The Boer War
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De Beers, diamond corporation, 181, 183; annual report of, on Rhodes, 176; and defence of Kimberley, 184, 321
De Jagers, Cornet, at Wagon Hill, 274
De Kock, Transvaaler, at Spion Kop, 298
De la Rey, Adriaan, son of General De la Rey, 193. 198
De la Rey, General Koos, 197–2; joins Cronje and Prinsloo at Modder River, 192–3; at battle of Modder River, 196, x97, 198; plans to dig in under Magersfontein ridge, 199–200; moves north from Bloemfontein, 379; Proposes guerrilla warfare, 390; at Doornkop, 425; in retreat to Pretoria, 430; at Zilikat’s Nek, 448; in south-west Transvaal, 470; at Cypherfontein -council, 470–4; at Nooitgedacht, 477. 479, 481; speaks on Dingaan’s Day, 481; guerrilla force of, 537, 553–6; joined by De Wet and Steyn, 549; captures Methuen at Tweebosch, 549; slips through Kitchener’s net, 557; at peace negotiations, as delegate for Transvaal, 561 562, 567, 568, 569
De la Rey, Koos, son of General De la Rey, 193
De Villiers, Field Cornet J., at Wagon Hill, 274
De Villiers, Boer at Spion Kop, 292
De Vos, Walter, Boer at Spion Kop, 292
De Wet, General Christiaan, 103, 331; stampedes Buller’s draught oxen and captures stores at Waterval Drift, 319–20, 332; objects to Cronje’s line of retreat, 329; guerrilla methods of, 330, 332; finds Cronje encircled at Paardeberg, 332–3, and creates diversion by taking Kitchener’s Kopje, 333, 339–41; in Poplar Grove action, 374, 380; at abandonment of Bloemfontein, 375, 379; Commandant-General of Free State army after death of Ferreira, 387; at Kroonstad council, 387, 389–90; behind Buller’s lines, 421; captures supplies, 435–6; slips past Hunter, 439, 441; and Prinsloo’s surrender, 445; on Vaal plains, 470; at Sannah’s Post and Reddersburg, 472; narrowly escapes at Bothaville, 474; takes De Wetsdorp, 476; Kitchener fails to trap, 485; enters Cape Colony, 493. but is beaten back, 52o; as obstacle to peace on Middelburg terms, 537; on blockhouses as ‘blockhead scheme’, 541, 546; successful attack by, at Tweefontein, 542–4; questions in Parliament about detention of wife of, 546; at peace negotiations, as delegate for Orange Free State, 551, 561, 562–3, 565, 567, 568–9; signs terms of surrender, 569; leads rebellion (1914), 576
De Wet, Piet, brother of Christiaan, 393, 424, 436–7; captures battalion of Imperial Yeomanry at Lindley, 436–7; surrenders, 488; fights with British, 542, 568
De Wetsdorp, taken by De Wet (23 Nov. 1900), 476
Deerdeport, Transvaal: Linchwe’s Africans, led by CoL Holdsworth, attack Boer laager at, 402, 473, 566
Denne, Maj., at Elandslaagte, 139
Derby, Lord, Prime Minister, 17
Derbyshire Regiment, 435, 445, 450
Devonshire, Duke of 92, no; as Lord Hartington, 26
Devonshire Regiment, 95, 148, x52, 360, 435; at Elandslaagte, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139; at Colenso, 234, 237; at Wagon Hill, 275–6, 277
Diamond Hill, battle at (11-12 June 1900), 434 diamond-mines, at Kimberley, xxii, x8, 183; value of output of 183; Rhodes allows women and children to shelter in, 326–7
Dick-Cunyngham, Lt-Col W., CO Gordon Highlanders, 133, 137
Dickson, war correspondent, with ciné camera, 283
Digby-Jones, Lieut., of Royal Engineers, 272, 274–5
Dingaan, Zulu chief 17, 37
Dingaan’s Day (16 Dec.), 37, 255, 481
Dinizulu, Zulu chief 567
Disraeli, Benjamin, on Kruger, 38
Dixon, Brig-Gen. H. G., CO mobile column, 513–14
