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Page 3

by VictoriaVallo

  * * * *

  Viktor studied the spines of the books, wondering if they went with the room or if Thomas had brought them with him. There was only one shelf that was filled, and the books all looked worn. As he turned toward the window, he thought about what Thomas had said. If the young man was already doubting how he really felt about Bella, maybe he’d recover quickly. Viktor had noticed Thomas admiring him, but he told himself not to give that too much weight. He knew how good looking he was. Thomas’s attraction to him had been obvious from day one. But now was not the time. They had lots of work to do, on top of what had happened to Thomas today.

  Maybe in a few weeks I can help put a real smile on his face. Viktor laughed, shaking his head at the way his cock was already trying to override his brain. He moved over to the desk and picked up the books and papers that had fallen beside it.

  A knock came at the door.

  “Come in,” Viktor called.

  “Thomas?” a voice said as the door opened. “Oh!”

  Bella stood there looking at him with wide eyes.

  “Hi. Thomas isn’t here at the moment.”

  Bella blinked. “I see.”

  Viktor smiled. “He’s not feeling well, and he threw up on me. He took my clothes to be cleaned.”

  “He’s sick? Oh, that’s too bad.” She looked around and asked, “What’s wrong?” Her gaze fell on the bottle on the table.

  “Just some stomach thing. He’s fine.”

  Bella nodded. “I was just checking on him. My uncle said he hadn’t seen him all afternoon.”

  “Thomas is fine. Or at least, he will be.”

  “Good. Um, tell him I came by?” she said, her gaze flicking down a moment.

  “I will. But I think he’ll be back soon.”

  “Oh, that’s fine. I won’t clutter the place.” She nodded. “Bye.” She turned quickly and left the room.

  “Hmmm.” Viktor turned to go sit down and stopped short as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

  He hadn’t tied the robe securely, and the head of his cock was plainly visible.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, wondering what Bella might be thinking. It didn’t really matter, but he certainly didn’t want her thinking Thomas had hopped into bed with him this afternoon.

  As Viktor tightened the robe, Thomas returned, looking flushed. “You feeling all right?” Viktor asked.

  Thomas nodded. “Yeah. Fine.” He looked up. “Ran into Bella in the hall. She asked if I was all right. Looked worried.”

  “She was here, asking about you. I said you were sick.” He held his hands out and gestured to his attire. “Had to explain what I was doing alone in your room in your robe.”

  “Oh, I see. That explains it.” Thomas laid the clothes in his arms out on the bed. “She asked if we were getting along. Should’ve known she’d come here to look for me.”

  “Sorry if I gave her the wrong impression.”

  Thomas sighed. “I don’t care about that. Everyone around here thinks I hump the cushions anyway.”

  Viktor laughed. “What?”

  “I’m a fox shifter.”

  “Yeah, I scented it.”

  Thomas turned to him, looking curious. “You did?” He took a deep breath. “What are you?”

  “Brown bear.” Viktor moved to the bed and retrieved his clothes. “Thank you.”

  “Sure,” Thomas said as Viktor went back into the water closet, closing the door halfway this time.

  “I guess I was exaggerating, but people do assume things,” Thomas said.

  Viktor opened the door once he had his breeches on. “I understand. Most assume shifters of all kinds are more hot blooded. Especially since even the priests say we only took human form to fuck.”

  One side of Thomas’s mouth turned up. “Ah, but there’s a second part to Vena’s gift to us.” Thomas cleared his throat and straightened his back. “They took human form because of lust. They stayed in human form because of love.”

  Viktor chuckled as he put his shirt on. “Yes, so they say.”

  “I think it’s romantic. I know it isn’t true, just a legend, but it sounds so…” He turned away a bit. “I don’t know.”

  “It is romantic. I say you can have both. There is something romantic about the way two people come together at times. There has to be something said for why sex is better with some people and unremarkable with others.”

  “Chemistry?” Thomas said.

  “I guess. I like to think it’s something deeper.” He sat and slid his boots on, then stood and grabbed his belt and sword. “If there’s nothing else today, I might walk around the village.”

