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Break Me Down

Page 24

by Jennifer Domenico

  “You did?”

  “I wanted to talk through my feelings about you and that’s when everything became so clear. That talk helped me see how much you and I really are meant for each other.”

  “I’m glad you caught up with me,” she says, laughing softly.

  “I got there. Wanna spend the rest of the day in bed with me?”

  I grin. “I can’t think of a better way to spend it.”

  I LAY ON HIM, dragging my fingers through the light hair on his chest. “Did you know you were capable of love making?” I look up smiling. “Just normal, no kink, sex?”

  “Never even tried. This is the first time I’ve wanted to.”

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

  “Just being in the same room with you is nice. Making love to you is a word that doesn't even exist yet. It’s better than the best feeling in the world.” He kisses my forehead. “It’s changed me from the inside.”

  “You’re really very sweet, you know that?”

  “Well, I heard you like sugar.”

  I laugh. “I definitely do.”

  “I’ll tell you something else.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m thirty-one.”

  I smile, looking up at him. “That’s a good age.”

  He grins. “My birthday’s in March. My middle name is Paul. My favorite color used to be blue, but I’m currently obsessed with the particular shade of green that’s in your eyes.”

  “What else?”

  “I hate asparagus, but I love broccoli. Weird, right? I know.” He chuckles. “I like red wine, but not white, and I don’t care what I’m eating it with. I eat healthy ninety percent of the time, but I always have a binge day, so I can stay sane and I always pick cupcakes and pizza.”

  “I like pizza and cupcakes.”

  “I was born in New Hampshire, but we moved to New York when I was four. I like it here, even though sometimes I feel like my balls are freezing off.”

  I laugh as he continues. “I don’t need Lina as much as she’s here, but her presence makes me feel better. I bought this place to prove to myself that I was gonna be okay. To show everyone that I was a successful person. To convince myself. It worked most of the time, but every now and then in the middle of the night, I would wake up in a panic wondering if I was just a fraud.”

  I stroke his chest.

  “Then one day you came here, broken, sad, this tiny little doll of a woman.”

  “A sex doll.”

  He chuckles. “Well, yes, you weren’t the most innocent woman I’ve ever met. The very first day I saw you, I knew I was gonna have a hard time not wanting you. You woke me up inside and I’m so glad.” He smiles. “So, did I answer all your questions about me?”

  “Everything I can think of right now.”

  “Thank you for waiting for me. For knowing I would come around eventually. When I think back over our interactions, how sexually charged they were, how you tempted and provoked me…” he pauses, chuckling softly. “It’s amazing I avoided this as long as I did.”

  “I couldn't help myself. I wanted you physically, but I needed you emotionally.”

  “I know what you mean. The one thing that kept me off of you was needing to bring you back from the edge. I craved seeing you step out of that darkness that was hiding your light. I knew there was so much more in there than what you projected.”

  “You were right.”

  “Remember how I told you that I helped people like me, hoping that one day I would be helped in return?” I nod as he kisses my forehead. “Help came. I’m finally looking forward to the rest of my life.”

  “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

  “Yes, I do.” He kisses me again. “What about you?” he asks, smiling. “List of favorites?”

  I think for a moment, then smile. “I like cupcakes and hot chocolate and swimming pools high in the sky. I like beds with white sheets and ceiling fans above them. I love baked ziti made by sexy doctors. I like sunrises almost as much as sunsets. I like chilly fall days in New York and gentlemen who let you wear their scarf. I like snow falling on eyelashes. I love the way your eyes made love to me long before you body ever did. My favorite thing in the world is lying in your arms. My favorite moment is right now.”

  Oliver holds my gaze, searching my eyes. “This is my favorite moment too, but there will be more. Many more, Kaia.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  THE NEXT MORNING AS WE lie in bed, I stroke her hair. “We need to talk about next steps. How do we go public with this?”

  She drags her hand down my chest. “I don’t know. My dad’s gonna lose it when I tell him I want to stay in New York. You saw how he acted when he was here.”

  “Yeah, and not only that, but you’re staying in New York with your doctor whom you fell in love with. That’ll go over fine, I’m sure.”

  She laughs softly. “Don’t think so. Somehow, I have to get him to loosen his grip.”

  I look down at her. “You don’t need his money. I have enough to take care of you.”

  “I know. It’s not about that. I’m just worried because he’s a powerful man and I’d hate for him to think about us the wrong way.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Maybe if I tell him that after the program, I just want to spend a couple more weeks here, exploring the city, he’d be okay with that.”

  “And then what?”

  “Uh, well, I could tell him I met you for dinner and we want to pursue something.”

  “I don’t know about that, Kaia. He’s not dumb.”

  “No, he’s not.”

  I think for a moment and an idea comes to me, but I wonder if she’d be down with it. “What about this? What if you go home, not saying a word about us, and just slowly convince him that you want to move back to New York?”

  She shakes her head. “No way. I’m only going back long enough to get my stuff.” She looks up. “Assuming you want me here.”

  “Of course I do. I want you to live here with me.”

