453
Greek Orthodox Church, 361
Grey, Sir Edward, 16, 17, 444
Grieg, Edvard, 9
Griffis, William Elliot, 428
Griffith, D. W., 203
Gropius, Walter, 183
Guangxu, Chinese Emperor, 383, 389, 393
Guggenheim, Benjamin, 135
Guggenheim, Daniel, 175
Guild, Curtis, 210
The Hague: Peace Palace, xiv, 5
Haiphong, 352
Hale, William Bayard, 217–18
Halévy, Elias, 435
HaMagen, 339
Hanoi, 352
Hanoum, Zeyneb, 373
Hardie, James Keir, 7
Hardinge, Charles, 280, 281, 283, 284, 303–4
Harmand, Jules, 228
Hart, Sir Robert, 396–7
HaShomer, 340
Haussmann, Baron, 44–5
Hawkins, N. A., 189–90
Hegeman, John R., 168
Hellerau, 10
Hertzog, Barry, 296, 306, 307
Herzl, Theodor, 106, 336, 337, 340, 343
Hewett, Captain G. H., 292
Hichens, Robert, 369, 370, 372
Hill, Alex, 245–6
Hinduism, 286, 291, 299–300
Hirst, Francis Wrigley, ix
Hitler, Adolf, 92, 98, 101, 103
Hobson, John A., 433
Hochberg, Sami, 339
Hollander, F. C., 294
Hollywood, 200–1, 202–4
Holmes, Thomas, 32
homosexuality, 65
Horinka, Stefan, 108–9
Houllevigue, Louis, 47
House, Edward Mandell: background and life, 136, 141, 147, 216; Philip Dru, Administrator (novel), 136–8, 139, 192, 206, 220
Huard, Charles, 60
Huerta, General Victoriano, 208, 211, 214–19, 216
Humphreys, Rachel, 270, 271–2, 292
Hungary, 452; see also Austria-Hungary
Hunter, William Wilson, 284
Husseini, Hussein al-, 330
Huxley, Thomas, 352
imperialism and colonialism: Australian and Canadian attitudes to British Empire, 228, 230–9; British attitude, 431–6; French governance of Algeria, 267–9, 273–9; overview of European, 3; rise and fall of historical empires, 349; US attitude, 140–1; variant meanings and attitudes worldwide, 227–9; and Versailles Treaty, 454; see also individual countries by name
Impressionism, 54
In Old California (film), 203
India: attitude to British Empire, 227, 228, 280–7; contemporary speculation about future, 431; First World War’s aftermath, 454; and globalisation, 226, 227; importance to Britain, 286–7; Indians educated in Britain, 16–17, 20; Indians in South Africa, 226, 229, 294–5, 297–304; Ireland’s influence on nationalists, 436; nationalist inconsistencies of thought, 228; railways, 286, 287, 288–9; Raj’s extent, 280–1; see also Bombay
Indian National Congress, 21, 282
Indonesia, 454
Inoue Kaoru, 416
International Exhibition of Modern Art (1913), 170–1
International Peace Bureau, 5
interventions, foreign, 215–20, 320, 386–9
Iran see Persia
Iraq, 454
Ireland: French support for nationalists, 34; independence, 454; Irish in Australia, 247, 248; politics and Home Rule, 17, 257, 357, 436, 437–40
Isaacs, Rufus, 30
Islam: Bulgarian treatment of Muslims in Balkan War, 379; fears of pan-Islamism, 273, 277; lascars, 16; Muslim Algerians, 271–9; Muslim festivals in Constantinople, 360–1; Muslim–Hindu relations in India, 286, 291; Muslims and First World War, 451; Muslims in Jerusalem, 326, 327, 328–9, 344; Persian diversity, 315; in Russia, 111; South African attitude to Muslim marriage and divorce, 299–300
Istanbul see Constantinople
Italy: colonial empire, 80–1, 273, 375–6; Italians in Buenos Aires, 259–60, 261; northern European attitude to, 78–80; political unity, 79, 80, 82–3; population, 56; power and pretensions, 78–81, 85–6; relations with Austria-Hungary, 85–6, 101; see also Rome
