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Where I'm Going

Page 8

by Parker Elliot

  Benji slowly traced a trail of kisses from that spot up to Reign’s perfectly chiseled jaw, finally reaching up to tip Reign’s head back for the irresistible taste of those soft, generous lips.

  Reign twisted in Benji’s arms until they were facing each other, and Benji could feel Reign’s smile against his lips as Reign pulled back slightly from his barrage of kisses.

  “You haven’t answered me,” Reign said, quirking an eyebrow. “What are we gonna do?”

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” Benji shrugged as he tried to ignore the insistent throbbing of his cock for long enough to think rationally. “But I honestly don’t think there’s much we can do, besides wait it out. And I’m really hoping you agree that we should wait it out together.”

  Reign nodded and laid his head against Benji’s shoulder. When he spoke again, his breath tickled Benji’s neck and sent another jolt straight to Benji’s cock. “I definitely think that whatever we do, we should do it together.”

  “Well, in that case,” Benji said, slowly walking Reign back over to the bed before gently easing him down onto the plush mattress, “I have an idea of how we can pass the time. I think it might even take our minds off what’s going on out there.”

  “Something we can do as… friends?” Reign knew he was potentially jinxing whatever was about to happen by asking, but he wanted to make sure that Benji understood the ramifications. If they weren’t careful, there were going to be feelings involved.

  For Reign, there already were. He was simply going with a mantra of deny, deny, deny.

  Benji only hesitated for a moment before shrugging a little. “Friendship can have certain benefits, right?”

  Reign licked his lips, and the heat in his eyes was unmistakable. “I like the way you think. And you have my full attention.”

  Looking down at the growing bulge in Reign’s pants, it was clear that the two of them were on the same page, with the same activity in mind.

  Benji sunk to his knees and moved to unbutton Reign’s pants, but Reign’s hands were already there, already unfastening and unzipping and raising his hips, allowing Benji to pull his pants and underwear down in one swift motion.

  Reign’s cock sprang up, already slick with the evidence of his desire, and Benji reached out and wrapped his hands around it, smiling as Reign let out a delicious little whimper when Benji began to slowly stroke it.

  It was beautiful—perfect—just like everything else about Reign, and Benji repositioned himself, raising up as he leaned in to kiss the tip, then let his lips follow behind his hand on a downward stroke, kissing and licking the hot, smooth shaft.

  “Oh my God,” Reign writhed beneath him, gasping with each little kiss and touch.

  Just knowing that he was giving Reign that much pleasure—that Reign was moaning and gasping because of him—would have normally been enough. But Benji wanted more, needed more.

  He needed to taste Reign.

  Slowly at first, he let the slick head slide past his lips. He’d never had another man’s cock in his mouth before, and he honestly hadn’t known what to expect. With Reign, though, everything about it was just right, just… perfect. From the sweet but salty taste to the faint and undeniably manly musk, it was nothing like Benji had imagined but exactly what he’d never realized he’d been missing.

  And like every other experience he’d shared with Reign, it was something he couldn’t believe had taken him thirty years to try.

  Benji closed his eyes as he drew Reign deeper into his mouth. Giving a blowjob was a lot different than receiving one, but maybe even more satisfying just knowing how much Reign was enjoying it. Benji could tell how much Reign was getting into it as Reign threaded his fingers through Benji’s short hair as Benji continuously and lovingly caressed Reign’s shaft with his tongue.

  Up and down he bobbed, slowly, deeply taking in as much as he could before easing back up. He’d been so intent on giving Reign pleasure that he’d all but forgotten his own aching cock, but it all came rushing back to him as Reign’s whimpers and moans brought Benji closer and closer to the edge.

  Finally, unable to resist any longer, Benji took his hands away from Reign’s cock and let them move down his own body, only pausing for a second as he raised up to get rid of his own pants and toss them aside.

  “I want you to come for me,” Benji said, his voice deep and thick with desire.

  Reign nodded. “I’m almost there. Just keep doing what you’re doing, please. It’s so good.”

  That was all Benji needed to hear. He went back down on Reign’s cock, finally taking it down to the base as he enthusiastically stroked himself. Reign began thrusting, gently but insistently, and it seemed as though Reign’s cock had swollen even thicker as his climax built.

  “I’m ready, Benji… please… now…”

  Benji didn’t let up. His only response was to meet each thrust of Reign’s hips by taking him deeper as he stroked his own cock faster, his own hips bucking wildly as the orgasm he’d been desperate to hold back began coursing through him.

  Then, just as Benji’s orgasm spilled out over his fist, he felt the first hot jets against the back of his throat, immediately swallowing it down in a salty rush as Reign thrust and twisted his body while holding Benji’s head in place.

  Finally, Reign relaxed his grip and Benji leaned back, letting Reign’s cock slip from between his lips as he gasped for the air he’d been denying his burning lungs.

  Reign propped himself up on his elbows and made a face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hold you like that… I forgot it was your first time.”

  Benji grinned. “No, don’t even think about apologizing. That was… amazing. And I’ll take it as a compliment that you forgot. I was afraid I might not be very good my first time trying it.”

  “Are you kidding? It was… heaven. So good.”

