Einstein's War
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Ehrenfest, Paul
cosmological model research and, 191
Einstein in Netherlands and, 86, 156–57, 183–85, 284–85
Einstein’s correspondence with, 92, 150
Einstein’s initial meeting with, 50
on general relativity, 117
photo of, 331
relativity publicity and, 304, 306
Ehrenfest, Tatyana, 184
Einstein, Albert. See also Einstein, Albert, political beliefs of; General relativity publicity; General relativity theory; Special relativity theory; individual names of family members
approach to scientific thought by, 28–30, 145–46, 322–23
biographical information and early education of, 7–11
early relationship and marriage to Mileva, 17–18, 22–24. See also Marić, Mileva
Eddington’s correspondence/meeting with, 1–2, 294–95, 303, 318
Eddington’s expeditions, knowledge about, 261–62, 282–85. See also Eclipse expeditions (1919)
education of, 10, 23–24, 29, 35
English translations by/of, 302
equivalence principle, 42–48, 53, 65
fame of. See General relativity publicity
at Federal Swiss Polytechnic (ETH), 10, 17, 53
forgetfulness of, 22–23
German citizenship renounced by (1894), 10
as German Physical Society president, 172
at German University (Prague), 49–52
health issues of, 148, 181–82, 186–87, 191, 193, 195–96, 220, 222, 228, 243–44
legacy of, 331–34
light quantum theory, 36–37, 42
mistresses of, 221, 253
move to United States by, 182
notes kept by, 72
patent office job of, 23–24, 29–30, 35, 37, 42, 44, 49
photos of, 5, 17, 305, 331
physical description of, 16–17
at Prussian Academy of Sciences, 75–78, 99, 111, 125–26, 185, 191, 219, 304
religious beliefs of, 8, 50, 222
smoking by, 74, 123, 184–85, 195
Swiss citizenship adopted by, 11, 102, 114–15, 142, 184
on “theories of principle,” 42–43
at University of Zurich, 49, 52, 67, 74–75
violin playing by, 8, 49, 184, 222
Zionist beliefs of, 249, 313
Zurich job offer at end of WWI, 228–29
Einstein, Albert, political beliefs of. See also World War I and scientific community
anti-annexation petition signed by, 140–41
Anti-War Council and, 154
Association of the Like-Minded and, 172
Berlin Goethe League on, 144, 148
Central Organization for a Durable Peace and, 144
Eddington on, 170
German Peace Society and, 193
“My Opinion of the War,” 144–45
Planck’s position defended by, 139
police investigation of, 131, 157
scientific internationalism and, 72, 121, 172, 174–81, 220, 226–30, 332–34
socialism and, 247–50
WWI isolation of Einstein from colleagues, 98–101, 111, 114–17, 131
Einstein, Eduard “Tete” (son), 49, 140–41, 249, 313
Einstein, Elsa (second wife)
children of, 51, 140, 219, 221, 228, 249
early romance with Einstein, 51, 76, 131, 164, 170–71
eclipse expedition results reported to, 285
Einstein’s health and, 187, 195–96
health of, 244
marriage to Einstein, 275
on relativity publicity, 307, 313
Einstein, Hans Albert (son), 24, 49, 140–41, 147, 171, 249, 313
Einstein, Hermann (father), 7–9
Einstein, Ilse (stepdaughter), 219, 221, 228, 249
Einstein, Jakob (uncle), 7, 9
Einstein, Lieserl (daughter), 23
Einstein, Pauline (mother), 7–9, 23, 247, 283, 285, 306, 313
“Einstein and the Eddington, The” (poem), 303
Electromagnetism theory, 19–20, 64, 137–38, 142–44, 148
Electrons, discovery of, 21
Elements (Euclid), 9
England. See Great Britain
ETH (Federal Swiss Polytechnic), 10–11, 17–18, 53
