Book Read Free

Blue Love

Page 29

by Mj Fields

  “Are you going to be nice to her?” Jade asked.

  “I am going to tolerate her, it pretty much depends on how much shit I can take, for him I will try,” Tessa said. “And for him and his baby I need to move on, I think that would be easier for him and I.”

  That stung but Luke knew she was right. If someone else was good to her, how could he ask for anything else? Tessa’s happiness was important to him, more than he could have ever imagined.

  Chapter 24

  Church went well and the guys all shot as she made dinner. The week at school flew and Friday night the hunters started pulling in. Jade, Tessa, and Phoebe, made all sorts of food for them to graze on. She always loved the weekend before shotgun season, they played cards and listened to music and listened to the men tell their tall tales. Ben and his father were the last to show up, when they walked in Luke watched Tessa. She avoided looking at him until he walked up to her.

  “Hello Tess,” Ben said smiling.

  “Hey Ben how was your trip up?” Tessa asked as she cut up carrots.

  “Well worth it” Ben said softly smiling knowing he was making her uncomfortable.

  Tessa’s phone chimed and she pulled it out of her pocket

  -Damn Tessa could you at least look at the poor guy? This is painful to watch...LYA …LL

  She laughed and looked around for Luke. He winked at her and texted her again.

  -Let’s see your moves girl…LYA…LL

  Her eyebrow raised and she looked up at him. “Sorry about that Ben,” she said and smiled at him. He wore an under armor shirt, gray long sleeves and loose fitting jeans and a gray knit cap that had a few loose light brown curls hanging out. Ben’s eyes where brown with gold flecks and stunning, his lips full and very pink, and his skin was perfect, he was tall and built. “Look at you, out of that football uniform. Nice,” Tessa said.

  -much better Tessa Ross…LYA…LL

  “So I brought my bow,” Ben said rubbing his head, “want to take a walk?” he smiled.

  “It’s kind of dark out don’t you think?” Tessa giggled.

  “Uh hu,” he said and smiled flashing his perfect straight white teeth and a deep dimple she had not noticed until now.

  “You want to shoot in the dark?” Tessa asked confused.

  “Not really,” he laughed, “but I do need to grab some more stuff out of my truck, walk with me,” he said and grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door.

  Luke paced the floor and waited for them to return. Ben had his arms full and Tessa carried nothing, she held the door for him. They were laughing when they walked in.

  “Do you play pitch Ben,” Tessa asked smiling.

  “Sounds super fun Tessa can I play?” Luke asked grinning obnoxiously.

  “Of course,” she said, they sat at one of the tables and Becca joined them. Ben sat next to Tessa and Luke across from her.

  “So Ben,” Luke said, “do you have a girlfriend?”

  “No,” he said and smiled at Tessa.

  “Okay so we all know how to play right?” Tessa asked.

  “Nicely,” Ben said and smiled at her.

  “Of course, Luke will be my partner and Becca will be yours got it?” Tessa asked as she dealt the cards.

  “Ben have you ever had a girlfriend?” Luke asked in a serious tone.

  “A few how about you,” Ben asked smirking.

  Tessa laughed, “A few as well hu Luke.”

  “No not really only dated two just fucked the others,” he said “two to you Ben, how long did you date your girlfriends?” he asked.

  Ben laughed, “Um let’s see one for a year and the others for about six months.”

  “Did you have sex with them,” Luke asked.

  “Yes actually. Sorry no pictures or videos to share,” Ben said and laughed.

  Tessa laughed and shook her head and looked at Luke, what was he doing she thought.

  “You play basketball?” Luke asked.

  “Yep, love the game,” Ben said and smiled, “and you?”

  “I am, but football is my thing,” he said and smiled back, but you already know that BEN he thought.

  “So Tessa are you playing any winter sports?” Ben asked.

  “Nope I am up to my elbows in Avita,” she smiled.

  “Come again?” Ben laughed, Tessa looked at Luke and grinned.

  “It our school musical,” she smiled.

  “Tessa has the lead in Avita,” Becca explained.

