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PS... Trust Me (TAT: A Rocker Romance Book 8)

Page 24

by Emjay Soren

  “Do you trust me baby?” He asks his voice soft and full of question.

  “With all that I am.” I am more nervous of my answer than I am naked in front of my boyfriend.


  “Can I come inside of you?”

  Holy fuck! He said no nasty fuckery but what did he think that did to me? It made me wet that’s what!

  “If you would like.” I say on a sigh and arch my back like wanton hussy.

  He fell above me and stretched his perfectly molded body over mine and took my right hand in his and slipped them between our bodies. He rose up enough so I could see down his body at our joined hands working the clasp of his jeans free. Next came the zipper and, surprise! Chad was commando beneath his jeans, his erection springing free, a glistening drop of come at the tip just beckoning my mouth.

  I used my free hand; the decision having been made the minute I saw his perfect penis and pushed gently but firmly until he was lying beside me on his back. “What’s up?” He asked confused and somewhat nervous. Poor baby thought I was stopping him; my silly boyfriend was about to get a big surprise.

  I didn’t answer while I slipped his jeans over his hips while he assisted in lifting slightly so I could get them from over his supple ass. Now lying there naked before me I could understand his obsession of staring at me when I was spread out for him. It was a heady mix of passion and power, knowing that his body was mine for the taking, that it wasn’t taking at all but that he was giving me himself. I climbed up his body making sure all my best parts touched him along the way causing a very sexy growl to release from him. I took his erection into my mouth without a second’s hesitation and moaned at the rawest taste of Chad Blake.

  His hands immediately fisted in my hair only urging me on more, driving my need to consume him with my mouth before he consumed me with his body. “God baby…” He whispered. His teeth clenched over his bottom lip, the glare from his lip ring catching in the dusky light of the bus window. “I love the way you suck me.”

  No nasty fuckery my ass. The boy had a filthy mouth that he knew I thoroughly enjoyed. I released him with a loud pop and smiled, my hand stroking around the thick head of him. “You should have said something, I’d do it more often.” I reply simply before dropping back down and taking him as deep as I can go. I don’t want to gag because I think it could kill the mood, but Chad had other ideas.

  “Slow down baby. Take me deep and swallow it’ll stop the gag reflex.” I loved the lust fueled tone of his voice as he unabashedly guided me. I did as he said totally thinking he was full of shit, but it worked, and it made me crazy hearing him moan and curse with every pull I took. He was a maniac beneath me, my mouth had taken all of his restraint and control and shattered him. “Fuck… Carrie…Stop baby. I want to come in your tight little pussy before I lose it here.”

  Well who was I to argue? I knew when Chad was in me working me into a maniacal frenzy that I could come a number of times. Not wanting to toss myself to the side and let him in, I pull back slowly, savoring the rich taste of all things Chad Blake. My hair is a tangled disaster, but I could care less. I raise myself over him and run my fingers through my hair hoping I look sexy instead of confused. I crawl over his body and place my hands-on opposite sides of his head and spread my legs over his thighs and let my core rest against his cock.

  I moan at the feel of his hot thick flesh resting between the spread lips of my vagina. Inside or out he feels amazing and I want to see him come like it’s my dying wish. I drop my lips to his and slip my tongue along the seam of his lips and he opens to me immediately. Our tongues dance against each other, a precursor to the love we make, and I am lost in him immediately. Both his hands are in my hair, knotting it around his fingers until one slip free and drifts down the side of my body. Moving slowly, he finally gets to the juncture of my thighs and to where his cock is waiting to join us endlessly.

  “Lift a little babe.” He says it soft but loud enough I can hear him. We are both aware that there is a bus full of rowdy men and Candy just beyond the bedroom door. This moment however is ours; its impact is so strong that the others fade away. I lift enough for him to grasp his cock and slip it through my wetness to test me. “So, fucking wet baby…” He slips inside me with a silent groan and I arch my back in rapture. “You got so fucking wet from sucking me off, God your perfect.”

