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Disaster in Korea

Page 65

by Roy E Appleman

  Chapter 5

  1. Eighth Army WD, Nov 1950, Summ., Sec. 1, 25 Nov; I Corps WD, 25 Nov, Box 1496; 21st Inf. WD, G-3 Jnl., 25 Nov 50, Box 3538; 24th Div. WD, 25 Nov 50, Box 3512.

  2. 24th Div. WD, Nov 1950, QM WD Summ., Box 3512.

  3. 5th RCT WD, 25 Nov 50, Box 4691; 24th Inf. Div. WD, 25 Nov 50.

  4. Lui Ping Chang's name is spelled variously in the FEC Intelligence records, but the name Chang or Lui Ping Chang is given in most of them. They agree that he was S-3, or operations officer, of the 590th Regt. and was a captain. Sec ATIS Interrogation Reports (Enemy Forces), Issue 20, No. 2577, 7 Dec 50, p. 176; Issue 23, No. 2758, 27 Dec 50, p. 49; Issue 24, No. 2842, 12 Jan 51, p. 130, and No. 2843, 12 Jan 51, p. 136; 24th Inf. Div. WD, Bk. 1, 25 Nov 50.

  5. 24th Div. WD, Nov 1950, Box 3512; 25th Div. WD, Nov 1950; Col. Henry K. Fisher, interview with author, 5 Jan 52.

  6. 25th Inf. Div. WD, Bk. 9, Annex 10, 25th Recon. Co. Unit Rpt., 25 Nov 50, Box 3765.

  7. TF Dolvin Opn. Overlay Map No. 6, 23 Nov 50, 1:50,000-scale map of Korea; 25th Inf. Div. WD, 25th Recon. Co., Unit Rpt., Annex 10; FEC DIS No. 3000, 26 Nov 50, Box 99; 89th Med. Tank Bn., Unit Rpt., Nov 1950, in 25th Inf. Div. WD, Nov 1950, Box 3769. Dolvin's overlay map gave objectives of the task force. Hill 205, seized by the Ranger Company, was Objective 8.

  8. Barth, "Tropic Lightning and Taro Leaf," p. 41; Col. John T. Corlev (CO 24th Inf. Rcgt., Nov 1950), interviews with author, 6-7 Nov 1951; S. L. A. Marshall, The River and the Gauntlet: Defeat of the Eighth Army by the Chinese Communist Forces, November 1950, in the Battle of the Chongchon River (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1953), pp. 215-17. This book is based largely on interviews Marshall conducted in Dec 1950 and Jan 1951 with surviving members of the 25th and 2nd infantry divisions, which were engaged in the battles along the Chongchon River in late Nov and early Dec 1950. The book is spotty and uneven in coverage but often makes available details of action not found in any other source. It has to be used judiciously and in conjunction with other sources and the official records.

  9. Col. John T. Corley, interviews with author, 6-7 Nov 51; 3rd Bn., 24th Inf. Regt. WD, 25 Nov 50, in regimental command report, Nov 1950; 2nd Bn., 24th Inf. Comd. Rpt., in 25th Div. WD, 25 Nov 50, Box 3764.

  10. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 25 Nov 50, Box 1122.

  11. Eighth Army GO No. 221, 19 Apr 51, Distinguished Service Cross to 1st Lt. Wvnn, and GO No. 235, 25 Apr 51, Distinguished Service Cross to Capt. Wallace, 2nd Inf. Div. WD, Nov 1950, Narr. Summ., p. 30; Marshall, Riverand Gauntlet, pp. 19-34. Marshall interviewed surviving members of B Co. and gives many details of this fight.

  12. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, p. 42; Col. Walker R. Goodrich, S-3, 2nd Div. Arty., letter to author and "Recollections," 25 Mar 80. Marshall's locations of the artillery are accurate, except for the distance of the four battalions in battery firing positions south of Kujang-dong.

  13. 23rd Inf. Comd. Rpt., in 2nd Div. WD, 25 Nov 50, Box 2472; 2nd Div. WD, Ord. Rpt., Box 2435; Maj. Sam Radow and 1st Lt. William J. Majors, 1st Bn., 23rd Inf., 1952, interviews with Capt. Russell A. Gugelcr, as given in Gugeler typescript MS, "Rearguard Action at Kunu-ri, A Company, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division" (hereafter cited as Gugeler, MS), loaned to me in 1977 for use in this work. Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 42-44, adds useful information.

