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The Darkest Hour: A San Diegan Novel

Page 17

by S. M. Soto

  I push thoughts of her away as I look around his kitchen in awe.

  “Do you even cook? I feel like it’s a sin to the chef gods for this kitchen to go unused,” I say as I walk around looking at the stainless-steel appliances and the island in the center.

  “Who said I didn’t cook?” He mocks offense by clutching his hand to his chest like he’s wounded.

  I roll my eyes. “Excuse me, Bobbly Flay.”

  Chase laughs as he looks through his pantry for something to make.

  “So, our options are spaghetti and, well, spaghetti.” He turns to me for my approval.

  “Decisions, decisions.” I tap my index finger on my chin contemplatively. “I’ll go with the first offer, spaghetti.”

  Chase stares at me with amusement lighting his eyes. That lopsided grin makes an appearance and I have to squeeze my legs together fighting off the ache that’s growing between them.

  I watch Chase with my chin resting in my hands and my elbows propped on the counter. He moves around the kitchen like a pro as he makes us our food. Granted, it’s only spaghetti he’s making but it’s still pretty hot watching him. Everything he does is so effortless, the muscles in his arms and back constantly flex with each mundane movement he makes. The draining of the noodles, the stirring of the sauce–who knew making pasta could be so hot? He plates the pasta and slides mine across the counter toward me, I dig in immediately.

  Chase chuckles between bites. “That hungry, huh?”

  Heat rushes to my face in embarrassment for eating like a maniac. I force myself to slow down. Placing a hand in front of my mouth, I cringe at my manners.

  “Don’t stop on my behalf, I’m just glad you’re eating.” He shovels a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth and grins.

  I roll my eyes at him in exasperation to hide how nervous he really makes me feel. The smallest smile from him leaves me in a puddle on the floor. I don’t understand why the little things affect me so much. I keep telling myself I need to move past my feelings for him, and get over them because this isn’t what he wants. I clear my plate and watch as Chase sets it in the sink with his. He opens his large refrigerator that looks completely bare inside, and pulls out a box of strawberries and a canister of whipped cream. He sets them down on the counter before me and I raise a curious brow.

  “What’s all this?” My voice comes out apprehensively. Chase chuckles.

  “Strawberries and whipped cream. I wasn’t sure if you were still hungry, so this is the best I can do for a dessert.” He carries the strawberries to the sink to clean them off.

  “I’m stuffed actually, so I think I’ll pass on dessert.”

  Chase shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “Suit yourself.”

  He pops a strawberry into his mouth and I watch fascinated as the muscles in his prominent jaw work to chew. It’s erotic, and I have to avert my eyes to regain my composure. He sets a clean bowl of strawberries on the center of the counter between us and sprays the whip cream all over them. It’s hilarious. I stifle my laugh as I watch him dig in again. He smirks at me while chewing his strawberries. He makes them look so good. I think I am hungry for strawberries after all.

  Damn him.

  “Give me one of these.” I snatch one out of the bowl with a scowl. I take a bite of the strawberry with the whip cream and the sweet acidic flavor awakens my taste buds as the whip cream heightens the flavor. I can feel the juice from the strawberry and cream dribble down my chin. Before I’m able to wipe it away Chase sweeps it clean with his thumb. He pops his thumb in his mouth, sucking it clean.

  My mouth goes dry, and the throbbing ache that’s always between my legs when he’s around intensifies. My breathing becomes labored and I can’t control the racing beat of my heart. The intense look in his blue eyes heats my entire body from head to toe. His eyes fall to my mouth briefly before scanning slowly over every one of my features. I close my eyes tightly trying to control the hormones in my body that are now waging a war. When I open my eyes the heated look in his eyes has doused some but he’s still looking at me as intense as he always does. It’s a little unnerving. I smile weakly trying to play it cool with a joke.

  “I thought I was supposed to get the grand tour? Am I not good enough anymore,” I chide playfully. Chase sucks his bottom lip between his teeth then smiles, it’s wide and beautiful, showcasing his pearly whites and that sexy as sin crease in his cheek.