  Benji stood up, pulling Reign with him for a quick kiss.

  “I think I sort of made a mess here,” Benji said, gesturing to his abs that were covered with pearly white streaks. “But I was thinking maybe we could take advantage of that extra large jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. You know, for the sake of passing the time.”

  Reign laughed. “Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?”

  As he led Reign across the room, Benji said a silent thank-you for the storm that was passing overhead. He never would have wanted to inconvenience Reign or to make him change his plans, but now that they’d had at least one extra night together, Benji never wanted it to end.

  It could keep storming for forty days and forty nights, as far as Benji was concerned. As long as Reign was with him, safe and sound in Benji’s arms, nothing else mattered.



  Reign had never imagined he could’ve let himself get so distracted—so fully lost in the moment that he’d be able to weather a full-blown tropical storm without a care in the world.

  Well, the cares were still there, no doubt. But they’d been sidelined and hidden under all of the attention and affection, the kisses and touches and… other things they’d been doing.

  Just being near Benji made everything seem better, and even though it had only been a few days that they’d spent together, it had been enough to make Reign wonder how in the world he’d managed to go so long without having someone like that in his life.

  Without having Benji in his life.

  Benji was just so different from any other man Reign had known. Normally, Reign was the one who handled all the decisions, all the details, all the stress. He was the caregiver, the provider, the thinker, the fixer.

  And sure, he didn’t really know Benji out in the real world. Spending a week together at a luxury resort would probably bring out the best in anyone. For all Reign knew, Benji could be as dysfunctional as all the rest of the men he’d dated—self-absorbed, too concerned with himself to be a good partner, or too lazy to keep up with a man who tended to run after his dreams at full speed.

  Except everythi
ng he knew about Benji told him otherwise.

  The man had spent his entire adult life advancing his brother’s career, choosing to work behind the scenes rather than bask in the limelight. Benji was detail oriented, driven, and had no lack of ambition, but had shown over and over again that he was considerate and thoughtful, and seemed to have a well of endless patience to draw upon.

  So… why was he still single, if he was so damn perfect?

  Just hadn’t found the right woman yet? Or maybe the right man?

  “What are you thinking about?” Benji asked, his voice pulling Reign from his thoughts.

  “Hm? Oh, nothing. I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  “I wasn’t,” Benji leaned over and kissed Reign on the cheek as he propped himself up on the pillows underneath him. “So, what were you thinking?”

  Reign looked over and smiled. He’d hoped Benji would’ve let that question go unanswered, but no such luck. Now, how was he going to answer?

  He couldn’t just come right out and say he was thinking about what kind of boyfriends Benji might be, could he? About how he was picturing a real life with someone he’d just met on an island, and basing his fantasy on just a week spent together?

  Yeah, not so much.

  Then again, he didn’t want to lie to Benji, either.

  “Just thinking about life, work… just… stuff.”

  “Any major revelations you’d care to share?” Benji quirked an eyebrow. “I could use some help with life and work and… stuff.”

  “You?” Reign did his best to stifle an eye roll. “You’re probably the most successful guy I know. If anyone has it together, you do.”

  “My brother is the most successful guy I know. And he does it so effortlessly. Hanging out with him is pretty much a constant reminder that I need to get my shit together.”

  “He’s successful thanks to you. I mean, not to disparage your brother, he’s an amazing singer… but the success? That’s all you. Talented artists don’t become world-famous superstars all by themselves. There’s a whole team backing them up, starting with a great manager.”

  Benji laughed. “I’ve gotta admit, that was a pretty sweet pitch. You make me sound like a catch.”

  “You are a catch,” Reign said, meaning it. “Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.”

  For a moment, they held each other’s gaze in silence, and Reign wondered if Benji would dispute what he’d just said. Or if he might even take it a step further and ask Reign if that was what he’d been thinking about.

  Fortunately—or maybe unfortunately—Benji didn’t do either of those things.

  Instead, he gave a short sigh and a wry smile and rolled out of bed, his naked body taking Reign’s breath away and making him forget for a moment what they’d been talking about.

  “Looks like the worst of the storm has passed,” Benji said. “It still looks pretty bad out there, but the trees are standing upright again, so that’s a good sign, I guess.”

  “Really?” Reign hurried to join him, wriggling his way between Benji and the window and smiling as Benji’s arms wrapped around him from behind. “Looks like everything is still standing. Maybe they’ll resume flights out of here again by tomorrow after all.”

  Benji stiffened, then let his arms slip away as he turned and went back to the bed. “Yeah, maybe they will.”

  Belatedly, Reign realized the implications of what he’d just said. When flights resumed, Reign would leave. And there was a very real possibility that he might never see Benji again. That everything they’d done together might just be a fond memory within less than twenty-four hours.

  Without meeting Benji’s gaze, Reign silently walked back to the bed and climbed back under the covers. This was why he didn’t want to talk about what he was thinking.

  Nothing good ever came from those conversations.



  The moment Benji had been avoiding—had been dreading, truthfully—had finally come. Just once, during the previous night, he’d asked Reign again to stay just a little bit longer, just until his vacation had been scheduled to end anyway. It was only another four days, so what would it hurt?