Dodd, secretary of South African League, reads out ‘Edgar Petition’, 52, 115
Donegan, Maj., CO 18th Field Hospital, 130, 143, 146–7; and Exham (PMO), 354–5, 383
Donoughmore, Lord, of Imperial Yeomanry, 436, 437
Doornkop: surrender of Jameson at (1896). 4–5; Hamilton’s storming of (29 May 1900), 425-7 Dorset Regiment, 296, 299, 304
Douglas, CoL C. W. H., staff officer to Methuen, 201, 213
Downe, Lt-Col Lord, with Roberts on arrival in Bloemfontein, 373
Doran, Col Beauchamp, CO mobile column, 570
Downman, Lt-Col G., CO Gordon Highlanders, 206
Doyle, Dr Conan: quoted, 191; in volunteer hospital, Bloemfontein, 382
Dragoon Guards, 134, 139–40
Drakensberg, 109, 208, 283, 369, 433
Drielingkoppe, near Spion Kop: scaled by Lyttelton’s men (24 Jan. 1900), 300-I, 302
Du Preez, adjutant to Steyn, 474–5
Du Toit, S. P., Boer General, 379
Dublin Fusiliers, 148, 152, 357, 358, 362; at Talana, ‘25, x26, 129, 130; at Colenso, 225, 227, 228
Duncan, Patrick, of Milner’s ‘Kindergarten’, 553
Dundee, Natal: Symons’s force at, 98, 101, 106, 107; White allows Symons to remain at, 108, 113, 122; Yule retires from, leaving wounded, 144–5; Boers take, 145–7
Dundonald, Col. Earl of, CO mounted brigade: at Colenso, 217, 218, 232, 236, 346; crosses Tugela, 281, 283–4; occupies Hussar Hill, 347; enters Ladysmith, 366; in Buller’s advance, 451
Dunlop, Lt-Col J. W., CO Royal Artillery Mounted Rifles, 545
D’Urban, Sir Benjamin, Governor and C-in-C, Cape Colony (1842-7), 15–16
Durban: Boer threat to, 102, 158, 159, 174; British troopships arrive at, 103, 107, 161, 173
Durham Light Infantry, 209, 210, 358
Dutch East India Company, xxi
Dutch Reformed Church, 486, 488
dynamite monopoly, in Transvaal, 40, 43, 54; produces ammunition, 258
East Surrey Regiment, 348
East Yorkshire Regiment, 543
Eckstein, Friedrich, 115, 384
Eckstein’s, South African subsidiary of Werner-Beit, xv, 48
Edgar, Tom, Uitlander killed by Johannesburg police, 45, 46, 50–2
Edgar Relief Committee, 51, 52
Edgar Petition to Queen Victoria, 52
Edingborough, Troopers, of Cape Mounted Rifles, 527, 528
Edward VII, King: receives Milner, 502; as Prince of Wales, 33, 110
Elandsfontein railway junction, Rand: Boer ambush at (29 May 1900), 427–8
Elandslaagte, battle of (21 Oct. 1899), 133–41, 169; Yule and news of, 44
Elandsriverpoort, Cape Colony: Smuts cuts up (17th Lancers at (17 Sept. 1901), 523–5
Elliot, Maj.-Gen. E. L., CO in drive against Boers, 545
Elliott, Maj., surveys line of Tugela, 208, 211, 216
Ellis, John, MP, and concentration camps, 505, 508
Ellis, Lieut., at Spion Kop, 295
Eloff, Commandant S. (grandson of Kruger): exchanges letters with Baden-Powell, 396; raids native stadt in Mafeking, 410–14
Elton, Capt., of Royal Field Artillery, at Colenso, 231
Ennismore, Lord, of Imperial Yeomanry, 436, 437
Erasmus, Gen. Daniel, Boer commander, 128, 147, 169
Ermelo Commando, 222
Esher, Lord, 244
Essex Regiment, 334, 336, 394, 429
Estcourt, south of Tugela, 107; British troops in, 165, 171; supplies of water from, 240
Evans, Sam, Werner-Beit’s man in Johannesburg, made Commissioner for Finance, 430
Exham, Lt-Col R., PMO in Ladysmith, 269, 354–5, and in Bloemfontein, 383; replaced, 422
Fairfield, Edward, of Colonial Office, and Jameson Raid, 29, 30
farm buildings of Boers, burning of, 438, 440–1, 449, 458, 467, under Roberts’s orders, approved by Lansdowne, 463; and morale of Boers, 473; not allowed by Buller, 452–3; numbers destroyed, 572
