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Unspoken Words

Page 14

by Latoya Chandler

  They made up for missing out on the things new couples do, such as making dinner together, having a date night once a week, and playing UNO together. Naomi-Ruth hadn’t ever been to a museum, so Dexter surprised her with a three-day getaway to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

  Dexter was full of surprises when Naomi-Ruth turned six months pregnant. He surprised her with a fresh start, moving into a bigger place, preparing for the baby. This gesture was mind-blowing for her. Naomi-Ruth had made herself at home when returning to Dexter’s house. It just never felt like home the way it did at her parents’, even with them gone. They’d spoken about looking to move into a more prominent place, but they never pushed the issue. That was . . . until after Sunday service three months earlier.

  “Are we stopping somewhere before going home? You’re going in the opposite direction. You should have told me because you know I’m going to need a bathroom break,” Naomi-Ruth reminded him.

  “Be patient, my love. I have a surprise for you.”

  “Please tell me what it is. It’ll still be a surprise because I didn’t know about it.”

  “That’ll take the fun out of it. Don’t worry, my love. We’ll be there shortly.”

  “I cannot wait that long, Dexter. I need to know now.”

  “We are here, my impatient bride.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  “My parents’ house is the surprise?”

  “Our home is my surprise to you.”

  “Our home? What are you saying, Dexter?”

  “Let me help you inside so you can see for yourself.”

  Naomi-Ruth’s eyes seemed to jump from one thing to the next. It stunned her as Dexter led her through the house, never releasing her hand.

  “Do you like it?” Dexter waited until he finished the tour before asking.

  He, along with Desirae and Rosalind, came together and had every room in the place renovated from traditional to contemporary. The house kept the Pattersons’ charm with vintage wooden cabinets and décor.

  “What? How? Oh, Dexter, this is perfect,” she raved, throwing her arms around his neck.

  Matters between her and Dexter were all that Naomi-Ruth could have ever dreamed of, but him surprising her by updating her childhood home for their family was more than Naomi-Ruth could ever expect. Actually, Dexter’s excitement is what kept Naomi-Ruth’s sanity intact. She had a love-hate affair with her pregnancy. Being able to eat whatever she wished was a dream come true to Naomi-Ruth because she didn’t have to worry about her weight. Being with child gave her privilege and a reason to eat whatever she liked and gain without having to hide or drive herself crazy trying to lose it. The part she disliked was seeing the weight on her frame. Naomi-Ruth grew tremendously, putting on seventy-five pounds.

  During the first trimester, there was little to no discomfort. . . only uncontrollable eating. The nausea and vomiting subsided soon after learning she was with child. At Naomi-Ruth’s twentieth-week appointment, she and Dexter learned the sex of their child. Dexter’s reaction to the discovery brought tears to the sonogram technician’s eyes.

  “First, we will go from head to toe and take a few pictures of the baby,” the sono tech informed them.

  Watching the monitor, Dexter boiled over in emotion. “Do you see our boy, Ruth?”

  “Can you please tell us the sex? My husband will keep hinting and explode before he asks,” Naomi-Ruth inquired.

  The technician ran the wand over her belly and explained what she saw. “Let’s see what we have.”

  A moment or two later, Dexter received his confirmation.

  “You’re correct, Mr. Lewis. It’s a boy. Here is his penis between the two legs. Congratulations.”

  Dexter sat stunned. The rest of the sono tech’s words passed over his head after learning he would have a son, a mini Dexter. He would raise his son to be godly, a warrior for the Lord. Tears left his eyes, and for one of the few times ever, he had no shame in the tears he shed.

  Almost regaining his composure, Dexter slid to the edge of his chair and cried. “You’re telling me my boy is in there? Does my wife have my legacy growing inside of her, ma’am? I will really have a son is what you’re saying?” He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket, buried his face in it, and whimpered.

  The third trimester, which Dexter referred to it as the “home spread,” had him elated. He’s studied every new parent, parenting, and child-birthing books he could get his hands on. Dexter was impatient with taking child-birthing classes with Naomi-Ruth. He reminded her daily about the importance of taking Lamaze classes. She, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind sleeping. The insomnia Naomi-Ruth was experiencing had been a horror. Between the trips to the bathroom every five minutes, and her growing belly, it had been practically impossible for sleep to find her.