  She nods. “I just don’t know how best to deal with my dad.”

  “Okay.” I sit up. “The worst he can do is try to prove that I acted inappropriately.”

  “Yep, but that could ruin you.”

  “Right. So what if we beat him to the punch?”

  “What do you mean?”

  I smile. “I have a lot of journalist friends. We could do an interview and talk about our relationship.”

  “But that would be telling people that we fell in love while I was in therapy.”

  “Yes, it would, and that once we realized it, we ended our professional relationship and pursued a personal one. If we told the world first, your dad would have no leverage.”

  “That’s risky, Oliver. He’ll be embarrassed that the world will know I have to see a sex therapist.”

  “It’s not any different than all the celebrity cases I have. At least it won’t seem different to the world. You can own your truth.”

  She looks at her hands for a moment before looking back at me. “I think we need to think about it some more.”

  “You’re right.” I scoot to the edge of the bed. “I’m going to the office today for a bit.”

  “Okay.” She grins. “Will you be watching me?”

  “Of course.”


  “Why? What are you up to?”

  “Nothing, Doctor.” She tilts her head. “Just wondering.”

  “Okay,” I say, slowly, wondering what she has planned, but deciding to just go with it. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be fun.

  An hour later, I’m sitting at my desk, watching her on the screen. She sits on the edge of the bed and then looks up at the camera, knowing I’m watching her. She closes her eyes, moving her neck around in circles. Then she stands, pulling off her clothes and tossing them on the floor. She crawls in the bed, on all fours and a soft groan escapes my lips. She knows how much I love that.

sp; Lying on her back, she begins to rub her clit. I watch with heavy eyes as she tugs on that damn nipple piercing, driving me crazy. I wish I could hear her right now. I love the sound of her lustful sighs, her sweet moans, my name whispered on her lips. Her back arches, and I know she’s coming. I look at my watch. Grinning, I turn the monitor off.

  I LAY, WAITING, KNOWING he watched. I plan to lay here until he shows up, even if it’s hours from now. I hear the door open and smile.

  “Are you pleased with yourself?” he asks.

  “I am, yes.”

  “You’ve interrupted my work day.”

  “Worth it?”

  “It always is with you.”

  I roll over watching him loosen his tie. He removes his cuff links slowly, knowing I love it, then his shirt, and finally his pants.

  “You’re still hard for me. You're insatiable.”

  “I know that. Come over here.”

  I crawl out of the bed and stand next to him, pressing against his body. He rubs his thumb over my chin. “Turn around and bend over the bed.”

  I lay forward, spreading my legs. “Like this?”

  “Exactly, like that.” He walks behind me, running his fingers up and down my crease. “I can’t decide what to fuck first.”

  I swallow hard. “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “You may.”

  “Fuck both. You have fingers and a cock and I have a desire for all of it.”

  “Good idea.”

  I close my eyes as his finger pushes in to me, followed by his dick sliding between my legs.

  “Hold on,” he says, softly.

  I grip the sheets which does nothing to stop the force he throws at me. All I can do is laugh into the pillow as he plows into me. When his fist tangles in my hair, I sigh. When his hand grips my neck, I moan.

  “Tell me you love it, Kaia,” he growls in my ear.

  “I love it, Doctor”

  “You love what?”

  “The way you fuck me.”

  “Will you ever let anyone else get to this?”

  “No way. Not ever.”

  “That’s right, Kaia. Not ever. No one but us ever again. Is that what you want?”

  “God yes. Just us. Forever.”

  “Forever.” He tenses and groans as he releases inside of me. Pulling me into his arms, he kisses the top of my head. “Just us.”

  A FEW HOURS LATER, Oliver leads me to my bedroom. I look at the small box sitting on the bed, wrapped in pale pink paper with my name written on the tag. I look back at Oliver, who smiles at me.

  “Open it.”

  I pick it up, pulling the bow that ties it closed. Lifting the lid, I peek inside, pushing the tissue paper aside. I smile when I see what it is.

  “Do you like it?” he asks.

  “How could I not? Would you put it on for me?”

  He walks to me, lifting the bracelet from its box and clasping it around my left wrist. I finger the tiny, gold handcuffs and look up at him. “Handcuffs?”

  “For two reasons. One, to remind you that you are stronger than any vice that tried to imprison you.”

  “What’s the second reason?”

  “To remind you that you’ve captured my heart and imprisoned my soul in your love.”

  I slide my arms around his neck. “I’ll never take it off. Ever.”

  “I won’t take mine off either,” he says, lifting his wrist and showing me the matching bracelet tucked under his shirt sleeve.

  “I’ve captured your heart?”

  “You know that.” He kisses my mouth softly.

  THE NEXT MORNING, I’m sitting at my desk when the front desk rings my phone. “Hello,” I answer.

  “Dr. Scott, Christopher London is here to see you. Are you available?”

  “Uh, sure. Send him back.” I hang up wondering why Kaia’s father showed up. A moment later, he appears in my doorway, looking tense. I stand and extend my hand.

  “Mr. London. Please come in.”