Iwakura Tomomi, 354–5
Jáchymov see St Joachimsthal
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 203, 204, 208
Jacobson, Victor, 339
James, Henry, 15, 50, 147
Japan: attitude to Westernisation, 229, 354–5, 424–5; Australian fear of, 235; cars, 190; colonial empire, 425–6; economy, 424; and First World War, 451; importance as world power, 350, 353–6, 411–13, 424–9, 453, 454; land ownership in California, 197, 426–8; Meiji Restoration, 354–6, 414; and Mexico, 217; national mood, 420–9; naval might, 411–12; pan-Asianism, 425; political system, 354, 355, 422–4; relations with Britain, 355, 412, 432; relations with China, 352, 355, 394, 397, 406, 408, 428–9; relations with Western Powers, 424–9; Russo-Japanese War, 115, 226, 355, 424; territory taken from China, 352; urbanisation, 414–15; see also Tokyo
Jaurès, Jean, 7, 39, 40, 55–6, 278
Jawhariyyeh, Wasif, 329, 330–1
Jebb, Richard, 433–4
Jeejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, 293–4
nkings, Harry, 264–5
Jerusalem: American Colony, 334–5; attitude to Ottoman Empire, 227; first aircraft landing, 325, 326; First World War’s aftermath, 453; modernisation, 330; overview, 325–35; pilgrims in, 331–4; population, 326; religious politics and sites, 326–31, 343–4; Zionist attitude to, 337
Jews: anti-Semitism, 40–1, 104–6; in Constantinople, 362; in Jerusalem, 326, 327, 328–31, 343–4; in Russia, 116, 124, 126–7, 174; Salonican emigration, 379; in USA, 173–5; in Vienna, 90, 101, 104–6, 152; in Winnipeg, 242; Zionism, 106, 329, 335–41
Joachim, Greek Orthodox Patriarch, 361
Joan of Arc, 37–8, 41
Johnston, Harry, 377–8
Joshi, Purushottam Balkrishna, 284–5
Joyce, James, 9
Juárez, Beníto, 208
Jukichi Inouye, 418
Kafka, Franz, 91
Kahn, Albert, 183
Kandinsky, Wassily, 9
Karagöz shadow plays, 360
Karsavina, Tamara, 257
Katsura, Prince, 422, 423, 429–30
Kelheim, 75
Kelly, Ned, 248
Kemal, Mustafa see Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal
Kendall, Elizabeth, 351
Kessler, Harry, 5, 451–2
Kessler, Henri, 39
Ketteler, Baron von, 386, 389
Keynes, John Maynard, 6, 130, 287
Khaled, Emir, 277, 278, 279
Khalidi, Ruhi, 340
Khaz’al, Sheikh, 323
Kholodnaya, Vera, 129
Kipling, Lockwood, 294
Kipling, Rudyard, 141, 225–6, 289, 357, 439–40
Kirka, 379
Klein, Henri, 272
Klimt, Gustav, 103
Klipfell (French soldier), 58
Koenigsmarck, Count Hans von, 289–90, 292
Kokovstsov, Count, 111, 120
Königgrätz, battle of (1866), 90
Kongo (dreadnought), 411, 412
Korea, 352, 426
Kostroma, 111
Kotwal, Ahmed, 299
Kraus, Karl, 89, 98, 102, 104
Kuhn, Walt, 62, 170
Kuomintang (KMT), 403, 405, 407, 408–9
labour movement and unions: Australia, 246–7; Argentina, 263, 264; Berlin, 65–6; Bombay, 292; Britain, 357, 441–2; European solidarity, 7–8; Japan, 419; Russia, 121; South Africa, 302–3
Lagerlöf, Selma, 335
Landor, Henry Savage, 386, 388–9
lascars, 16
Lascuráin, Pedro, 214
Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 234, 238, 239
Le Corbusier, 369
Leacock, Stephen, 234
League of Nations, 454, 455
Leipzig, 75
Leistikow, 243
Lenin, Vladimir, 92–3, 97, 227
Leonardo da Vinci, 44
Letchworth, 24
Liang Qichao, 389–91, 403
Libya, 80, 273, 375–6
Liman von Sanders, General, 380
Lincoln, Abraham, 156
Lind, John, 219
Lloyd, Reginald, 252, 254, 262
Lloyd George, David, 30