Ether theory, 19–22, 27–28, 33, 35, 64, 204–6, 218
Euclid, 9, 68
Everitt, C. W. F., 325, 330
Falsificationism, 321–24
Faraday, Michael, 18–20, 211–12
Federal Swiss Polytechnic (ETH), 10–11, 17–18, 53
Fischer, Emil, 95, 196
Fisher, John, 26
Fitzgerald, Charles Penrose, 104
Foch, Marshal, 247
Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm, 193
Food shortages of World War I
black market, 196
blockade of Germany, 107, 113–14, 250, 276
Einstein’s health and, 148, 181–82, 186–87, 191, 193, 195–96, 220, 222, 228, 243–44
fertilizer shortage and, 108–9
rationing, 140
Schweinemord, 107–8
women’s roles during WWI and, 131
Fowler, Alfred, 287–88, 297–98
Fox, George, 12
France, World War I and, 27, 82–83, 125
Franco-Prussian War, 89
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 62, 79–81
Franz Joseph, Emperor, 81
Freundlich, Erwin Finlay
arrest of, 83, 86, 91
Einstein’s Milky Way research and, 189
Einstein’s requests for help from, 116, 144, 162
on general relativity, 50, 54, 116
hired by Einstein, 220, 305–6
relativity publicity and, 317
rotation problem and, 144
solar eclipse expedition, 74, 78, 323
Friends. See Quakers
Friends’ Guild of Teachers, 41
Fulda, Ludwig, 94
“Future of International Science, The” (Eddington), 176–77
Galileo, 20–21, 29–30, 32–33, 99–101
Galison, Peter, 29, 197–98
Gamow, George, 190
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 68
Geddes, Eric, 250
General relativity publicity, 296–320. See also Scientific internationalism
about eclipse expeditions (1919), 281–82, 289–94
anti-Semitism aimed at, 311–13
Einstein’s early fame and, 2, 183–85
Einstein’s legacy and, 318–20
Einstein’s reaction to fame, 306–8
Einstein’s worldwide fame from, 300–306
“metaphysics” criticism of, 230–32
nationalism and, 308–11
scientific internationalism effort and, 313–18
theory acceptance and, 296–300
WWI communication restrictions and, 155–56, 168–73
General relativity theory. See also Eclipse expeditions (1919); General relativity publicity
arch and scaffold strategy of, 147
cosmological models, 187–93, 214–15
covariance and, 70–74, 99–101, 115–17
differential equations, 160–61
Eddington on Einstein’s early theories of, 133–35
Einstein’s initial fame for, 2
Einstein’s initial meeting with Hilbert, 135–39
Einstein’s need for astronomical empirical evidence, 161–63
Einstein’s research with Grossman on, 63–68
electromagnetic theory of matter (ETM),
137–38, 148
Entwurf theory, 68–74, 99, 101, 115–17, 135–38, 143–44, 146–47
four-dimensions of space-time, 53, 69–70, 153, 189, 214–16
Guv = 8πtuv, 154
Hamilton’s principle, 142–44
Hilbert’s contributions to, 135–39, 147–54
“hole argument,” 99–101, 115, 143, 145, 188
Lodge’s criticism of, 204–6
Mercury, precession of perihelion, 48, 54, 136, 149–54, 158, 161, 202, 205–6, 217, 287
physical and mathematical strategies for, 71–72, 116–17
principle of relativity (Galileo), 20–21, 29–30, 32–33, 99–101
Report on the Relativity Theory of Gravitation (Eddington), 211–19
rotation problem of, 40, 65, 143–44, 161
Schwarzschild’s solution and contributions to, 156–63
solar eclipse observation plans (in Brazil), 56–59, 150
solar eclipse observation plans (in Crimea), 74, 78, 83, 86, 91, 150
support sought by Einstein for, 181–94
time dilation, 33–35, 47, 69–74, 213–14
George V, King, 81, 114
German Peace Society (Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft), 193