  “Yeah, I just need to check on a few things. I won’t be doing anything too important the rest of the day. Maybe we can talk about travel plans tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. I hear Vane Godwin likes a leisurely pace.”

  Thomas nodded. “He does. We could easily make it back to Castile in a day and a half on horseback, but we’ll probably be on the road three days.”

  “Sounds fine to me.” He hesitated, strapping his belt on to give himself time to think. “And if you need to talk later, you can come find me. All right?”

  Hints of sadness came back to Thomas’s face. “Thank you. I might take you up on that.”

  “But no drinks?” Viktor teased.

  “None for me tonight. But I have another bottle. Might bring it along.”

  “Whatever you need,” Viktor said, briefly clasping the other man’s shoulder.

  Thomas’s eyes changed a bit, some of the sadness evaporating. “Thanks,” he said softly.

  Viktor nodded and left the room, closing the door gently behind him. He wanted to do something for Thomas, but not anything too obvious. He headed for the main entrance and strode out into the square, hoping an idea would come to him.

  Chapter Three

  Thomas slipped Pumpkin, his chestnut mare, a carrot as he stroked her neck. She’d been stuck in the stable for days and seemed to be getting restless. “Maybe we’ll go for a little trot this afternoon,” he said, dropping a kiss on her nose.

  “So you do spoil her,” Viktor said as he came up behind Thomas.

  Thomas turned and smiled at him. “And who told you that?”

  “One of the stable hands.”

  “Oh?” Thomas said with a grin.

  Viktor shook his head. “One of the thirteen-year-old ones. No funny business.”

  “If you say so. I’ve seen some of them eyeing you.”

  Leaning against one of the beams of Pumpkin’s stall, Viktor said, “Hey, we need to stick together. No shifter stereotypes.”

  Thomas laughed. “Agreed. I just couldn’t resist.”

  “You seem to be feeling much better today.”

  “I am.” Thomas continued stroking Pumpkin. “I took care of a couple of things and then went to bed early. Sleeping helped.”

  “It did?”

  “Yeah. My perspective, I guess? I was able to think better this morning.”

  “Great. So tell me about our travel plans. I hear we’re going to be camping out?”


  “I didn’t expect that. The last vane I worked for hated the outdoors.”

  “Godwin loves nature. Fishing and hunting and especially camping. There’s a large estate a third of the way between here and Castile. Godwin is good friends with the owner, and we make camp on his land. Anyone who absolutely doesn’t want to is allowed to stay in the guest house. We usually don’t have a big entourage.”

  “How many people will be with us this time?”

  Thomas began counting on his fingers. “Us plus Godwin and Bella. Bella’s maid. A couple of soldiers as escorts. Two stable boys plus the men who’ll be driving the carts. I think we’ll only have two small ones.”

  “Maybe eleven then. We should be fine. Has anyone ever harassed you on the road before?”

  “No, though we’re always on the alert for highwaymen during the middle part of t
he journey. There are hardly any farms or watering spots.”

  “I was looking at the map and think I know the area you’re talking about. Do you cover your carts with tarps or anything? What will we be transporting?”

  “Just our luggage. How many trunks do you have?”


  “They’ll be plenty of room then,” Thomas said as he nodded. “We usually cover them in case of rain.”

  “Good. Best if no one can tell exactly what we’re carrying.”

  “But what if it makes them curious? I’d never given it much thought.”

  “A lot of luggage could mean valuables. Might make them think it’s worth the risk of trying to stop us. But if you put the most expensive-looking trunks in the middle and the food and supplies on the outside as cover, we might be a bit safer. It’s not worth taking on soldiers just for grain or supplies.”

  Thomas nodded. “We can do that.” He leaned back against the side of the stall. “Have you dealt with highwaymen before?”

  “Yes. My brother was one.” He tilted his head. “Maybe he still is one. Not sure.”

  “Really?” Thomas couldn’t help his reaction, given how ordinary his domestic life had always been.

