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Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas!

Page 3

by Peter Patrick

  The entire world is depending on me.

  I race into Dr. C. Mac’s office and grab everything I can…

  Chapter 6

  Ninja Attack

  Slowly and quietly, I sneak into the Dome of Silence. I have filled my backpack with all the gadgets I could find in Dr. C. Mac’s laboratory. There must be something I can do to stop this from happening.

  Maybe I can throw the backpack to Dad, and then he can defeat all the Shadow Ninjas.

  Stepping softly through the Dome of Silence, I look around for someone to help me.

  But there is nobody. All the corridors are empty.

  Oh man, this is so scary.


  Oh no! The noise comes from behind me!

  Jumping behind an indoor pot plant, I hide as two Shadow Ninjas walk up the corridor. They must be checking the corridor to make sure nobody is breaking in, but they are not very quiet.

  “What’s a ninja’s favorite drink?” one says to the other.

  “Wataaaah!” the other one laughs.

  Great. The Shadow Ninjas are telling each other ninja jokes.

  “What sort of shoes do ninjas wear?”

  “Sneakers! Hahahaha!”

  Well, they might not be very good ninjas, but at least they are funny.

  After the ninjas have walked away, I creep out from behind the pot plant. I sneak around the building, looking for the Super Spies, but I can’t find them.

  I check room after room in the Dome of Silence, but they are all empty!

  Then, I hear sounds coming from the large conference room in the middle of the building. Quietly, I tip-toe up to the door and try to peer in.

  If I can find my Dad, then I can throw him the backpack full of gadgets, and then he can defeat the Shadow Ninjas again. That’s an awesome plan.

  The only thing that can stop the plan is if everyone is tied up. I really hope the Super Spies are not tied up…

  Pushing the door open slightly, I peek into the conference room…

  I can see the Super Spies!

  But they are all tied up!


  All the world’s best spies are tied together in the middle of the room!

  Studying the rest of the room, I see that everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs!


  They can’t help me at all!

  I am the only person who can do anything! I have to save the world from a Shadow Ninja attack!

  I count twenty-eight ninjas and one Head Ninja.

  The Head Ninja is taller than everyone else and looks so much scarier. He is clearly the dominant one, and the best ninja. When he walks, it looks like his feet aren’t even touching the ground.

  Wow. He looks so tough.

  “Listen!” the Head Ninja calls out and stands at the front of the room. “Everybody listen to me!”

  “I am the Head Ninja! I am in charge of the Shadow Ninjas! I will rule the world, and nobody can stop me!” the Head Ninja laughs. “The people before me, the world’s best Super Spies, think that they are the smartest people in the world, but they have been captured by me! They don’t look so smart now!”

  “You will be sorry about this,” Dad calls out to the Head Ninja. “When we break out of here, we will capture you and lock you away for a very long time. You will not get away with this!”

  “Haha!” the Head Ninja shouts. “And who is going to stop us now? The Super Spies are the only people on the planet capable of stopping us. But you are all tied up now. There is nothing more that you can do. There is no use trying to fight us – we are too strong!”

  “What are you going to do now?” Dad questions.

  “Now that we have all the world’s best Super Spies tied up, we are going to take over the world!” the Head Ninja continues. “We are going to rule every state, every island, and every country. From this day forth, I will be known as the King of the World! I will rule this world with power and strength. And I will make sure that everyone bows to the might of the Shadow Ninjas!”

  “No,” Dad says.


  “Listen to me, Head Ninja. If you put down your weapons now, and let us all go, I promise that we will only lock you away for ten years in prison. We will let you go after ten years, and you can retire to the mountains in Japan, where we will make sure that you never try to take over the world again. Do we have a deal?”

  “Hahahahaha!” the Head Ninja laughs loudly. “You must be joking? I will not make a deal with you. Under my command, the Shadow Ninjas will not be stopped by anyone. There will be no deals. There is nobody who can stop us now. The world is ours!”

  Dad shakes his head. He knows there isn’t much more he can do right now. After the Head Ninja has finished his speech, I try to get Dad’s attention.

  “Dad,” I whisper. “Dad.”

  But it is no use. He is too far away. And I can’t go any closer or the Shadow Ninjas will see me.

  What can I do?

  How do I save the spies and stop all the Shadow Ninjas?

  The Shadow Ninjas are the fastest people on earth - there is no way I can stop them by myself.

  They are too quick!

  But if I don’t do anything, the Shadow Ninjas will rule the world.

  Oh no…

  I don’t know what to do.

  But suddenly, I have an idea…

  Chapter 7

  The Ninja Attack

  Opening my backpack, I sort through the gadgets I grabbed from Dr. C. Mac’s office. In the bag, there is his lunch box, his drink bottle, and his hat. They can’t help me!

  Then I look inside the second zipper and realize that is where I put the gadgets. Phew!