German Physical Society, 172
German University (Prague), 49
Germany. See also Food shortages of World War I
chemical warfare used by, 123–26, 206–7
Einstein family in, 7–9
Franz Ferdinand’s assassination and, 79–81
Physical Society, 37
post-WWI unrest, 250–51, 253–54
pre-WWI conscription, 10
pre-WWI rivalry with Britain, 11–12, 26–27, 61–62
reputation as intellectual center, 93–94, 120–21, 174–77. See also World War I and scientific community
sinking of Lusitania, 113–14, 127
Glymour, Clark, 327–30
Golem, The (Collins, Pinch), 327–30
Graham, John William, 164
Gravity. See also General relativity; Newton, Isaac
Eddington on, 133–35
Einstein’s equivalence principle and, 42–48, 53, 65
general relativity theory development and, 64–74
gravitational redshift, 47–48, 50–51, 53, 150, 202, 217, 287–89
Hamilton’s principle in gravitational and electromagnetic fields, 142–44
planetary orbits and, 25–26
Great Britain
Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 127
blockade of Germany by, 107, 113–14, 150, 276
British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 85–86, 88
Cambridge, 14–15, 24–26
declaration of war by, 85–86. See also World War I
Defence of the Realm Act, 119, 163, 166
Derby Scheme of, 104, 163
Franz Ferdinand’s assassination and, 81
Lusitania sinking, 113–14, 127
military recruitment/conscription, 102–7, 129–30, 164–68, 210, 232–42
Military Service Act (1916), 163–68
names for, 12
post-war problems of, 300
pre-WWI rivalry with Germany, 11–12, 26–27, 61–62
scientists’ attempts to aid war effort, 126–30, 199–200
Treason Act (1534), 122
Treaty of Versailles and, 275–78
Greene, Graham, 104
Grelling, Richard, 131
Grey, Edward, 83
Grossmann, Marcel, 10, 23, 35, 63–74, 144
Haber, Fritz
ammonia synthesis by, 50, 107–9, 123
Einstein’s first meeting with, 50
Einstein’s friendship with, despite political differences, 220–21, 309
Einstein’s move to Berlin and, 75–77
German nationalism of, 86–87, 311
Immerwahr (wife) and, 76, 109, 123, 126
“Manifesto of 93” signed by, 95
Nobel Prize of, 309
on nutrition during war, 196
phosgene gas, 206
Habicht, Conrad, 18
Haeckel, Ernst, 98
Hahn, Otto, 89–90, 124
Haig, Douglas, 208–10
Haldane, Lord, 318
Hale, George Ellery, 74, 199–200
Hall, William, 225
Hamilton, William Rowan, 142
Hamilton’s principle, 142–44
Hampson, George, 229
Harvey, T. Edmund, 164
Hasenöhrl, Friedrich, 130
Hawking, Stephen, 326, 332
Herdman, William, 84
Herman, Robert Alfred, 168
Hertz, Heinrich, 20, 183, 204
Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 60, 285
Hilbert, David, 135–39, 147–54, 162, 173, 181–82, 227
Hitler, Adolf, 99
Holland, W. J., 230
Howard, S. G., 237
Hume, David, 28, 153
Immerwahr, Clara, 76, 109, 123, 126
Induction, 19–21, 27–30, 33, 35
Inertia, 25, 30, 100
Innes, R. T. A., 119
International Research Council (IRC), 277–78, 298
J’accuse (Grelling), 131
Janssen, Michel, 72, 147
Jeans, James, 211, 315
Joffre, Joseph-Jacques-Césaire, 89, 90
John Bull (magazine), 114
Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee (JPEC), 56, 202–4, 241–42, 285–86
Jonckhèere, Robert, 106
Journals, importance of, 21–22
Journey’s End (Sherriff), 224–25
Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes (KWI), 75–78, 109, 171–72, 219
Kapteyn, Jacobus, 40, 42, 278
Kennefick, Daniel, 329
Keynes, John Maynard, 239, 276
Kiel telegraph network, 201
Kitchener, Lord, 103