  Viktor laughed. “Don’t sound so excited. It’s embarrassing. He’s an out-and-out thief.”

  “How is that different from being a mercenary? Or an adventurer, I believe you said at some point. The Wrekin region seems like a pretty rough place.”

  “It definitely is a rough place. The difference? Semantics, really. A mercenary fights someone else’s battle for him. He might take some spoils. Adventuring is a step or two away from piracy, I’ll give you that. It’s the reason I left to forge my own way. I might go back because of my family, if I ever get married. But my father and brothers would need to come to terms with my standards. Accept that I live my life a different way.”

  “I’m an only child. I couldn’t imagine that pressure.”

  “They aren’t bad people.” He paused. “Well, actually, a few of them are. But I could handle them.”

  “Must’ve been exciting growing up.”

  “It was, but I’m glad I chose a different path. The romantic image of pirates and highwaymen fades quickly.”

  Thomas smiled at how he was constantly finding more things to admire about Viktor. “You seem like a very honorable man.”

  Viktor straightened up, grinning. “Why, thank you. I’m glad I haven’t been seducing stable hands then.”

  Thomas laughed. “I wouldn’t hold that against you.”

  Viktor licked his lips. “Good. Maybe you can introduce me to a few when we arrive in Castile.”

  Maybe. “I think we talk about sex as much as we talk about work.” Thomas gave Pumpkin one last pat before moving toward the door.

  “Hey, you only get one life,” Viktor said as he followed Thomas out.

  “True,” Thomas said as they emerged, the sun beating down on them. “And thank you again for yesterday. Did your clothes clean up all right?”

  “Yes, a maid brought them back to me this morning. And you don’t have to thank me. I’m glad to help.”

  “Talking helped, too. More than I can say.”


  Thomas paused. “I was going to walk down to the beach for a little bit. Wanna join me?”

  Viktor smiled. “I’d love to. Lead the way.”

  * * * *

  Viktor enjoyed seeing Thomas smile back at him. Visions of the two of them skinny dipping in the ocean immediately filled his mind, but he tried not to focus on them. Everyone kept telling him how shy Thomas was, so it made him feel good to see the younger man warming to him and opening up so much.

  “I love the water, so I try to come down to the beach as much as I can when we’re in a port village,” Thomas said.

  “Do you swim as a fox?”

  “Not in the ocean. I’m too small. I’d get swept away.”

  “I’d come out and save you.”

  Thomas smiled again. “As a man or a bear? I think it might panic if you had me in your mouth.” He paused, his eyes going a bit wide, and then he looked forward, possibly hoping Viktor hadn’t picked up on how that sounded.

  “As a man,” Viktor said, wanting to tease Thomas but letting it go. I doubt you’d panic if I had your cock in my mouth. Or any other part of you. “I’m too big and awkward as a bear. The currents would be impossible to swim through.” He paused before adding, “Though I once carried a bear cub in my mouth. He panicked at first, but then settled down.”

  “What? Really?” Thomas exclaimed, apparently intrigued enough to forget to be embarrassed by his unintentional double entendre earlier.

  “Yeah. It was hurt. Its mother dead. But it was scared of me as a man, probably because hunters killed its mother. I shifted to calm it down and took it to a local wise woman. It wasn’t afraid of her. She helped it for a few weeks, and then I helped her get it to an area where it would thrive.”

  “Was it all right, in the end?”

  “I think so. It seemed happy.”

  “Are both of your parents bear shifters?”

  “Yes. I have one sister who can’t shift, but all of my other siblings can.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “There are twelve of us.”

  Thomas blinked rapidly, his mouth falling open. “Twelve?”

  “Uh huh. My parents are pretty fond of each other.”

  Thomas laughed. “They’d have to be.” After a few seconds, he asked, “Do you want children?”

  “It was constant chaos growing up with so many siblings, yet I’m sort of used to the madness. Never really given it much thought. Guess it depends. Can’t have children with a man, and I do tend to prefer male lovers.” He shrugged. “Guess I’ll have to wait and see. Have to find someone to tolerate me first.”