  Their first class wasn’t what Dexter had hoped it to be. They received handouts, learned the essentials of Lamaze, and took part in icebreaker exercises to get to know the other expecting parents. Dexter left class dissatisfied because he thought the instructor would concentrate on the stages of labor. Eager for class, Dexter reread the material concerning breathing techniques since the instructor had informed everyone that it would be the topic they’d cover this evening.

  Throughout the day, Naomi-Ruth experienced some discomfort and pressure in her abdomen. She assumes it was gas even as the pain persisted and grew stronger. All she desired was to lie down and get some rest, but Dexter would spaz out if they didn’t attend tonight’s class. His excitement had him taking two steps at a time as they made their way through the door. His wife’s waddle slowed up a bit as the pressure increased. Realizing Naomi-Ruth wasn’t by his side, Dexter turned to wait for her. As they graced the entrance, Naomi-Ruth felt the sensation of water trickling down her legs.

  “Oh my goodness, Dexter. I think I peed my pants, and I can’t control it.”

  “I can grab you a change of clothes from your hospital bag. Just stay right here for a minute, and please don’t be embarrassed, Ruth. This is normal. I’m sure it’s happened in this very spot over a million times.”

  Before Naomi-Ruth could respond, she was blindsided by an intense shooting pain to her back and lower abdomen. From the look on her face, Dexter could see the discomfort was intense this time and put two and two together.

  “Ruth, this is it! You’re in labor. Should I carry you to the car? Do we need an ambulance? Is there a wheelchair in this place?”

  “Mr. Lewis, let’s get her to the car. Do you think you’re all right to drive or do you think an ambulance would be better?” the instructor questioned.

  Exhaling, Dexter responded, “I can drive. Ruth, I’ll bring the car up front.”

  The thirty-minute ride was miserable for Naomi-Ruth. The contractions left her breathless. She was in active labor and seven centimeters dilated when she reached labor and delivery. After bearing down as if she had a big bowel movement, and five pushes later, Naomi-Ruth and Dexter welcomed an eight-pound, twelve-ounce Zayvon Dexter Lewis into the world. Zayvon came out alert and peering back at his joyously sobbing parents. Naomi-Ruth and Dexter could not have prepared for this moment. All of the ups and downs they’d experienced in their lives became null and void. They could not have asked for a more perfect baby. Zayvon’s tiny feet, fingers, and head full of black curls caused his parents to cry the sweetest tears. They were amazed that this little person was theirs.

  “When can we take him home?” Dexter’s heart pounded.

  Naomi-Ruth beamed in response.

  “Let’s take care of first things first, Mr. Lewis. We’re going to get this little guy fed and keep an eye on him and Mom overnight. If all is well, I’m sure the doctor won’t have a problem with releasing them tomorrow,” the nurse assured him.

  Naomi-Ruth could not control the stream of tears flowing from her eyes. As Zayvon latched on for his first breast feeding, her emotions got the best of her. The person who was once inside of her and
kept her up all night was now in her arms. She just wished Levi and Vera had lived long enough to meet their grandson. The more she thought about it, the harder the tears flowed. As if he read her mind, Dexter comforted his wife.

  “Ruth, you are the best thing that has happened to me. If your parents were here, they would be so proud of you. I am so grateful God blessed Levi and Vera with you. Had He not, this little blessing wouldn’t be in our lives.” Dexter kissed Zayvon’s forehead.

  G-ma Dye, Rosalind, and Desirae waited anxiously in the waiting room for the news. Each of them raced to the hospital as soon as they got off the phone with Dexter. He’d gotten so caught up that he’d forgotten they were in the lobby.

  “Dexter, why don’t you let everyone know Zayvon is here,” Naomi-Ruth reminded him.

  “Dear God, it completely slipped my mind, but I don’t want to leave him yet.”

  “I promise he’ll be right here when you return.”