  14. Maj. Gen. George B. Peploe, USA (Ret.), review comments on "Disaster in Korea" MS (hereafter cited as Pcploe, MS), with letter to author, 10 Dec 79.

  15. IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 25 Nov 50, Box 1769; ibid., IX Corps G-3 Activ. Rpt., 24 Nov 50; ibid., G-2, PIR No. 60, 25 Nov 50 (2nd Div. PIRs, 26- 28 Nov 50, are missing from the official file).

  16. Peploc, MS.

  17. 38th Inf. Comd. Rpt., 2nd Div. WD, 25 Nov 50, Box 2473; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 97-104. Marshall tells the story of the patrol based on interviews with its surviving members. It is difficult to be sure of many events in the story of the 38th Inf.'s action in the Chongchon River battles, and later on, to the middle of Feb 1951. The regimental and the 2nd and 3rd Bn. S-2 and S-3 journals were lost in the withdrawal from Kunu-ri on 30 Nov 50, and the 1st Bn. records were lost at Hocngsong on 12 Feb 51. Maj. J. C. Bruck, inf. adj., in a memo dated 28 Mar 51, at the head of the Nov 1950 Comd. Rpt., states that, because of the losses of records, the Nov report was compiled from interviews with surviving members who had served in the periods covered.

  18. Map of Korea, 1951, 1:50,000 scale; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 115-16.

  19. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 25 Nov 50, Box 1122; Map of Korea, Kujangdong Sheet, 1951, 1:50,000 scale. Only this large-scale map can provide detail needed to understand this terrain.

  20. FEC DIS No. 3000, 26 Nov 50, I-h.

  21. Eighth Army HQ GO No. 355, 26 May 51, awarding the Distinguished Service Cross, Posthumously, to Cpl. Joe R. Baldonado, B Co., 187th Airborne Inf. Regt.

  Chapter 7

  1. IX Corps HQ, Intelligence Bulletin No. 1, 18 Dec 50; Cameron, "Lost Corps," pp. 11-13.

  2. IX Corps, PIR No. 53, Annex, Summ. POW Interrogations (also extract in I Corps WD, PIR No. 71), 25 Nov 50, Box 1500; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, 25-27 Nov 50 and PIR No. 136, 25 Nov 50, Box 1131; FEC DIS No. 3000, 26 Nov 50, Box 99.

  3. Cameron, "Lost Corps," pp. 14-15; Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bennett (major in Nov 1950), KMAG advisor to ROK 7th Regt., 6th Div., interview with author, 11 Dec 53; Lt. Col. Willard G. Pearson, KMAG advisor to ROK 6th Div., interview with author, 1 Aug 51; Cameron, "Lost Corps," sketch map, fig. 3, p. 15, shows situation on the ROK II Corps front as of noon 26 Nov 50.

  4. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Sec., 26 Nov 50, Box 1131; IX Corps WD, PIR No. 61, 26 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  5. IX Corps WD, G-2 Spot Rpts., Vol. 3, 26 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  6. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, msgs. at 1515, 1820, 1830, 26 Nov 50; Lt. Col. Willard G. Pearson, interview with author, 1 Aug 51; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 26 Nov 50, report from 2nd Inf. Div. at 261900, Box 1769. (Note that here and subsequently, reference to a specific time may also include the day of the month. Thus "261900" refers to a report given on the 26th, at 7:00 e.M.)

  7. Cameron, "Lost Corps," pp. 14-16.

  8. IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 26 Nov 50, Box 1769.

  9. IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, 26 Nov 50; Ist Cav. Div. WD, 26 Nov 50; Eighth Army WD, Narr., Dec 1950.

  10. Cameron, "Lost Corps," pp. 16-17.

  11. IX Corps WD, G-2 Spot Rpts., 3 Dec 50, Box 1775; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. File, 27 Nov 50, Box 1131; Cameron, "Lost Corps," pp. 17-18. Lt. Col. Robert E. Cameron had combat experience in World War II before serving as a ROK advisor in the Korean War. He had served with the 37th Inf. Div. in the Aleutian Islands and with the 71st Inf. Div. in Europe. In Korea he was the senior KMAG advisor to the ROK 10th Regt. and subsequently was advisor to the ROK 8th Div. His article in the Military Review is, to my knowledge, the most informative source on the CCF attack that routed the ROK II Corps on 25-27 Nov 50. Cameron was on the scene with the ROK 10th Regt., ROK 8th Div.

  12. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 27 Nov (Amido, KMAG advisor with ROK II Corps, msg. to G-3, IX Corps 271930); Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 27 Nov 50.