  Thomas gazed at him a long time. “I think you’re being modest. Everyone likes you. The maids are all swooning over you. And like I said, some of the stable hands have been eyeing you.”

  “Not the same as living with someone and washing his dirty socks.”

  Thomas stopped as they reached the sand, crossing his arms and sighing. “Yeah. You’re right. You have to really be devoted to take that step. Marriage. Family.”

  Not wanting to dwell on the subject, Viktor said, “Both of your parents foxes?”

  Thomas looked down a moment, but then his expression cleared. “Yes.” He looked over at Viktor. “Thanks, but you don’t have to avoid the subject.”

  “Just trying to take care of my new friend.” He sat on a large rock and took his boots off. “What color are you?”

  “Very dark red. My mom is a white fox, though. She’s so beautiful. Completely white with just a little hint of light auburn on her face.”

  Viktor propped his boots against the rock and began rolling his breeches up as Thomas sat beside him and removed his boots, too. “Sounds gorgeous. Are you from Castile?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes, but my grandparents on both sides live in the mountains between the Arun and Mera regions, not too far from Castile. My parents went to the city for jobs when they married.”

  “You’re happy in the city?”

  “Yes.” Thomas stood and made his way toward the water. “How do you feel about staying in one place for so long? Think you’ll get restless?”

  “I think I might, but I’m sure I’ll be busy.”

  “There’s always plenty to do, though I hope there won’t be a lot of need for your protection.”

  “Don’t try to get rid of me. I’m going to be very well paid.”

  Thomas stepped into the water and sighed, the sound much more content this time. “I wouldn’t dream of getting rid of you.”

  “Good,” Viktor said softly.

  Thomas didn’t look at him, but Viktor saw his expression shift a little.

  He even thought he saw a hint of a smile.

  * * * *

  One Week Later

  Thomas secured his sad
dle bag to Pumpkin and then moved to her other side to check his sleeping roll. Then he went to check the cart closest to him a second time. Bella stood by the other cart, which she would be riding in along with her maid, Meg. The two women whispered together, Meg briefly glancing over at him. Thomas smiled and walked over their way.

  “Are all your things secure?” he asked.

  Meg nodded. “Yes. All in order.” She paused. “Thank you, Thomas.”

  “Certainly.” He glanced to Bella. “Anything either of you need? I believe we’ll set off once your uncle and Viktor get here.”

  “We’re fine. Thanks,” Bella said, giving him a very appreciative smile.

  “Good,” Thomas said, turning to walk away.

  “Do you like Viktor? What’s he like?” Meg asked, taking a few steps toward him.

  Thomas thought her curiosity might be partly for herself, as many people had been asking him about Viktor, though he did wonder if Bella had assumed anything about Viktor being in his room last week. She’d been especially attentive and kind, possibly out of pity. Yet she also seemed curious about him and Viktor, making him think she might’ve been discussing them with Meg. They had nothing to hide, so he told the truth. “Viktor’s an amazing man. We’re lucky to have him. He’s perfect for the job, honorable and loyal. I’ve never taken to anyone so quickly. I feel as if we’ve been friends a long time.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Bella said. “I know you work so hard. Don’t have much time for your friends.”

  “We’re getting along very well,” Thomas said. To Meg, he added, “I think you’ll like him a lot. You’ll have time to talk with him more the next few days.”

  “Yes, that will be nice,” Meg said, exchanging a brief look with Bella.

  Thomas saw Viktor approaching, and he excused himself. He could feel their eyes on him as he walked away. Wonder what they’d do if I threw my arms around Viktor’s neck and dragged him down for a kiss? He chuckled and tried to hide it behind his hand. Not so long ago, Bella’s attentiveness and concern would’ve meant so much to him. The past week had done wonders for him, which only gave him more food for thought. He’d always love Bella, but perhaps he hadn’t lost his heart to her the way he thought he had. Maybe I was just reserving it, hoping she’d want it one day. Or I could be in denial simply because this doesn’t feel the way I thought it would.


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