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Into the Darkness

Page 15

by Kat T. Masen

  He quickly pulled back, a look of shock on his face. No, no! Please don’t regret it. His pupils were dilated, like an animal ready to attack except now it was feeling remorse. The gold band was a symbol of love and devotion and was screaming at me. What we just did was very wrong.

  “Charlotte, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that… I’m married,” he said, his worlds stumbling out.

  I felt numb. How could something so wrong feel so right? I needed to get away quickly. I ran back inside, leaving him alone under the watchful eye of the stars.

  When I got back inside the crowded house, my heart was still beating fast, adrenalin running through me. I found the drink table again and knocked back a cup of punch. There, that felt better, but shit that vodka was strong! I felt the warmth spreading through my body and instantly calming me down.

  “Charlie, where have you been? I scored with the hot chick from your school but I don’t know her name.” Logan motioned for me to look at his left. There were a few girls dancing on the dance floor, the girl with the short red hair making eyes with Logan.

  “That’s Jennifer. She’s in my English class,” I answered. I was trying my best to block out the kiss for just a second, to no avail.

  “Well, damn, she can really put out! No offence, Charlie.”

  “Ha! None taken!” We both laughed.

  The lights dimmed even further as Elijah brought out the birthday cake. The crowd started singing Happy Birthday. I stood there, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Samantha stood beside Adriana, singing loudly. On her right stood Alex, his eyes locked on mine. I could feel his gaze penetrating me, those beautiful emerald eyes that took me in under the stars. I wanted more. I yearned to tell him that I had been thinking about him non-stop since the night I ran into him in the kitchen, that every night I would lie awake imagining his kisses, his touch, that I have made myself cum imagining his cock inside me, pushing me over the edge.

  And now that I’d had a taste of him, I was scared I couldn’t stop. It had consumed me. He had me, heart and soul, all in that one kiss.

  Chapter 12


  April 2005

  I had been dreading this party since last night. I knew I would see her again, but every time it just got worse. I wanted her more, the feelings becoming harder to push away and I knew she had felt something too.

  Already the night started off bad when Samantha decided to sit on my lap as Charlotte walked down the stairs. I wanted to push Samantha off but knew I couldn’t. As usual Samantha did her over-the-top greeting with Charlotte; it was obvious Adriana was rubbing off on her. I couldn’t stand girls like this. Charlotte was different, or at least I thought she was before I saw that fucker all over her on the dance floor. What the fuck was that? I was standing with Elijah while he rambled on about the latest share price in Apple. I couldn’t give a damn, I just wanted to know why that guy’s hands where all over her and why she was rubbing her pussy against his leg. I wanted to punch the shit out of him, and the song wasn’t helping. I’d had enough of what I saw and escaped to the kitchen to find Samantha spiking the punch.

  “Very mature of you, Sam,” I sarcastically pointed out as she poured the whole bottle of vodka into the punch, my sister taking a cup and downing it in one go.

  “Oh, lighten up. Who crowned you King?” she retorted.

  “Funny, Sam, ‘cause the shit’s on me if anything happens. Adriana, lay off the fucking punch.”

  “I’m eighteen, Alex. Geez, Sammy, I don’t know how you put up with him.”

  I was just about to tell her where to shove her eighteenth birthday party when Charlotte walked in. She avoided making eye contact with me, probably for the best. I was still fuming about what I witnessed on the dance floor.

  “So, Charlie, Adriana tells me you and Logan…” Sam teased.

  So the dickhead’s name was Logan. I wasn’t leaving the room now; I wanted to hear her response to this. She defensively responded to Sam until Adriana dropped the bombshell.

  “Please, Char, good friends don’t just lose their virginity to each other!”

  What the fuck? So she lost her virginity to him? Was she still fucking him? She said she didn’t have a boyfriend. I was fucking pissed so I stormed out of the kitchen. I needed to get out of the chaos, finding refuge under the stars, the fresh air clearing my mind. It wasn’t long before she found me; I could feel her near me before she spoke.


