Book Read Free

Yours Forever

Page 9

by Joya Ryan

  “Cal, what happened? Are you okay?”

  “Slippery fucker got out. I didn’t know if he was coming for you.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked again. My heart was jumping in my throat and banging so loud it was hard to hear over the rushing in my eardrums.

  “I’m fine. Just need to get you away from here.” He made several turns until we were bounding down a back dirt road. The sound of sirens in the distance echoed.

  A flare of red marked his forehead. I reached over to touch his chin and tilt him slightly toward me.

  “Oh, my God, you’re bleeding.”

  He frowned, then looked in the rearview mirror.

  “It’s fine. Just a scrape.”

  “No, it’s not fine.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and he pulled to the side of the dark road.

  “Put your belt back on.”

  “Not until I look at this,” I said, moving closer to him. He killed the engine and I unbuckled him and cupped his face in both hands. The same fire I’d felt when Bea got hurt shot through me. There was a cut on the top of his brow, right by his hair line.

  “I’m fine,” he said again.

  “Will you shut up?” I said and took the sleeve of my sweater and blotted at the blood, clearing it away. Thank God it wasn’t deep. But, he’d been in there, running toward a danger without even thinking. “What is the matter with you?” I yelled at him. “You can’t keep doing this, Cal. You can’t run in after every damn scary situation and leave me like that. You could have been hurt. You were hurt!”

  He smiled.

  “This isn’t funny!” I yelled louder. My pulse was working double-time and my palms trembled. “You can’t do that to me.”

  “Careful, Kitten, you may admit you care.”

  I frowned, and an anvil to the chest would have rocked me less. “I do care. So much. If anything happened to you…I…I love you, you big jerk!”

  He closed his eyes and lifted his head up slightly, like he would if enjoying the warmth of the sun of his face.

  “You love me,” he repeated softly around a happy smile.

  I tapped his cheek and his eyes opened and centered on me. “This is serious.”

  “Oh, I know it is,” he winked. His hands slid around my waist and I moved across his lap and straddled it like it was most natural thing in the world.

  “I will always protect you,” he said, touching my forehead with his.

  I inhaled deeply, the only breath I needed was Callum Malone. Between the worry, the adrenaline, and the softness of his voice, I couldn’t fight it anymore. Part of me wanted to continue yelling at him, but a bigger part just wanted him. In my arms, wrapped around me, until I lost myself completely.

  His nose brushed mine, his mouth so close I could almost taste it. The grip on my waist moved to my ass and tightened, but he didn’t draw me close. Just sat there, waiting for me to come to him.

  “Don’t do that again,” I whispered.

  He gave my bottom a squeeze. “Which part?”

  “The running into danger part.”

  “Can’t promise that,” he rasped lowly, brushing the tip of his nose along my cheek, daring me to kiss him. “It’s the way I’m wired.”

  “Then I’ll run in after you.” He leaned back an inch to look me in the eye. “Because that’s the way I’m wired.”

  I pressed my lips against his, giving in to the need we were circling. A dam burst, and feeling his strength surround me, I clutched him closer and surged my tongue inside, drinking in everything he’d give me.

  He met my mouth with consuming force and returned every sweep and drive, tangling so tightly until neither of us could think. Could breathe.

  I moaned and was swept up in his incredible kiss. He was a protector down to his soul.

  Cal just ran into the fray without a thought other than to keep me safe. And I could have lost him. Had almost lost him on more than one occasion.

  Just the idea had me near tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close, kissing him with all the strength I had.

  I was frantic. The need to touch him—feel him—overwhelming. I ran my hands beneath his shirt and up his abs. All his hard muscles jerked and flexed against my touch, as if his body missed me as much as I missed his.

  He met every single lick and bite I delivered. Dueling with my tongue and demanding more. He caged me to his hard body, pressing me so close my breasts mashed against his chest and begged for more direct contact.

  Taking long laps of his intoxicating taste like he was my last glass of water before the desert, I rocked against him, rubbing the swollen peaks of my breasts up and down his chest.