  I couldn’t help but smile and drop my mouth to his moaning as he thrust up into me, deeper than ever before. “Oh, it’s so good this way Chad.” I silently cry out at the difference in the stretch and pull I feel when on the bottom. I can’t control my need to meet him thrust for thrust and he bites my lip groaning.

  “It’s too good baby.” He says and rolls me to my back, holding still deep inside of me with his eyes pinched closed. I had taken him past the point of control long before he got inside me, and I can’t help but feel overjoyed for conquering such a man.

  Once he has gathered himself and all is right with his overanxious cock, the sex God that is my man comes back with a vengeance. “You feel so perfect Carrie, baby… God I need you so much. Promise me your mine forever no matter what.”

  He is rocking into me harder but still slowly and each press inside has me full to bursting in orgasmic wonderment. I would agree to a root canal at this point, agreeing to love him forever was nothing. “Yes, baby I promise.” I arch from beneath him when he hits the sweetest spot inside of me. “Oh God… right their baby.” I cry out louder than I should have but the echoes from laughter at the end of the bus are a humiliation I can deal with later. Right now, I need him to do that again and again and not stop.

  “That’s it, that’s my girl. Come for me Carrie.” Like a thief in the night he stole my pleasure and left a panting body with rubber limbs and jumbled cries in his wake. “Roll to your stomach baby. I need to come seeing my poem on your back, my hands on your hips and my dick in you bare.”

  God how he makes that sound romantic is beyond me. I do as he asks and roll to my stomach, lifting my ass in invitation, shameless and free. His lips trail along my spine until he comes to the poem, I saved for him. “License my roving hands baby, don’t ever let me go, not before, behind, between, above or below. License me baby.”

  His hands and lips worship me as he followed the path of my virginal promise. He knew it was all I had to give, and he took it as his own and understood the depth of those words. Slipping inside me with the gentlest of ease his body folded over mine like a shelter. “I don’t think I could survive losing you Carrie. I love you so fucking much baby.” His voice was cracking, and I wanted to see his face and the emotion in his voice, but his lips fell on my neck and he had me quickly back in that mindless sex fueled place.

  “I love you Chad, I promise I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

  He made a sound of grief and lust and I wondered where the sudden fear of losing me was coming from. “I’m their baby, so close. Can you come again Carrie?” His words were panted with in short bursts of air against my damp neck, his fingers already finding purchase on my needy clit. It took me no time at all to tighten and tremble from the inside out.

  “Fuck, I have never been inside without a rubber. Come now baby, I need to come inside of you so bad.”

  “Now. Yes Chad!” I cry and feel his release meet mine in a moment of raw ecstasy. His hips slam into me the final time and we both cave to the bed, his dampened body wet against my spine and I worship the feeling of his weight. His hands pull my sweat soaked hair from off my neck and he rains kisses from one shoulder to the next, his body slowly slipping from mine until he is beside me pulling me into his side.

  There were no words just peace and love as we both fell sound asleep.


  I woke to a damp cloth and Chad between my legs. It startled me at first, but his voice was calm and reassuring. “Didn’t mean to scare you baby. I just wanted to clean you up.” He tosses the wet cloth toward the end of the bed and climbs in beside me pulling me onto his

  “What time is it? How long did I sleep for?” I yawn and stretch, the sheet tugged down with my movement exposing my bare breast and the cherries he loves so much. His lips were on them almost immediately with loving strokes of his tongue.

  “It’s just a few before five. We gotta get going in a few minutes for sound check and a fan meet and greet. I figured I would get you awake with some oral skills, but you caught me cleaning you and I didn’t want to give you the creeps.”

  He winks and I laugh. “I am so excited to see you guys play. I have a new outfit I bought at home so I may be rocking your big gig in sweats and a Sinners shirt.”

  “You can go to any shop in the venue and buy a TAT shirt instead and support your man.” He growled and it made me laugh harder.

  “I don’t know, I like the Sinners of the Slipstream.”

