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Good Girls Ain't No Fun Boxed Set (The SIX romance and urban fiction volumes of the LOVE, SEX, LIES series)

Page 26

by Jessica Watkins

  “Hey, sexy,” was being whispered in my ear before I knew it, but I recognized the cautious approach of the voice and smell of the cologne.

  It was Jelani looking all too cute. His 6’2” fair-skinned and medium build frame casted a shadow over me. He didn’t have the pudgy football build and Bronx locks that Bradley had. He was very Midwest; muscular, baggy jeans, Ed Hardy tee, deeply waved low fade, and many tattoos. His features were very mature; high cheek bones, dark and full facial hair, and slanted light brown eyes.

  As we embraced, I felt that his hug was different and lingered longer than usual. He pulled himself closer than he had in the past and allowed his hands to immodestly run over my ass.

  I just ignored the embrace and acted as if I noticed nothing. “Where have you been?”

  “Upstairs talkingto the DJ. Where’s Evette?”

  “Upstairs looking for Amanda.”

  At the sound of Amanda’s name, Jelani frowned and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  With a frown, he said, “I wish she would put on some damn clothes!”

  See? Told you she was a hot mess.

  Then Jelani told me, with a slight sexual moan, “I’m ready for you to take yours off though.”

  Jelani stood directly in front of me and looked me deep in my eyes, daring me to ignore what he just said. He looked at me in the same intentional manner he had Monday night while spanking me with his dick.

  Since I was sitting, my legs were slightly open. Jelani took advantage of that space, standing closely in-between them while he cupped each of my thighs with his hands. He began to stroke them softly and invited himself into me.

  I looked at him with eyes that asked what he was doing. He looked at me as if I should already know the answer.

  “Evette has been gone a long time. I’m going to go find her,” I told him.

  As I walked away from Jelani, I wondered what was going on. We’ve been sleeping with one another for months now, so one would expect a bit of touching and flirtation. Nevertheless, Jelani knows his wife’s rule; he and I are only supposed to have sex when Evette is present. Usually, he respects that rule. Now it seems as if the respect he had for his wife had vanished. He seemed to have taken on the “every man for himself” mentality, and I wanted no parts in the scandal if that were the case.

  Just in case my mind was just playing tricks on me, I shook it off.

  As I made it up the stairs, I thanked God that the bathroom door was open, because nature was calling. However, the door was only slightly open, so I peeked in with caution before entering; something I am sure to do with any door in this house.

  Though the light was off, I could see the silhouettes on the toilet. I recognized Bird’s dreadlocks as he sat on the toilet and held the ass of the woman that was riding him. I snickered to myself as the feminine voice begged for mercy and called on the Lord while cursing obscenities.

  I shut the door the door abruptly and hid in the shadows as I recognized that feminine voice to be Evette’s.


  Saturday, July 18, 2009


  I had to leave after that. The atmosphere was way too thick for me. I snuck out without saying goodbye to Jelani or Evette and rode home listening to the slow jams of Jodeci, H-Town, and Avant.

  I think I was fleeing from my own iniquities. The way Jelani looks at me gives me familiarity of Bradley. Since my sloppy infidelities cancelled me and Bradley’s wedding, I have missed the type of affection that Jelani seems to want to give me. I run from any opportunities to develop feelings for someone because those feelings remind me of what I ruined with my greediness. That is why I opt to cure my passions through Jelani and Evette; there is no room for feelings to grow when dealing with a couple.

  Don’t get me wrong. I’m still in control of my emotions, but lack of compassion in my life has me reaching out for what Jelani’s eyes were promising me.

  The only force that ran me away from that house is the fact that I have no more room for bad karma in my life. I cannot reap any more bad karma, no matter how good Jelani’s dick is.

  I still feel a lot of guilt for lying to Bradley for years and having him find out about my infidelities on the church steps of our wedding rehearsal the day before our ceremony. The fact that he never gave me the chance to explain, grovel, or beg made it even worse. I badly wanted the chance to tell him that despite the fact that I was fucking Veronica behind his back for so long, I loved- and still love- him to death. I still yearn for the chance to tell him that, though I was able to lie to his face, I adored him for being the only man who made me feel that my femininity had purpose.

  Right then, at one in the morning on an abandoned expressway while listening to Avant beg in the sexiest croon, I cried tears that have wanted to come out for months. Anxiety and misery overwhelmed me, and I welcomed them with my cries, rather than hiding from them under partying, drinking, and empty laughs. I said aloud how much I missed him, grieved for the death of a love that I feared I would never experience again, cursed that bitch Veronica for being so spiteful that she told on me, and wished her as dead as her mother is.

  A sudden familiar emptiness came over me. It was the same emptiness that I felt when I pulled in my driveway and saw that Bradley left my belongings in a pile on our lawn. It was the same emptiness that I felt as I sat in my home as a teenager wondering when my parents would decide to stop shootingheroine and come home to be parents. This is the same emptiness I feel when I don’t know whether their drug addiction has left them dead or alive, and the same emptiness I felt when Russell tookmy virginity and left me lying there as if he deserved totake it.

  I seemed to be having an anxiety attack. I started to hyperventilate through my tears and fought the urge to regurgitate.

