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PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans

Page 52

by Joseph, Fabiola;L. Ramsey, Matthew

  It felt good to be with a guy who wasn’t in the business. Sure he was in the acting game, but he wasn’t fucking on film. We spent most the night laughing, talking, and drinking. He was everything I would have wanted in a guy, and he just kept throwing one compliment out after the other. And I was eating that shit up with a silver spoon.

  “Do you know how many times I jerked off to you?” he asked as he leaned into me. We were both pretty drunk and were so close that if we got any closer, I would be sitting in his lap.

  “No, but I would love to know.”

  I could feel his cute little pink lips against my ear. His breath was warm and his tongue slid against my lobe as he spoke.

  “You think I’m joking don’t you, well I’m not. There’s something about you, the way you move, the way you speak, the way you fuck. You drive me crazy.”

  Boy, was it getting hot in there. I picked up my drink and took a big sip.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a hotter Zoe Saldana, just sexier, thicker, you look more womanly, more dangerous even?”

  I laughed.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Bradley Cooper, just younger, hotter, with a little more edge, and with a better body?”

  We both looked at each other and both answered at the same time.


  We were laughing and having a good time. He seemed to have found me just as interesting as I found him. The more we talked, the higher his hand moved up my thigh. And the more he told me about his jerking off to my movies, the lower my hand went. Once his was up my skirt and mine was on his rock hard dick, we were both ready to get things popping.

  “Oh, my god, you’re so fucking wet.”

  I looked around curious to see everyone’s reaction to our PDA, but it didn’t seem like anyone cared. The more he rolled his finger against my clit, the more I wanted to lose control.

  “I wanna fuck you right here on the table, right in front of everyone, can we do that, can we?”

  Was he fucking crazy? The answer was yes and it was turning me on. But I knew that there was no way I was gonna give everyone in the club a free show. I wasn’t THAT girl, that porn girl who would jump at that chance and somehow become infamous. That girls story would live on and be told by many. The story about the porn star who fucked a TV star at one of the hottest clubs on the Sun set strip. People would add to the story as the years went on. Some would claim that they were there to watch me do the whole club, and god only knows what else they would add to it. I would turn into that woman who is old and dried out, hanging on to that story as if it would keep me relevant and interesting. I would be that old hag who would try to still go to the next hot club, maybe getting in, and woohooing as I scream, “That was me; I fucked Paul Huffington at Elite night club 25 years ago.”

  “Ummm, give me a second, gotta use the girls’ room.”

  I needed an out. Things were moving way too fast with him. Did I want to fuck him, hell yeah? Was I ready to do it, should I do it, hell no? I took one last look at him before entering the bathroom and BAM; I knew that I was leaning toward doing it. He was too fine to pass up.

  I emptied my bladder and pulled out the wet wipes I always kept in my purse. I wanted to be fresh down there because I was planning on having his Brit tongue inside of me for at least ten minutes, just not in the club. Right when I was about to leave the stall, I heard him walk in.

  “Jezebel, where are you?”

  He found me without an answer. He walked into the stall carrying two shots in each hand.

  “So what about in here?”

  I wanted to turn him down, but as I looked into his blue eyes, I couldn’t do it. I wanted him and I was going to have him in the bathroom. So nasty I know, but I had to fuck him right then and there. I took the shots from him and drunk down three of whatever they were. If I was tipsy before, the shots were on their way to making me drunk. He sucked on my lips, both of them. He licked my chest; he touched my body all over. He moved with technique and precession. I could tell that the groupies that must have frequented his bed taught him well.

  “Wait, my phone… give me a sec, it may be work calling.”

  Our hands were touching any and every part we could find. We were wild animals, rough and attentive all at once. I could barely take my phone out and read my text but I managed. How can you fix this? I needed you, I loved you, I was leaving my old life behind and starting a new one because of you, for you. I love you, always have, but how can you fix THIS? Don’t see that happening to tell you the truth, don’t see it at all. His text changed everything. Changed my mood, changed the way my body felt, and changed how I was thinking. The stranger named Paul no longer mattered. His blue eyes, his pink lips, and his ripped body disappeared and were now minute details that no longer held its weight. Lanell's words had penetrated me to the core and sex was the last thing on my mind after that.

  “Stop,” I said as I read the text over again.

  “Would you quiet it for a minute?”

  Paul was too far gone to hear me. He was burning with lust, my please fell on deaf ears. He continued to stand behind me and fondle my breast. He sucked on my neck and pressed his rock hard stick against my ass.

  “I said to fucking STOP,” I said, as I turned around and pushed him away. I shoved him a little harder then I wanted to. I wanted to say sorry but instead I read the message again.

  “Oh, you like it rough, huh?”

  This time it was him who pushed me into the stall’s wall, which caused me phone to fall and break into three pieces.

  “I’m gonna fuck you good you dirty little porn star.”