Farmer, Canon, missionary in Transvaal, 573
Farrar, Sir George, Rand magnate, 575
Fashoda episode (1898), 73, 81
Fawcett, Mrs Millicent, 515, 516, 517
Ferreira, Gen. J. S., Boer commander, 329, 330, 333, 387
Fiddes, George, Imperial Secretary in Cape Town, 54, 57
Fingo Africans, in Mafeking, 396, 402
Fischer, Abraham, State Secretary of Orange Free State, 80, 101, 257; as Boer delegate to Europe, 389
Fischer, Maria, Boer woman taken t
o concentration camp, 503
FitzClarence, Capt. C., of Bechuanaland Protectorate Regiment, 403, 412, 413
Fitzgerald, Capt., of Royal Field Artillery, 231
Fitzpatrick, George, brother of Percy, 174
Fitzpatrick, Percy, employee of Wernher-Beit in Johannesburg, Uitlander leader, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51; organizes petitions, 52, 53; plays double game over ‘Great Deal’, 53, 56; and Milner, 54–5, 56–7, 60, 89; The Transvaal From Within by, 88; and Uitlander image in Britain, 112, 244, 252–3; knighted: leader of loyalist party, 575
Forestier-Walker, Lt-Gen. F. W., GOC Cape, succeeding Butler, 96
Fort Itala, Natal: Botha attacks in vain (26 Sept 1901), 532
fortresses, built by Kruger to command Pretoria and the Rand, 42; guns taken from, 436
Fouchée, Commandant, 526
Fourie, Christiaan, sent by Burger to Botha at Colenso, 221, 233
Fouriesburg, Brandwater Basin, 441, 442, 443, 444
Frankfort Commando, 291
Fraser, Edmund, acting British Agent in Pretoria, 44–5, 50, 52
Fraser, Gordon, of Bloemfontein, at surrender, 372, 375
French, Maj.-Gen. John (later Field-Marshal Lord), cavalry commander, 134; with White, 135, 151; brings news of Ladysmith to Buller, 160–1; CO cavalry division left at the Cape, 164, 165; Buller and, 178, 212; CO cavalry division with Roberts; keeps his transport under his own control, 312; sweeps towards Kimberley, 314, 320, with loss of many horses, 327–8; transport of, comes to rescue of Roberts, 320; Rhodes and, 328; at surrender of Bloemfontein, 372, 373; at Poplar Grove, 373, 374–5; eluded by guerrillas, 380, 394–5; makes detour round Doornkop, 425, 426–7; pursues fragments of Botha’s army, 458; eight mobile columns under, 496, 499; executes captured Cape rebels, 514; on Kitchener’s interference, 526
Frere, Sir Bartle, High Commissioner for South Africa (1877-9), 39, 62, 72, 93
Frere, Natal: Buller’s force at, 207, 208–15, 224; Buller returns to, after Colenso, 240, 277, and after Spion Kop, 343; Warren’s division reaches, 279
Friend, The, newspaper started by Roberts in Bloemfontein, 375–6, 384
Froneman, Gen. C. C., Boer commander, 393, 435, 488, 567
Fusilier Brigade, see under Brigades
Galley, Arthur, NCO in Army Service Corps, 279, 307, 344
Game Tree Fort, Boer strong-point near Mafeking, 405
Gandhi, Mohandas, leader of stretcher-bearers with Buller, 225, 343
Garratt, Lt-Col F. S., CO New Zealand contingent, 545
Garrett, Edmund, editor of Cape Times, 80, 88
Garvin, J. L., editor, 247
Gatacre, Lt-Gen. Sir William, CO 3rd Infantry Division, 163, 177; in north-east Cape Colony, 164, 165; defeated at Stormberg, 214–15, 248; dismissal of 238, 448; death of 574
Gell, Philip, friend of Milner, 11, 14, 33, 89, 468, 483; on board of Chartered Company, 23
German Commando, 106
Germany: Anglophobia in, 249–50; merchant ships of, stopped off South Africa and searched, 253
Girouard, Lt-Col Percy, of Royal Engineers: hero of advance on Rand for his work on railways, 422, 454
Gladstone, Herbert, 464