  “You promise?” Dexter brushed his hand on the side of her face. “I love you, Ruth, and my Zay.” He exited the delivery room.

  Once he approached them, Dexter stretched his arms as wide as he could and tried to wrap them around all three women as they greeted him.

  “He’s here! My little man is as beautiful and perfect as my Ruth. She did great. We got our little boy,” he whimpered.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Yes or No . . .

  Nothing or no one could have prepared Desirae for Nomi’s pregnancy or Zayvon. She felt as if she too were expecting while Nomi was pregnant. During the times Pastor Lewis led his flock, attended church business, and while home, Dez was at Naomi-Ruth’s side. Business at N&D’s boutique had afforded them to employ staff, so Dez didn’t have to be there as much as she used to be. It had been a blessing and a curse because whatever cravings Nomi had, Desirae experienced them with her. Rosalind said it was because they spent so much time together. They were two peas in a pod. Their waistlines agreed with Rosalind because even they expanded together. It pained Dez when she realized her clothing was clinging to her after trying on outfits to wear for one of Xavier’s visits to New York.

  “Nomi, everything is too small. Look at how this skirt is grabbing my backside.” Dez turned her back to Naomi-Ruth.

  “Well, I have some maternity pants you could probably put on. They are cute and don’t really look like maternity clothes. Oh, you know. You bought most of them for me.”

  “This is not funny, Nomi. I am not wearing elastic pants.”

  “So, now the truth comes out. When I said I didn’t want to be a spokesperson for the expecting moms’ apparel, you swore I could get away wearing the items after I delivered because they didn’t look like maternity wear. Now, those same items aren’t good enough for you or Mr. Xavier, I see,” she jabbed.

  “And I meant what I said. That did not mean I too would look good in them. Help me, Nomi! I am freaking out.”

  “Did you try the emergency closet at the boutique?”

  “You’re a lifesaver. It completely slipped my mind.”

  Naomi-Ruth and Dez had a small separate closet at the boutique where they kept just emergency items. The 911 storage area contained pieces for every occasion, interview, banquet, church service, wedding, date, and funeral, if necessary. The sizes ranged from petite to curvaceous. It was a lifesaver for clients and now Desirae.

  Things between Dez and Xavier had been too good to be true. At times, he’d second-guess things and self-sabotage because her feelings were getting the best of her. She was paranoid, thinking Xavier’s true colors would show sooner or later. Even though she smiled at the thought of him, Desirae told herself she was not as happy as she thought she was primarily because they’d labeled their connection a friendship. In spite of it all, no matter what Dez thought or told herself, her feelings didn’t agree, and neither did Xavier’s. Without prompting, they daydreamed about each other. Butterflies swarmed their bellies if they knew they were going to see each other or when answering each other’s calls. When Dez and Xavier were on the phone most nights, they’d fall asleep with it in their ears. Neither of them ever wanted to hang up first. At 29, they could not believe they had teenage crushes for each other.

  Living in two different states was posing a conflict. It was prohibiting them from doing what their hearts yearned for—soaking up each other’s air, time, and space. Since meeting, Desirae and Xavier had seen each other six times in the ten months they’d been friends. Xavier’s practice had him pretty busy. Before meeting Dez, he scheduled a seven-state Emotion Health Is Wealth tour. Xavier partnered with various practices in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia to host open sessions. As a result, his time was limited. Desirae and Xavier lived by the wives’ tale that communication is the foundation of every relationship. It was a staple in their blossoming companionship. Dez joked and said she talked to Xavier more than she did her mom, and they lived in the same house. But she wouldn’t change it for the world, and Rosalind was beyond ecstatic. She teased Dez, threatening her not to hurt her son-in-law’s feelings every chance she got. Desirae usually blushed when Rosalind threw her threats around, but Xavier being on the other end of the phone hearing it caused her to freak out.

  “Dez, I picked up dinner and got extra for Nomi and Pastor. He was still at the church when I left from over that way,” Rosalind shouted from the kitchen.

  “Give me a second, Mom. I’m on my way in there. I can’t hear you.” Dez returned, walking toward the kitchen.

  “Of course, you can’t hear me. You have that phone in your ear,” she said, noticing it as Dez walked in.