  “Baby you know one song.”

  “Yeah but I don’t know any of yours.” I realize how awful that is and feel immediately guilty. “Yet.”

  “It’s okay babe, just add it to the list of things to blame on Noah.”

  We both laugh at that but all too quickly he gets from the bed and I notice he’s fully dressed. “How long have you been up?” He looks showered and damn near lickable in his tattered and worn out jeans, that yes, he bought that way. His grey simple t shirt is stretched and fitted perfectly against his defined chest barely hiding the fact he’s cut like stone. Big black boots that were nothing country and everything ass kicker as well as his leather cuff bracelet and all his piercings shining to the brightest light.

  “You showered and everything? How long did I sleep?” I pull the sheet from the bed and stand looking around for my clothes that were thrown somewhere.

  “I brought in your bag and Candy said she grabbed, said sexy outfit knowing you weren’t thinking clear. She said to tell you she has all your essentials.”

  Jesus, that just freaked me out. Candy was ‘the know all be all’ of everything girly and right with the world and I was slowly learning from her. “You have been busy.” I smile and walk to him, stone cold naked and press myself against his luscious body and lean in for a kiss. The kiss was fast and sweet before he stepped back.

  What the fuck?

  “No getting me turned on before a show, I’ll fuck it all up and rush so I can get back in you. Jesus I can’t explain how hot it was going bareback baby, but I tossed every condom the minute I got up.”


  I give my best fake pout and grab the sheet to wrap it around me. Once done I look up and his eyes are almost black with lust and he grabs me hard and slams me against his chest. “Fuck it baby, you’re all I want.” His mouth is on mine and leading me back to the bed where he gives me the fastest orgasm of my life followed by a wall banging fuck that wasn’t more than ten minutes.

  The best ten minutes of my life!


  We were supposed to be to the VIP room for the meet and green two minutes ago and I was still standing in the doorway of the bus waiting on Candy to finish perfecting. “I’m counting to ten and leaving you.” I warn and hear her laughter as she makes her way down the hall in a micro mini and layered black and hot pink tank tops. She has on a pair of hot pink glittered gladiator sandals that had a figure eight design over the top. Long silver chains with various charms dangled from her neck and I swear she makes it look effortless.

  “I’m ready calm your horny ass down.” She snickered as she slammed the door behind us nodding at Ben the security guard who was taking us to meet up with the guys. She was looking me up and down as we walked toward the stadiums employee entrance and I was seriously starting to worry. “Either I look like hell and your thinking of how to tell me or you’re going lez on me.”

  She laughs and shoulder bumps me and I almost lose my balance. I am not a high heel kind of girl, I’m more flip flops and Chuck Taylors kind of girl, yet she somehow got me into four-inch heels that were indeed pretty damn awesome.

  “I’m thinking Blake may choke on stage when he sees you.”

  I roll my eyes and she stop, tugging my wrist so I am forced to stop with her. “I mean it Carrie. Chad is lucky to be on your arm, not the other way around. You look beautiful and happy and together they make you a bombshell baby.”

  I love her so much and so thankful we met the minute I was free from the hell we left behind. I felt giddy from her words and couldn’t help but smooth out the black cowl neck top I bought that fit me like a second skin and showed just enough of my ‘ladies’ that Chad may slobber some. I wore my usual skinny jeans with cute little rhinestones on the bottom pockets and white stitching in the seams. Paired with the heels Candy forced on me even I could admit I looked the part of a Rockstar girl. My hair was up in a messy but purposely done knot and my single karat diamond earrings that Aunt Lilly gave me for my high school graduation.

  “Well thanks babycakes. You’re looking pretty fresh yourself.” She had gone on and on about the tub in the room Noah had reserved for them at the Edgewater Hotel.

  “Yeah well a day of pampering from your sweet and horny brother will do that to a girl.”

  I cringe and shiver at the thought. “Remember when we talked about boundaries and things we should and shouldn’t tell each other?”