  13. 1st Cav. Div. WD, G-3 Jnl., 27 Nov 50, and PIRNo. 127, 27 Nov 50, Box 4416; Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 27 Nov 50, Box 1122.

  14. Maj. Gen. Doyle Hickey, GHQ, FEC, and Col. Landrum, Eighth Army, telephone conversation, 1225, 27 Nov 50. By "little friends," Landrum was referring to the ROK 11 Corps.

  15. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, PIRNo. 13, and G-3 POR417, 28 Nov 50, Box 1131; IX Corps WD, PIR No. 63, and Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 28 Nov 50, Box 1769; FEC DIS No. 3003, 29 Nov 50, Box 99.

  16. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 28 Nov 50, Box 1122.

  17. FEC DIS No. 3003, 29 Nov 50, Box 99; see also FEC DIS No. 3002, 28 Nov 50, for a misleading and erroneous analysis of"2) Counter-Offensive Operations in Present Areas: a) Flank Operations Along Boundary 8 Army/X Corps."

  18. Appleman, South to th
e Na , North to the Yalu, p. 68; 25th Div. Comd. Rpt., Jan 1951, p. 54; 25th Div. WD, Summ., Nov 1950.

  19. Turkish Brigade private who participated in its first action in Korea, interview with author, Washington, D.C., 1976 (private's name is missing from author's notes, but the man was employed in a Turkish rug company). He said that he was wounded at Wawon and killed a Chinese soldier there with his sword when the Chinese, thinking he was dead, started to search him for valuables.

  20. Harry Gordon, "The Turks Were There," in Bartlett, With the Austmlians in Knrra, pp. 210-14; Lt. Francis G. Nordstrom (D Co., 89th Tank Bn.), interview with author, 31 Aug 51. Nordstrom was liaison officer from the 25th Inf. Div. with the Turkish Brigade.

  21. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, 26 Nov 50, and G-3 Jnl. file, 27 Nov 50, Nan:. Summ., 26-28 Nov 50, p. 32; IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, Nov 1950, 26 Nov 50, and Sec. 4, Operations, 26-27 Nov 50.

  22. Brig. Gen. George B. Pcploc, CO, 38th Inf. Rcgt., at time of incident, interview with author, 12 Aug 51; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, G-2 Spot Rpts., 28 Nov 50, Box 1769; Marshall, Riper and Gauntlet, pp. 170-72; Map of Korea, 1:50,000 scale, area of Kunu-ri and Tokchon.

  23. Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, entry at 1500, 27 Nov 50, Box 1131; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., entry at 1310, 27 Nov 50, Box 1770; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, p. 171.

  24. Pcploc, interview with author, 12 Aug. 51. In Nov 1950 Peploe commanded the 38th Inf. Rcgt. on the left (northwest) flank of the Turks. The Eighth Army and IX Corps records for 28 Nov seem to be recording delayed messages, since they report actions and events relating to the Turks as taking place on the morning of 28 Nov, when they almost certainly took place on 27 Nov (Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, 28 Nov, and G-2 PIR No. 139, 28 Nov 50; IX Corps WD, 28 Nov 50).

  25. IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 28 Nov 50, Box 1770; IX Corps WD, Vol. 3, 28 Nov 50, and POR 191, 28 Nov 50, Box 1769; FEC DIS No. 3004, 30 Nov 50, Box 99 (covers period from 29 Nov up to 2 A.M., 30 Nov, but actually reports situation as relayed to it from Eighth Army as of about 9 A.M., 29 Nov). The Kacchon rekrrcd to in this narrative is shown as Pongmyong-ni on most maps, and they also show Kaechon as being where Kunu-ri was located on the early 1950 maps. Unless this is understood, there is endless confusion and misunderstanding of the Kunu-ri action.

  26. Peploc, interview with author at IX Corps HQ in Korea, 12 Aug 51; Col. John C. Coughlin, interview with author at Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 13 Dec 51; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., 291510 Nov 50, Box 1770.

  27. Eighth Army Comd. Rpt., G-3 Jnl., 29 Nov 50, Box 1132; ibid., WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, Box 1132; ibid., G-3 POR Mp 420, 29 Nov 50.

  28. 2nd Inf. Div. WD, G-3 JnI. entries, 29 Nov 50, Box 2435.

  29. Maj. William J. Fox, "History of the Korean War" (Mimeographed report, copy in US Army Military History Center, Washington, D.C.), Vol. 3, Pt. 2, Sec. B, pp. 62- 63.