Logan, James, 260
London: agency buildings of colonies and dominions, 17–18; Australia House, 17–18; British attitude to, 23; City of London, 25–31, 27; Dreiser on, 59; financial role, 16, 25–31, 455; haphazard development, 22–4; hotels and restaurants, 19; international conferences, 49; internationalism, 15–22; labour militancy, 436, 441–2; Madame Tussaud’s, 20; overview, 15–36; population, 15; poverty in, 31–3; Royal United Services Museum, 20; the season, 18; suffragette violence, 444–6; Trafalgar Square, 24–5, 25; travelling to Paris from, 37
London, Treaty of (1913), 379
Longford, Joseph Henry, 415, 416
Longyu, Chinese Dowager Empress, 409
Loos, Adolf, 102
Lorraine, 38–9, 72–3
Los Angeles: development, 197–200; diversity, 196; film industry, 200–1, 202–4; oil, 194–6, 195; overview, 194–204; Owens River aqueduct, 198, 199; population, 198; port, 199; Spanish name, 204
Los Angeles Investment Company, 200
Loti, Pierre, 164–5, 377, 388, 415
Low, Alfred Maurice, 148
Lueger, Karl, 105, 106
Lund, Niels Moeller: paintings by, 25–6, 27
Lutaud, Governor General, 274–5
Luxemburg, Rosa, 66, 275
McAneny, George, 168
MacDonald, Ramsay, 7, 21
Mackinder, Halford, 120
McKinley, William, 140, 204
Madero, Francisco, 207–8, 211, 212–15, 218
Madero, Gustavo, 214
Mahler, Gustav, 101
Mahomet, Sultan, 368
Malevich, Kazimir, 123
Manchuria, 115, 352, 406
Manet, Édouard, 48
Mann, Tom, 442
Mannix, Daniel, 247–8
manufacturing: mass production, 188–9
Mao Zedong, 391
Marconi company scandal, 30–1
Marinetti, Filippo, 53, 78, 80, 81, 85–6
Marx, Karl, 48, 270
Mary, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 5, 284
Masaryk, Thomas, 95
Massis, Henri, 57–8
Matisse, Henri, 53, 171, 272
Matiushin, Michael, 123
Maximilian, Mexican Emperor, 208
Meidner, Ludwig, 61
Meiji, Japanese Emperor, 354, 414, 421–2, 424
Melbourne: aboriginal people, 248–9, 250–1; architecture, 245; attitude to British Empire, 228, 232–3; development, 244–6; and globalisation, 227; Irish and Catholics in, 248; labour movement and unions, 246–7; leisure and lifestyle, 246; overview, 244–51; population, 245
Mescherskii, Vladimir, 125
Métis people, 249–50
Mexico: 1911–13 revolutions, 209–19; agriculture, 212; British attitude to problems, 448; oil, 207, 217, 323; race issues, 212; railways, 207; relations with USA, 206–8, 209–11, 212, 214–20
Mexico City, 208–9, 209
Michael, Tsar, 110, 112
migration and immigrants: Australian attitude, 247, 427; Californian attitude, 197, 426–8; Canadian attitude, 243; South African attitude, 300; US attitude, 175–6, 455
Millingen, Alexander van, 373–4
Milner, Lord, 297, 433
Minechiro Adachi, 217
Mir iskusstva (World of Art; journal), 118
Mirbeau, Octave, 5
Mitchell, Major C. A., 236
Modigliani, Amedeo, 9
Mondragón, Manuel, 213
money: currency exchange and Gold Standard, 27–8, 455; London’s financial role, 16, 25–31, 455; Paris’s financial role, 42; US Federal Reserve System, 180; Wall Street, 161, 178–9, 180
Mongolia, 115, 406
Monte Carlo, 6
Montenegro, 376, 378
Moretti, Gaetano, 261
Morgan, Jack, 177
Morgan, John Pierpont, 169, 176–81, 188, 390
Morgenthau, Henry, 370
Moritaro Abe, 429
Morocco, 35
Morrison, George Ernest, 388, 402
motels, 185
Motion Picture Patents Company, 202
Motley, John Lothrop, 100
Moyal, Shimon, 339