  “Sorry about that,” she giggled. “I see you picked up dinner. Who are you feeding? There’s no way we’ll be able to eat all of this food.”

  “I was hoping my boy was coming for dinner.”

  “You’re boy, Mom? Now, Xavier is your ‘boy’?”

  “He’s always been.”

  “You are so crazy. You know he’s out on business. Well, that’s the story he’s sticking by,” she teased.

  “Don’t you dare pick on my son-in-law, hurting his feelings.” She took the phone out of Desirae’s hands. “Hey, son-in-law, if she does anything, you be sure to let me know.”

  “Mom! Why would you do that?” Desirae grabbed the phone from her. “Do you mind if I call you back?” she fumed, disconnecting the call.

  “We are not in a relationship, so why would you get on the phone calling him your son?” she blasted.

  “He will be, and you know it. Now, calm down, Dez. You’re overreacting.”

  “No, Mom, you’re the one jumping the gun. That was out of line. I don’t want him to get turned off because I’m showing too much interest or have you thinking that this is more than a friendship.”

  “Dez, if you don’t go and call that man back . . . You’re the only one living up to that ‘friendship’ title. That man sees you as way more than just a friend. You and I both know he wanted to take things slow because he met you at a session, and that was the best route to go. It didn’t mean you’d stay and park there. Allow yourself to be happy and to experience real love, Dez. I’m sure your therapist tells you the same thing. Take the wall down and enjoy that man. You don’t have to worry about him thinking you’re perfect or have it all together. None of us do. Besides, look what he does for a living, and to top it off, he’s a God-fearing man. You better get him before I do.”

  “Mom, I cannot talk to you anymore. You’re nuts.”

  They erupted in laughter.

  Swallowing her pride and fear, Desirae phoned Xavier back and apologized for overreacting. She let him know she didn’t want him to think she was making more out of their friendship than what it was. Xavier didn’t respond or react to her apology. He just asked if she would be available tomorrow evening because he’d be in town. Dez didn’t know how to take him not entertaining the conversation and ending the call as quickly as he did.

  Tomorrow could not have come fa
st enough. Before Desirae knew it, it was time to face the unknown. However, her nerves never had a chance to get the best of her because Dexter had called summoning everyone to the hospital for the arrival of Zayvon. Words could not begin to describe the emotional state Desirae was in seeing and holding her god-baby. She cried and fussed over him the entire time. For the first time in a long time, nothing else mattered to her. She’d been so busy trying to be a friend to Xavier without really confessing or showing her feelings unless they talked about it that she’s been driving herself crazy. When in actuality, Desirae had fallen in love with Xavier awhile ago, and that’s what scared her. Other than God, Xavier was the first and only man that she’s grown to love.

  As Dez and Rosalind left the hospital, her stomach did somersaults because it recognized after dropping Rosalind off, she’d be face-to-face with Xavier. Rosalind picked up on Dez’s distracted state of mind.

  “Dez, what’s going on? It’s like a whole other person just came out of that hospital with me.”

  “It’s nothing, Mom. I’m all right.”

  “Sweetheart, I am the person who gave birth to you. If anyone knows you better than yourself outside of the Lord, it would be me. Now, cut the mess and talk to me.”

  “I think I messed things up with Xavier. I’ve been sick to my stomach,” she blurted.

  “First, calm down before you have a panic attack. Second, remember this is all God’s doing. That man ain’t going nowhere. I can promise you that one.”

  “That’s not true, and there’s no way you can promise that, Mom. And sometimes, God can bring things to us, and we can mess it up too.”

  “If God brings you to it, trust me, He will bring you through it. He knows the result of all things you’re just in the middle of it and possibly the starting point. What you need to do is pay attention to what you’re thinking. If you limit your thinking, your life will follow suit. Listen, Dez, if you believe in your heart that Xavier is your Boaz and he has found you, it’s okay to admit it regardless of what name you two gave your relationship almost a year ago. If you love that man, tell him and stop playing these games. He wouldn’t be spending all of this time with you on the phone and traveling to see you if he didn’t feel the same.”


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