  “My kitten wants to be pet,” he rasped, and sucked the tip of my tongue before leaning back enough to tug my sweater up. But before he could, his cellphone chirped, snapping my attention back to the present.

  The chirping sounded again and Cal cursed. He reached for his cell out of his pocket and hit the answer button.

  “Where the hell are you?” Jack’s voice came over the speaker.

  “There was a break-in at your place,” Cal answered.

  “No shit. I got a call. I’m at the house. Where. The hell. Are you?”

  “Cops weren’t there yet. Someone was still inside. I got Lana out of there.”

  “Is she okay?”

  Cal’s eyes met mine and he grinned. “She’s doing pretty well from what I can tell.”

  I huffed out a breath.

  Jack was silent.

  I realized right then that this was turning into a different kind of game. Bea’s words bounced into my mind. Nothing had ever come between Jack and Cal…except me. And at the moment, it was almost literal.

  Just like Cal had known the other day what had happened between Jack and me, Jack seemed to know—judging by his silence—what had happened between Cal and me just now.

  I moved off of Cal’s lap and sat back in my own seat.

  After a long pause, Jack spoke again.

  “I’m taking her away.”

  “Like hell you are,” Cal said. “And to where? A high rise hotel where anyone can come and go?”

  “She’s not going to your house. That’s too obvious,” Jack growled.

  “Then, the cabin,” Cal shot out quickly, like an epiphany had hit him.

  Another long pause and Jack’s even breathing passed over the phone for several seconds. Thinking. Jack always thought through every detail.

  “Fine. I’ll get stuff for all of us packed up. Meet me at the cabin. I’m done with this bullshit.”

  “Ten four, good buddy,” Cal said, and hung up.

  Cal looked over at me just as I got my seatbelt on.

  “Don’t look so victorious,” I said.

  He reached over and ran his thumb along my bottom lip, then tasted it. “Sorry, just feeling on top of the world right now. That happens when you come in and rock it, Kitten.”

  Normally, Cal’s confident casualness made me feel better. This time, I was on the brink of a tough conversation while heading into a warzone. Cal was on one side, Jack was on the other, and I stood dead center, a pile of grenades surrounding me.

  This was bad.

  My emotions, anger, and love for them had just stuck me in a spot I didn’t know how to get out of.

  “It’s alright,” Cal said with gentleness. “You’ll like the cabin.”

  That’s what I was afraid of. That and being in this mystery cabin with two men I’d recently slept with.

  With a final look at me, Cal started the truck, and turned back toward the highway, speeding to an unknown destination in the night.

  Chapter 11

  After a long drive, we made it to a single road covered in snow that led us through acres of trees until, finally, a small house came into view.

  A black Jeep was parked out front.

  “Looks like Jack beat us here,” Cal said. I’d never seen Jack drive a Jeep, but it made sense he’d need that kind of car with the snow and terrain
around here.

  After helping me out of the truck, Cal opened the front door, and I walked in. The warmth and smell of trees was strong and welcoming. More welcoming than the dark eyes staring me down from the living room. I glanced away from Jack and his questioning stare and tried to focus on the place.

  The cabin was beautiful. Secluded deep in the mountains of the Rockies, it was cozy with wood furniture and red accents. The snow lightly falling outside like pieces of fluffy cotton was picturesque. Or it could have been if I wasn’t standing between two hulking men glaring each other down.

  Three large bags lay by the front door, where Jack had clearly dropped them.

  “Whose place is this?” I asked, trying to break the silence.

  “Ours,” Cal answered, and lifted his chin at Jack. “Bought it together several years ago. Nice escape.”

  “You’ll be safe,” Jack said, his dark eyes zeroing in on Cal, but he was talking to me.

  “What about your jobs?” I asked, glancing between them. I hadn’t wanted to pry, but this set up, far out as we were, seemed like a lot of time to take out of their lives.

  “I own my company,” Jack said simply. Aka, he could do whatever he wanted. Should have known.

  Cal just smiled and tossed an arm around my shoulders. “Vacation time is saved up. Decided I better start using some of it.”

