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Multiple personalities take over Sarah's mind...only so they can protect her. Abducted by her father when she was only three years old, Sarah found herself in a world of criminal neglect and unfathomable oppression as her father, stepmother and many others perpetrated more and more horrible acts of verbal, mental and sexual abuse on the innocent girl. Sarah, so continually terrified, began to form separate personalities so that she herself did not have to face the hideous reality of her day to day life. Only through nightmare pictures the other personalities presented to her while she slept did Sarah have any hint about the horrific abuse she was being subjected to. The personalities would block out time for Sarah and bear the horror of the experiences themselves so that their dear Sarah would not have to. Although the names in this unforgettable story have been changed from those in real life, the horrors that occurred are factual. This tale of the author's early life -- a life on the run, starvation, fear and molestation -- is a true and unnervingly gripping account of the extremes of neglect and mistreatment a child can undergo. Told from the heart, "Bitter Memories" is dedicated to all adult survivors of abuse. This book is written in hope that exposing these horrors will help to prevent them from happening to others. "Bitter Memories" is not only written to help people in general become more aware of child abuse, but also to help survivors who have been through so much. Suffering in silence, struggling to make it through each day, feeling lost and alone. By sharing her story, Sue hopes more survivors will find a path toward healing. Child abuse is a national epidemic, and it doesn't take extreme to mess up a kid's head. People must learn the signs of child abuse so children can be saved from such an unbearable, tragic life. By reading and telling others about this author's life, you too, can be a part in helping protect our precious children from these horrible, selfish monsters who prey on the innocent. NOTE: This book contains strong language and content and is not suitable for children.From the AuthorThis copy is out of print. About the AuthorSue Julsen was born in Dallas, Texas. Kidnapped when she was three years old, she began her writing career as a means of escape from the emotional scars and repetitive nightmares from her childhood. She started her first book, a sci-fi, in grade school. She only had one more chapter to write when her aunt found the manuscript hidden in the closet. Without reading it, she called it garbage, a waste of time and paper, then forced Sue to watch as she tore it up and threw it in the trash. Giving up writing until she had left home at 18, Sue started writing poetry, then wrote her first book, a memoir about her life after the kidnapping. Not stopping there, she wrote two other books in this series, and has a new poetry book out that exposes feelings never shared before. She is currently working on a series of short stories. Today she lives in Nevada with her husband, two dogs, a cat and a bird. She enjoys the outdoors, reading and writing. All of her books are available as e-books and on Kindle. Her poetry book is also in audio. Visit her website for more on her books.Â