Gladstone, W. E., 18–19, 39, 45, 111, 256
Gloucestershire Regiment, 151, 153, 262, 267
Godley, Maj. A. J., of Dublin Fusiliers, Adjutant of Bechuanaland Protectorate Regiment, 401, 402, 405, 412
gold-mines, in Witwatersrand, xxii, 20, 46–7; output from, (1898) 47, (1901-2) 555; wages of Africans in, 49, 258–9, 430, 554; closed at start of war, except for a few commandeered by Boers, 116; war losses of owners, 118; pay cost of war for Boers, 258, 429; Boers plan to destroy before surrender, 384; surrendered unharmed on condition of 24-hour armistice, 428, 429; attempt to blow up, prevented, 432; further plans to destroy, 473–4; one dynamited, 513; Kitchener proposes compensation to Boers tor war damage should be paid from profits of, 490; reopening of some, 495, 501; Kitchener objecting, 535; estimated present value of, 577
Golden Gate pass, to Brandwater Basin, 441, 442, 443
Gordon Highlanders, 133, 364, 423, 455; at Elandslaagte, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139; Pep-worth Hill, 152, 154, Magersfontein, 205, 206, and Wagon Hill, 272, 273, 274; at Doornkop, 425–6
Goschen, G. J., 13, 82, 468
Gough, Lt-Col Hubert, leads relief force into Ladysmith, 366; CO mounted infantry, 529–30
Gough, Col George, CO 9th Lancers, 179 Gough, Capt. John, of Rifle Brigade: in Ladysmith, 265, 266, 268, 351, 353; in raid on Boer howitzer, 271; in fighting at Caesar’s Camp, 273–4, and Wagon Hill, 276
Graham, F., Assistant Under-Secretary, Colonial Office, 79, 564
Grant, Lieut. M., of Devons, 277, 278, 36o, 367; co-author of official history of Boer War, 278 grants of money to Transvaal and Orange River Colony: question of, in peace negotiations, 490, 563, 565; amounts awarded, 572
Graspan, minor but expensive victory of Methuen at (25 Nov. 1899), 188, 189, 192, 193
grave-diggers, with Field Hospital, 224
Greene, Conyngham, British Agent in Pretoria, 55, 57, 86; Kruger’s ultimatum delivered to, 103
Grenadier Guards, 188, 543
Grenfell, Lt-Col H. M., CO mobile column, 559
Grey, Sir Edward (later Lord Grey of Falloden), 118, 465, 510
Grey, Lord (4th Earl), Chairman of Chartered Company, 22–3
Grey, Raleigh, of Inniskillings, with Jameson, 3
Grimwood, Col G. G., CO brigade at Pep worth Hill, 152, 153, 154
Grobler, friend of Smuts, 257
Gunning, Col R. H., CO 60th Rifles, 128, 130, 132
guns, improvised by British: at Mafeking, 401; at Kimberley, 184; see also artillery
guerrilla warfare: practised by De Wet, 330, 332, and formulated at Kroonstad, 387, 390; forecast by Buller, 378, and Rawlinson, 421; historical consequences of, 472–3; Buller and Milner believe in opposing by gradual reconquest and consolidation, 487, Kitchener by sweep-and-scour, 520, 521, 533, then by blockhouse and barbed wire, 536–7, 541, 546–7, with drives, 545–6, 548–9, 556; turning point in, 534–5
Gwynne, H. A., of Reuters, 372
Haig, Maj. Douglas (later Field-Marshal Lord), 574; Chief of Staff to French, 134, 160–1, 312, 374–5; and Kitchener, 497, 498; CoL,. CO 17th Lancers, 525–6
Haldane, Capt. A., friend of Winston Churchill, 173
Haldane, Richard (later Lord Haldane), 118, 465, 510
Hall, Maj., of Royal Munster Fusiliers, 178
Hambro, Lieut., at Talana, 132
Hamilton, Angus, Times correspondent, 405, 408, 413, 414
Hamilton, Maj.-Gen. Bruce, CO 21st Brigade, 423, 425, 439, 441, 442; Lloyd George on burning of Ventersburg by, 504–5; coordinates mobile columns, 540, 560
Hamilton, Col E. O. F., CO Queen’s Regiment, 360