  There was trepidation in her voice, and immediately I felt myself weaken. It was unfair to be angry with her. It wasn’t her fault I was married or that I felt like a miserable failure studying for a career I no longer wanted. It wasn’t her fault she was so goddamn gorgeous. Those fuck-me boots did not help the hard-on that became present anytime she was near me.

  She continued speaking, apologizing for what went on in the kitchen. The next part caught my attention: her sex life. If I was angry before, it was nothing like what I was feeling now. I wanted to take her over my car, spread her legs and make her mine. Tell her I’d be the only one fucking that pretty little pussy of hers. I don’t know what came me; I was fucking married. The turmoil inside me was taking its toll. I asked her if this Logan guy and her were an item.

  “No, we aren’t. I told you I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “So what, you’re fuck buddies? It sure looked like it when you were dancing.” The instant it left my mouth I regretted it, but I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted her. Couldn’t she see that? Clenching my hands, I tried to control my anger.

  She rambled on about their history, something I had no interest in hearing but it did explain a lot. Then she asked me why I cared. Why did I care? Because I hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the moment we ran into each other at my parent’s house. Something about her drew me in, especially when I looked at her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes. Her beauty was so natural, from her soft skin to her long brown hair. Every night I pushed my wife away and instead lied there in bed, wishing Charlotte were next to me. I avoided sexual contact with Sam because I’d rather jerk off in the shower, thinking about this other girl I couldn’t have.

  “Charlotte, it’s just…you—” I stopped. Could I say those words out loud?

  “What about me?”

  I don’t know what came over me. I leaned in, my lips crashing against hers. She tasted like fucking heaven. I cupped her face, keeping my hands from wandering to her ass. Our tongues battled, wanting more, and she never pulled back which aroused me even more. I could feel her tongue swirling in my mouth. Imagining the exact thing being done to my cock was pushing me over the edge. I felt like a horny teenager ready to blow his load because of one kiss. But it wasn’t just any kiss, it was Charlotte. She pulled me in closer. I knew I could have had her then, with only the stars watching, but reality was kicking in. My wife was just inside. No, this wasn’t fair to Charlotte. She deserved better—not some married guy lusting after her.

  I pulled away and apologized for the kiss, and she quickly ran back inside. What did I expect her to do? Beg me to be hers? I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and remembering the moment that was only a few seconds ago. I could still taste her on my lips, smell her scent on my jacket, and… Oh shit, her scent on my jacket. I opened my eyes and unlocked my car, grabbing some gum from the glove box. I looked for something I could spray. Nothing. Shit. I locked my car and walked back through the front garden. Standing in groups outside were those typical rebellious teenagers smoking. I walked over and stood next to a guy who was blowing rings into the air.

  “You wanna puff, bro?” he asked.

  “Nah, I’m sweet. Thanks man,” I responded. I walked back in the house, the guys probably thinking I was a fuckwit for standing around them for two seconds.

  “Alex, there you are! Shit, why do you stink like weed?” Samantha scrunched her nose as she attempted to hug me. Mission accomplished.

  “I was just outside for a second talking to some dude. Sorry abo
ut the smell.”

  She grinned and I wondered how much vodka she’d had. “Don’t worry, baby, that’s why showers were invented and tonight, don’t expect to have one alone.” She winked at me while trying to grab my cock in the middle of the hallway. Thankfully, Elijah interrupted.

  “Birthday cake time,” he cheered.

  He brought out the cake and the crowd started singing Happy Birthday. I saw her standing across the room next to that jerk. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She stared at me, her face unreadable. It was times like this I wished I could read minds. It wasn’t a mistake, Charlotte. I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone else in my life. I played the words in my head, hoping she had some telepathic gift and could hear me. As the singing stopped and Adriana blew out the candles, the crowd cheered before dispersing back to their little groups.