  The more I fought him off, the more it turned him on. He was unaware of the fact that this was not part of my game plan. I really didn’t want him; I really wanted him off of me.

  “No really, I have to go, something just came up,” I said, turning around to face him. He went in for another kiss but I turned my head.

  “Are you serious right now? You mean to tell me that you really have to go?”

  He was blown. How could I get him to this point and want to back out? He couldn’t understand. He hadn’t had a woman back out on sex ever since he became famous.

  “It’s fucked up, I know, but I really have to go.”

  He looked at me and for a second, I thought that he would let me go.


  And just like that, he was no longer the guy that I was hanging out with. The cool guy from the set, the charming Brit from earlier that night was gone. He held onto me and began to kiss and suck on my neck, his hand were pulling my thong aside as he roughly ran his hand against my vagina. I tried to kick, I tried to push but he had me in a stronghold.

  “GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME,” I yelled as he pushed a finger inside of me.

  “Oh, god, I’m gonna enjoy fucking you. How do you get your pussy to stay so tight after fucking all of those blokes all day?”

  Now he was just trying to add insult to injury. I guess to him, I was just a low down dirty porn star that he could violate with no repercussion. I was left with no choice but to leap into action. I leaned into him and bite the left side of his face. I didn’t stop until I saw blood.


  He grabbed his face then looked at his hand. He was in shock at first but then anger took over. He slapped me so hard that my ears started to ring.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

  I wasn’t staying around to find out if his threat was only just that, a threat. I kicked him in the balls and as he leaned over in pain, I picked up all of the parts to my phone and ran out of the bathroom. Once outside I took off down the street. I didn’t even remember that the valet had my car. I walked for a few minutes until I came up to a bar. I walked in, sat on the barstool, and turned on my phone.

  Chapter 34

  “Your little boyfriend is helping Jasmine leave me.”

en I got home I drove around to the back, and was surprised to see Tyree sitting out by the pool smoking a blunt. I wanted to sneak in the house before he noticed me, but out of nowhere I heard a car speeding up the driveway. I quickly turned around because no one could get on our property without a key pass or the pass code to open up the gate. It only took me a second to realize it was Breeze’s bright yellow Lamborghini. My first thought was what the fuck does he want and then I wondered why he showed up unannounced. He got out of his car and slammed the car door shut before storming over to me.

  “Breeze, what are you doing here?”


  I never saw him look that intense before.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her today.” I figured he was talking about Jazzy.


  “Breeze, I have a lot to do today so if you don’t mind…” I paused because I started to say can you just leave, but I didn’t want to be rude to my boss. “I’ll tell Jazzy you’re looking for her if I speak to her before you do.”

  I thought he would get the hint and get back in his car and go, but now he looked even more pissed than before, but a second later he switched to being calm.

  “Come on, Jamar, tell your boy where she’s at.”

  My boy? We hung out a few times but to me he was just the man who signed my pay checks.

  “LOOK, I honestly don’t know.”

  He stood there and stared at me like we were having a “who will blink first” contest. A minute later I started to laugh but noticed he looked away and he looked furious.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “You’re helping her leave me after everything my father and I have done for you. THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?” He screamed as he pushed me out of the way to step into my garage.

  “I brought her all of these fucking dresses, so why are they hanging on a rack in your garage Jamar?”

  I just kept thinking in my head Why me? Why today? This man was having a mid-life crisis on a day where I just wanted to be alone and get high. He was giving me a migraine headache and he was a second from getting cussed out. I silently counted to ten before responding because I needed to calm down.

  “Breeze, I have no idea what’s going on between you and Jazzy, or where’s she’s at right now. The last time I spoke to her she asked me if she could have a moving company drop off some stuff. She told me to store it for her until further notice.”

  “Oh, that bitch thinks she’s slick. She has no idea who she’s dealing with. Help me put this stuff in my car.”

  “I don’t think it will fit in your car and besides she wanted it here so it’s staying here, and I don’t think she’d appreciate you calling her a bitch.”

  He stepped up to me and got in my face to the point that our noses were damn near touching.

  “How would she know I said it?”

  He paused so I assumed he was waiting for my response. I started to say because I’m going to text her right now but before I could speak he cut me off.


  While he was yelling like he was my father I pushed the button on my key chain so the garage door would close. He noticed the door was shutting and tried to grab my keys out of my hand.


  That was rich coming from the man smoking a blunt in plain sight of the surrounding houses.

  “Your little boyfriend is helping Jasmine leave me.”

  I thought it was funny how his tone seemed to change once Tyree came around the garage yelling at him.

  “I think that’s something you need to take up with Jasmine.”

  “Oh, I am, as soon as I can reach her. She turned her cell phone off, and I must’ve called at least fifty times already.”

  “Well, I don’t know what that has to do with Jamar, and I don’t know if you noticed but it’s our day off so I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  Breeze turned around like he was offended and started walking toward his car before he stopped and turned back around to face us.