  30. Ridgway Papers, Box 17, S-3, Public Information Officer (PIO) News Account, Eighth Army, 13 Dec 50, US Military History Research Center (USMHRC), Carlisle Barracks, Pa.

  31. 1st Cav. Div. WD, G-3 Jnl. msgs. 271745, 271945, 27 Nov 50; ibid., PIR No. 127, 27 Nov 50; IX Corps WD, Nary., Nov 1950, Box 1767.

  32. 1st Cav. Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, pp. 28-29, Box 4416; IX Corps WD, Bk. 1, Sec. 4, Operations, Annex 2, Vol. 7, Box 1769.

  33. IX Corps WD, POR No. 191, 28 Nov 50, Box 1769. The 1st Cav. Div. WD and the 5th Cav. WD have different stories of what happened to the 2nd Bn. at the end of the Samso-ri fight. The former says the 1st Bn., 5th Cav., relieved the 2nd Bn. at 1 P.m., 29 Nov. The WD for 5th Cav., 28 Nov, says it gave up the fight, bypassed the roadblock, and made its way to Sunchon, as stated in the narrative. I have followed 5th Cav.'s account, since it would know firsthand what it did.

  34. Gen. Harold K. Johnson (Army chief of staff), interview with author, 24 Apr 54. (Johnson was colonel and CO, 5th Cav. Rcgt., in Nov 1950.)

  35. 1st Cav. Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 4417. The 7th Cav. Rcgt., defending on the road to Sinchang-ni, captured on 30 Nov eight Chinese prisoners, who identified their unit as the 374th Rcgt., 125th Div., 42nd Army.

  36. 1st Cav. Div. WD, 29 Nov 50, Box 4416.

  37. Ibid., and 7th Cav. Rcgt. Hist. Rpt., and PIR No. 130, 29 Nov 50, Box 4416; IX Corps WD, Vol. 4, G-3 Spot Rpts., Box 1770. From reports on hand on 29 Nov, IX Corps estimated that the ROK II Corps had 1,200 men of the ROK 7th Regt., 1,500 men of the ROK 19th Regt., and 1,000 stragglers of the ROK 2nd Regt. left in its control.

  38. Maj. Bennett, memo to CG, Ist Cav. Div., 16 Jan 51, no subject, attached to letter from Senior Adv., KMAG 6th ROK Div. to CG, 1st Cav. Div., 16 Jan 51, no subject, in 1st Cav. Div. WD, Nov 1950. (Lt. Col. Willard G. Pearson was the senior KMAG advisor to the ROK 6th Div.)

  39. Col. William A. Harris, letter to CG, 1st Cav. Div., 6 Feb 51, Kujang-ni Incident, Enclosure 3, in 1st Cav. Div. WD, Nov 1950. Concerning this incident, Lt. Col. Willard G. Pearson (then exec. off., 21st Inf. Regt., 24th Inf. Div.), in an interview with the author, 1 Aug. 51, maintained that the 7th Cav. was responsible for many ROKs being killed and wounded, because the ROK 6th Div. was kept outside its lines on the morning of 29 Nov 50. He also alleged that the 1st Cav. Div., under General Gay, antagonized Korean civilians, ROKs, and adjacent units, shot too many civilian refugees, and ran them off the road. I know of incidents where the 1st Cav. Div. did stop refugee movement by fire to prevent enemy infiltration into its lines, but only after ample warning to the refugees and after their refusal to heed the warnings.

  40. Ist Cav. Div. Comd. Rpt., 29-30 Nov 50, G-3 Jnl. file, msgs. at 290900, No. 18, and at 291530, No. 52, and Enclosure 3, rpt. of ROK 6th Div. withdrawal through 7th Cav. position at Kujang-ni, Box 4416; Eighth Army WD, G-3 Jnl. file, 29 Nov 50, Box 1132.

  41. 1st Cav. Div. WD, 29-30 Nov 50; and ibid., G-3 Jnl. file, 29-30 Nov 50, Msg. No. 77, 292340, Box 4416.

  42. HQ, Eighth Army GO No. 220, 19 Apr 51, awarding the Distinguished Service Cross, Posthumously, to M. Sgt. Richard R. Beard, C Co., 70th Tank Bn. (Heavy) for action during the night of 29 Nov 50 near Sinchang-ni; ATIS Interrogation Rpts. (Enemy Forces), Issue 22, No. 2706, p. 17, 14 Dec 50, reporting testimony of Capt. Gordon Sumner, Jr., 77th FA Bn., on action approximately two miles east of Sinchang-ni, 30 Nov 50. See also 1st Cav. Div. WD, 30 Nov 50, Box 4416.