  “Grand tour it is.” He jerks his head for me to follow, and of course I’m happy to oblige.

  His house is exceptional, six bedrooms, four bathrooms and a pool in the backyard. His dining room has an incredible view of the ocean through his floor to ceiling windows.

  “Wow.” I breathe in awe.

  “The master bedroom has a balcony with French doors, if you think this view is nice, wait till you see that one.” I can feel his body heat beside me, his unique scent wafts around me.

  He briefly shows me the rest of the rooms before leading the way to the master bedroom. All the rooms in this house are bigger than any room I’ve ever had in my life. My jaw hits the floor when I see the size of the master bedroom. This room alone is larger than my whole damn condo. My brows pull down in confusion as I walk further into the room. There’s no furniture in here—like none at all. Where the hell does he sleep?

  “Uh, Chase.” I turn to him with a confused expression. “Where’s your bed? And all the other furniture?” I’m briefly starting to wonder if this is really his house.

  Chase rocks back on his heels with his hands in his pockets. “I don’t sleep in here. My room is downstairs.”

  I stare at him blankly; not sure I understand him. “Wait,” I laugh. “So you’re telling me, you have this huge gorgeous room and you don’t even sleep in here?” The shock is evident on my face. Chase just shrugs and nods his head noncommittally.

  “I don’t need a room this big. I just come up here for the view.” He walks to the French doors and unlocks them; he opens them giving me a clear view of the beach ahead.

  He was right, this view is so much better than the one in the dining room. I follow him onto the balcony and grip the railing as I take in his beautiful view. Even in the dark of the night the view is breathtaking. The light from the moon glistens over the water making it look a dark blue indigo. You can almost see the entire beach from here. The distant sound of waves, are just the cherry on top to this view. I turn to Chase feeling speechless.

  “Wow, it’s…I don’t even know where to begin.” I laugh trying to find my brain. “You have a beautiful home, Chase,” I remind him.

  He looks from me to the water, then back to me. I can see the wheels turning in his head again and I watch as he struggles with wanting to say something. I don’t give him the chance before I open my mouth.

  “How can you even afford a place like this?”

  “I grew up here as a kid,” he says with a chuckle. “I just recently had a few things remodeled, but for the most part, everything is the same. My father owned his own crane company, and my mother was born into money, so my family was well off. I’m a silent partner with a few other well-endowed businesses, so I guess you can say I do well for myself.”

  I laugh dryly. “Yeah, no kidding.”

  It’s silent for a beat as we enjoy the view. “I should probably head home.” I remind myself, and Chase nods his head in agreement.

  “Yeah, come on. Let’s get you home.”

  He leads me downstairs and I wait in the hall as he heads to his office for his wallet and keys. The room next door to his office is slightly ajar catching my attention. Chase is still in his office grabbing his things so I convince myself it’s safe to take a tour of the last room. When I step inside I immediately know this is Chase’s room. His distinct smell alone permeates the air around me.

  The room is simple yet manly. He has a huge bed with an even bigger headboard against the far wall and there’s a simple desk in the far corner of the room with a laptop and a few books. The wall opposit
e his bed holds a large TV. His closet makes me want to roll around in my pity and cry. My legs take me into his walk-in closet and I find myself running my hand along all his clothes. I pick up the sleeve of a Henley shirt and bring it to my nose to sniff. It smells exactly like he does, which brings a smile to my face. I hear a small creak and whirl around finding Chase staring at me just outside of his closet. I try to ignore my heart pounding against my chest at being caught snooping. A surge of heat shoots through my body in embarrassment.

  “I’m sorry. I saw your door open and I couldn’t help myself.” I wring my hands around in front of me nervously.

  “It’s fine.” He smirks. “I guess I did neglect you with the grand tour of my room.” He walks a little further into the closet and I can feel the room shrink as he enters. He takes up the space of the whole closet or at least it feels that way. A devilish grin spreads across his face.

  “Were you just sniffing my shirt, Aliza?”