  I needed to find her again. I didn’t know what I would say but I was hoping the words would come to me once I stood in front of her. I searched the dance floor. Nothing. I looked around the room; I could only see cliques of girls standing around. I walked into the kitchen; there were a few girls there but no one I recognized. I was about to walk upstairs when I heard her voice from the den, and she wasn’t alone.

  “Look, Carter, I only agreed to go to prom because you nagged me like a two-dollar whore.”

  “Oh, come on, Charlie. You know we are meant to be. Why are you wasting your time on that jerk?”

  “His name is Logan and he is one of my best friends. Don’t you dare talk shit about him.”

  “Whatever. You can do better than him.”

  “And what, you think you are better that him?” She laughed. As much as I hated this Logan guy, it seemed I found a new frontrunner.

  “C’mon, Charlie, no one will know. Just once, let me prove it.” His voice softened.

  “Don’t fucking touch me, Carter.”

  I pushed the door open, both of them shocked to see me. “You heard her. Don’t you dare fucking touch her if you value your balls,” I commanded.

  “Oh, look who’s back, big-shot Edwards. How’s medical life treating you? I heard Daddy pulled some nice strings so you could intern at the hospital?” he mocked.

  I was ready to punch his fucking face when she stood in front of me with her hands on my chest. “Let it go, Alex.”

  Carter laughed, then I looked up and saw Charlotte turn around and punch him directly in the nose. He shrieked like a fucking schoolgirl. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?”

  Charlie bent over, her fists clenched, the pain visible on her face. “Don’t ever talk shit about any of my friends, you understand?” she gritted through her teeth.

  I examined her swollen hand. Damn, what a punch! We left Carter standing in the den, wiping the blood from his nose. Back in the kitchen, I made her sit down as I searched the freezer for that bag of peas again. Placing it on her hand, I let the bag reduce the swelling so I could examine it further.

  “Sorry, this will hurt but just for a second. I need to make sure it isn’t broken.” I opened her palm and laid it flat in mine. She could move her fingers slowly so I knew it wasn’t broken. It didn’t stop her from moaning as the pain increased. “Not broken, but it will bruise up. Do you normally punch people who talk shit about your friends?”

  “He had it coming, that jerk.” She chuckled, followed by a sharp cry as she moved her hand.

  “Oh Charlotte, my poor baby,” I whispered. I wanted to kiss her, take her home and remove the pain she was feeling. She looked into my eyes, her expression sad. I wasn’t sure it was entirely because of the punch.

  “Oh my God, Char, what happened?!” Adriana stumbled into the room. Fuck, she was tanked. Mom was gonna hang me out by my balls for this.

  I backed away from Charlotte. Adriana was too drunk to notice, anyway. She explained what happened which was pointless because Adriana would remember nothing in the morning. I decided to go find Samantha; it was time to go home. I was physically and mentally exhausted.

  “Oh, here he is, my hot-as-fuck husband, Dr. Edwards! Well, not yet, but soon I can say Dr. Edwards to anyone I want,” she slurred.

  “Sammy, I think it’s time to go.”

  It was well after midnight and the party had dwindled down. The guy she was chatting with decided to leave, as well as the remaining partygoers. The music finally stopped, and the DJ packed up his equipment.

  “I’ve got it from here, Alex. Why don’t you take Sammy home?” Elijah suggested.

  “Where are Adriana and Charlotte? I should probably say goodbye.”

  “Charlie took Adriana upstairs, where she passed out on her bed.”

  “Thanks, Elijah. I’ll be back around seven to help clean up.” I shook his hand before turning around to find Samantha passed out on the couch. She remained asleep the entire way home and still hadn’t woken up when I put her in our bed. She snored so loud I knew I had no chance in hell of sleeping, but at least I avoided that shower she was planning.

  I grabbed a spare blanket and settled on the couch. My cell lay beside me. Should I? It was two o’clock. She was probably asleep but I texted her anyway.

