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Holly has spent her whole life trying to change her sexuality. At age 22, she finds herself asking Santa to help her. Through letters to Santa, Holly shares her experiences in coming out, finding love, and most importantly, learning to love herself.After discovering an artifact in Egypt, Johnathan travels to the Gate of the gods in Peru and begins a journey that has waited 25,000 years. It is here, at a remote site in the Peruvian mountains, where Jonathan Willington ceases to exist and Azul the most powerful wizard ever is reborn. What was once a simple life is no more as the former archeologist realizes his true identity and embraces destiny. At the top of Azul’s monster list is an ancient shape shifting god. Now, in our modern day world, Azul discovers that prominent business professionals and politicians still serve the shapeshifter and are leaving a blood trail of misery and death. Humans are no longer the dominant species as they are hunted for food and sport. Even so, mankind is not alone in the fight against darkness and there is hope as the great wizard rises once again in their time of need.