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The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible

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by A. J. Jacobs

  uncommon literal interpretation of, 19

  see also fertility; pregnancy; twins

  Bennett, Roger, 35-36

  AJ advised on surrendering control by, 36

  Bentley, Wes, 153

  Berkowitz, Mr. (Bill), 268

  AJ chided for missing prayers by, 250

  AJ's alarming lies to, 53-54 doing commandments loved by, 250-51

  guided through a properly devout day by, 141-44

  learning how to separate a mother pigeon from her egg with, 184, 185-88

  offering (potentially) nonkosher water to, 140-41

  ready-made rituals favored by, 148 on rights vs. responsibilities, 251 shatnez testing demonstrated by, 23-25, 36

  shofar lessons also given by, 206 spiritual questions fielded by, 24-25, 203

  as totally religious (doesn't

  straddle both worlds), 68

  bestiality, 91, 135


  alcohol-friendly theology sought in, 231-33

  apocalypse sections of, 190-92 atheist's confrontational approach to, 97

  authorship issues of, 200-201 baffling and federally outlawed rules of, 8; see also Most Perplexing Rules; rules, biblical circumcision a huge part of, 319 "clobbered" antigay passages in, 266-67

  committing idolatry in, 328-29 December holidays not

  conspicuous in, 121

  dysfunctional father-son stories in, 230

  an estimated three thousand versions of, 9, 335

  fundamentalism vs. modernism on, 67

  as history's most mistranslated text, 70-71; see also

  mistranslations, biblical importance vs. unworthiness of humans in, 107-8

  Jubilee year of, 63-65, 262

  living and dying alone not a major theme in, 322

  more than seven hundred rules found in, 8

  needy aided through financial laws of, 63

  Bible (cont.)

  passages to be remembered in, 149 references to the poor in, 270-71 serving God, not self-help, as the

  point of, 208

  sheep and shepherd references in,


  as snapshot of something divine,


  status-quo vs. liberation motif in,


  weights and measures a significant

  topic in, 230

  Wikipedia compared with, 200 wisdom and barbarism of, 93 see also Hebrew Bible; New

  Testament; Old Testament;

  Torah; specific books

  Bible for Dummies, The, 9

  "Bible Is Pro-Choice, The," 309 Bible project, 14

  cognitive-dissonance strategy in,

  21, 256, 335

  conceiving of, 1-7

  God's approval sought for, 80 Julie informed about, 7

  mental breakdown feared in final

  stretch of, 313

  near-universal worries about, 7 Perez-Zerah story as metaphor of,


  preparing groundwork for, 7-13 pretending vs. being a better

  person in, 324, 327

  settling on Bible version for, 8-9 as a solitary mission,

  paradoxically, 213

  splitting up the testaments in,


  uncontrolled joy at end of

  controlled experiment, 326 Bibles, 14

  for easily embarrassed subway

  riders, 9, 29

  inadvertently pilfered ex

  girlfriend's Revised Standard

  Version of, 7-8, 235

  King James Version of (1611), 8,

  58-59, 99, 340

  return of inadvertently pilfered

  ex-girlfriend's Revised

  Standard Version of, 332 statistics on, 335

  waterproof (for diluvian events), 9 biblical astronomers, 63

  biblical library, orderly classification

  of AJ's books in, 292

  biblical literalism:

  in Bible project, 3-7, 119, 289-90 body parts potentially lost to, 10,


  in disciplining, 40

  in evangelical Christianity, 11, 56,

  253, 257, 262-63, 265

  extremely brief history of, 71,


  in the Jacob and Esau story,


  logos vs. mythos in, 277, 336 miraculous events and, 276-77 "original intent" sought as test

  for, 10

  of Passover seders, 233-36

  picking and choosing in, see

  cafeteria religion

  pointed and amusing critiques of,


  potential risks in, 9-10

  pro-choice and pro-life claims of

  support in, 308-9

  of Red-letter Christians, 270 Samaritan-style, 216

  of the ultimate type, 294-99 U.S. policies shaped by, 6

  Big Love, 136


  of commandments, 35, 149,


  of Isaac in near sacrifice, 197 of money to hand, 197

  see also tefillin

  bird-headed humans, image makers'

  loophole found in, 105-6 bird's nest ritual, 150, 185-88

  getting the mother to take off in,


  how God might look upon this

  arcane exercise, 188

  kosher bird required for (urban

  pigeons qualify), 186

  birds you can't eat, 170, 307

  birthdays, ignored by Witnesses,


  Blair, Ralph:

  Bible's allegedly antigay passages

  parsed by, 266-67

  at Bob Jones U., 266

  gay evangelical study group

  conducted by, 264-68, 269 pleasingly shrinkish looks of, 264 Blake, William, on biblical

  ambiguities, 309

  blasphemers, blasphemy, 281

  capital punishment for, 10, 91,

  156, 293


  mixed, twins as, 159

  for obedience to God, 113

  Bob Jones University, 266

  Bob the Builder, 78

  body parts, missing, 10, 289-90 Bono, Jubilee movement given boost

  at NPB by, 65

  Book TV (C-Span), 151-52

  Borg, Marcus, 284, 336, 337, 338 on "natural literalists," 67

  on prophetic acts, 88

  Borowski, Oded, on primitive tefillin,


  Bossman, David, on biblical-era

  groupiness, 213

  Boteach, Shmuley (third most famous

  Orthodox Jew), 162, 165 Bourdain, Anthony, highly rated on

  AJ's coveting list, 81

  Boyd, Gregory, 271-72, 340

  brontosauruses, juvenile but orderly,


  Brown, Dan, 256, 340

  Brown University, 91, 142

  Bruckheimer, Jerry, 191

  Bryan, William Jennings, 61-62 Darrow's exchange with, 62

  BUFF (Brothers United for Future

  Foreskins), 318

  Bugs Bunny, creationist blacklisting

  of, 61

  Bullock, Clyde, "The Rod" formerly sold by, 40

  Bush, George W., 124, 297

  cafeteria religion, 4, 6, 327-29

  AJ's version of, 329

  extending the metaphor of, 327-28 as picking and choosing, 4, 6, 50,

  203, 223, 327

  Cain and Abel, vegetarian fellowship of, 307

  Calvin, John, 105

  Campolo, Tony, 67, 269, 290

  on not keeping your millions, 271

  Canaanites, God-approved genocide against, 245

  capital punishment, biblical, 245, 246 for adultery, 4, 91-94, 293

  for being bad, 91

  for bestiality, 91

  for blasphemy, 10, 91, 156, 293 for hitting parents, 277, 278 for homosexuality, 10, 293

  for incest, Sabbath breaking, and shiftlessness, 91

  Catholic Church, Catholicism:

/>   biblical interpretation in, 70 coveted rituals of, 255

  Deuterocanonical works in, 337 IVF denounced by, 116-17, 337 Old Testament version of, 335 stance on polygamy of, 137-38

  celibacy, as first choice of the holy, 134, 286

  Central Park (West Side of), 300 elderly adulterer stoned by

  Esquire editor in, 92-93

  ex-uncle as onetime moveless guru of, 101-2

  Chariots of Fire, 38

  Charity Navigator website, 38

  Chasid Shote (righteous idiot), 119

  chickens, ritual, 160-65, 327

  above-the-head twirl of, 164 best way to grab hold of, 163-64 gender-oriented division of, 163 painless dispatch and final

  destination of, 162, 164-65, 338 see also kaparot

  choice, restrictions on, 141-44, 268, 332 Chris (Bible salesman), 9

  Christian Bible, see New Testament; specific books

  Christian literalists:

  Bible's figurative language acknowledged by, 62

  conservative politics of, 67

  doctrinal gradations of, 11, 63 Jewish method of exegesis vs., 253 in Scopes "monkey trial," 61-62 see also biblical literalism; creationism; Creationist Museum; fundamentalists

  Christian right, 262, 293

  Christians, Christianity:

  "Cafeteria," 327

  effect of creationism on, 56 "moral" vs. "ritual laws"

  distinguished by, 48, 255 Old Testament relevance as viewed among, 254

  original intent in biblical

  interpretation of, 66

  polygamy in, 135-38

  traditional laws and observances discontinued by, 12, 47-48

  Christians, conservative, 59, 67 AJ's undertaking baffling to, 12

  Christian Scientists, 76

  "Christian" tattoo parlors, 48


  Bible not informative about, 121 Witnesses' ignoring of, 75, 121

  Chronicles, Second Book of, on yielding to the Lord, 35

  Church of God with Signs Following, 295-99

  Christian literalism and

  spontaneity in, 297-99

  copperhead handled and returned to its box in, 280, 298-99 hypnotic effects of, 298

  speaking in tongues at, 298 the strange is made familiar in, 299

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 227


  as AJ's heritage, 321

  biblical importance of, 319-20 demands for reversal of, 317-18 of Jacobs boys, 317-21

  on list of Most Perplexing Rules, 319

  medical benefits seen in, 318 primitivity and tradition of, 320-21

  sensation reportedly blunted by, 318

  CleanFlicks, 131, 132, 286

  ClearPlay, list of sins and sexual modalities downloaded from, 131-32

  Clooney, George, bloviater's cadenza on, 100, 100


  with accessories, for field work, 92

  for Adam and Eve, 41

  all white, see white garments of Amish, 31

  of ex-uncle Gil, 102, 103

  forbidden, see forbidden clothes in gay stereotype, 265

  how they make the man, 122-23 for P. Diddy's birthday, 123 respectfulness as AJ's new standard in, 28-29

  for seders, 234

  wearing tassels on corners of, 6, 17, 88, 92, 122, 142, 180, 192 worries about mixed fibers in, see shatnez

  cognitive dissonance, 21, 256, 335

  Complete Idiot's Guide to the Bible, The, 9

  computers, biblical permissibility of, 15, 47


  ancients preoccupied with, 19 in IVF, 116-18

  see also being fruitful and

  multiplying; fertility;


  confession, prayers of, 95

  Constitution, U.S., finding original intent of, 65-66

  Coral Ridge Hour, The, 72

  Corinthians, First Epistle to:

  on covering of women's heads, 30 on hair length, 181

  on love recording no wrongs, 273 women in church admonished to keep silent by, 328

  coveting, 195, 203, 227

  of charity CEOs, 38

  a few things worthy of, 26

  finer points of, 27, 336

  Covington, Dennis, on serpent handlers, 294


  in biblical times, 173

  kosher issues when cheese is made from enzyme in stomachs of, 69

  purification by one that is red and perfect, 188; see also red heifer unsolved murder as occasion for breaking neck of, 20

  cow's milk, goat's milk as

  replacement of, 173

  creationism, 56-63, 200, 277

  on age of earth, 58, 107-8

  astonishing mental gymnastics of, 60

  far-right fundamentalists in, 11 feeling of being less inconsequential taught by, 107-8

  meaning of "day" in, 58

  moderation in, 63

  on racism, 59

  Creationist Museum, 44, 56-63, 166, 258

  astrophysicist of, 60

  awesome lobby of, 57

  pop culture monitored at, 61

  Crocodile Dundee (movie), 58

  Crown Heights:

  eighteenth-century life still seen in, 162

  experiencing kaparot in, 160-65 subway to Hasidim of, 84

  why bottled water is a winner in, 140

  see also Hasidic Jews

  cud-chewing debate, 59

  Daily Life in Biblical Times (Borowski), 198, 302 Daly City, Calif., Karaites living in, 69 dancing:

  with Hasidim, 84-86, 214, 326 of King David, uptight wife's illfated reaction to, 84, 326 at Natalia's bat mitzvah, 325-26

  Daniel, Book of, on God protecting the nearly martyred faithful, 77

  Darfur, aid to, 11, 38, 59, 327

  Darrow, Clarence, 62

  Darwin, Charles:

  AJ's unforgettable factoid about, 56

  Noah's ark in disconnect with theory of, 67

  David, King, 147, 200, 211

  Absalom and, 188-89, 230

  harps inspired by, 168

  Nathan's parable on Bathsheba and Uriah heard by, 195

  progeny of, 159

  rock hurling learned while

  shepherding by, 212

  wardrobe malfunction during dance of, 84, 326

  wives of, 84, 135, 137

  David, Larry, 36

  David (cousin), 117

  David (Esquire colleague), 70-71 David (friend), 13, 132

  David (Israeli) tithing tried on, 214-15

  David (Julie's friend), 197

  Da Vinci Code, The (Brown), 256, 340 Davis, Kenneth C., 335

  Dawkins, Richard, 98, 305

  Dawson, Rosario, interview with, 131, 133

  Dead Sea Scrolls, 66


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