The Lives of Bees
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Fig. 4.5. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 4.6. Photo by Ann B. Chilcott.
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Fig. 4.7. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 5.1. Photos by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 5.2. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on original data of
Thomas D. Seeley and data in Seeley, T. D., and R. A. Morse, 1976, The
nest of the honey bee ( Apis mellifera L), Insectes Sociaux 23: 495–512.
Fig. 5.3. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in Seeley,
T. D., and R. A. Morse, 1976, The nest of the honey bee ( Apis mellifera
L), Insectes Sociaux 23: 495–512.
Fig. 5.4. Photo by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 5.5. Photo by Scott Camazine.
Fig. 5.6. Photo by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 5.7. Photo by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 5.8. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 5.9. Photo by Armin Spürgin.
Fig. 5.10. Original drawings by Margaret C. Nelson. Drawing on right is
based on fig. 11 in Martin, H., and M. Lindauer, 1966, Sinnesphysiolo-
gische Leistungen beim Wabenbau der Honigbiene, Zeitschrift für Vergleich-
ende Physiologie 53: 372–404.
Fig. 5.11. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in Smith,
M. L., M. M. Ostwald, and T. D. Seeley, 2016, Honey bee sociometry:
Tracking honey bee colonies and their nest contents from colony
founding until death, Insectes Sociaux 63: 553–563.
Fig. 5.12. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in Pratt,
S. C., 1999, Optimal timing of comb construction by honeybee ( Apis
mellifera) colonies: A dynamic programming model and experimental
tests, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 30–42.
Fig. 5.13. Top: photo by Thomas D. Seeley. Bottom: original drawing by
Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in Seeley, T. D., and R. A. Morse,
1976, The nest of the honey bee ( Apis mellifera L), Insectes Sociaux 23:
495–512; and in Smith, M. L., M. M. Ostwald, and T. D. Seeley, 2016,
Honey bee sociometry: Tracking honey bee colonies and their nest
contents from colony founding until death, Insectes Sociaux 63: 553–563;
and on data collected (but not reported) in Seeley, T. D., 2017, Life-
Seeley.indb 343
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344 Illustration Credits
history traits of honey bee colonies living in forests around Ithaca, NY,
USA, Apidologie 48: 743–754.
Fig. 5.14. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on figure in
Pratt, S. C., 1998, Decentralized control of drone comb construction
in honey bee colonies, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42: 193–205.
Fig. 5.15. Photo by Kenneth Lorenzen.
Fig. 5.16. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in
Nakamura, J., and T. D. Seeley, 2006, The functional organization of
resin work in honeybee colonies, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60:
Fig. 6.1. Photo by Zachary Huang,
Fig. 6.2. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 4.1 in
Seeley, T. D., 1985. Honeybee Ecology, Princeton University Press, Prince-
ton, New Jersey.
Fig. 6.3. Photo by Kenneth Lorenzen.
Fig. 6.4. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 4.2 in
Seeley, T. D., 1985, Honeybee Ecology, Princeton University Press, Prince-
ton, New Jersey.
Fig. 6.5. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in fig. 3
in Smith, M. L., M. M. Ostwald, and T. D. Seeley, 2016, Honey bee
socio metry: Tracking honey bee colonies and their nest contents from
colony founding until death, Insectes Sociaux 63: 553–563.
Fig. 7.1. Photo by Kenneth Lorenzen.
Fig. 7.2. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 2 in Page,
R. E., Jr., 1981, Protandrous reproduction in honey bees, Environmental
Entomology 10: 359–362.
Fig. 7.3. Photos by Michael L. Smith.
Fig. 7.4. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 7.5. Photo by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 7.6. Photo by Megan E. Denver.
Fig. 7.7. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 7.8. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 7.9. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 2 in Rangel,
Seeley.indb 344
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Illustration Credits 345
J., H. K. Reeve, and T. D. Seeley, 2013, Optimal colony fissioning in
social insects: Testing an inclusive fitness model with honey bees, Insectes
Sociaux 60: 445–452.
Fig. 7.10. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 2 in
Ruttner, F., and H. Ruttner, 1966, Untersuchungen über die Flugaktivität
und das Paarungsverhalten der Drohnen. 3. Flugweite and Flugrichtung
der Drohnen, Zeitschrift für Bienenforschung 8: 332–354.
Fig. 7.11. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 7.12. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in Tarpy,
D. R., D. A. Delaney, and T. D. Seeley. 2015. Mating frequencies of
honey bee queens ( Apis mellifera L.) in a population of feral colonies in
the northeastern United States. PLoS ONE 10 (3): e0118734.
Fig. 8.1. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 8.2. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 8.3. Photo by Kenneth Lorenzen.
Fig. 8.4. Photo by Alex Wild.
Fig. 8.5. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 8.6. Original drawings by Margaret C. Nelson. Top: based on data in
fig. 5 in Visscher, P. K., and T. D. Seeley, 1982, Foraging strategy of
honeybee colonies in a temperate deciduous forest, Ecology 63: 1790–
1801. Bottom: based on data in table 13 in von Frisch, K., 1967, The
Dance Language and Orientation of Bees, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Fig. 8.7. Top: photo by Thomas D. Seeley. Bottom: original drawing by
Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 8.8. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on data in fig. 3
in Visscher, P. K., and T. D. Seeley, 1982, Foraging strategy of honeybee
colonies in a temperate deciduous forest, Ecology 63: 1790–1801.