Hamilton, Col Ian: wounded at Majuba, 134, 423; on staff of White, 96, 98, 134; at Elandslaagte, 135–6, 138, 139, 140; differences between White and, 151–2, 272; Buller on, 161, 178; in Ladysmith, 269, 270; and defences of Caesar’s Camp, 273; at Wagon Hill, 274, 275; in campaign against Buller, 368, 369, 370; called away by Roberts, 369, 421; Lt-Gen., CO new division, 422, 423–5; attacks Doornkop, 425–7; sent back against De Wet, 437; fails to block Olifant’s Nek, 447, 450–1; recommended by Roberts as bis successor, 447; on terms to be offered to Boers, 447; changes attitude to Buller, 457; pursues fragments of Botha’s army, 458; as Kitchener’s Chief of Staff, 536; column under, at Rooiwal, 555, 557–60; appointed to co-ordinate mobile columns, 557, 558, 560; perceives that Milner does not want peace, 560–1; dines with Boer leaders, 561; at signing of terms of surrender, 569
Hanbury Williams, Maj., Milner’s Military Secretary, 61, 66, 117; sent by Milner to be private secretary to Brodrick, 501
Hanbury Williams, Mrs, teaches Milner archery, 59
Handcock, Lieut, of Australian contingent, 539
Hanna, subaltern of Leicesters, 143
Hannay, Col O. C, CO mounted infantry, 334, 336, 338
bsp; Harcourt, Sir William, Liberal statesman, 13, 30, in, 465; ‘pro-Boer’, 503
Harris, Lord, chairman of Consolidated Goldfields, 55
Hart, Maj.-Gen. Fitzroy, CO Irish Brigade, 213, 280; at Colenso, 217, 219, 225, 226–8, 229, 232, and after, 296, 356; CO mobile column, 326
Hart’s Hill, action at (23 Feb. 1900), 356–8, 363, 370; armistice after, 359–61
Hay, Trooper, with Eloff’s force, 411, 413–14
Hayes, Dr, PMO Mafeking, 403
Heany, Maj., with Jameson, 1
Heidelberg Commando, 173, 222
Heilbron: De Wet ambushes supply column at (4 June 1900), 435; measles in concentration camp at, 516
Heilbron Commando, 542
Helvetia, Transvaal: Viljoen surprises British garrison at, 493
Hely-Hutchinson, Sir Walter, Governor of Natal, 108, 117–18, 125, 150
Henderson, Col David, 540
Henderson, Col George, Director of Intelligence with Roberts, 316, 317
Henry, Col St G. G, CO mounted infantry on march to Rand, 427
Herbert, Auberon (later Lord Lucas), Times correspondent, 280, 344
Herbert, Capt. A. Kenney, of Field Intelligence Department, maps Tugela, 211, 216, 293
Herbert, Capt., of Royal Field Artillery, 231
Hertzog, Judge Barry: invades Cape Colony, 485, 486, 493, but is beaten back, 520; at peace negotiations, as delegate for Orange Free State, 562, 569; political manoeuvres of, and African rights in Cape Province, 577
Het Volk, Afrikaner party, 575
Hickie, Lieut Carlos, of Gloucester, 267, 559, 560
Hickie, Maj. William, staff officer to Le Gallais, 475, 476
Hicks Beach, Sir Michael, Chancellor of the Exchequer (1895-1902), 13–14, 27; and army budget 73, 85; at Cabinet meeting, 92, 93; would have accepted compromise with Kruger, 101
Highland Brigade, see under Brigades
Highland Light Infantry, 202, 203, 205, 438
Highland Yeomanry, 438
Hildyard, Maj.-Gen. H. J. T., CO 2nd Brigade, 173, 213, 214, 280; at Colenso, 217, 223, 231, 234, and after, 284, 346, 348; outflanks Boers at Laing’s Nek, 453
Hill, Lt-Col A. W., CO Middlesex Regiment, 305
Hlangwane hill, near Colenso, 217, 232, 236; Boers occupy, abandon, and re-occupy, 220–2; Buller’s break-through by way of, 345, 346, 349
Hobhouse, Emily: visits concentration camps, 501–2, 506–8; her campaign in England, 503–4, 505; confirmed by Fawcett Committee, 515