  She laughs and pulls me close now that we are almost to the entrance and the fact, we are seeing them in a stadium for the first time. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Your helpless you know that?” I ask laughing at her distaste for all things secretive and sexual.

  “No, I’m hopeful and happy knowing what I hope will happen will just as soon as this show is over. On a side note… your brother is a monster after a show. I may not walk tomorrow Carrie.” She is laughing so hard she snorts, and I want to smack her for trying to ruin my life with her and Noah sexcapades.

  “Shut up dammit!” I laugh as we enter the stadium and see the meet and greet room just to the left of us. “Let’s go see some sexy rockstars!”

  The room holding the meet and greet wasn’t what I thought it would be. I was expecting screaming fangirls, crying, desperate for a touch from the rockstars in the room. Turns out… not so much. Both women and men walked around the room, some drinking or snacking from the trays that were laid out on the tables.

  It was mellow and relaxing and not at all the party I assumed it would be. “Are you at all disappointed?” Candy asks from beside me eyeing a group of girls that were maybe sixteen all sporting the VIP backstage passes and giggling in excitement.

  “Kind of, I expected panty dropping and screaming girls hanging from the rafters.” I replied and almost giggled when I saw a woman well into her forties blush when Chad and Noah both greeted her, prepping to sign one of their CD's.

  “Yeah, complete let down.” We followed the crowd and avoided standing in line with the fans waiting for autographs and decided on a small couch behind the bands and sat to snack from the spread out.

  We watched in bored fascination as the line dwindled and the fans made their way out to the stadium to wait for the show. Assuming this was our call as well to follow the guys to wherever we would watch, a line of scantily clad women made their way in drones. Both Candy and I watched the women make their way as if no cause or reason and started to drape themselves over every available man in the room.

  Candy and I both gasped at the same time as two very skanky, very trashy women made their way to Noah. Trying to keep an eye on my brother and his sometimes forgetfulness to who may be watching him, I still followed the line as a single woman caught my sight, her eyes set on my boyfriend.

  It was Trisha. Chad’s ex was arguably one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I can’t deny the fact that seeing them together fit the bill. I watch in horror as Chad smiles, uncomfortably thank God, and talks to her about things I can’t here. My heart has stopped when I see what looks like fear and anger on his face. Trisha is smiling coyly unaffected by his obvious state of uncomfortable.

ly, he looks over his shoulder to me, smiles and winks but there is no heart in the action. He does this before he pulls Trisha in for a tight and cold hug, patting her on the back and trying desperately not to let her body sidle close to his. All too quickly he pulled back and Trisha’s dagger glare fell on me with hatred.

  With that look she spoke volumes on her hate for me, clearly Chad told her he was taken and though the bitch had eyes on me I smiled and waved and then looked away. I trusted him. I hadn’t doubted it before, but now it was even more solid just exactly how much I trusted him.

  The next woman in line went for Cal and he welcomed her with excitement. Shamus was known for his relationship with Cassa and also known as a lost cause. He wasn’t ever leaving her, and they knew it, some still tried but failed miserably.

  I followed Candy’s stare back to Noah, who was being polite but avoiding any physicality toward the girls. It was a big deal for him to hold back from letting the woman hang on him, but his eyes met Candy with a knowing smile, and she relaxed beside me.

  I should have been paying attention to the crowd, but I was occupied when the security team came to get the guys and take them to their dressing rooms because the show was starting in an hour and TAT was the opening band.

  Chad blew me a kiss as he headed out of the room and I, like a cheesy spaz, pretended to catch it and felt my cheeks heat at the overly cheese factor. “You guys are so sweet its diabetic,” comes the snarky and sultry voice beside me.

  I turned to see the drop-dead gorgeous ex of my boyfriend, Trisha. Wearing a skintight black sleeveless dress and six-inch heels that made her legs go on for days, weeks even. “Well, that’s true love for ya.” I say just as sickly sweet.

  “True love?” She squeals incredulously, like my telling her we were in love was the most shocking unbelievable thing she had heard all day.


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