  “You sing?” Ben asked.

  “I do,” Tessa replied.

  “Awesome, I play guitar,” he said.

  Tessa grinned looking down not wanting to see Luke’s expression.

  “Do you go to church Ben?” Becca asked.

  “Yep, not as much as I should but I do,” Ben said and smiled.

  Luke threw down two jacks and they took four. “Are we done now?”

  “No man we play to fifteen,” Ben said and smiled and pointed to Luke’s seat, “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Tessa laughed and looked at Luke who was clearly annoyed and bit her cheeks to try to stop.

  “Hey Luke can we do this?” she asked.

  “Absolutely,” Luke said as he sat.

  “Good,” she said, “I like this game, so Ben do you dance?”

  “A little,” he said smirking, “I bid 3.”

  “I go four,” Luke said immediately not waiting his turn or looking at his cards.

  Tessa and Becca laughed.

  Luke led with the queen of hearts, and smiled at Tessa who looked terrified, she threw the 2, Ben a seven and Becca could not follow suit. Luke threw the King of hearts, Tessa the ten, and Ben the eight. Tessa looked at Luke and laughed. He threw six, Ben threw a jack and smiled, Tessa threw the ace. They all laughed. When the game was over Luke got up and walked away.


  “So Tess how long did you two date?” Ben asked smiling.

  “Not long,” she said and blushed.

  “Long enough, I mean are you done with it?” Ben asked thoughtfully.

  “Yes I am, but he and I are friends,” she said and looked him in the eyes.

  “That’s it?” Ben asked.

  “Yep,” Tessa smiled.

  “Good, he’s not going to get all crazy on me is he? I would hate to have to kick his ass in front of you,” Ben said and winked.

  She laughed, “No he’s a good guy.”

  “Go for a walk with me?” Ben asked.

  “Sure Ben,” she said and smiled. They walked down to the pond.

  “I have to tell you Tessa, I have been crushing on you since I was about five,” Ben said and laughed.

  “Oh ya?” she said, “so where were you three months ago?” she asked. He laughed.

  “When you’re available and if you’re interested let me know Tess,” he said.

  “I will definitely keep that in mind,” she said, “In the meantime tell me about yourself Ben.”

  “Ask me anything you want Tess, I am an open book,” Ben said and he smiled.

  “Okay let’s walk, favorite subject?” Tessa asked.

  They walked back down to the cabin as she asked him several questions. Ben’s favorite subject was Science, his favorite color was green, his favorite sport to play was basketball, he loves water sports, music, racing dirt bike, hanging out with his boys, he went to church camp every summer until his sophomore year, his parents were still together, none of his relationships ended badly, all in fact because the girls moved. He didn’t feel the need to keep in contact with them but was friends with them on Facebook which he reminded her she had not accepted his request yet.

  They walked in and grabbed a drink and walked back out to the porch, Ben sat down “Your turn Tessa. I want to know everything. She felt comfortable enough to tell him about everything except that she loved Luke.

  They went inside smiling, Alex invited Ben to stay at the house and join them in the hot tub. “If Tess doesn’t mind I would love to,” Ben said.

nbsp; “Sounds like fun,” Tessa said.

  “I will meet you guys there,” she said and she cleaned up in the camp. Luke had already started cleaning.

  “How’s it going?” Luke asked avoiding eye contact.

  “Alright,” Tessa said softly.

  “Cool,” Luke said quickly.

  “Look I am in no hurry Luke, I am still not over my ex,” Tessa said moving in front of him so he had to look at her.

  “I am alright Tessa okay,” he said looking quickly at her.

  “Then take me home and get in the hot tub with us,” she said and stomped her foot.

  “Ok,” he said. He double bagged the garbage and threw it in the back of his SUV.

  They pulled in and Luke dropped her by the door and drove out back to put the garbage in the dumpster.


  When he went in Tessa was coming out, she had on swim shorts and a rash guard long sleeved swim top, he laughed as he walked by, “What,” she asked.

  “That’s a lot of clothes for a hot tub,” he said as he bound up the stairs.