  When I should have been concerned to see Jelani, I was actually happy to have something to take my mind off of things. I pulled into my usual spot in the rear parking lot of my building and wondered anxiously why he was there standing outside of his Infiniti truck.

  I didn’t know what was going on. I thought that maybe he caught Evette being a slut with “Pussy Killa” and was pissed. However, as I dried my tears and slapped on a happy face, he smiled at me.

  “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”

  Jelani walked closer and closer towards me until I was pinned between my car and the foundation of the building. “Just making sure that you made it home okay,” he told me.

  “You could have just called and asked me,” I told him.

  Jelani put his arms around my waist as if we were in marital bliss. I finally felt comfortable in his embrace assounds of Evette’s moaning in the bathroom replayed in my head.

  Jelani and I stood close, and there was finally an open exchange of intimacy that was previously prohibited.

  “Where is Evette?”

  “At home,” he whispered as he kissed my neck.

  I melted in my panties from the touch of his lips on such sensitivity. It has been so long since I have been kissed and caressed in such intimate places.

  “Well, I made it home,” I reminded him.

  Once again, he was looking at me with intent, and it drove me crazy. It was like he was daring me to say no to what my soul needed.

  Before I could attempt to evade the situation any further, Jelani was all over me. His approach was purposeful, but not too aggressive. It was persistent, as if his touch would persuade me until I gave in.

  Eventually, I did in fact give in. His tongue was sweet. His hands guided me in directions that I knew I would regret in the morning.

  “What are you doing?” I came out of my trance when I felt the air hit my skin. Jelani ignored my question, continued to unzip my pants, and then pulled them down.

  “Jelani, we’re outside,” I told him.

  He remained silent, kneeled before my naked pleasure zone, and invited me into his mouth for dinner.

  He was hungry, and I was nourishment.

  I was embarrassed at
the way I seemed to melt in his mouth. The atmosphere gave the moment electric energy. Jelani licked and sucked with a wealth of appreciation for a moment that he waited so long for.

  When he finally gave me mercy, I wanted to both run and rush him. The seconds it took him to strap up seemed to be everlasting; my guilt and uncertainty started to creep into the moment.

  Jelani sensed this and before I knew it, he turned me around, bent me over the hood of my car, and eased inside of me. I howled at the moon like a beast. Just as he had on Monday, Jelani was finding purpose and meaning in my pussy. And where he was looking was deep, deep inside of me.

  I wailed as if we were in private quarters. I could not have cared less if we were outside. Neither did Jelani. He praised my pussy loud and clear as if he were pledging allegiance. Our sex was noisy, like the loudest Brinks alarm system with no off switch. We continuously alerted everyone of our pleasure like a fire detector with low batteries.

  I closed my eyes and recognized the intimacy and meaning of his penetration, the purpose of his thrust, and the way he held my waist and whispered sweet nothings into my ear as if we had loved one another for a lifetime.


  I couldn’t blame it on the alcoholbecause, by the time the sun rose, theMoet’s effect had worn off.

  However, I could definitely blame it on the way Ray handled me with care and attention. He was so aware of my presence. I felt a sense of belonging and legitimacy as I lay with him. He vitalized my femininity. I felt like my presence was invited and anticipated; versus feeling like an obligation when I am in my own home.

  I merely wanted to enjoy being in the presence of a man who realized that I had more purpose than tending to children, cleaning a house, and putting on a front like my family is so “together”. I wanted to be in an environment that was calm and full of love. Ray’s house was a temporary haven for me. It was such a haven that I willingly slept here overnight. I just didn’t want the peace to end.

  It was as if Ray heard all of my complaints over the past few weeks and tended to every one of them. He held me as we slept, touched my hair, kissed my cheeks, and nurtured my emptiness. He would literally pick me up and bring me to his chest like I was a baby; his baby.

  However, as the sun rose and woke us out of my temporary escape, I felt reality poking me in my back. When I initially thought that I could get away with tip-toeing out of this moment without having sex, Ray’s erection tapped me on my back and told me that I wasn’t getting out of this as easily as I thought.

  I began to feel as if Ray deserved the sex. He has been so good to me when I obviously had no justification for taking advantage of his care and then going home to another man that didn’t measure up to him. I wanted to show him in some form or fashion that I appreciated his moment in my life, that I appreciated him tending to me, though I was legally bound to a man that didn’t feel the need to do so.

  Admittedly, my body wanted so badly to take advantage of the erection that lay against my backside. It had been so long since I was truly sexually satisfied. For me, sex had been a chore for so many years. As I lay in Ray’s arms, I fought with myself; pleasure versus morals, and sex with Ray versus my family. I wanted to pray and ask God to give me strength to walk away, but my heart honestly wanted to lay there as long as the moment allowed.

  As Ray’s erection began to awake him from his sleep, I secretly wished that he would attempt to have sex with me. There was moisture in between my legs that embarrassed me. I just lay there with my eyes closed, silently begging Ray to disrespect my marriage. I yearned to be connected to a man in more ways than genetically or legally. This longing was so strong that I wished I had no marriage or family to defy. I desperately wanted this moment to be okay so that I could be the one to encourage his penetration without feeling guilt behind it.