  Jack eyed Cal’s arm like it was a snake around me. I couldn’t take the tension. Between the two of them, it was suffocating. Life was spiraling, yet for the first time, the confusion wasn’t daunting. Being with Jack and Cal and coming to some kind of conclusion had helped. Sure, having sex with both of them was what put me in the situation, but it was something that needed working out. I was just happy the emptiness and loss were starting to ebb, even in the smallest amount.

  Doing what I have to do to get through this…

  I stepped away from Cal, but made sure to stay in neutral territory and not lean toward Jack either.

  “Clearly, we need to address what’s going on and what has happened,” I said.

  Jack looked at me. “I think that’s a great idea. Let’s start with what happened the other night in my bedroom.” His voice was smooth and clear and held that hint of confidence that was Jack Powell through and through. Just the way he reigned his calm control over every syllable made me jolt with lust.

  Getting lost in him was easy. So damn easy, and giving myself over to whatever he wanted was even easier. Something I needed to fight, because with the emotions rising, the emotions he brought out in me couldn’t have a voice. I needed to figure out me.

  “I don’t think we need details,” Cal said. “Unless you’d like to share about our exciting ride up here tonight.” He winked at me.

  Jack’s face remained still.

  “Nope¸” I said and moved to face them both. “If you two want to give each other hell, fine. But I’m taking myself out of the middle. Things between all of us need to get resolved on some level.” On a deep breath, I started the conversation I’d dreaded the entire trip up here. “I’ve had intimate moments with both of you.” No matter how I tried to spin the next part, I couldn’t be sorry for that.

  I wasn’t looking to make problems, I’d given in to very strong, very deep feelings I had for them and allowed them to take over. And those brief moments I couldn’t be sorry for. Because while this was a mess, it wasn’t a mistake. I loved them and in our private moments, I got to feel that love. Even if it was fleeting.

  “I’m aware you’ve been with both of us,” Jack said. Cal nodded in agreement.

  “I know this isn’t a surprise to you. But I wanted to put it out in the open. It’s the only way to move on from it.”

  “Agreed,” Cal said. “Though I don’t think moving on from every moment is necessary.” He was clearly referring to our time being something to hold on to. “But since we’re stuck here for the next couple weeks—”

  “We should come up with some ground rules,” Jack cut in.

  “Wait, we’re here until the New Year?” I asked. Christmas was right around the corner. Not that I had anyone to spend it with, but I had things to do. At some point, I’d wanted to find a job, but first, “I need to find what that key of my father’s goes to.”

  “What key?”

  I pulled the key and note out of my pocket and showed Jack. He read it quickly, then examined the key.

  “I can tell you right now it’s a lockbox,” Jack said.

  “How do you know?”

  He just looked at me with the expression that read, “Don’t you know who I am?”

  “I know what lockbox keys look like. I have several. We just have to figure out which bank. With the holidays, the banks will be closed frequently. Calling around is the best use of time until after the New Year.”

  I gritted my teeth. Part of me hated him telling me the plan. Not asking, telling. The other part of me responded so quickly and wanted to say, “yes, sir,” because he was right. He was thorough and smart and made sense. Also, with those dark eyes and sinful voice, it was hard to deny Jack anything. And just the thought that he’d help—used the word “we” just like Cal had—made my heart stutter. He was helping. And in his way, he was trying.

  “Fine. But ground rules then are going to be a must.”

  Jack raised a brow. “You have some in mind?” he asked.

  “Please say you want to enforce topless Tuesdays,” Cal added.

  I rolled my eyes, but Jack seemed to like the idea as much as Cal. “Rule one, I’m not walking around topless,” I said quickly. Between Jack’s lethal glare and Cal’s charm, I needed to rein in my own control before I melted into a puddle of desperate lust.

  Cal feigned a pout, and I knew if I didn’t hustle through my thoughts, his next suggestion would be naked Wednesdays. But before I could go on, Jack cut me off.

  “Fucking,” he stated plainly. “I want to hear your rules on that.”