  But Reign’s mind had been made up, and even though Benji could tell that Reign wasn’t happy to be leaving early, he clearly wasn’t going to allow himself to be talked out of it, either.

  So now they were standing in the terminal of the small airport, silently watching as the men outside prepared the plane that would be taking Reign home—and away from Benji.

  It reminded Benji of his feelings not even a week before, when he’d stood on the runway and said goodbye to his brother. At least then, he could ease his anxiety a little by knowing that Chase was going on to a wonderful honeymoon, and that no matter how Benji felt about being left alone in Anguilla, he had no doubt that Chase was being taken care of and that it was for the best.

  This, however, did not feel like it was for the best. This felt awful. And there was nobody here to assure Benji that Reign would be taken care of—hell, even Reign hadn’t made that assurance.

  And again, Benji was being left alone, to figure things out on his own. Nothing about it was fair, or good, or happy, and he couldn’t pretend otherwise, no matter how much he wanted to put on a good show for Reign.

  They both jumped as the loudspeaker announced the boarding for Reign’s flight, and Benji’s stomach clenched as Reign turned to him and forced a smile.

  “Well, I guess this is it,” Reign said, nibbling at his bottom lip as his eyes searched Benji’s.

  “I guess it is,” Benji nodded. “It’s not too late to turn around and go back to the hotel, you know.”

  Reign laughed, but the laughter rang hollow, and maybe even a little bitter. “It is too late, I’m afraid. But I have to give you credit for trying. They need me back home, though. I have to get back to my bar. My life.”

  “I understand,” Benji said, even though it was a lie. Sure, he understood wanting to get back to work. He’d been itching to get back to his office in Nashville since he’d arrived on the island. But wanting to leave the little cocoon of paradise that he’d found there with Reign? No. Hell, no. Benji never wanted it to end. “I hope you have a good flight. And if you think about it, please try to remember to call or text and let me know you made it back to Dallas safely.”

  “Oh, I’ll be thinking about it. About you. I’m glad we met, Benji. I hope we can stay friends, after…” he shrugged, letting the sentence trail off.

  “I hope so, too.” With one final hug and a long, tender kiss, Benji took a step back. “Promise me we’ll keep in touch?”

  “I promise,” Reign said, his eyes looking suspiciously bright with emotion. “Goodbye, Benji.”

  “See you later,” Benji said, meaning it, and finally making himself smile as he waved goodbye to the nicest, sweetest, most decent, most perfect person he’d ever met.

  And even though they’d both promised, Benji wasn’t naive. They were both grown enough to know how those kinds of promises went. Things would get hectic, life would get in the way, time would pass, and promises would be forgotten.

  Benji would try his hardest to make sure none of that happened, but even if it came to the worst, he had no regrets. He was glad he’d met Reign. Glad they’d spent those precious few amazing days and nights together.

  Glad he’d found a little bit of himself along the way, as well.

  Benji tipped the driver and slowly walked through the large glass doors to the lobby of the resort. It hadn’t even been an hour since Reign had left, and Benji was already going through withdrawals.

  Maybe he should just go ahead and leave early, too. There wasn’t anything left for him to do but sit around and mope. But that’s probably all he’d do if he were back home, too.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Carhart.” The front desk clerk’s chipper voice rang out across the lobby. “Out enjoying the weather now that the storm has passed?”

  “Something like tha
t,” Benji said, barely remembering to smile as he walked up to the desk. “I don’t suppose I’d be able to book another one of those massages for later this afternoon? Maybe with the same person I had last time?”

  “Yes, sir, I think we can manage that. Was there anything else you’d like? Room service, perhaps?”

  Benji shrugged. “Probably. But I’ll call down later for it.”

  “Certainly. Oh, and your brother called while you were out. He didn’t leave a message, though.”

  “Great.” Benji rolled his eyes. “I can’t wait to hear how great Timbuktu is, or wherever he’s jetting off to this week.” The irony of his statement struck him, and he blushed as he followed up with, “Not that I’ve got much room to talk, I suppose.”

  “I doubt they have hurricanes in Timbuktu, so there’s that.”

  Benji nodded and kept walking toward the corridor that led to his suite before he could say anything else that would make him look like an ungrateful jackass. Chase was probably just calling to make sure he’d made it through the storm, but he would no doubt be so full of life and sunshine that it would be an exhausting conversation.

  Not that Benji begrudged anyone else finding their happiness—far from it. He simply wanted a little of his own for a change. Was that too much to ask?

  Still, he should at least send Chase a text. No need for him to worry just because Benji didn’t feel like talking.

  Once he was back in his room, he kicked off his shoes and sprawled across the bed, flipping on the TV for some background noise—anything that would make it feel less empty, less quiet, less lonely.

  He tapped out a quick text to Chase, wishing him well and letting him know that he’d made it through the storm in one piece. He even thought about mentioning that he was going for another massage, but he knew for sure that piece of information would prompt a phone call.

  Benji had to admit that the last massage had been pretty nice, though. He was hoping it would relax him enough for him to fall asleep in that big, lonely bed without tossing and turning. Without thinking, or feeling.


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