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Wrong Kind of Love

Page 7

by Amanda Heath

  I fight a chuckle at the look on her face. Poor girl. I give her my Grace smile. “I would love too. Thank you for asking.” I get up off the bed where I have been lying since my classes ended. I cross the room and give her a tight hug.

  Teagan might not have anything in common with Grace but she tries anyway. I think I will love her for the rest of my life because of it. She pushes away and smiles. “I know you have this weird thing with Caden but I couldn’t let it go unless I asked you.”

  “There is nothing going on with Caden. Weird or otherwise. I’m with Jaden.” I pause and think on what to say next. Then it hits me. “Caden and I were never anything to begin with. It was a silly crush and I have moved on to better.” Fuck Grace wouldn’t say that.

  Teagan looks at me strangely but I can see it in her eyes that she is going to let it go. “That’s good. It would be kind of weird to be your roommate and you had something with both of the twins.”

  I giggle and lay back down on my bed. “Nothing to worry about. I promise hun.”

  She sits down on her bed and looks down at her hands. “It going to be hard to leave Declan here. I know I’ll only be gone a week, but still.” She shrugs looking up at me under her lashes.

  I smile softly. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder. When you get back, you will run into his arms and it will be like you never left.”

  She grins big and lies back on her bed. “Thank you. I really needed to hear that.”

  Little did she know that I didn’t need to hear it. I’m starting to think that my heart is growing fonder of Caden in this long ass month I haven’t talked to him. How is it possible to miss someone you don’t even know? Because I miss the shit out of him and its messing with my head.

  Now I’m going to sit here and debate what I miss about him the most. How about the way he tosses his head back to get the hair out of his eyes. Or how about the way he knows right where to touch me, right where it will make it feel so incredible. Then I think how the way he looks at me makes my entire body come alive and I forget that I’m Grace. I want to be Kayla for him.

  Gah this is so annoying. I keep telling myself to get over him but my brain and heart won’t listen. Which is even more annoying giving the fact my own body won’t listen to me. I keep telling them he doesn’t want us, and that he is too good for us.

  Because if he is one thing its good.

  I decide to drive myself up to the Harper household. Mainly because Caden decided he wanted to ride with Jaden. I refuse to get into a car with him. The space is too small and I will know every movement he makes. That would be way too much for me.

  I really don’t like the fact my boyfriend is in the same car with the guy I really want. I do realize they are brothers, but still, they have been at each other’s throats since Jaden and I began dating. It’s getting old the way they seem to fight over everything, but really they are fighting over me. If I thought they would leave me alone I would just dump Jaden and go on about my life. But no, those Harper twins think that I am theirs. I don’t like feeling like property, but apparently I am.

  Aiden thinks it’s funny. Yeah he got smacked upside the head for that. Not that Jaden acts possessive though. It’s just when Caden comes around he gets really different. He will touch me more, kiss me more, and be sweeter. Not that he can be much sweeter, but you get what I mean.

  I pull up outside the two-story house and the first thing I notice is Declan’s Range Rover. Oh shit. This week just got more interesting.

  I quickly make my way inside because I know that Teagan is probably freaking out that Declan showed up. I’m assuming that was Jaden’s doing. I know from Teagan that Declan’s home life is difficult. He pretty much had to raise his younger brother, Marcus. I guess Jaden invited him because they didn’t have any other family to spend it with.

  Mrs. Harper who asks me to call her Sarah greets me at the door. I smile and nod at the right places and she leads me up to a room on the second floor. I’m told I’ve been placed in the oldest daughters’ room. I like the way Jessica decorates. It’s a nice sized room with a beautiful canopy bed. The blankets are a deep beautiful shade of purple and the pillows are a nice soft light purple. It’s subtle and relaxing. Geez now I feel like a nap.

  Sarah leaves the room and I place my bag down on the floor next to the bed. I wonder to myself what in the hell I got myself into. Sarah told me my room is in-between the twins. Life must really hate me right now. I don’t even know why she thought that was a good idea. Maybe she doesn’t know about Caden and I. I doubt it though because Jaden told me they share everything. It must be nice to be that close to your mother.