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 102
Muhammad Ali Shah, 318, 319, 320
Mumbai see Bombay
Münsterberg, Hugo, 221
music: internationalism, 8–9, 9–10; modernity, 103; ragtime, 33; in Vienna, 101–2, 103
Musil, Robert, 91, 95
Mussolini, Benito, 85, 87
Muzaffar al-Din Shah, 318
NAACP see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Nabokov, Vladimir (journalist), 126
Nabokov, Vladimir (novelist; son of the above), 128
Naidoo, C. R., 302
Naidoo, Thambi, 302
Nanjing, 402, 403, 408, 428–9
oroji, Dadabhai, 286
Napoleon III, French Emperor, 34, 83
Nassar, Najib, 340
Nasser al-Din Shah, 316, 317–18
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 159
nationalism, 8
navies, of the Great Powers, 412
Nelson, Horatio, 20
Netherlands, 3
New York: Bryce on, 145; corruption, 161–3; culture and entertainment, 164, 169–72, 202; development, 163; diversity, 172–6; electricity in, 164–5; financial role, 161, 178–9, 180; international conferences, 49; International Exhibition of Modern Art, 169–72; Metropolitan Museum, 177; overview, 161–81; philanthropy, 176–81; skyscrapers and other architecture, 165–9, 167; symbolism, 161; trade and industry, 163–4
New Zealand, 190, 434–5, 437, 451
New Zealand, HMS, 297
Nice, 6, 81
Nicholas II, Tsar, 11; and anti-Semitism, 127; attitude to Japanese, 115; cartoon, 352; character, 10, 125–6; Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood inaugurated by, 119; death, 452–3; invisibility to the public, 127; at Kaiser’s daughter’s wedding, 10–12, 13; power, 112, 116; and Romanov tercentenary, 110–14, 123; theory of government, 125–6; village built by, 118
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 8
Nijinsky, Vaslav, 5, 257
Nobel prizes, 43
oil, 194–6, 195, 207, 217, 321–4
Okakura Tenshin, 425
Okuma, Count, 427, 428
opium, 393–4, 395
Orozco, Pascual, 211, 213
Osanai Kaoru, 420
Ottoman Empire: censorship, 340; end, 453; extent, 358; and First World War, 451; importance as world power, 350, 351, 352–3, 360, 363–8, 379–80; inhabitants’ attitude to, 227; Jerusalem as part of, 326–35; political system, 364–8, 379–80; railways, 351, 374; recent military struggles, 374–9; relations with Britain, 363–4, 365; relations with Germany, 364, 365, 380; relations with Russia, 115; status of foreigners in, 363; Young Turks, 353, 360, 364–8, 376, 377, 379–80; and Zionism, 335–41; see also Constantinople
Ozaki Yukio, 413, 423, 426–7
Pach, Walter, 170
Page, Walter Hines, 140, 220
Palestine: first aircraft landings, 325, 326; relationship between the different religions, 342–4; Zionism, 329, 335–41; see also Jerusalem
Pallavicini, Marquis, 361
Panama Canal, x, 139, 198–9
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 21
Pares, Bernard, 121–2
Paris: artists in, 53–4; Bohemianism, 48–51; Bois de Boulogne, 43; Breton area, 152; Champs-Elysées, 44, 52; development, 22, 44–5; Dreiser on, 59; Eiffel Tower, 42, 43, 45, 46, 168; financial role, 42; French attitude to, 23; Hôtel Crillon, 44; international conferences, 49; Louvre, 44; Marais, 44; Montmartre, 52–3; most played composer, 9–10; overview, 43–54; Panthéon, 44; Paris Commune, 48–9; Place de la Concorde, 44; political radicalism, 47–8, 48–9; Sacré-Cœur, 44; as tourist trap, 51–3; travelling from London to, 37