Klein, Felix, 95, 137, 138
Kneser, Adolf, 227
Koppel, Leonard, 75
Krupp corporation, 78, 88
Kuhn, Thomas S., 324
Lagrangian methods, 143, 146–47, 212, 217
Lancet, The, 243
Lankester, Edwin Ray, 120
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 26
Larmor, Joseph, 132, 177–78, 205, 240, 290, 298
Lawson, Robert W., 302
League of Nations, 277, 309
Leiden Observatory. See De Sitter, Willem; Ehrenfest, Paul
Lenard, Philipp, 42, 95, 102
Lenin, Vladimir, 210, 246, 249
Levenson, Thomas, 307
Levi-Civita, Tullio, 70, 116
Lick Observatory, 122, 277, 323
Light and light waves. See also Deflection of light
black-body radiation, 37
Eddington’s solar eclipse research, 56–59
Einstein on light quantum theory, 36–37, 42
ether as explanation of, 18–20
gravitational redshift, 47–48, 50–51, 53, 150, 287–89
speed of light and special relativity theory, 31–37
Lindemann, F. A., 288
Liverpool Observatory, 119
Lloyd George, David, 208, 235, 276
Lodge, Alfred, 205
Lodge, Oliver, 84, 96, 110, 132, 204–6, 218, 236–37, 282, 297, 317
London News, on eclipse expeditions (1919), 292
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, 21, 42–43
eclipse expeditions (1919) and, 282–84
Eddington on, 134
Einstein’s general relativity theory development and, 73, 156–57
Einstein’s move to Prussian Academy of Sciences and, 76
Einstein’s visits to Netherlands, 156–57, 183–85
on Entwurf theory, 115–17
on ether theory, 64
Lorentz transformations, 21, 22
“Manifesto of 93” and, 96, 97, 132, 139
photo of, 331
relativity publicity and, 306
at Solvay Conference, 51
Louis, Prince of Battenburg, 104
Louvain, burning of, 89, 93, 167
Lucas, Keith, 113
Ludendorff, Erich, 244
Ludlam, Ernest B., 122, 210, 236, 251, 314, 315
Lusitania, 113–14, 127
Luxemburg, Rosa, 246
Mach, Ernst, 28–29, 44, 99, 145, 153
Mach’s principle, 100, 188, 192
MacLeod, Roy, 199
Manchester University, 14, 120
“Manifesto of 93.” See World War I and scientific community
Marić, Mileva. See also individual names of Einstein children
contributions to husband’s theories and, 22–23, 35–36
divorce of, 51, 76–77, 86, 163, 170–71, 221, 250, 253–54
early relationship and marriage, 17–18
Einstein’s financial support of, 221, 313
Einstein’s letters to, following estrangement, 126
Martin, Charles, 113
Marx, Karl, 322
Maxwell, James Clerk, 19–21, 27–28, 33, 167, 183
McCrea, William, 332
Meitner, Lisa, 130–31
Mercury, precession of perihelion, 48, 65, 74, 116, 136, 149–54, 158, 161, 202, 205–6, 217, 287
Mermin, N. David, 329
Merton, Robert K., 333
“Metaphysics,” 230–32
Michelson-Morley interferometer, 35, 212–13
Milky Way, 26, 40, 42, 79, 189
Minkowski, Hermann, 10, 43, 52–53, 64–65, 67, 69–70
Mitchell, Peter Chalmers, 289
Monthly Notices (Royal Astronomical Society), 169
Morize, Henrique, 256
Moseley, Henry, 112–13
Müller, Hugo, 119
Myers, Charles Samuel, 243
“My Opinion of the War” (Einstein), 144–45
Nationalism. See World War I and scientific community
National Research Council, 200
Nature, 113, 229–30, 261
Nernst, Walther, 76, 86, 90, 95, 196
Netherlands, World War I neutrality of, 156
Neurath, Otto, 323
Nevill, W. P., 179
Newall, H. F., 240, 288
New Fatherland League (BNV), 99, 131, 139, 172, 246, 249
Newton, Isaac
at Cambridge, 60
eclipse expeditions (1919) and comparisons to work of, 260, 280, 282, 286–91
Einstein’s general relativity theory development and, 71–72