  “I almost forgot I’m throwing Jasmine as surprise party next weekend. I want everybody from the company to come so make sure you’re there, and if you tell her Jamar I’m going to kick your ass.”

  He finally got in his car and drove off.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Tyree asked.

  I didn’t feel like repeating everything, especially to him.

  “I don’t know, but his ass is crazy. I hope Jazzy really does leave him ASAP,” I replied as I walked away.

  “Damn, hold up baby, come here.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I could feel his hard dick rubbing up against my ass.

  “Man, get off of me, you’re all wet.”

  “So what, don’t you wanna get wet with me?”

  “HELL NO, I’m not in the mood Tyree.”

  My response came out meaner than I intended it to.

  That was the first and last time I ever turned him down when he was in the mood the entire time we dated. His high, big ego having ass did not appreciate it either.


  I didn’t realize what he was doing to me until he threw me and I was submerged in the cold water. I instantly came back up to see him staring down at me in the pool.

  “Tyree, what the fuck is wrong with you? That wasn’t funny.”

  “Your attitude stinks and you obviously just finished fucking someone else so you’re dirty. Clean yourself off. I’ll just get off by myself,” he replied with a nasty attitude and with that he turned around and walked in the house.

  “YOU’RE LUCKY MY CELL PHONE WAS CHARGING IN MY TRUCK” I yelled before mumbling “asshole”.

  As I got out of the pool and looked at the water racing down to the pavement I found it very interesting that the cheater automatically assumed I was cheating. I guess it’s true, “the one doing the dirt will be quick to accuse you of being the dirty one”. I waited ‘til he went to sleep before I went back out to the truck to get all of my nice things he unknowingly brought me. I put everything away as I continued to think about what I would tell him. The next day I was cooking breakfast when he walked in the kitchen trying to be funny.

  “Oh, look who’s up and dry.”

  I ignored him and flipped over the pancakes.

  “So you’re mad at me now? I guess you’re going to ignore me all day.”

  “Nope, I’m not mad at all.”

  But you’re going to be, I thought.

  “Good because we’re filming a scene together today.”

  “Oh, yeah that’s right. Breakfast is ready.”

  While we ate I told him how there were purchases made with his card.

  “Stop playing. How much did they spend?”


  “FUCK! I’ve been trying to save all of my extra money.”

  “Save it for what?”

  I was hoping he’d slip up. He looked up like he was stuck for a moment, but just like the playa he thought he was he played it off.

  “For emergencies, or if I decide I want to trade my truck in for something else.”

  “Well whoever took your card must be having a baby.”

  He almost choked on his food before asking.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “All of the money was spent at different baby stores in Santa Barbara. I told you someone must’ve taken your card at the other studio.”

  “That bitch.”

  “What bitch?”

  He looked stuck on stupid.

  “Oh, this pregnant chick I worked with. I didn’t know she was trifling like that. I’m going to cuss her out and confront her ass the first chance I get.”

  Lie after lie after lie. How could someone be so fake and dishonest? I knew what I did was w
rong, but I felt like fuck it if he wanted to play with my life and my emotions, I’d have some fun playing with his. I just wish I could’ve been on the call to hear him confront that “pregnant chick”. When he thought I was in the shower I heard him yelling, cussing, and asking her why she didn’t just ask for the money. I’m assuming the more she explained she didn’t know what he was talking about, the angrier he got. When he said, “Just tell me the truth because I already checked my account and know you did it” I almost lost it. The last thing I heard was “We’ll talk about this when I see you in two weeks.”


  “Hold up baby, slow down. Why didn’t you wait for me?”

  Tyree put his arm on my shoulder as we walked in the locker room.

  “My bad I didn’t know you wanted to ride into work together.”

  “Didn’t you hear me yelling hold up I’m just grabbing my hat?”

  “Nope,” I lied.

  I heard him but I just shook my head and went out to my truck and left as fast as I could.

  “It’s all good just don’t let it happen again,” he said jokingly as he smacked my ass.

  I don’t know why but it turned me on, and for the first time that day I was actually in the mood to have sex with him. We put our stuff in our lockers and then walked over to the wardrobe department to see what they had for us to wear. I was blown as soon as I stepped foot inside the room because Karma was in there laughing and joking with Amy. He seemed to pop up wherever we were. When he heard the door open he turned around and looked up to see who was coming in.

  “What are you looking at, you damn weasel?” I mumbled under my breath.

  Tyree heard me and laughed before saying, “I know right”.

  “What’s up girl, what do you have for us today?” I asked.

  “Hi, Jamar. I’ll have to double check my list because I think I only have outfits for Karma and Konceited right now.”

  I looked at Tyree to see if he was as surprised as I was. Well then again I wasn’t really surprised; I knew right away it was Breeze’s doing.

  “That’s strange, my original list shows you and Tyree are supposed to film today, but the revised list that I received this morning doesn’t have you listed on here Jamar. You probably should check in with Breeze.”


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