  A short gasp hit my lungs. He was direct, but this was an issue we had to address. I looked at Cal, he waited quietly, as if wanting to hear the answer to Jack’s questions as much as he did.

  “The past few days have been confusing,” I said.

  “No,” Jack said curtly. “That’s not what I asked. I’m aware of the stress surrounding your life. I’m also aware of the situation Cal and I put you in.”

  I swallowed hard. Jack was blunt, forcing me to meet his strong words, find my own strength, but there was a hint of raw honesty in his voice. He was taking blame for the situation. Didn’t say that I had sex with them both. Didn’t put any of it on me. He was acknowledging Cal and his part in this.

  “Now’s not the time to be vague,” he rasped. That hit something deep in my soul. His dark eyes dared me to defy him, but I couldn’t.

  “You’re right,” I said with an edge of my own. It was time to get my control back. To harness everything I’d learned from Jack and Cal and apply it. I had always been a good student, time to see the follow through.

  Do what I have to do…

  With a deep breath, I looked at Cal, then at Jack.

  “I had sex with both of you. Neither instance was planned.”

  “Do you regret it?” Cal asked. His blue eyes holding a hint of fear, and I couldn’t lie. We were past that. All of us were past that.

  “No,” I said softly. Then, the strangest thing happened. Both their shoulders relaxed just a fraction. Time passed slowly, and there I stood in front of two men I loved…my heart torn into ragged halves and they each held a piece in their hands.

  “Tell me what you want,” Cal said. A small smile threatened my lips. He was so good at swooping in and saving the day. While Jack stood still, his jaw ticking and I knew exactly what he was thinking. He wanted to tell me how it was going to be. And part of me wanted to give him that burden and let him.

  But I had to find the balance. For myself.

  “I love you,” I said honestly. Cal smiled and then I looked at Jack, who looked ready to break
something. “And I love you.” The heat in his dark eyes simmered and a streak of vulnerability crossed his face, as if he wasn’t expecting to hear those words from me. “You both hurt me. And I can’t commit to anything, or to either of you. I won’t.”

  Cal glanced at the floor and Jack took a step forward. Crossing his arms, he unleashed a wicked grin.

  “Is that right?” he asked with enticement in his voice. I was challenging his control. Telling him what I would and wouldn’t do and he wanted to play “make Lana heel to my will.” And it was a sexy, fun game. One we’d undertaken several times when we were together. That was the past, though. Things weren’t the way they’d been when I was first with Jack.

  “That’s right,” I said, lifting my chin with the smallest hint of confidence I felt. Confidence Jack helped me find in the first place. Confidence Cal helped me keep after the fact. Everything was jumbled and mixed, and I couldn’t tell which way was up. I could only hope I’d eventually make it to the surface.

  “You said you won’t commit to either of us,” Jack repeated my words and tilted his head to the side. “You still have yet to answer my question.”

  My lips parted briefly, and I didn’t know what to say. Cal seemed to catch onto Jack’s line of questioning. He examined me like he would his fire truck before taking it out on a call. Intent and thoughtful. A gleam of hope, tied with a sexy smile cracked his handsome face.

  “She’s not sure she can stay away,” he said to Jack. Jack simply nodded, his eyes staying on me the whole time. “She won’t commit, won’t choose…”

  “But, she won’t give rules on fucking,” Jack finished.

  “This isn’t some twisted challenge I’m putting out there,” I defended quickly.

  “Uh-huh,” Cal said with a wink. “Putting it out there or not, if you say there’s a shot with you, Kitten, I’m going to take it.”

  “There isn’t.”

  Jack tsked. That devilish mouth making me want a lot more than a lecture. “Don’t go fibbing now.” He took another step, then another, until he was face to face with me. He whispered into my ear, “Your body gives you away.” He ran the back of his finger over my nipple. My hard, pouting, nipple that had Cal’s mouth on it only an hour ago. The slight feel of his touch grazing the sensitive flesh snapped firecrackers down my spine. “I think there’s more than a chance.”


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