Fig. 8.9. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 1 in Seeley,
T. D., S. Camazine, and J. Sneyd, 1991, Collective decision- making in
honey bees: How colonies choose among nectar sources, Behavioral
Ecology and Sociobiology 28: 277–290.
Fig. 8.10. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in Peck,
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346 Illustration Credits
D. T., and T. D. Seeley, forthcoming, Robbing by honey bees in forest
and apiary settings: Implications for horizontal transmission of the mite
Varroa destructor, Journal of Insect Behavior.
Fig. 9.1. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on part E of fig.
5 in Owens, C. D., 1971, The thermology of wintering honey bee
colonies, Technical Bulletin, United States Department of Agriculture 1429:
Fig. 9.2. Photo by Jürgen Tautz.
Fig. 9.3. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in Starks,
P. T., C. A. Blackie, and T. D. Seeley, 2000, Fever in honeybee colonies,
Naturwissenschaften 87:
229- 231.
Fig. 9.4. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on part A of fig.
5 in Owens, C. D., 1971, The thermology of wintering honey bee
colonies, Technical Bulletin, United States Department of Agriculture 1429:
Fig. 9.5. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in
Mitchell, D., 2016, Ratios of colony mass to thermal conductance of
tree and man- made nest enclosures of Apis mellifera: Implications for
survival, clustering, humidity regulation and Varroa destructor,
International Journal of Biometeorology 60: 629–638.
Fig. 9.6. Top: photos by Robin Radcliffe. Bottom: original drawing by
Margaret C. Nelson.
Fig. 9.7. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 2 in
Southwick, E. E., 1982, Metabolic energy of intact honey bee colonies,
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 71: 277–281.
Fig. 9.8. Top: Photo by Thomas D. Seeley. Bottom: Original drawing by
Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 1 in Peters, J. M., O. Peleg, and
L. Mahadevan, 2019. Collective ventilation in honeybee nests, Journal
of the Royal Society Interface 16:
Fig. 9.9. Photo by Linton Chilcott.
Fig. 9.10. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in
Ostwald, M. M., M. L. Smith, and T. D. Seeley, 2016, The behavioral
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Illustration Credits 347
regulation of thirst, water collection and water storage in honey bee
colonies, Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 2156–2165.
Fig. 10.1. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 1 in
Rinderer, T. E., L. I. de Guzman, G. T. Delatte, J. A. Stelzer, and 5 more
authors, 2001, Resistance to the parasitic mite Varroa destructor in honey
bees from far- eastern Russia, Apidologie 32: 381–394.
Fig. 10.2. Photo by Åke Lyberg.
Fig. 10.3. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on figs. 1, 2, and
3 and on data in table 1 in Fries, I., A. Imdorf, and P. Rosenkranz, 2006,
Survival of mite infested ( Varroa destructor) honey bee ( Apis mellifera)
colonies in a Nordic climate, Apidologie 37: 564–570.
Fig. 10.4. Aerial photo from Google Earth, with locations of wild honey
bee colonies added by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 10.5. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in
Mikheyev, A. S., M.M.Y. Tin, J. Arora, and T. D. Seeley, 2015, Museum
samples reveal rapid evolution by wild honey bees exposed to a novel
parasite, Nature Communications 6: 7991, doi:10.1038/ncomms8991.
Fig. 10.6. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 1 in
Seeley, T. D., and M. L. Smith, 2015, Crowding honeybee colonies in
apiaries can increase their vulnerability to the deadly ectoparasitic mite
Varroa destructor, Apidologie 46: 716–727.
Fig. 10.7. Photo by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 10.8. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 1 and fig.
3 in Loftus, J. C., M. L. Smith, and T. D. Seeley, 2016, How honey bee
colonies survive in the wild: Testing the importance of small nests and
frequent swarming, PLoS ONE 11 (3): e0150362, doi:10.1371/journal.
Fig. 10.9. Photos by Thomas D. Seeley.
Fig. 10.10. Photo by Renata S. Borba.
Fig. 10.11. Original drawing by Margaret C. Nelson, based on fig. 3 in
Borba, R. S., K. K. Klyczek, K. L. Mogen, and M. Spivak, 2015, Seasonal
benefits of a natural propolis envelope to honey bee immunity and
colony health, Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 3689–3699.