  My mother is a piece of work. She is more worried about her looks and clothes then she is about her two children. Did I tell you that Daniel and mom never reported us missing? I guess it would be too much of a scandal for Daniel to handle. You think it would get him some sympathy votes but I know since the world found out Aiden is gay, it would look pretty suspicious if we came up missing. Everyone knows Daniel is against gay marriage and is a total homophobe. I don’t get that though, since he likes to molest little boys. Seems like he has latten gay tendencies in there somewhere. Plus I don’t think him and mom have sex. And he has no children of his own.

  But whatever I’m done with that life.

  The silence between Jaden and I during our drive down to Mom and Dad’s was with thick with tension. I only rode with him because I got this insane bout of jealousy thinking about them alone together in this car. It’s stupid and doesn’t fit the guy I know I can be. I have never been this hung up on a girl and you think after a freaking month of not even talking to her, I would be over it, but I’m not. I’m in so over my head it’s not even funny.

  I didn’t think anything would ever come between the love I have for my brother. It’s funny that a female did. We don’t even have the same type and here we are fighting over the same girl. At first I didn’t think she was worth it but I got to thinking about her as a person. And I started to realize she is actually pretty amazing.

  She is the most beautiful girl to me. Her long blonde hair that hangs down to her ass. Those beautiful cobalt eyes and perky nose. Her full lips which taste like heaven. Her body isn’t as toned as you’d think a cheerleader would be, but you can tell she’s working towards it. I can get over the pink clothes and high heels though. I like the skirts but that’s because I like easy access.

  The physical isn’t all that I’m into though. Her spirit is what drew me to her in the first place. It’s full of fire and strength. Not many girls would automatically turn me down, but she did. She wasn’t afraid to tell me to fuck off even though I didn’t take the hint. Plus the fact she is so responsive to me during sex, which I haven’t had in another girl.

  Then we have the girl everyone else sees. I swear sometimes she is two different people. I don’t know if it’s me that brings out the fiery side or if she’s trying to hide it and I force it out. Because the girl everyone else sees is sweet, kind, naïve and bubbly. There’s nothing wrong with that, but she makes me want to find out why she does that.

  I’m forced out of my thoughts when we pull up outside my parent’s house. I take a deep breath because I know that I am going to need it. This is going to be the hardest thing I ever had to do. I honestly hoped Teagan wouldn’t invite her, because I damn sure know Jaden wouldn’t. He wouldn’t bring any of his girls around our parents. I don’t know why because we have some of the most laid back parents around. Mom is the best and I’m proud to say she is my mom. Dad not so much.

  “My baby boys are home!” My mom exclaims the second we walk into the house. I smile down at her and throw my arms around her neck. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in years Caden sweetie.”

  I chuckle into her flowery scented hair. “We were here over the weekend Mom. And we will be here for a week, so don’t get all emotional on me now.” I pat her back before pulling my arms away so she can hug Jaden.

  Dad stands just behind Mom a
nd I give him a nod before walking up the stairs to my room. Yeah it was cold and wrong but I have deep seeded issues with Dad. What he did to Mom was messed up and I will never forgive him. I doubt we ever have a true relationship. He’s more worried about the kids that will do something in life. He thinks art is stupid, not that he would come out and say that. He has more class.

  I don’t even pretend to care what he thinks. It is what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy, he is my father but I don’t have to like him. I have watched him throw his love out for his five other kids, but I never seem to get it like they do. Yeah it hurts but I learned to live with it.

  There’s a knock on my door and Dad walks in. I sigh on the inside. I’m about to get another lecture, and it’s probably about Grace. He can’t seem to stay in his own damn business. “Hey son.” He says in his deep southern accent.

  “Dad.” I nod curtly.