  “Where is Kaia?” he asks, ignoring my hand.

  “I’m sure she’s at home.”

  “Home?” He narrows his eyes.

  “In the guest suite.”

  “I see.” He walks towards me, rubbing his hands together. “Why haven’t I heard from her? Is something wrong with her?”

  “Not at all.” I glance at the clock on my desk. She’s going to be here any minute. Shit. “Kaia’s doing very well.”

  “When is she coming back?”

  “I’m not sure. She talked about staying longer.”


  I shake my head searching my brain for an acceptable answer. To fuck me longer isn’t going to cut it.

  “Why don’t you ask her?”

  “Because I have no way contacting her, Doctor. I believe you are in possession of her phone.”

  “Her program is over. She’s allowed to use the phone. She’s choosing not to.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Mr. London, I’m sensing some hostility here. Why don’t we get to your real question. Why did you come all the way to New York when you could’ve just called me?”

  He clenches his jaw for a moment. “People are starting to talk. They think she’s in rehab and I’m being asked a lot of questions that I have no idea how to answer. I don’t know if she’s well, if she’s coming back soon, or what the hell she’s still doing in New York. I came to take her home.”

  “Isn’t that her decision? She is an adult.”

  Her father glares at me, and my heart sinks when I see Kaia approaching from behind.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, entering my office.

  Mr. London swings around. “Kaia,” he says, smiling. He walks to her and pulls her into a hug she doesn’t return. “There you are.”

  “I asked you a question.”

  “I came to take you home,” he says, smiling.

  Kaia pulls her head back. “Why?”

  “Because it’s time.”

  “Well, not for me, it isn’t. I’m not going back yet.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to, and I don’t have to.”

  “You have a life in Los Angeles, and it’s waiting for you.”

  She scoffs. “A life? Please. This is about you on some level, isn’t it?”

  “No, of course not.” He glances at me. “I just miss my daughter.”

  This time she laughs. “Oh, that’s rich.” She shakes her head. “What is this about, Dad? Tell me the truth.”

  “You need to make an appearance, okay? The public needs to see you. You’ve been gone over a month, and the media is starting to speculate. They think you’re in rehab.”

  “I was in rehab, Dad.”

  “Not that kind. They think it’s drugs or an eating disorder.”

  “So? Who cares?”

  “I do!”

  Kaia crosses her arms. “Well that’s not my problem.”

  He grabs her arm. “Yes, it is. You came here to get better. Now you are, so you need to come home.”

  She pulls her arm away. “What if I am home? What if I don’t want to live in California anymore?”

  “What are you talking about? You’re gonna move to New York?”

  “Maybe. I want some freedom.”

  “You’ve had nothing but freedom in your life. That’s how you ended up here.”

  Kaia glares, but maintains her stance. “I’m an adult, and I make my own decisions.”

  “You come with me right now, Kaia.”

  “I’m not going with you!”

  “I’m not gonna say it again.”

  “You still don’t get it, do you, Dad? This isn't about anything but control and image for you. You don't care if I’m happy. You just care what it looks like. I knew I couldn’t trust you!” She turns and runs from the room.

  Mr. London turns and looks at me. “You didn’t even help me!”

  “It’s not really my place, sir.”

ou could’ve tried to reason with her.”

  I take a deep breath. “Kaia is old enough to make her own choices.”

  He shakes his head. “Unbelievable. Where did she go?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “You need to call me if you find out.”

  I nod. “I will.”

  He stomps out and I slump back in my chair. I don’t know where Kaia went, but I hope she went home. I pick up my phone and call the house waiting for Lina to answer.


  “Is Kaia there?”

  “No, Doctor. She left a while ago. Is everything okay?”

  “Uh, yeah, I think so. Please call me when she gets there.”


  I hang up and look out the window, searching the crowded street below.


  I swing around when I hear her voice. I exhale and rush to her, pulling her into my arms.

  “I was so worried when you ran off.”

  She wraps her arms around me. “I just went to the coffee bar downstairs and waited for him to leave.” She squeezes me. “He’s so awful.”

  I stroke her hair. “He’s really demanding.”

  “He’s a control freak. He’s an image person. He doesn't want it to look bad,” she says using her fingers as quotation marks. “He wants to keep his thumb on me, and he can't if I move here.” She shakes her head. “I had hopes that he and I could have a good relationship, but now there's no way. He’s an asshole.”

  “Shh, baby.” I pull her close again. I clear my throat. “Maybe this is good. You could go back with him and get him off your case.”

  “What?” she asks, pulling away from me. “You aren't serious?”

  “Here me out.”


  “You go back. Let Daddy show you off to everyone, and give him a sense of peace that everything’s fine.”

  “And then?”

  “And then I’ll be there to pick you up. We’ll move your things to New York and by the time he figures it out, it’ll all be done. We’ll keep a low profile for a while, but after you’ve been here for a while, we can go public with our relationship. By then it shouldn’t be an issue. He won’t be able to attach it to your program.”

  She nods. “So, I should call him back? I should go with him?”


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