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Joey, Cole, Haden and Braxton have been a constant in my life since I was five, and I have loved being one of the guys. I've been cheerleader. I've been study partner. I've been listener. When we're young, we don't realize the profound impact certain people will have on our lives. I had no idea twelve years ago I'd meet four boys who would turn out to be my best friends, my soul mates - my barmy. Now school is almost done, our last summer together is drawing closer, and I'm trying to hold on to what we have while I still can. After this, we'll have to say goodbye to each other as our choices will take our lives in different directions. But I don't know if our friendship can survive once secrets and surprises begin revealing themselves to us at every turn. When it's all said and done, will our friendships remain unbreakable? Or will our once strong bond prove to be weaker than we anticipated? Letting go is harder than I though, but some changes are necessary. And finding Laila...finding myself...may be the greatest journey of all.