  I just wished to be carefree; no bills, no husband that did not please me, and no religion that I was undermining. Therefore, I opened my eyes and decided that if the despair of my marriage would still be present when I left here, then I would also leave satisfied. I would go back home and still be miserable, but there would be this morning, this minute, and this hour to keep me motivated to stay with a man that only God binds me to.

  I looked into Ray’s eyes. He peered back into mine with an uncertain, questioning expression. He was always so respectful. He never touched or groped me inappropriately. I think, at that moment, he respected my husband more than I did. However, I wanted him to lose that respect, if only for this moment. I wanted us both to forget Travis and our four children. I just wanted to be Lynn, Ray’s potential.

  I slid my hand towards him and grabbed his erection slowly. It seemed to take his breath away as I began to stroke and caress it romantically. He closed his eyes, bit his lips, and tried to fight the pleasure.


  “Shhhh,” I immediately quieted him.

  The sound of our voices would have brought me back to reality, and currently, I just wanted to live in this fantasy.

  Once Ray saw that I really wanted this, he became the aggressor. He flipped me over, got on top of me, and tongue- kissed me as if to experience my soft, juicy lips was heaven on earth. The intimacy of the moment suffocated me, and made me overwhelmed and anxious. Anticipating his penetration gave me shortness of breath. Ray looked at me like he knew what I needed and was all too thankful to be the one to give it to me. I anxiously awaited my gift as if it was my birthday, but what I was getting was no surprise.

  His foreplay was slow and inviting, as if he wanted to ensure that this encounter would be worth the sin. He laid passionate kisses on my neck as he unbuttoned my blouse and unclasped my bra. My juicy breasts made Ray moan softly as they bounced out of their seclusion. He eagerly sucked each one, causing me to melt all over his sheets.

  Ray retreated from his sensual oral assault of my breasts and traveled the southern route towards my belly button. I embarrassingly yelped outinsurprise when I felt him kiss mypussy. When he laughed at my shock, his giggles were muffled between my legs. Then he got comfortable and began to feast.

  Travis hasn’t given me oral sex in years. He feels like anything beyond missionary is an abomination. Therefore, I lay back in Ray’s pillows, opened my legs wider to invite him in, closed my eyes to concentrate on the pleasure he was giving me, and enjoyed every detail of this moment. I wanted to remember everything; every kiss, every lick, and every suck.

  Ray’s tongue was highly skilled. His head was so intellectual that I thought he achieved a PhD in giving head. It was so intellectual that it was coke-bottle glasses and tight-flooded jeans nerdy. Ray showed that he had intuitively studied me, passionately acquiring advanced knowledge of my pussy. Every stroke of his tongue aced the oral exam.

  This experience nominated him as mastery; he was valedictorian, the best I ever had.

  As he came up for air and reached over into his drawer for protection, I thought some form of guilt would surface, that I would finally begin to realize what I was doing and change my mind. Yet, there was nothing but the same expectant eagerness that I woke up with.

  That only justified the moment for me. I knew that this was something I wanted and needed, so no matter who would hurt from this, for once in the last ten years, I was going to do something that I wanted to do.

  When Ray penetrated me, I swore I heard birds chirping. The passion in this moment had more to do with my current mindset and sexual frustration, but Ray did a good job of complimenting what I was already feeling. He entered me slowly, steadily, and persistently. He knew that I was sexually unsatisfied and did everything to fix that; hit spots that hadn’t been hit in years, sexed me slower than I have had it, faster than I ever imagined, indulged me for choosing him, and punished me for not giving it to him sooner.

  Our sex was so good that it conceived two children. Passion and Ecstasy, as we named them, joyfully played with one another as Ray and I made love. I sang throaty songs of pleasure that were so beautiful that they co
uld compete with the Art of Noise’s timeless classic “Moments in Love”.

  Shame oozed through my facial expression when Vic opened her front door.

  As Vic stood in the doorway, she asked, “Why do you have on the same clothes that you had on yesterday?”

  I avoided her inquiry. “You’re not going to let me in?”

  “Are you drunk?”

  I felt drunk. Ray and I enjoyed hours of lovemaking, so I only got a few hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation coupled with continuous multiple orgasms left me feeling exhausted, dizzy, and hung over.

  “No,” I answered with a laugh.

  “Have you been home?”



  “Would you let me in, please?”

  Vic appeared disgusted as she gave me room to enter her home. As I sat down on the couch, my smile could not help but to continuously surface. Vic looked at the pleasure in my face and knew what I had done, but avoided bringing up the obvious just yet.

  “So where does Travis think you spent the night?”

  On the way to Ray’s house last night, Travis called. I tried to, once again, explain to him why I was so unhappy and he continued to give me the same robotic responses: “God said” this and “I do what I have to as a husband” that. I could not take it anymore. I yelled and cried until my face was red and my voice was sore. Then I told him that I was staying at Vic’s for the night.

  The fact that he didn’t call or check my references further lets me know that he isn’t man enough to give me what I need to survive in this marriage. I’m sure he just prayed and left it up to God to bring me home.


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