  “Can we have a conversation?” he starts to rub his jaw. This is Dad’s sign of nervousness. His black hair is styled back with gel and the grey around his temples stands out. I favor Mom but I still got some of his looks. Jaden on the other hand looks exactly like him.

  I sigh out loud this time before answering. “Sure.” This is the way it has always been between us. You think after nineteen years he would know how to talk to me. But he doesn’t because he never took the time to really get to know me.

  “Jaden says you’ve been paying a little too much attention to his girlfriend. This worries me since she will be here this weekend. I don’t want things to get awkward for the poor girl.” He eyes me down with his dark blue eyes and I feel myself glare in return.

  “Is that what he said? Because I remember it differently.” I pause to gage his reaction but he doesn’t even flinch. “He didn’t tell me he even liked her until after I had sex with her. Then we said we would both stay away from her. But as you can tell, Jaden didn’t keep his word. It’s not my fault she really wants me.” I cross my arms over my chest defensively.

  Dad looks pensive for a few moments before he speaks. “No he didn’t tell me all that. I think it the first time since you were little that Jaden was in the wrong.” He shakes his head before coming to sit down on the bed with me. I tense up at how close he is. I can count on my hand how many times we have been this close. “I honestly don’t know what to say about this. I just know that she has chosen him. I think it would be best for you to stay away for her.”

  “The only reason she chose him is because I told her to. I didn’t want to hurt him because I knew he really liked her. I just didn’t know how much I liked her until after I told her I couldn’t see her.” I look down at the floor while speaking but I look up and meet dad’s eyes and see the surprise there.

  “That was mighty selfless of you. I always admired that about you. The way you would do anything to not hurt others. You definitely got that from your mother.” He smiles softly and I kind of want to hit him.

  “Uh thanks dad.” I really don’t know what to say to that so I shut my mouth before I say something I will regret.

  He looks like he wants to say more but doesn’t. He pats me awkwardly on my back before leaving the room. That was strange because it’s usually mom who talks to me about these things. I guess since it involves a girl, she thought dad would be a better idea.

  I have so many thoughts running around my head that I quickly get up and walk down to my studio. Before long I’m doing the only thing that calms me down. Painting gives me such a high that sometimes I wish I could do it all day and night. No sleep, no food, no bathroom breaks. Just me, my brushes and canvas.

  My painting starts out innocently enough, but before long its shapes itself into a familiar face. Her little teeth are biting down on her bottom lip. Her blue eyes look up at me seductively. Her breasts hanging deliciously and her little pink nipples are puckered up. Her arms are tied above her head, just the way I like them.

  The best part of the entire painting is how I painted my body thrusting into hers. It’s a clear detail of the picture and I know that I will be the only one who ever sees this. Which sucks because it’s one of my best. The colors are so amazing and alive. The detail is perfect and you can see everything. Right down to Grace’s little clit and the veins on my dick. It’s almost like a photo.

  Mom makes me keep my supplies locked up incase one of the grandkids gets in here. The best thing about this is I am the only one with a key. I quickly unlock it and set the painting down gently. I give it one last appraising look before shutting the door and locking it back up.

  I’m on a high from the work I finished in my studio, so I almost don’t notice Grace leaving the room right next to mine. This makes my heart stop cold because I didn’t realize she would be so fucking close. I will be able to hear her moving around in there. I could hear Jessica talking on the phone all night from that room. Karma is out to get me.

  Grace’s eyes go wide when she spots me stopping at my door and staring at her. Her mouth hangs open a little and I fight a chuckle. She starts to walk towards me, words on the tip of her tongue, but I quickly enter my room and slam the door. I’m not even going to go into that, thank you very much.

  It’s a little while later when someone knocks on my door. I have a feeling its Teagan because I haven’t run into her yet. She’s usually right up my ass because I’m the only one with anything in common with her. “Come in.” I call out not getting off my bed.

  Teagan pokes her ebony head in my door and looks around. I have no idea what she is looking for and I don’t ask. “Hey can we talk?” Where have I heard that before?