  My eyes widen in shock at the amusement in his voice. I’m completely mortified. A flush of heat rises in my cheeks compelling me to hide my face in my hands and groan.

  “This is so embarrassing.” I mumble through my hands.

  Chase chuckles as he gently pries my hands away from my face. His blue eyes glint with mirth. “What am I going to do with you?” His mouth twists ruefully, the question asked almost reverently like he’s waiting for the answer to come to him.

  My stomach flip-flops at his close proximity. My eyes drop to his hands that are still holding mine; warmth trails from his fingers to mine. I chew on the inside of my cheek nervously.

  Chase reaches a hand up and caresses the outside of my bitten cheek gently. “Stop doing that.”

  I immediately release the skin inside my cheek and gasp feeling all the air leave me when he moves his hands to my hips and pulls me flush against him. He angles his head placing his mouth over mine and fusing our lips together tenderly. His lips are soft, and the kiss is gentle. He slides his arm around my waist pulling me tighter against him. I’m acutely aware that I haven’t taken a breath yet, so I breathe him in and deepen our kiss; needing him closer in more ways than one.

  The kiss quickly goes from slow and gentle to something more heated and needy. Our mouths slide over each other’s effortlessly. Kissing someone has never felt so mind-blowing or electrifying. Like our lips were meant to touch in some profound way. I wrap my hands around his neck trying to fuse us together as one.

  His soft yet demanding mouth leaves me wanting more. I can’t get enough. His tongue strokes my own and explores the inside of my mouth skillfully. Thoughts of what else his tongue can do, has me panting helplessly into his mouth and squeezing my thighs together tightly. He tastes of mint, strawberry and everything that is Chase. It’s heady and I can’t get enough of him. My body is screaming for a release of some kind.

  Chase slides his hands under my bum lifting me effortlessly into his arms. My legs easily wrap around his trim waist. My core is throbbing at the knowledge that what it needs is only a few mere inches away. I’ve lost all sense of rational thought in this moment. Chase kissed it straight out of me. Now all I can focus on is him inside of me, and how to make that happen. I need him, like nothing I’ve ever needed before.

  Chase carries me out of the closet and into his room, placing me on top of the bed gently. I can feel his erection at the apex of my thighs and my eyes nearly roll to the back of my head. He slows his kisses, and starts pulling away from me. I grip his back and shoulders impatiently pulling him back to me so I don’t lose the proximity between us. Chase let’s out a deep breath resting his forehead against my own.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he rasps in a gravelly voice. I grip his face between my hands and situate him so we’re at eye level. My heart is thundering in my chest and my breathing is labored as I gaze into his heated blue eyes. I don’t care about any of the consequences or repercussions of this moment, I just need him.

  “Then don’t,” I whisper. Pleading with my eyes that this is what I want and need. Indecision is written all over his features. I slam my mouth back over his heatedly. I nip his bottom lip with my teeth and trace my tongue over it teasingly. My hands roam his chest and abs appreciatively over his shirt. Chase pulls back and we both suck in a much-needed breath.

  “Aliza…” He starts to say but I don’t let him finish. I can’t. I need him more than I need my next breath. Kissing him with everything I have, pouring all my emotions into the act, needing him to feel what I feel. He pulls back again and props himself up above me.

  “Are you sure?” He asks hesitantly searching for any traces of doubt on my part.

  Even if I was having second thoughts before, they would be washed away with the fact that this man cares enough to stop everything and ask me.

  “Yes.” I reassure him.

  Chase explores every crevice of my body with his sinful mouth. He kisses a path from my mouth to my neck, and swirls his tongue at the base sending goose bumps throughout my body. He nibbles lightly before flicking his tongue over the bite, and then blows a light gust of air over and over. He does this in that same order until I’m a quivering, squirming mess. He rests on his knees as he pulls his shirt over his head revealing that delicious six pack I’ve been aching to see again. I run my hands up and down the contours of his godly physique. He kisses me fervently as he methodically discards my top and easily undoes my bra.