  I see the Slow-Motion Bomb and realize I can slow the Shadow Ninja’s down. They might be the world’s fastest people, but they won’t be if I hit them with the Slow-Motion Bomb!

  That’s a brilliant idea!

  Remembering that Dr. C. Mac said that I must hold the trigger from the Slow-Motion Bomb to resist the effects, I grip it tightly and look out at all the Shadow Ninjas.

  I can do this.

  I can be brave and save the Super Spies.

  I know I can do this.

  Come on…

  I take three deep breaths, hold the trigger, and then throw the Slow-Motion Bomb into the room…

  Then I wait…


  The Slow-Motion Bomb goes off, and everyone goes slow-motion, except for me!

  Totally awesome!

  I race around the room at normal speed, but everyone else is locked into slow-motion movements. This is so much fun!

  Grabbing my backpack, I pull out the super-clothes collection! Super-tie – nope. Super-sweater – it’s not cold. Super-socks – don’t need those either. Ah! Here they are! The super-boots and the super-gloves. Perfect!

  Because the ninjas are moving in slow-motion, I am able to move so much faster than them!

  I am faster than the fastest people alive!

  This is so cool!

  The ninjas try to attack me in slow-motion, but I can easily dodge their attacks! They are so slow!

  I zip around all the ninjas, and they are so surprised that someone is faster than them!

  This is brilliant!

  With my super-gloves on, I punch one of the ninjas.

  The Shadow Ninja goes flying through the air!

  The super-gloves are so powerful!

  And then I punch more ninjas!

  Zipping around, I punch, and I punch, and I punch!

  This is so much fun!




  Quickly, I have knocked all the Shadow Ninjas out!

  I have defeated them!

  What mad skills!

  That was so easy!

  Thanks to the Slow-Motion Bomb, I have defeated the Shadow Ninjas!

  Go me!

  As the Slow-Motion Bomb begins to wear off, and everyone returns to normal speed, I race over to un
tie my Dad.

  “Great work, Charlie!” he smiles. “That was outstanding. You were so quick! It was a great idea to use the Slow-Motion Bomb.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I smile. “I’m just happy that I managed to knock out all the ninjas, and save the Super Spies.”

  But before I can untie my Dad, he shouts, “Watch out!”

  Chapter 8

  The Head Ninja

  I spin around to look behind me.

  It’s the Head Ninja!

  I didn’t stop him! He must have been hiding when the Slow-Motion Bomb went off!

  Aw man! He’s the toughest ninja!

  The Head Ninja grabs me from behind and throws me against the wall.


  Man, that hurts!

  He knocks off my super-gloves and my super-boots, tossing them aside. Without them, I am helpless!

  I try to get back to my feet, but he kicks me again!

  I didn’t even see that kick!

  “What do you call a ninja pig?” I say, trying to buy some time to work out how to defeat him.

  “What do you call a ninja pig?” he questions.

  “A Pork Chop!”

  “Is that a joke?” the Head Ninja asks. “If it was, it wasn’t funny.”

  As I look around the room, the Head Ninja comes towards me. I can’t see a way to stop him!

  “How do you spell Ninjas?” I ask, still looking for a way out.

  “N-I-N-J-A-S,” he replies.

  “Nope. It’s spelled – S – because the ‘ninja’ is silent!”

  “Ha!” the Head Ninja laughs. “That was funny. But the time for jokes is over. It is time to surrender, little boy. Without the Slow-Motion Bomb, you are no match for my speed and skill.”

  “No,” I say. “I will not surrender. Your clothes are ugly, and I must stop you!”

  “What did you say?!”


  I shouldn’t have said that his clothes are ugly. He looks totally angry now.

  The Head Ninja walks over to me with his ninja sword ready.

  I’m doomed!

  “Without your gadgets, you’re not so great! You are no match for the mighty Shadow Ninjas!” he shouts. “You shouldn’t have tried to stop us, little boy! We are unstoppable. What is your name?”

  “My name is the Ninja Destroyer,” I say, hoping to scare him.

  “Ha!” he laughs. That didn’t work. “That is not your name. What is your real name?”

  “Charlie Chucky.”

  “Charlie Chucky? Are you the son of the world’s best Super Spy, David Chucky?” he questions.

  “Um, yes,” I reply. “And if you don’t let me go, then my Dad will make sure that you stay locked up forever. He will get really angry, and lock you up in prison. He has beaten you before, and he will do it again.”

  “Ha! Your Super Spy Dad can’t help you now. He is tied up. He can’t do anything. There is no way that you can beat me. I am the greatest ninja ever!”

  “Please don’t hurt me,” I say. “Mom is making chocolate lasagna tonight, and I really want to be home for that. Can’t you just let me go?”