  Tessa ran up behind him, “Fine, I really feel like you’re trying to whore me out!”

  She took the shirt off and threw it at him; he looked at her and saw her bare back. He stood and watched her as she slipped a top over her and tried to tie it. She stomped her foot.

  “Let me get that,” he said softly. “I am not, I just want you to be happy,” Luke said and spun her around and kissed the top of her head. He looked down and pulled her top up a bit. “Perfect,” he said. She stared at him “Go Tessa, I will be out in a few minutes.”

  She walked out and put her towel down as she got in. “Sit here Tessa,” Ben said standing up and reaching for her hand. Shit she thought he was perfect, too he has some hair on his belly but he was built a lot like Luke. Tessa sat and Alex turned on the music. After a couple songs Luke came out and brought everyone sodas. He opened Tessa’s before he handed it to her. They all thanked him, he stepped in and Tessa put a towel over her face.

  “So you guys hunting all week?” Ben asked.

  “I will go out before school and after practice,” Alex said.

  “How about you Luke?” Ben asked smiling.

  “I’m not sure yet, this is my first year, gotta see how I like it,” Luke said sitting down.

  “Nice, I bet you’ll love it,” Ben said, “Hey Tessa you still cry if someone shoots a doe?”

  “Yes,” she said and smiled, “no actually, I don’t care.”

  “Yes she does,” Alex laughed, “she just doesn’t try to beat us up anymore. Oh and Bambi is way off limits.”

  She took the towel off her face and splashed Alex and laughed.

  Tessa looked at Luke and his eyes were twinkling. She put the towel back over her face and laid back. Alex turned up the music and Two Princes by the Black Crows started playing. Ben laughed, he had a good laugh. Tessa bit her lip and tried not to smile.

  “Tessa why aren’t you singing tonight?” Luke asked with a smile in his voice, “you always sing.”

  “Come on Tessa let’s hear you sing,” Ben said.

  “Seriously what is this eighth grade or a Broadway production,” she said and giggled, “I’m good.”

  The song ended and she took the towel off her head and sat up. She took a sip of her soda. “You boys need to be up early don’t stay out here too late.”

  Tessa stood up and walked past them, she stepped out of the hot tub and walked inside. Alex watched as Ben and Luke both stared at her the whole time.

  “Do you know how disturbing it is to watch you two checking her out like that?” Alex asked.

  They looked at each other and laughed. “If she wasn’t your sister you’d be doing it too,” Ben said.

  “Alright, that’s my queue, Luke you can close this up right?” Alex asked.

  “Yep, see you inside,” Luke said.

  “Well this is uncomfortable,” Ben said and laughed.

  “I don’t think so,” Luke said.

  “As soon as you left the game I asked Tessa how long you two dated,” Ben said.

  “She and I are friends, as long as you’re a good guy, I am cool with that, I just want her be happy man, she is special,” Luke warned.

  “Well what happened with you two?” Ben asked.

  “She didn’t tell you?” he asked.

  “No,” Ben said.

  “She deserves better,” Luke said and looked away.

  “Says you or her?” Ben asked.

  “Me,” Luke said.

  “Alright then, no rush here,” Ben said.

  “Good,” Luke said, “she deserves the best Ben.”

  “Agreed,” he said and stuck out his hand. Luke shook it, “You sure you’re done?”

  “Yes,” Luke said and cleared his throat. As if I have a choice he thought.

  “Okay, I don’t want to be the rebound Luke I can wait,” he said “You live here man?”

  “Probably until after the holidays,” Luke answered.


  They went inside and Tessa was sitting at the computer on Facebook. Ben leaned over her and clicked on friend requests, he clicked on his name, “You take it from here Ross,” she pushed accept. He sat down next to her and dried his hair with the towel. “Click on my page, I will show you around.”

  Tessa clicked on his page and went straight to pictures, he showed her his best friends and she saw him in a band. “You have a band?” she asked.

  “Sure do,” Ben said and smiled.

  “You sing,” she asked.