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Acarapis woodi. See tracheal mites
bee space, 74–77
Aethina tumida. See small hive beetle
beekeeping: in antiquity, 62–63; Egyptian,
afterswarming, 162–164
64–65; movable-frame hive, 73–78;
American foulbrood, 87–90, 244, 259, 273
Roman, 64–66; skep, 69–72; tree
ancestry of honey bees, 57
(Zeidlerei), 66–69; tools of modern, 98
annual cycle: of colony food intake and con-
Beekman, Madeleine, 201
sumption, 142–146; of colony weight gains
beeswax: ancient, 5, 80; economy of use by
and losses, 143–146; of honey bee vs. bum-
bees, 124–131; harvesting of, 284; impor-ble bee colonies, 152–154; origins and evo-
tance in tree beekeeping, 68–69; produc-
lution, 152–154; of rearing drones, 157–
tion by bees, 121–123, 284–285
158; of rearing workers, 141–142,
Berry, Wendell, 2
146–152, 278–280; of swarming, 145,
black bears, 54–55, 116, 185, 271–273
149–152, 158
Bombus polaris, 153
antibiotics, 284
breeding of honey bees, 86–93
Apis cerana, 13, 245–246
brood rearing: annual total amount, 159, 172,
Apis henshawi, 57–59
193; importance of early onset, 151–152;
Apis mellifera: capensis, 82–84; carnica, 6, 9–12,
seasonal pattern of, 148–152
35, 117; caucasica, 6, 9–11; cypria, 9; inter-Brown, Mark J. F., 270
missa, 9; lamarckii, 9, 35; ligustica, 6, 9–12,
35, 117; macedonica, 6; mellifera, 5–12, 35,
carbon dioxide, stimulus for nest ventilation,
278–280; scutellata, 9–11, 33–35; syriaca,
9; yemenetica, 10–11
Chadwick, P. C., 236
Arnot Forest: bee foraging in, 197–200, 205–
chalkbrood, 89–91, 109, 210, 222–223, 244,
206; bee hunting in, 48–51, 103; descrip-
273, 282
tion of, 26–28; history of, 18–20; map of,
Chilcott, Ann B., 238
27, 32, 51, 184; mechanisms of Varroa resis-chill coma, 223–224, 270
tance of bees living in, 252–258; natural se-
Cingle de la Ermita del Barranc Fondo,
lection on bees living in, 255–257; pres-
ence of black bears in, 54–55, 271–273;
clustering colonies in apiaries: causes, 258–
presence of Varroa in, 51–54, 205–206
259; effects, 259–263, 280
artificial insemination, 16, 85–93, 295
Columella, Lucius J. M., 64–66
artificial selection. See breeding of honey bees
comb: building, 96–97, 105–106, 120–135;
Ascosphaera apis. See chalkbrood
cell size, 108, 269; cell size effects on Var-
roa mites, 269–270; contents over year,
bait hives, 52–53, 55, 112, 289
150–151; for drone rearing, 108, 132–135;
Bashkortostan, Republic of, 7, 25, 68–69
foundation, 96–97
bee hunting (bee lining), 28–31
Cordovan mutation, 260–262
Seeley.indb 349
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350 Index
Cranberry Lake Biological Station, 206–209
European foulbrood, 109
Crane, Eva, 64
evaporative cooling. See temperature control
crowding of colonies. See clustering of colo-
of broodnest
nies in apiaries
Cueva de la Araña, 60–61
fanning behavior, 234–237
Cullinan, Jenny, 82
Farrar, Clayton L., 144
fever response of colony, 222–223
dairy cows, 85–86
field crickets, 14
Darwin, Charles R., 99
flight muscles of worker bees, 217–219, 223
Darwinian beekeeping, 3, 277–292
flight range: of queens and drones, 38, 179–
deformed wing virus, 42, 48, 244–245, 259
182; of worker bees, 187, 195–196,
Delaney, Deborah A., 183–185, 253–254
density of wild colonies, 24–26, 35–41, 202
food collection by colony: forage types, 188–
diseases of honey bees. See American foul-
190; spatial scope of, 195–201; total brood; chalk brood; deformed wing virus;
amount for year, 191–195
European foulbrood; sacbrood; tracheal
food sources: colony’s skill in choosing
mite; Varroa destructor
among, 204–209; colony’s skill in finding,
domestication: of Apis mellifera, 80–82, 93–
201–204; distances to, 187, 195–201
97; general process, 79–80
fossil honey bees, 57–59
Doolittle, Gilbert M., 87
Fries, Ingemar, 247, 251
drifting, of bees between colonies, 259–263,
Frost, Robert, 140
fungicides, 279, 283, 288–289
drone comb: cell size, 133; control of build-
ing, 132–135; control of use for drone
Galleria mellonella. See wax moth
rearing, 159–161; percentage of comb
Galton, Dorothy, 24–25
area, 52, 108–109, 122, 132–133,
Gary, Norman E., 178, 196
Gibbons, Euell, 57
drone congregation area, 39, 178–181, 186
Gilley, David C., 163–164
drones: cost of feeding, 174; drifting among
Gotland, 247–252, 289
colonies, 260–263, 287; importance of, Griffin, Sean R., 183, 253, 269–270
86–87, 155–157, 182–183, 290; killing of, grooming behavior, for resistance to Varroa de-
66; level of production, 158–159, 171–
structor, 246, 257–258
173; mating behavior, 285; mating flight
range, 178–182; number in colony, 109,
Hainrich Forest, 38
128; timing of production, 150–151, 157–
Harz National Park, 37
158; use in estimating colony density,
Haudenosaunee, 19