  43. 1st Cav. Div. WI), 30 Nov 50, and G-3 Jnl. file, 29-30 Nov 50, Msg. No. 77 at 292340 and Msg. No. 26 at 301945, Box 4416.

  44. Eighth Army, Combat Information Bulletin No. 13, 13 Mar 51, 7 pp., reproducing extracts from a captured document issued by "The 38th Chinese Peoples Volunteer Army," entitled, "Experiences Gained in Three Battles Since Entering Korea."

  Chapter 8

  1. The document "Primary Conclusions of Battle Experience at UNSAN" was printed by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Headquarters, 66th Army, 20 Nov 50, and captured by the ROK 1st Div. on 26 Nov 50. The Eighth Army translated, reproduced, and widely distributed this document among its officers and men. I have used the document as reproduced in the X Corps, G-3 Sec. "Combat Notes," 30 Dec 50.

  2. 25ih Div. Operation Order No. 6 and Overlay, 23 Nov 50; Topographic map of Korea, Unsan Sheet, scale 1:50,000. Ipsok is shown in some later 1:250,000-scale maps as Sondol. See Barth, "Tropic Lightning and Taro Leaf," p. 41. Yonghyon is known as the Walled City to many American soldiers who passed through it. It had extensive medieval fortified walls on all sides, enclosing a steep-sided oval and relatively flat area.

  3. IX Corps WD, 26 Nov 50, POR No. 184, 26 Nov 50, Box 1769; 89th Med. Tank Bn. WD, S-3 Jnl. file, 26 Nov 50, Msg. 0255, Box 3765; Eighth Army WD, Sec. 2, G-3 Jnl. file, 26 Nov 50, Box 1131; Col. Robert K. Sawyer, USA, Ret., letter to author, 14 June 74 (Sawyer was plat. leader, 3rd Plat., 25th Rccon. Co., as a part of TF Dolvin, Nov 1950, and was well acquainted with the Ranger Co. and its officers); Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 195-96; Barth, "Tropic Lightning and Taro Leaf," p. 41.

  4. 25th Inf. Div. WD, 89th Tank Bn., G-3 Jnl. file, msg. at 2215, 25 Nov 50
, Box 3765; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 188-92. Marshall interviewed surviving members of E Co., 27th Inf., in late Dec 1950 or early Jan 1951.

  5. 25th Inf. Div. WD, 25-26 Nov 50, including Unit Hist., HQ 89th Tank Bn., p. 4, and S-3 Jnl. file; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 190-91, 194-96. Careful study of the 1:50,000-scale map of the Unsan Sheet is necessary to fix the 1st Plat.'s route as described in the narrative.

  6. 25th Inf. Div. WD, including Narr., 89th Mcd. Tank Bn., 25-26 Nov 50, Box 3769.

  7. Sawyer, letter to author, 14 June 74. Sawyer was wounded north of Ipsok on 27 Nov 50 while trying to help rescue wounded from a knocked-out tank, and he was rescued by his own men.

  8. 1X Corps WD, POR No. 184, 25 Nov 50, Box 1769; 25th Div. WD, 2nd Bn., 27th Inf. Unit Rpt., 25 Nov 50, Box 3764; Marshall, River and Gauntlet, pp. 215-16. The 2nd Rn., 27th Inf., Unit Rpt. cited above gives the 2nd Bn. as being within 500 yards of TF Dolvin's CP and 1,500 yards south of the front line. A measurement on the 1:50,000-scale map of the Unsan Sheet indicates that the distances were greater and approximated the distances I have given in the narrative.

  9. Thompson, Cry Kona, p. 243.

  10. Eighth Army WD, Summ., Sec. 1, 26 Nov 50.

  11. 89th Med. Tank Bn., Bk. 9, Unit Rpt., 26 Nov 50, Box 3765. It should be remembered that the 89th Tank Bn. kept the official records of TF Dolvin; its commander was also the TF commander, and his Tank Bn. staff was also the staff ofTF Dolvin.

  12. 25th Inf. Div. WD, 89th Tank Bn., Unit Rpt., 26 Nov 50; ibid., Bk. 9, Annex 10, 25th Recon. Co. Unit Rpt., 26 Nov 50. Lt. Sawyer, 3rd Plat. leader, 25th Recon. Co., has said that a large lagoon bulge in the Kuryong River, shown on the 1:50,000-scale map at the point where his 3rd Plat. took position on 26 Nov did not in fact exist.


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