  “Some of the songs but I also play the guitar,” he said and smiled. “You’ll have to come see us sometime.”

  “I would like that,” she said.

  Ben showed her his mother, his ex-girlfriends and some pictures of him being crowned Homecoming king. She laughed and Luke came into the kitchen still in his swim bottoms, he washed out his glass and put it in the strainer.

  “Hey Luke, Ben was homecoming king too,” she said and laughed.

  “Cool, three for three Tessa,” he said and messed up her hair as he walked by.

  “What’s that about?” Ben asked smiling.

  She clicked on her page and showed him Toby, “This is Toby, possibly my future husband,” she said and laughed “he was my date to homecoming. He was homecoming king three years ago.”

  “Nice Tess, you deserve royalty,” Ben said and smiled.


  They all went to bed without alarms, John stayed at camp. Like clockwork she woke at around 2:30 and Luke went in. He had promised her a couple weeks ago he would wake her and he decided he should in case Ben woke up hearing her. “Tessa you’re okay, wake up,” Luke said.

  “Everything okay?” Ben asked sleepily as he walked in.

  “Yep she does this every night, she has for a few weeks,” Luke said. “Tessa wake up, you’re okay, everyone is fine,” she started crying, he started to pick her up and looked at Ben. “You wanna take care if this?”

  “Sure I guess,” Ben said looking confused.

  “You have to pick her up,” Luke said and he did, she grabbed his neck and cried softly. “You may want to talk to her and try to calm her down,” Luke instructed anxiously.

  Ben sat “Tess wake up girl,” he said. She opened her eyes, “she’s awake.”

  “No she’s not, she will probably kiss you,” Luke warned him, and probably say my name he thought.

  She did and he slowly pulled away, “Dude this is odd.”

  “I can leave,” Luke said.

  Fuck that he thought.

  “Tessa wake up,” he said and shook her lightly. “Tessa wake up,” he said in a firmer louder tone.

  Tessa jumped and looked around confused. She looked at Ben and then at Luke who knelt before her, her eyes got wide; she stood up and ran down the stairs.


  She sat in the bathroom crying and Luke opened the door. “Tessa,” he said. “Are you awake now?” he asked.

  “Yes I’m
awake,” she snapped.

  She was angry and confused.

  “Are you mad at me?” Luke asked confused.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “He heard you and walked in as I was trying to wake you. I told him to pick you up, and he did, you kissed him,” Luke said.

  “I what? And you let me?” she snapped.

  “Tessa it may have been more odd if you were kissing me in front of him,” he said trying to make some sense out of what happened. “Or not I don’t know, Tessa what the fuck did you want me to do?” he asked and now he was mad.

  “I don’t know get Alex,” Tessa said and cried.

  “That would be a bit odd watching you shove your tongue in your brother’s mouth,” they looked at each other, both pissed off and then they both started laughing. He wiped her tears away and kissed the top of her head. “Sorry baby I didn’t know what to do.”

  “This needs to stop, I need to know why I am doing this,” she said.

  “On a positive note you didn’t ask him to do the things you ask me to do,” Luke laughed and she slugged him.

  They walked up the stairs and Alex and Ben were sitting in her room, “You okay Tessa,” Alex asked.

  “Ya I guess I have kind of been freaking out at night, Ben I am sorry I shoved my tongue down your throat, however as Luke kindly pointed out at least it wasn’t Alex who I tried to assault,” she smiled.

  “Tessa Ross you don’t have to be sorry, I really enjoyed it,” Ben smiled.

  Alex smacked him, “I am going to stay in here tonight,” he grabbed the bottle of water off his night stand, “this should work to wake you up.”

  Chapter 25

  Tessa woke up feeling like she hadn’t slept at all. She went downstairs and made sausage gravy, the biscuits where in the oven. She threw her hair up and popped in Bambi. She sat and watched it as the guys came down the stairs one by one. They all walked into the kitchen “What is she watching,” Ben asked smiling.

  “Bambi, she has watched that every year on opening day since she was four,” Alex said and rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t like hunting but she likes guns and bows. Weird hu?”


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