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Tyler StevensFive years ago my world shattered into a million tiny pieces. I held onto the first positive thing that came into my life after that - a girl who I could never have. Because her smile made me feel whole again. Her laughter warmed my soul. The thought of her made me feel less broken. The only problem was that she didn't love me back. I waited. I tried. I hoped. But I failed. She just married someone else.I'm shattered again. So I'm driving across country toward my new future, trying to escape my past, trying to pick up my own pieces this time. But then I met Hailey Shaw. She came into my life like a whirlwind. Opinionated, full of energy, and sexy as hell. Before her, what if I didn't know what love really was? What if the decision I made a few days ago, at one of my lowest points, is going to make me lose out on happiness once again?-Hailey ShawI didn't like to rely on other people. I learned at a young age that my dad and I were on our own. But now my dad's sick. And...