  I roll my eyes and beckon her in. She practically runs into the room and hops on my bed. “What are you doing?” she asks me.

  I look down and scowl at her. “I’m thinking. What are you doing?” I look at her pointedly.

  “Right. Jaden wanted me to talk to you. I don’t know what’s going on with you but you need to leave Grace alone. You blew her off and she moved on. I know it might suck but you have to let her make her own decisions. You can’t force her to leave Jaden to be with you.” She rambles like a mother hen. Which she is certainly not. If I have my way Teagan will stay a virgin until the day she dies.

  “Teagan just stay out of it. You don’t know the first thing about our situation. If you did then you would be pretty pissed at Jaden and not me.” I look away from her knowing that I said too much.

  “What does that mean?” she questions, one raven eyebrow raised.

  “Nothing. And besides it’s none of your business.” I play punch her in the shoulder to relieve the tension. If I joke about it she won’t think it’s as serious as it is.

  “Fine be secretive. I’ll just ask Grace.” She sticks her tongue out at me and quickly exits the room.

  If Grace didn’t tell her about fucking me, then she’s not going to tell her the truth.

  My first day was a blur, but boring. Well unless you count the time I ran into Caden when I was leaving my room. I thought we could actually be civil to each other but he acted like I had the plague or something. I don’t know what his problem is. He didn’t want me. He gave me to Jaden.

  Speaking of Jaden, we decided to spend our night away from everyone else. He invited me to his room so we could watch some romantic comedy. I’m not into this type of movie at all but Grace is. Who would have thought it?

  I picked out The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. I have to say it doesn’t suck like I thought it would. The part with the vibrating underwear had me laughing my ass off.

  “Your parents seem really nice.” I tell him during a boring part. We are on his bed with me curled around his chest and his arm around my shoulders. We get into this position every time we hang out and watch movies, which is a lot. Jaden doesn’t like to go out and be seen like I thought he would. He’s quiet and almost shy. I find it refreshing because Caden and Justin are neither of those things.

  “Yeah they are great. Mom seems to really like you.” He squeez
es my shoulders and I look up at him and smile. His dark blue eyes meet mine and I feel tingles in my stomach. His full lips have a small smile and I find myself wanting to nibble them.

  “She is just like you described. Teagan though seems to resent her for some reason. I can’t figure that one out. Sarah goes out of her way to do things for Teagan.” I rub my hand over his chest getting a feel for the taunt muscles he has hiding under his shirt.

  “Teagan has the warped idea that mom doesn’t like her because she isn’t her daughter, which isn’t the case. Mom thinks of Teagan as another daughter and always has. Teagan just won’t open her eyes to see it.” He shrugs and rubs his hand up and down my arm in a soothing way.

  I chuckle because that is exactly what Teagan is doing. “Your sister is a little full of herself, I think. I love her to death, but she can’t seem to get out of her own bubble.”

  Jaden’s smile grows and he turns on his side to face me. “I think this entire family is to blame for that. She has been protected most of her life and I think we over did it.”

  “I would say so. It must be nice to have that though. I wish someone would have been there to protect me from…things.” Fuck I almost said Daniel. Jaden wouldn’t have any idea what I was talking about but still. That would have been hard to explain.

  “I know baby, but you have me now and I’ll protect you.” He nuzzles my cheek with his nose and tightens his arms around me. I feel safe and wanted. Something I have been missing in my life. I feel bad because I keep thinking about his brother but I can’t help how I feel. Jaden though is starting to make me feel like I could get over Caden. God I hope so.

  Jaden would be the perfect guy for me to end up with. He’s smart, charming, and going places. All the things I need in my life. I need a protector and I know he would protect me with his last dying breath. Not that Caden isn’t a catch but I’m starting to think he’s not the right catch for me. Jaden is driven where Caden is going with the flow. Caden’s art is amazing but what if he can’t sell enough to pay the bills? Whether or not Jaden makes it into the NFL, he’s going for a degree in coaching and you can do that anywhere.


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