  I’m guessing you’re asleep. I’m sorry I lied that I was sorry.

  Only a moment later my cell buzzed. I smiled like a lovesick fool as I read her text.

  I’m awake. I obviously didn’t drink enough vodka. You can be sorry, it’s ok. I understand, Alex.

  But I’m not, that’s the thing. I didn’t mean to say it. I wanted that to happen. I’ve wanted it for a while.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way. But this can’t happen again. It’s so complicated. For starters, you’re married.

  I know, Charlotte. I’m just saying I’m not sorry. It won’t happen again, as much as I want it to. You’re right, it’s too complicated, and of course there’s Adriana to think about.

  Not to mention your parents.

  And you’re mom and dad. Did I see holsters hanging from your dad’s pants?

  You’ll be glad to know he takes them off when he has to use the bathroom.

  So for two minutes I’m safe?

  Is that all it takes you, Alex?

  If you stuck around longer outside, you would have found out.

  I would say maybe next time but that is breaking the rules.

  Right, the rules. I forgot we just put that in place. Well, I’ll see you in the morning to clean up the mess that is my sister.

  Goodnight, Alex. Thank you for tonight.

  I scrolled through the message, re-reading it one more time before I deleted the conversation. My eyes drooped as the tiredness took over. “Goodnight, my beautiful girl. Now it’s my turn to thank you,” I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 13


  April 2005

  There were a million and one jackhammers going off inside my head. Why on Earth did I drink that spiked punch? Oh that’s right, because I had kissed my best friend’s brother. My best friend’s married brother. I was so fucking screwed. I had no time to lay here and think about what I’d done. The house was trashed and we had three hours to have it back to its original condition or Adriana was toast.

  “Morning, Charlie. Would you like a cup of coffee before you start?” Elijah offered.

  I looked around, surprised and secretly pleased that he had done a lot already. God, he was such a good boyfriend. “Wow, you’ve already done so much.”

  “Yeah, well, I can’t have Adriana grounded on her eighteenth birthday. What kind of boyfriend would I be then?”

  I patted him on the back. He was such a great guy.

  “OK, so the kitchen is done. I’ll tackle the rest of the house if you attempt the poolhouse and pool.” He laughed, knowing he had left the worst part for me. I pouted as I walked to the door, opening it to welcome the cool fresh air.

  Fuck, the backyard was trashed! I grabbed a garbage bag, walking around placing the trash in it. I cleane
d up the grass area, which took me ages, then headed to the poolhouse. As I walked in, my mouth dropped. The bed was unmade, the sheets strewn all over the floor. Empty cups lay around the room. Urgh…and condom wrappers were on the ground. I seriously didn’t want to think about what I could catch in here right now!

  “Looks like someone had a good time in here last night…twice. Eww, WOW, four times.” Alex laughed and I realized I would have no choice but to turn around and face him. As I slowly turned, he stood there leaning against the doorframe. He was in his sweats, looking like a fucking god. It did nothing to make me regret what happened last night. I felt stupid standing there in my boxers and Uggs.

  “Well, someone is not going to have a good time right now and that would be me. This is rancid.”

  Alex helped me clean up the room, stripping the bed and replacing the sheets. We worked in silence. It was better that way. I didn’t want to talk about last night. We said it wouldn’t happen again and I was sticking to my word, but damn, he looked amazing.

  Alex grabbed a tissue to pick up the used condom under the bed. He held it up in front of me, and I was mortified.

  “Ewwww!” I squirmed, but he continued to dangle it there, laughing as he did so. I ran to the bathroom as he followed me but sense prevailed and he placed it in the bin. Then he scrubbed his hands vigorously.

  “Wash them real good,” I said. “Oh God, that was nasty.”

  He smirked, still washing his hands. “I bet you would be thinking differently if it belonged to JT.”

  “Well dang, he wouldn’t be wearing one if he was with me!”


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