  “Chocolate lasagna? Hmmm, that does sound tasty,” the Head Ninja says. “But I am afraid that I cannot let you go. Because you defeated all my Shadow Ninjas; I cannot let you walk away. You will have to pay the price for trying to stop us.”

  “What if I stop you now?” I say, trying to buy more time to think of an escape. “What if I beat you up? Would that make me the greatest ninja ever?”

  “There is no way you can beat me without your gadgets!” he crackles again. “You can’t stop me now!”

  He’s right. I can’t beat him without my gadgets.

  There is nothing I can do.

  But then I remember I have one gadget left…

  Chapter 9

  The Final Fight!

  As the Head Ninja stands above me, I remember that I have one gadget left!

  The pants-dropper pen is still in my pocket!


  “Don’t look down,” I say as I hit the button on the pants-dropper pen.

  The Head Ninja’s pants drop to the floor!

  He looks down!

  Quickly, I grab one of my super-boots, and…


  I kick him as hard as I can!

  “Goodbye, Head Ninja!” I call out as he goes flying through the air!

  Chapter 10

  The Clean Up

  Later that day…

  “Congratulations Charlie,” Dad says as he hangs up a second picture of the Shadow Ninjas on the Wall of Bad. “That was very brave, and all the Super Spies were very impressed with your skills. Although, they weren’t so impressed with your jokes. You will need to work on those.”

  Dad thinks my jokes are bad?

  The last joke he told me was ‘3.14 percent of sailors are pi-rates.’ He says it’s a math joke, but I don’t get it. Then he told me to ask a cow if I needed help with math. I asked why? He said they might have a cow-culator.


  “Every spy that puts a villain away is awarded a special lunch,” Dad says as he pats me on the back.

  “How special?” I ask.

  “You can order whatever you want.”

  “Really? So if I wanted vanilla ice cream, with a bowl of chocolate coated popcorn and a side of chips on pizza – you’d bring it to me?”

  “Um… I suppose. If that is what you want.”

  “Yes!” I punch the air. “Followed by Mom’s chocolate lasagna.”

  Dad places his hand on my shoulder, “Son, if you want to become a Super Spy, there will be a place here for you. You have the skills to succeed, and you have proven yourself as a worthy Super Spy.”

  “I’d love to be a Super Spy,” I smile.

  “Maybe you can help me with the next assignment. We have a report that there are giant monsters causing trouble in a forest.”

  “I’d be happy to help,” I reply. “Giants don’t scare me at all…”

  The End

  Also in the Diary of a Super Spy series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Evil Attack!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Daylight Robbery!

  Also by Peter Patrick and William Thomas:

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 2

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 3

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 4

  Diary of a Time Spy

  From the Authors

  Thank you for reading ‘Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas!’

  Like all students in 6th Grade, Charlie Chucky is having fun with his friends, learning how to deal with life’s adventures. I hope you will join Charlie on his next journey – ‘Diary of a Super Spy: A Giant Problem!’

  Have fun!

  Peter Patrick and William Thomas

  If you liked this story, please leave a review!

  Special Preview Chapter:

  Diary of a Super Spy:

  A Giant Problem!

  Peter Patrick

  William Thomas

  Chapter 1

  School Camp

  Oh, the life of being a Super Spy in the sixth grade.

  I know what you’re thinking – it must be all thrills and excitement. Well, it’s not. Even though you save the world and battle nasty enemies, you still have to do all the normal sixth grade stuff.

  Like go to school camp.


  I love the outdoors, but the idea of running around with the rest of the sixth grade for three days doesn’t thrill me. In fact, it scares me a little. Anything could go wrong…

  My name is Charlie Chucky, I’m in the sixth grade, and I love to jump over anything dangerous.

  This is me jumping over a massive, dangerous puddle of water.

  My best friend Harley has also come on the school camp.

  This is Harle

  As you can tell, Harley doesn’t like the outdoors.

  He would rather spend his time indoors with a math test, the latest book, and his collection of extremely rare ant’s teeth.

  Our school camp is being held in the middle of nowhere – which is about a four-hour bus ride from our school. There are six cabins, two lakes, three tennis courts, one soccer oval, fourteen lost koalas, six Dodo birds, half a boat, and one very creepy looking forest.

  This camp is supposed to teach us about the wild, but how much is there to know? The Camp Leader asked me where I would find food if I were lost in the woods, and I told him I would call my Mom. She always knows where to find me.

  Particularly when it is time to go to the Dentist, and I am hiding.

  But apparently, there is no mobile phone reception out here, so I couldn’t call my Mom anyway. The Camp Leader said I could survive by eating berries off the ice-cream tree. Sounds fine to me.

  To make this boring camp more interesting, I snuck some of Dad’s newest Super Spy gadgets into my backpack.

  My Dad is a Super Spy.

  And not just any Super Spy – he is the world’s best Super Spy. He works for a spy agency so secret that even he doesn’t know the name of it.


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