  I moan into his mouth forgetting my trepidation and needing his mouth everywhere. My nerves are completely out of whack and everything else in my body is going haywire but I don’t care. With my tank top and my bra gone, he places his mouth over me and I gasp at the intense pleasure. His tongue swirls around my nipple making it harden into a pebble; he sucks it into his mouth and nibbles lightly, eliciting a breathless moan. The sensations thrumming inside my body are exquisite, sending bolts of electricity down in my loins. He does this to both breasts until I’m unable to stay still. My hips thrust off the bed anxiously. He unbuttons my shorts with lithe fingers and catches the elastic band of my underwear, sliding both down my legs, leaving me bare. Chase catches my eye as he slides lower down my body and between my legs. I feel so exposed in this position. No man has ever had his face down there.

  “Eyes on me baby,” he rasps. Our eyes lock and I’m unable to tear mine away from the magnanimous intensity of his blues. His eyes drop and train on the apex between my thighs.

  His already heated expression scorches to new heights. One swipe of his tongue down my center has me gasping and bucking off the bed. My body frizzles to life with energy, almost as if I was struck by a bolt of electricity. My hands fly to his head, grasping his hair as he devours me whole like I’m his last supper. He licks me fervently and sucks my clit into his mouth, nearly bringing me to the edge. He slides a thick finger inside me slowly and I cry out at the sensations tingling throughout my body.

  Watching him as he eats me and stares into my eyes is the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced. He pumps his finger, all the while twirling his tongue around my clit. It’s intoxicating. His eyes focus on mine, and I fly over the edge as he inserts a second finger inside me. My body stiffens momentarily as my orgasm shatters through me making me tremble uncontrollably. When I come down, Chase is still pumping his fingers into me causing another orgasm to build.

  “Chase,” I plead breathlessly. He fingers slip out slowly, and he sucks them into his mouth along with all my juices. I moan at the sight. Sweet mother of Moses, that has to be the sexiest thing on the planet.

  This man is a sex god.

  Chase reaches in his nightstand and pulls out a condom. My breathing picks up when he slides his pants down his legs revealing the thick erection straining in his briefs. When he slides his briefs down, his erection springs free; nearly slapping him in his navel. My breath catches and my eyes widen at the sight. All the moisture in my mouth disappears. I have to continually lick my lips to accumulate more saliva.

  Chase chuckles as
he crawls over me. “We can stop.” He reminds me.

  I shake my head furiously and grip his shoulders. I need him. All of him. Even if he is larger than life down there. He slides the condom on effortlessly before holding his weight above me. I feel him prod gently at my entrance, swirling his tip around my wetness and dragging it over my nub slowly. My body shudders and I moan. He guides himself into me slowly. The sensation makes me gasp and grip his back tighter. He stretches me to full capacity and I feel so full–like I can barely breathe, let alone move.

  “Is this okay?” He asks between kisses. I nod my head biting my lip. When Chase starts moving, I almost lose it. So many things are happening at once. My walls grip his cock with each and every thrust; they burn deliciously with the stretching sensation at his fullness. Chase unhooks one of my legs from around his back and pushes it against my chest. I moan loudly at the change in angle.

  With each thrust Chase rubs against something inside me, and each thrust brings me closer and closer to the edge. I claw his back silently begging for more. I watch in awe as he bites his bottom lip sexily and pumps into me with controlled strokes. His muscles bulge with each pump and his stormy bright blues haven’t left mine for more than a second. He slides his hand between us and places firm pressure over my clit throwing me over the edge. I cling to him and throw my head back as I cry out his name.

  Everything shatters once again, I explode and my whole body begins to tingle. Stars flash behind my eyelids, and my body shudders euphorically. When I open my eyes, Chase is staring at me while biting on his bottom lip. His muscles flex with each and every pump of his hips inside me. It’s a sight I never want to forget. The perspiration on his chest glistens and I kiss him fervently. Something deep within in me starts to build, it’s different, stronger than the other orgasms.

  “Chase,” I say breathlessly into his mouth between kisses. “Oh, god.” I moan. “It feels…oh, it’s too much.” I finally manage between his thrusts. Chase places his mouth over mine, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.


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